

  • 39 days until BlizzCon

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    It's coming up fast. Pretty soon we will all be standing in that huge line wrapping around the Anaheim convention center, buzzing with excitement. The tickets for this year's BlizzCon sold out in only three days, and if you missed your chance, well be sure to enter the WoW Insider ticket giveaway. We now know a little more about the event than we did ten days ago. For instance, we know that Blizzard will have a playable Starcraft II demo on the convention floor. If the multiplayer is as enjoyable as it was in the original game, I'm going to need to wear some extra comfy shoes to stand in the line to sit down with the game. Blizzard also announced that Video Games Live will be performing selections from the game's soundtrack. And then there's the infamous Murloc Suit. Need I say more? It's going to be a hell of a time. How do you plan on getting to BlizzCon this year? I've seen some requests for carpools from various points toward Southern Cali, and honestly, I think I will be hitting the road myself in order to arrive in a timely fashion. But maybe the car isn't your thing. Will you instead fly, or perhaps Amtrak it to the convention center? I know from personal experience there's a shuttle from the Anaheim train station near A's stadium to Disney and back, so that might be an option. What is your chosen means of transport to BlizzCon?

  • The portals among us

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Many of us have stepped through the Dark Portal into Outland, and in that time dozens of players have mastered the content available there. Now that we have BlizzCon in our sites, all eyes seem to be on what our next expansion will be. As Chris Metzen mentioned at the last BlizzCon, Outland is peppered with portals, each with the potential to open another world for us to explore. I personally know of two such dead portals, empty and devoid of life. The first is in Zangarmarsh, at the appropriately named Portal Clearing, and the second is in Nagrand. Have you found any other portals in your time in Outland? If so, do you think that the locations of the portals could be a clue to what lies behind them? Going with this theory, we might postulate that the Zangarmarsh portal might lead to the Maelstrom, since that zone is riddled with naga. What do you think?

  • StarCraft II playable at BlizzCon

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    For Aiur! If you missed out getting your tickets to BlizzCon, this news will probably be even more disappointing. Blizzard informs us that StarCraft II will be playable at the Aug. 3-4 BlizzCon event being held at the Anaheim Convention Center in California. Demo stations will be set up at the convention and attendees will even be able to experience multiplayer battles.Now, Blizzard is notoriously slow and anal about their games. Does this demo mean that StarCraft II is further along than we thought? Let's just keep calm and say no for now. It's always safer to do that with Blizzard. Attendees of E3 2005 got to play StarCraft: Ghost ... and look what happened to that. Yup, it's better for StarCraft fans attending BlizzCon to think of this as a bonus, but it's nice to dream the game is further along than anybody guessed.

  • Who's got BlizzCon tickets? We've got BlizzCon tickets!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Yes, if you're going to BlizzCon, you can expect to see plenty of WoW Insider staff on-hand to cover all the excitement. And if you aren't at BlizzCon, we'll be posting every last scrap of interesting information we find there on the site, so you'll see everything we see! But, no, I'm not making this post just to mock the poor folks who didn't have a chance to purchase tickets because they sold out. I'm making this post to let all of you know that we have some BlizzCon 2007 tickets to give away! So for those of you who were hoping to go to BlizzCon, don't give up yet. We'll be giving away our tickets by random drawing next week -- so stay tuned!

  • Wearing gamer pride on your sleeve

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Looking for a new way to show your WoW gamer pride? How about a t-shirt! Lfnotter of Beasthold graphics wrote in telling WoW Insider about their CafePress store featuring WoW themed t-shirts after reading Krystalle's recent post on WoW-themed crafts and toys. My personal favorite is the one pictured. How could you not like a Murloc stew shirt? Currently there are only a few graphics available, but they promise more are coming, and no doubt they will be as cute as these. I know I am considering picking up one or two for BlizzCon gear. Have a Warcraft-related project you'd like to let people know about? Let us know! [via lfnotter]

  • Diablo movie in the works? [Updated]

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    No, this isn't the latest World of Warcraft news, but since I think many of you are as much Blizzard fanboys/girls as I am, this tidbit may be of interest. Rumors are starting to circulate about an upcoming Diablo film in partnership with Legendary Pictures (yep, the same folks we know are working on the World of Warcraft film -- though, no, we don't have any recent updates on that project). How did this rumor get started, you ask? Well, if you check Legendary's home page, you'll see a project called "Diablo" listed under their in development section (in the "Films" section on the lower left, you have to scroll down a bit to see it). And how do we know this is Blizzard's Diablo and not something else? Blizzard holds the trademark to the name "Diablo" for films and games, and they've taken steps to protect the trademark in the past -- the Vin Diesel movie A Man Apart was originally to be called El Diablo. However, Blizzard sued, claiming they trademarked the title and intended to make a movie based on their game, and the title was changed. And since Blizzard has already partnered with Legendary to bring World of Warcraft to the big screen, this seems plausible, though I imagine Blizzard is going to be saving any big announcements like this for BlizzCon.[Via BlizzPlanet]Update: Legendary has removed "Diablo" from their in development section. A mistake, perhaps?

