BlackBerry OS


  • BlackBerry Gemini 8325 in the wild

    Something tells us this isn't the most anticipated yet-to-be-announced BlackBerry at the moment, but RIM's all about choice -- and, yeah, it remains to be seen who's going to choose the Gemini 8325 when it ends up shipping. The supposed Curve 8300 successor (we thought that was the 8900, silly us) will mope along with the same EDGE data that powers the old model, suggesting that it'll hang out on the low end of the BlackBerry stable -- especially by the time it's actually released, whenever that happens to be. It's rumored to run BlackBerry OS 5.0 and feature a QVGA display, 802.11b / g / n (yes, n), and a meager 2 megapixel camera, so needless to say, the Bolds of the world can rest easy for a while longer that their dominance in the QWERTY GSM BlackBerry game isn't in question just yet.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sprint's 2009 roadmap comes to light, packed with goodies

    There aren't terribly many surprises in the latest roadmap docs leaked out of Sprint, but there are a couple -- and we finally have some target launch windows around a few of the more anticipates devices we've been expecting this year. Perhaps least surprisingly, the Palm P100 -- that's the Pre for you lay folk -- is still on track for the second quarter of the year, which could mean anything between April and June. Staying in the landscape QWERTY smartphone realm, we'll see the HTC Cedar (or Willow, depending on which slide you're looking at) and a new Samsung Ace -- creatively named the Ace II -- in the second and third quarters, respectively. The landscape HTC Rhodium will likely replace the Touch Pro in the third quarter, and the hotly (and we do mean hotly) anticipated BlackBerry Niagara will be hitting in the same three-month period.Things are getting interesting down in the dumbphone realm, too, with both the Instinct Mini and a true Instinct successor -- the Dash with an HVGA display -- in the pipe. The Sanyo 2700, dual-slide Samsung Cello, and the Samsung Chianti (which looks suspiciously like a Propel) will all follow the Rumor 2 down the text-centric path, and a handful of new ultra-basic devices will fill in the bottom of the range. For data, Sprint will be launching Novatel's totally awesome MiFi portable hotspot, which warms our hearts. What doesn't warm our hearts is the utter void of Android devices here -- but we can hold out hope, and as always, all of this is subject to change. Stay tuned![Via Boy Genius Report]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry 9900 "Pluto" spotted in leaked Rogers documents?

    What's this little gem? According to a confidential / potentially dubious Rogers document landed by CrackBerry, it might be the BlackBerry 9900 -- or Pluto for you codename-loving types. Interestingly enough, this devices happens to look just like a Storm / Bold / 8900 Franken-Berry that we first caught wind of in October, packing a full QWERTY and a SurePress touchscreen like the one found in the Storm. We can't say for sure this is anything more than a clever Photoshop -- and that little "see page 99" bit on the bottom seems a bit too convenient of a number for our tastes. The trackball's noticeably absent from the four main navigation buttons, so we're already getting a little afraid of having to retain our BrickBreaker skills, but if any of you RIM insiders want to send over photos, video, or even the device itself before the "Late Q3 2009" presumed release timeframe, we'd be mighty glad to be proven wrong.Update: Like they say, when it rains, it pours. CrackBerry just posted another purported shot, but the possibility of this being real is highly unlikely. Apparently, the mic hole in the original pic is a clear sign that this is just a 'shopped 8800 -- and now in this latest "leaked shot," it's gone. So, chalk another one up for those crazy jokesters that have a little too much time on their hands, because it looks like this one was a bit too good to be true. [Thanks, Boy Genius]

    Jacob Schulman
  • NHL-themed BlackBerry Storms should fix all the bugs

    What's the only thing better than a carrier-endorsed firmware that fixes a plethora of the Storm's reported issues? An NHL-themed decal, of course! It looks like Bell is prepping to launch the 9530 in a special NHL package that'll include a skin for the hockey team of your choice (admittedly, we're kinda digging the striped front) and a storage card preloaded with NHL content and goodies. Altogether, you'll be paying $249.95 CAD on a three-year contract for the package, which represents a $50 premium over the plain-vanilla Storm; hopefully there's a mail-in rebate involved there somewhere, eh?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Gartner posts worldwide mobile OS numbers for 2008

    This table pretty much speaks for itself as a snapshot of the year in smartphones that was 2008 (according to Gartner) -- a breakout year for the category particularly in the US. As you'd expect from the smartphone device tallies we saw yesterday, RIM and Apple have the momentum largely at the expense of Symbian's declining market share and the stagnation of Windows Mobile in an otherwise growing market segment. Palm's also a bit of a surprise showing 42.2% growth for the year. With any luck, Palm could turn this table upside down in 2009 with a successful global launch of WebOS. Regardless, you can bet that developers are paying particularly close attention to these numbers as they decide where to best align their resources for maximum financial gain.

