bloober team


  • Last Flight teaser trailer comes in for landing

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Bloober Team's extremely gradual rollout of media for Last Flight continues... In October, Bloober Team sent out screenshots; today, there's a teaser trailer, which shows what would appear to be real environments from the game -- we hope. Even at this glacial pace, we're pleased to see progress toward a release of Last Flight, the now-episodic WiiWare action game about a plane full of vampires and the food critic who loves kills them. Being trapped on a plane with a bunch of monsters is a great setup for a horror game, and killing vampires with a bunch of random weapons is a great setup for a game. %Gallery-75104%

  • Music Master: Chopin is a music game for the classically inclined

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Music Master: Chopin is a music game for Eternal Sonata fans (and classical music fans in general). If you love classical music and music games, this will provide a welcome break from Mad Maestro! The PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad music game will feature playable arrangements of the music of composer Frédéric Chopin, in traditional arrangements as well as " vocal perfromances and rock arrangements," according to StacjaKultura reports that the game is one of the winners of the "Chopin 2010 Promise" competition, a Polish government program to promote Chopin-based projects in observance of the 200th anniversary of Chopin's birth. It's being developed by Poland-based Bloober Team, who is also working on the iPad game, Gender Wars. [Thanks, The_Shadow]

  • Last Flight devs announce 'Gender Wars: The Battle,' an iPad strategy game

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Remember back in late January when the world was all abuzz with iPad news and, more specifically, we named a handful of game genres we'd like to see on the upcoming tablet? If our spidey sense is functioning correctly, the recent announce of "Gender Wars: The Battle" -- a "turn-based tactic game" (read: RTS) -- seems to indicate Last Flight devs Bloober Team are avid Joystiq readers (obviously BT got its ideas from our post -- don't be so foolish!). The game (as described by lead designer Peter Bielatowicz) is intended to be "easy to pick up and play" with what sounds like paired down tactical commands for "casual players." Producer Piotr Babieno explains the iPad development focus by saying, "We believe that tactic games will be one of [the] best and most successful games on [the] iPad platform." He also notes that the game will be released at a "very low price" to entice players to get hooked on the "series" and prepare them for future "Gender Wars" titles. And no, neither Beilatowicz or Babieno explain why it's called Gender Wars, but we'll hopefully find out when the game releases this March alongside Apple's new device.

  • Last Flight resurfaces as an episodic game

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Remember Last Flight, the WiiWare vampires-on-a-plane game from Nibris expats Bloober Team? Sebastian from Any Given Gamer did, noticing a Tweet from executive producer Marcin Kawa that sort of indirectly referred to the game. He guessed that it meant news about Last Flight would be on the way, and he was right!Bloober Team sent out some screenshots today! The last time we saw the game was over a year ago and just as concept art, so we're thrilled to see actual screens of food critic Larry Adelman taking out some vampires. In a fact sheet, Bloober Team outlined the game's motion-based slashing: each hand is mapped to either the Wiimote or Nunchuk, and moving the controller swings the weapon. The game is being divided into four episodes, to make it "as accessible and affordable as possible." According to Bloober Team, the game is comparable to a boxed Wii release, but the bite-sized purchases remove a barrier to entry for people not sure about buying a game from a new team. Perhaps the most surprising news: Eurogamer says that the game will be out this year!%Gallery-75104%

  • Hopefully not the last update on Last Flight

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Click for more eye candy Bloober Team may have split from the Notorious N.I.B.R.I.S., but their methods seem disturbingly similar to their progenitor. They have yet to actually release any games, and after months, and some cases years, of teasing, we have nothing to go on but concept art and occasional doctored screenshots. Their most complete games have made it to the "DS homebrew program" stage. We really want Bloober Team to not be Nibris.So it is with mixed feelings that we present this concept art of Last Flight. We can laugh at the continued non-development of Nibris's Sadness, because it sounds like a pretentious, overambitious game and we'd probably laugh at it if it came out anyway. But Last Flight, the WiiWare game about fighting vampires on an airplane, is something that we would actually like to play within our lifetime. We're glad to see Bloober Team releasing something about this game, but we're a bit worried that it's concept art.%Gallery-32188%[Via press release]