  • WoW TCG: Interview with Ben Drago, Manager of Organized Play

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    When I came upon Ben Drago at the Darkmoon Faire in Chicago, he was yelling like Ragnaros. He was facing off against three WoW TCG players-- one was playing a Paladin, the second a Mage, and the last a Hunter. It was a Molten Core raiding event, and Drago was more than giving the guys a run for their money. The Paladin dropped quick (the player complained that Drago's Shazzrah "wouldn't let me heal!"), and while the mage and hunter held their own for a while, Drago eventually crushed them all with Rag's firey might.He handed out a few booster packs as prizes anyway, and then sat down to talk with me about the WoW TCG that he promotes all over the country and the world, what player reaction has been like, and Upper Deck's event plans for Blizzcon and beyond.

  • BlizzCon sold out, let the scalping begin

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Have your tickets yet for BlizzCon? No? Well, get ready to check eBay if you want them because the $100-a-piece tickets are sold out. The event will have discussion panels, developer signings, tournaments, cosplay and all forms of other things Blizzard. Also, don't be shocked to hear the Diablo III or next World of Warcraft expansion announcement during the event.The event will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center in California on Aug. 3 - 4 and is sure to be a nice heaping dose of geek-stravaganza. Also, it'll be nice for the hardcore WoW players to get outside for a bit. It helps to air out once a year.[Via WoWInsider]

  • BlizzCon tickets sold out!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Remember that yesterday we reported that BlizzCon tickets were going fast? Well, today they're all gone. Yep, BlizzCon tickets have completely sold out after just shy of three days of sales. So if you haven't gotten your tickets yet -- I'm sorry, because it doesn't look like you'll have an opportunity to go. However, there's still the opportunity to win tickets -- the WSVG is giving away tickets at random to one of the 3v3 teams participating in their event in Dallas this July.So -- if you've got your tickets, congrats!

  • WSVG giving away Blizzcon tickets to lucky 3v3 team

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Want to hit up Blizzcon but don't want to shell out for the ticket? Our contact at the World Series of Videogames sends along a note that they're sending one lucky guild to Blizzard big event in Anaheim, California. The catch? They'll be picking one lucky 3v3 team at random from all of the teams that attend their next event in Dallas, Texas on July 5-8.Yeah, it's kind of a big hoop to jump through (especially when you can just pay $100 now to get your own ticket anyway). But then again, tickets are going fast (I got mine the other day), and if you're planning on going to the event in Dallas anyway, it's a nice bonus. Interesting that they're giving it away to a lucky 3v3 guild-- maybe they need more of them to fill out the brackets? If you're interested, register an account on the WSVG site, sign up for the event when you're logged in, and then you've actually got to show up to the event to be eligible.We'll keep you updated on more giveaways as they come along-- WoWWiki has already given away a couple of tickets to their own contributors, and we're sure there will be a few more in different places in the days to come.

  • 50 days until BlizzCon

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    The countdown on my homepage is down to 50 days until BlizzCon, and I'm all kinds of excited. Not only will we have some nifty swag, the tickets went on sale a couple of days ago. I grabbed my ticket as quick as I could, remembering the stresses of 2005, when they sold out in a day. Now that you've got your ticket (hopefully you do), it's time to plan what you are going to do while you're there. They've got a couple of contests, as they did last time. I have been debating if I should use my pathetic sewing skills to create a costume, but I'm just not sure I would be able to pull it off. Last October I attempted to make myself a Magister's Regalia for Halloween. It didn't go so well. Are any of you planning on dressing the part during the event this year? What costumes are you creating? Will you wear it for both days of the convention, just one, or just for the contest itself?

  • WoW Moviewatch: The murloc suit in action

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    I'm not sure how he did this, but Dajobe managed to get himself a Murloc Suit. Now we can see this little thing in action. I personally cannot wait to breakdance for all my friends. For anyone planning on to BlizzCon this will give you a taste of what to expect when you log in after that first day at the Anaheim convention center. If you aren't going to the event, at least you can enjoy this sneak peak of the suit in all its murloc-y glory,

  • BlizzCon tickets are going fast!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Looking to buy tickets to BlizzCon 2007? Well, they went on sale this Tuesday, and by Wednesday evening Blizzard reports that half of the tickets have been sold. Yikes -- that seems pretty fast to me, and I've got to ask: are they releasing that few tickets or are that many people interested in going? If Thursday turns out to be as busy a day as Wednesday, you can expect every last ticket to be gone soon -- so if you're wanting to go to BlizzCon in August, hurry up and buy your tickets, because it looks like they're going to be gone soon.

  • BlizzCon tickets now available

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Blizzard just announced in the forums that tickets for BlizzCon 2007 (Anaheim, August 3 and 4) are now available to purchase, for $100. There are a mere 51 days left until the festival of all things Blizzard, so if you want to go, you should probably get on it. Last year's sold out, I think. You can buy up to 5 tickets per billing address if you want to bring the whole household.I'm sure all sorts of cool stuff will be given to attendees; so far, we know that the swag will include a beta pass to "an upcoming Blizzard game" (I support Dan's guess that it's StarCraft 2) and an in-game murloc suit for one of your characters. So who's going to be going? WoW Insider will be there in force for sure.