    Thomas Ricker
  • BlackBerry Pearl 8230 comes to Telus

    Alright, Telus, you can dial down the that envy-induced shade of green you've developed while pining for Bell's BlackBerry 8230. Actually, you can't -- green is a part of your color scheme -- so allows us to rephrase: the Pearl Flip is now available on both CDMA nationals in Canada. It'll run you $49.99 CAD on a three-year deal, which delivers the promise of the $50 KickStart we'd hoped for before the GSM version was originally announced; it's just a damn shame it's going to take a three-year contract to get down to that level (of course, the $449.99 contract-free option is always available, too). Grab it now in your choice of black or pink. [Via Howard Chui]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry OS breaks cover for Storm 9530

    It's that magical time again -- that time where we get out our Storms, cross our fingers, and take that leap of faith hoping that RIM knows better than our carriers do (and let's be honest, that's not a terribly big leap of faith). Yet another firmware for the 9530 has leaked out of Waterloo without any endorsement -- thus far, anyway -- by any carriers offering the device, but this one's a little special in that it apparently implements that new copy / paste method we'd been hearing about. As always, upgraders are advised to use caution, but seriously, how many firmware builds can we go through before Verizon goes ahead and certifies one for the masses?

    Chris Ziegler
  • MetroPCS gets with the BlackBerry program, rolls out Curve 8330

    Remember how MetroPCS' COO was spouting off about a BlackBerry in the product pipeline just last week? Well, turns out it's coming out the other end of that pipeline sooner than we thought. The regional carrier's own version of the BlackBerry 8330 will be hitting Best Buy this week and MetroPCS locations by the end of the month, but there's a catch -- AWS isn't supported, so if you're in an AWS-powered MetroPCS market, you're outta luck. That's a shame considering the steal of a plan: $50 buys you unlimited everything (add another $10 for BES), though you'll need to shell out $450 upfront for the privilege.[Via Phone Scoop]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Telus' BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 appears on site, launch imminent

    So with Bell's 8230 launch out of the way, Telus has now stepped up and dropped this set on the web. While it's not talking specifics just yet, seeing the flippy thing heralded as "coming soon" should at least whet a few fan's appetites. We had heard the set's price was originally set at $99 on a three year, but Telus may have spiked that in favor of a more reasonable $50 or $449 off-contract price. While we wait for the official news out of Telus, feel free to peruse the tiny gallery we've cobbled together or hit the read link to learn a little bit more.[Thanks, RileyFreeman]%Gallery-46911%

    Sean Cooper
  • RIM's BlackBerry 9630 World Edition finally strikes a pose

    Finally, an honest to goodness picture of what may well be the sweetest BlackBerry RIM has pushed out to date. Featuring keyboard styling taken from its chubbier friend, the BlackBerry Bold, and the sleeker lines of the Curve 8900, this certainly looks like a recipe for success. If you're a BlackBerry user on Verizon, we'd say major celebration is in order if this wanders your way in the near future. We still only have the info we posted last week about it, but as the hype spins up, we expect the leaks will, too.

    Sean Cooper
  • BlackBerry App World minimum paid price: $2.99

    RIM's newly-named BlackBerry App World might be all set to compete with the other mobile app stores on the scene, but it's not going head-to-head on price: according to the developer docs, the first price tier above free is $2.99. That doesn't seem like much, but it's a little puzzling in light of how successful various less-expensive iPhone apps have been. Of course, RIM might just want its apps to seem more valuable to customers -- and maybe keep fart apps far from its business-oriented platform -- but we'll see how developers react when things go live. [Via CrackBerry]

    Nilay Patel
  • RIM names its app store 'BlackBerry App World'

    What's bigger than a store, a market, or a catalog? A whole frigging world, that's what. A sign-up page to be notified when the BlackBerry App World is available -- which we've linked -- will go live at 10PM tonight.

    Chris Ziegler
  • RIM canning BlackBerry Unite! and BPS?

    If we have any readers you use BlackBerry Unite! or BlackBerry Professional Software, we'll feel like we've won the lottery -- but yeah, to the two of you: get ready to make other arrangements. Word on the street is that RIM is getting ready to deep-six two of its light-use management packages in the next few months, likely a result of a killer combination of poor planning, poor execution, and poor uptake. Unite! is geared strictly toward families looking to exchange photos and calendars with one another (you know, the kinds of families where 9-year-old Julie has the Bold and daddy has the hand-me-down 8800) -- a good idea in theory, but few carriers have elected to roll it out. BPS, meanwhile, is designed for small offices where full-fledged BES might be overkill, but RIM's tendency to let the package stagnate after a BES release probably sealed its fate. BerryReview claims that Unite! will reach end-of-life status in July, while BPS will get cut out of the picture just as soon as BES 5.0 hits the streets. So long, guys; we hardly knew ye.[Via BlackBerryNews]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Is RIM's BlackBerry 9630 Niagara headed to Verizon as World Edition?

