

  • BioShock Achievement list raptured

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    The Achievements for BioShock have become available for you to scrutinize and it has some standard level completions and researching tasks found within. Fortunately, the art style of the Achievements maintain their retro-50's style feel, and the names are amusing. Interestingly, there's an achievement for not harvesting any Little Sisters, as well as one for interacting with all of them. We may not be the betting types, but there's a chance that 100 Gamerscore secret Achievement maybe be the yang to the Little Sister Savior's Yin, requiring you to Harvest to your heart's content. We'll have to wait and see after the game's release.[Thanks, Jonah]

  • Confirmed: BioShock is dope

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    This is confirmation that BioShock does, indeed, not suck. (Okay, we admit, we failed to glean new megatons from tight-lipped creative director Ken Levine who oversaw our hands-on, so we're just gonna wax poetic.) If there is one nagging concern, we suppose it would be that BioShock seems derivative of Half-Life 2. One man against a dystopia. But to suggest that BioShock is just Half-Life 2, the pinnacle of "narrative" shooters, draped in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, pulled tight, and dunked into the depths of the ocean is a gross misrepresentation. This game is not simply an imitator (though developer Irrational Games admits to borrowing from the best of sources, including Pokémon Snap, and puts to use the forgotten skill many of us acquired through wasted hours of Pipe Dream). It's no errant medley of game genres either. BioShock is still a first-person shooter and at its very base presents a well-laid "meathead-safe" romp.

  • Video: BioShock open-ended gameplay

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    So, are you getting sick of BioShock footage yet? We hope not, because GameVideos has posted a video with Irrational Games' Ken Levine, who walks us through a gameplay scenario. In order to display the many options available to the player, the video runs us through the same scenario three times. On the first try, it's played as a straight up FPS with guns blazing (hint: this won't get you very far). The second time through, the player uses forethought and all the Plasmid skills available. The third time, he takes on the Big Daddy. Unfortunately, the battle with the Big Daddy is cut short, so we don't get to witness the whole thing (you may recall that it takes a lot of firepower to bring these guys down).Also, we noticed what appear to be enemy health bars in the video too. Hopefully that's a feature that can be turned off. Kind of ruins the suspense, you know?

  • BioShock preview reveals tasty gameplay info

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameSpot has posted a lengthy preview for BioShock, the upcoming first person shooter from Irrational Games and 2K. We've seen our share of BioShock previews, but this one really focuses on the actual gameplay experience. In particular, the preview highlights the borderline survival horror aspect of the game, noting the literally insane AI of your enemies. If you've been wanting to get a feel for the things you will actually be doing in BioShock, it's a pretty good read. Be warned though, there are some minor spoilers contained in the preview, though there is nothing drastic.If you've dismissed BioShock as "just another shooter," you should definitely check out the preview. August can't come soon enough.[Via Evil Avatar]%Gallery-3532%

  • Video: BioShock developer diary

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameTrailers has posted a developer diary video from Irrational Games, makers of BioShock. Of course, if you're going to talk about BioShock, you might as well talk about the Big Daddy. It seems that he (it?) has wormed his way into every bit of BioShock promotional material out there, and this video is no different. Specifically, the video deals with the relationship between the Big Daddy character and the Little Sister. The two are always together and will work together when confronting threats. It's really an interesting look at how the pair interacts with each other. It's almost heartwarming to see the Big Daddy affectionately pat the Little Sister on the head, though the feeling is somewhat sullied knowing that he most likely drilled someone into a wall only moments before. Watch the video and tell us what you think.

  • Big Daddy's final look for BioShock limited edition

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    As we prepare to enter BioShock's city of Rapture on Aug. 21, we now get to view the final version of the Big Daddy figurine which will be bundled with the limited edition version of the game. The figurine looks pretty cool and the limited edition is only $10 more ($69.99) than the normal game -- seems totally worth it for the six-inch hand-painted resin statue.It's neat to see the evolution of the figurine. The prototype looked good, but this looks like something we'd really like to have keeping watch over our Xbox 360. Now we just need a little sister hugging his leg. [Thanks Jubby]%Gallery-3418%

  • Finalized Big Daddy figure is oh so lovable

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    We've seen our good friend in his early stages before, but now The Cult of Rapture is showing off his final look. The Big Daddy figure, which will be included in the BioShock limited edition, stands six inches tall, is a sculpted wonder, and is beautifully painted. So beautifully painted that you can even see the blood splatter on his drill! And to be perfectly honest, we were expecting a tiny two inch tall Big Daddy mini-fig in the limited edition. But this six inch beast is more along the lines of total awesomeness. Pictures of the finalized Big Daddy figure have been lovingly placed in the gallery below for your viewing pleasure. So, is the extra $10 for the limited edition becoming well worth it?%Gallery-3501%

  • Video: BioShock plasmids aplenty

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's true. We loves BioShock. Loves it. With the impending release only months away, we were pleased to see a mountain of video coverage on GameTrailers. We had meant to post it earlier, but we were distracted by lolcats. The series of videos covers the many plasmids available in BioShock. Some are fairly simple, like the Winter Blast plasmid, which freezes your enemies. Others are a little more complicated, like the Security Bullseye plasmid, which automatically makes your enemy the target of nearby security bots. All in all, the plasmids look to add a considerable degree of strategy and fun to BioShock. Check out the videos after the break.