  • Blizzcon forums are live

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Eyonix announced that the official World of Warcraft BlizzCon 2007 forums are live. Topics are already blazing: What costume are you going to wear? Petitions to buy tickets for people who can't go but still want the swag How to find a place to stay when every room is already sold out And the most important topic of all: FIRST! No new information yet on additional swag, ticket on-sale date or if a playable Starcraft 2 demo will be available for Blizzcon 2007. But keep checking in with WoW Insider, we'll update here when we know more.

  • BlizzCon attendees to get beta key for 'upcoming Blizzard game'

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Another great reason to hit up BlizzCon August 3 and 4 at the Anaheim Convention Center: all attendees will receive, in addition to other swag, a beta key for "an upcoming Blizzard game." Though nondescript, our initial reaction is to think the beta is for Starcraft II -- a very likely candidate, given its recent unveiling, its perceived progress, and that Blizzard has yet to reveal any other upcoming titles. However, the secretive developer could also be working on, say, a World of Warcraft expansion. We're not getting our hopes up until Blizzard announces what game is being beta tested.Also revealed as swag for the event is the pictured Murloc Suit that you can give your WoW avatar. Other swag will be "announced in a future update."[Via WoW Insider]

  • Starcraft 2 beta keys for all Blizzcon visitors?

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    var digg_url = ''; Details are surfacing about the fun and games that is Blizzcon 2007. Today, Blizzard announced some of the swag that you can expect when you attend this August.First up, is the revelation that every attendee will receive a beta key to "an upcoming Blizzard game." Hmm, I wonder what that game could be. Now, I'm not saying for certain that it is Starcraft 2, it may be the next WoW expansion. But I think it's a safe bet that you'll be zipping up a spacesuit and picking up a blaster bigger than your grandmother's station wagon after this convention is over.Next up is a unique item no one expected to see. Every Blizzcon attendee will receive a special passcode. Once in-game, the passcode can be redeemed for, drumroll please, a murloc suit for one of you characters. Good for the spirited RP event or for spicing up the dragging-on-until-you-want-to-/gquit guild meeting. Maybe even handy for that next machinima piece you were brainstorming. More swag to be announced in the future. So, what do you guys think? Is a Starcraft 2 beta key in your future?

  • 60 days until BlizzCon

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    It's 60 until BlizzCon, and there isn't much news yet. No news on when we'll get tickets, what fancy pet might be available to attendees. Really, not much news at all. That is unless you're a follower of the WoW tournaments. At the close of the first day of the Blizzard North American regional arena tournament in San Diego, CA announced that the world finals tournament will be held at BlizzCon. This is actually pretty exciting news, since aside from the panel discussions, the tournaments were my favorite part of BlizzCon. I certainly hope they set up seating this year for spectators that are interested in watching the Global Finals. So now we know that in addition to whatever announcements may or may not be made, and most likely a Starcraft 2 demo station, there will be some pretty hefty competitive gaming at BlizzCon in August. Check back with WoW Insider for the latest on BlizzCon.

  • BlizzCon 2007 site is live!

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Blizzard has launched their BlizzCon 2007 site today. For those new to the Blizzard universe, BlizzCon is a two day event in Anaheim, CA hosted by the developers of WoW. This year it will be August 3-4 at the Anaheim Convention Center near Disneyland. This event doesn't just cover our beloved Warcraft. It also spotlights the Diablo and Starcraft franchises as well.The new site has the previously announced events and adds hotel/travel info, FAQ and forums. Ticket purchases through the site will go live soon. Also, more information about the contests is promised.What looks most exciting to you? The dev panels? On-site tournament play? Starcraft II info? Let us know!

  • Starcraft II on WoW's homepage

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The image above is what you saw if you visited the official WoW homepage this weekend, and a few players wondered why Blizzard was talking about a real-time strategy game on a site meant to discuss a MMORPG. Yeah, how dare they do that!But it's a good question-- Starcraft II will be (assuming it does get released) the first game Blizzard has published since WoW, and so there's a lot of questions about how this will all be handled. How much do the audiences actually intersect? (personally I love MMORPGs, but not so much RTS, if only because I'm so bad at them) And how is Blizzard going to connect the two games, if at all-- are we going to see ads for Starcraft on the loading screen for WoW, or even in-game? Blizzard fans will probably buy and enjoy both games, but there is likely a larger percentage of the WoW population who just don't care about an RTS, even if it is another Blizzard game.Of course, Blizzard has faith in both games serving their audiences well-- not only is the Starcraft team well-equipped to build their game, but WoW, they say, won't suffer one bit. I tend to believe them on that one, as Blizzard undoubtedly hired a lot of people to make sure WoW is running as smoothly as possible, and while Metzen is apparently working on Starcraft as well as directing WoW's lore, I'd doubt the two teams have that many people in common. Of course, rumors persist that Blizzard will be announcing yet another game at Blizzcon. Along with the new expansion, multiple sources are still reporting that we'll hear about Diablo 3 in August. Can it be possible that Blizzard might be split three ways at the same time? And can that possibly be a good thing for WoW's development?