    Sure, the pic's getting old at this point, but according to the Boy Genius Report, we may not have too much longer to wait to catch the 9630 Niagara in the wild. The radio department in the 9630 is filled to busting -- or slowly warming your face -- with CDMA, EV-DO Rev.A, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS, with the GSM flavors getting the quad-band treatment. The rumored OS at launch is 4.7.1, though if delayed enough, it could pull through with OS 5.0. The last tidbits in the list are a 3.2 megapixel shooter -- and maybe a version without -- and the depressing news of no specific release date. Though, If we were Verizon and were sitting on this, you'd like to think that our timeline to launch would be as soon as frickin' possible.

    Sean Cooper
  • Bell Canada launches first CDMA BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230

    Big day for Bell and smartphones as they add the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 on top of the Pal Treo Pro launch a little earlier in the day. Thankfully the BlackBerry seems to have its pricing lined up and will squeeze your piggy bank for $29 on a three-year contract, a steep $349 on 2, $449 for 1-year and is $499 off contract altogether -- though the $29 is apparently only until the end of March. Telus is also prepping this flippier BlackBerry for launch, though no word on a date for that just yet. In case you've forgotten the pink or black 8230 features GPS capabilities, 128MB of memory, external 1.6-inch and internal 2.4-inch displays, and the oh-so novel 4.6 OS. Grab it now on Bell's site if you've been dreaming of the same ol' BlackBerry in an entirely new and interesting package.Update: Pricing updated as site was updated.

    Sean Cooper
  • New copy / paste paradigm in the works for Storm?

    Storm firmwares have been leaking out of Waterloo at a positively breakneck pace for a couple months now -- and naturally, new builds of the operating system are liable to bring along new functionality every once in a while. Here's a particularly interesting one: it seems like RIM might have some sort of new clipboard action in store for an upcoming release, adding a visible box around text that you want to select -- just drag the handles on each side to make your selection. Considering that fingers tend to be a little fatter than your average line of text, it seems like a solid plan, but so far, there's no word on when we might see this in a leaked build -- let alone a build officially released by a carrier.[Via BlackBerryNews]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Best Buy spills beans on Telus' BlackBerry Pearl 8230

    So, is the BlackBerry Pearl 8230 headed to Telus this month after all? Yeah, maybe. Best Buy's gone ahead and revealed a product page for the Telus-branded, CDMA-packing version of the Pearl flip, though you can't buy it online -- and until we hear otherwise, we're going to go ahead and assume that they're still plenty hard to find in stores. Pink or black, your choice, for $499.99 CAD (about $398) off contract.[Via MobileSyrup]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Telus BlackBerry Curve 8350i review

    The Telus Mike-branded BlackBerry 8350i Curve is a monstrous step in device technology for the Canadian giant as the only other BlackBerry in the lineup is the BlackBerry 7100i *cough*. So we'll start this off by saying goodbye to the year 2006, welcome Mike to the year 2009, and share a few thoughts -- and an enormous gallery -- about this new Direct Connect set.%Gallery-45863%

    Sean Cooper
  • Amosu hands-on: pink, pricey, and plenty of diamonds

    While scavenging for pricey handsets to hang on the gilded walls at the Mansion, we luckily bumped into one Alexander Amosu, of Amosu fame. The Amosu brand is synonymous with gold, encrusted and dripping with gemstones, and most of all, pricey. In his bag of tricks we found three fully-kitted BlackBerry Bolds, a pink iPhone, and an iced Motorola Aura. If you lined them up on a table -- which, of course, we did -- you'd be looking at some 12 plus carats and a price tag somewhere up around 50k. Sure, we're normally harsh on these types of things, but seeing them up close, we could almost kinda get it. Huge sparkling gallery after the break, so if you have shades, now's the time to don them.%Gallery-45070%

    Sean Cooper
  • Lenovo Constant Connect brings BlackBerry email to ThinkPads automatically

    After two years in development, Lenovo Constant Connect is finally here. A groundbreaking new tie-up between Lenovo and RIM has led to the creation of a $150 54mm ExpressCard -- which slots into any ThinkPad from around Summer '08 onward -- and automatically pulls down any email sent to your BlackBerry via Bluetooth, even if the laptop is completely powered down. The idea here is to always have your most recent inbox available within eight seconds of opening your machine, and thanks to the card's dedicated Bluetooth radio and 500MB of inbuilt storage, it can pull down and send out emails so long as the card and your 'Berry are within 30 feet or so from one another. Aside from needing an ExpressCard slot, you'll also need a handset with OS 4.2 or higher. It's designed to work with Exchange, Outlook, POP and Gmail, with Lotus Notes support coming in 2H 2009; as for availability, the card will be available through Lenovo and its partners in early Q2 here in America, while those elsewhere in the world will have to wait until the latter half of the year. Full release and demo video is after the break.

    Darren Murph