  • 1UP details first few hours of BioShock

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    1UP received some hands on time with BioShock and aren't afraid to spoil the first few hours of gameplay. Their BioShock preview article is more or less a recap of the gameplay and events of their play session. So, if you don't like spoilers, stay away from this BioShock "preview". But we'll sum up their overall impressions. 1UP feels BioShock is more of a shooter than anything else with solid controls and a great atmosphere all rolled up into a very fun free roam adventure. The encounters are memorable, the look is unmistakable, and they really enjoyed their time with the game (end summation). They also posted a few new screenshots of their underwater adventure, so be sure to check those out. And yes, we're just as excited to take down a Big Daddy ... we can't wait.[Via Game Stooge]

  • BioShock blowout: brace for massive spoilers

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    How much do you think exclusive footage of BioShock is worth? Wait just one moment before you answer: not only do you get a special episode of The 1UP Show, dedicated to Irrational Games' soon to be classic, but an in-depth preview, rich in details and spoilers. Now how much do you think this incredible package is worth?Don't answer! Because not only are you getting the preview -- a Matt Leone certified classic at that -- the behind-the-scenes video, but can you believe it? Direct feed video of the captured footage, made available seperately as well! Not only that, but we're hiding it behind the cut so that you don't have to sit through those terribly obtrusive ads! Now then, how much do you think this package costs? Five hundred and ninety-nine US dollars? Even more? No, of course not! It's free! Yes, that's right! It's absolutely free! It's a venerable veritable orgy BioShock goodness and it's yours, here, on the Internet! Hurry and download it all today!

  • BioShock's Big Daddy box art unleashed

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Fresh from the murky ocean depths, 2K Games just released the official box art for BioShock and what more can we say other than we're loving it! Anytime we see a Big Daddy, a Little Sister, or BioShock's lovely water our inner fanboy is instantly unleashed. And the cool thing is that the game's box art displays all three! Sweet huh? Take a look at BioShock's standard edition cover art after the break.[Via GamingTalkHQ]

  • BioShock box art puts Big Daddy up in your grill

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    If super-sexy minimalism like that seen in the BioShock Limited Edition doesn't float your bathysphere, we humbly present the alternate "regular edition" box art that was released by 2K Games today. Unlike the LE art, it doesn't exactly say "thinking man's shooter" so much as it says "Oh snap, that giant water robot's about to punch you," but we suppose it gets the job done. We wish we had thought to put the 360 box on front, because that's the one where the Big Daddy is wearing a drill on his hand ... and nothing else. It's sexy and unnerving, like the video for When Doves Cry. But it's also a little NSFW. Feel free to track it down, but don't say we didn't warn you.

  • BioShock: Equal parts Ayn Rand, kick-ass shooter

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    We have a confession to make. As much as we try to remain impartial in our coverage of unreleased games, occasionally a game will penetrate our cynical, jaded defenses like ... well, like a giant needle being plunged into our rotting, turgid corpse by a ghoulish Little Sister. BioShock is just such a game so, when we get the opportunity to read a thoughtful feature on the game devoid of the mechanical checklists we're used to, we feel that giant needle piercing our ribcage again. Ahhhhh ...Julian Murdoch at Gamers With Jobs takes us on a tour of Quincy, MA's Irrational Games, the developers behind this underwater, art-deco opus. But it's not the usual tour of a game in development, but a tour of the motivation behind creating a intellectually sophisticated game inside the framework of a "kick-ass shooter." With hefty dollops of Objectivism, Ayn Rand's political ideology, on display not only in the game's story but in it's construction, BioShock roughly mirrors the plot of Rand's polemical Atlas Shrugged. Knowing that may not interest some of you, they're of course eager to remind everyone that it's also a "kick-ass shooter."%Gallery-3725%

  • Video: EGM previews BioShock

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    EGM recently got a chance to take a long look at BioShock and have been kind enough to share their impressions with the rest of the internet (how thoughtful). The video preview discusses the many aspects of BioShock, from its cinematic qualities to its accurate simulations of environmental effects. Irrational's Ken Levine notes that it was important for BioShock to perform according to a gamer's expectations. For instance, an enemy who is caught on fire should seek water to put it out. Similarly, shocking a pool of water with electricity should electrocute any enemies standing in the pool. Other topics discussed include BioShock's viability as an FPS, enemy AI, and the game's overall structure. Check out the preview after the break.

  • Rumor: Shocking revelations -- Bioshock coming to PS3 eventually [update 1]

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The 360 game Bioshock looks awesome. We're not going to lie. In keeping with our not-lying policy, we're reporting on a report stemming from OPM UK. They say that Bioshock is indeed in development for the PlayStation 3. They don't even say it once. They say multiple times that the game, thought to be exclusive to 360, is in development for Sony's platform. Propaganda spread by the Official PlayStation Magazine, or truth?It's a half-truth. The magazine claims the title isn't an exclusive, but a timed exclusive. If those who really want to play the game can wait the extra year, they'll get their Bioshock on the PS3. 2K Games will bring the title to all other consoles after a while on the 360. Are we excited? Sure. We aren't quite sure how long the exclusive will last on the 360, but estimating from other titles, it can be anywhere from a few months to an entire year. We'll keep you posted on the validity of these reports as they turn up.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!][Update: 2K Games has decided this rumor just ain't true, folks. For now. We've still got hope for an eventual port, however.]

  • BioShock drowns us with gameplay montage

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It's time to finally get a solid look at some footage for Bioshock, and they're gonna do it in a montage. We get a good look at the hybrid-Art Deco design in motion, the Big Daddy and, best of all, the creepy underwater atmosphere. They certainly have been taking their time getting this game out, but at least we got a limited edition box out of the deal. Now we just need to wait until the end of August for the game to finally release.

  • New BioShock footage, massive gallery

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We just can't wait for BioShock. If you listen to the Fancast, you probably already know that, but it remains noteworthy. The game simply looks gorgeous and it has some promising gameplay to boot. The footage above is basically a mishmash of gameplay footage, assembled in no particular order. Give it a look and tell us what you think. Be warned though, watching all of these clips out of context may begin to make you feel a little ... insane.Also, we've uploaded a huge BioShock gallery, which you are free to peruse at your leisure. Find it below.[Via youNEWB]%Gallery-3532%

  • First look at the Bioshock LE Big Daddy figurine

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Last week The Cult of Rapture gave everyone a sneak peek at our favorite part of the Bioshock LE, the Big Daddy figurine. 2K Games kindly posted a few pictures of the figurine in its "work in progress" stage including the artist's clay sculpted figure and the first paint job. Indeed, that Big Daddy figurine has sweetness written all over it. Though, we have to be sure to remember that the paint job and scale of the figurine aren't finalized just yet, but The Cult of Rapture promises to show off the final version before the game ships. Go ahead, take a look at the picture gallery below and admire the Big Daddy figurine in all its glory. You'll be glad you did.%Gallery-3501%

  • Drill instructor! Meet BioShock's Big Daddy figurine

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Potential purchasers of the limited edition BioShock box can look forward to more than just an award-winning design on the cover! Included in that release is a Big Daddy figurine, replete with oversized mitts, creepy diving suit and, oh yeah, A GIANT DRILL ARM!The above image is just a prototype -- they're still working on the final colors -- but already we're flashing back to that video of the epic struggle required to take one of these things down. Pick yours up August 21st, and proceed to hurl all manner of ammunition at it until it stops moving.%Gallery-3418%

  • A closer look at BioShock's Little Sisters

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Despite the many menacing characters found in BioShock, not the least of which is the Big Daddy, the creepiest character revealed so far is undoubtedly the Little Sister. These little "girls" run around the underwater world of Rapture collecting something called Adam from the dead (note the large syringe in the image at right. The player can decide to save these "children" or to harvest them, as the Adam they carry is useful to the player. In the latest BioShock podcast, Ken Levine, creative director of Irrational Games, discusses the moral conflict that the developers have created in the Little Sister character.The whole podcast is just shy of 20 minutes, and is exclusively about the Little Sister. Given the appearance and demeanor of the Little Sister character, the moral choice presented by her is likely to become a touchy subject, and the podcast attempts to clear the air about it. Levine discusses the challenges of creating such a character (originally designed as an insect) and forcing the player to make a moral choice about it. Among the juicier bits of info revealed in the podcast is the fact that players cannot physically harm the Little Sister. Little Sisters can be "harvested," but cannot be harmed by weapons or powers that the player possesses. It is made clear that harvesting will result in the death of a Little Sister, though Levine doesn't discuss specific details. The podcast is definitely worth a listen. If you've got the time to spare, we suggest you check it out.