

  • TERA recaps PAX East and a week of reveals with new video

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're looking forward to TERA but sad about missing En Masse's demo of the fantasy MMO at last weekend's PAX East, cheer up! The firm has just released a recap video that's almost as good as being there. It was a big week overall for TERA, and the reveals included an A-list voice cast, snippets about the launch head-start period, dungeon finder and economic tweaks, and the lush Twilight Valley region showcased at PAX. TERA's PAX demo pitted players against wave after wave of argons and big-ass monsters, not to mention a nasty cuss called Subject 5005. Players who were able to whittle the boss's health down were then given a further challenge when 5005 transformed into an Argonomorph (yeah, we're not sure what that is either, but you can see it via the video after the cut). [Source: En Masse Entertainment press release]

  • TERA's new launch features section adds economic changes

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    TERA's May release date is less than a month away now, and En Masse Entertainment is filling the days leading up to the big event by unveiling a series of new launch features. Today's piece is focused on a number of adjustments that have been made to the game's economic system. For starters, the trade broker has been vastly improved with "robust search features," while private stores have been abolished in order to make the broker the true hub of the game's economy. Enchanters will be pleased to know that the penalty for failing an enchantment has been removed, so while an enchantment can still fail, it won't weaken the target piece of equipment in the process. And to top it off, the currency demoninations have been changed up to prevent players from having to deal with astronomical amounts of gold. The full details, as well as previous new launch features, can be found over on the game's official site.

  • TERA announces open beta and head start schedules

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    TERA's May 1st launch date is just around the corner, and we all know what that means: open beta testing and head start events ahoy! En Masse Entertainment has released a full schedule for the events leading up to the game's launch, so players can go ahead and plan when to call in sick to work. Players who have pre-ordered the game will be able to log in between April 13th and April 17th in order to create their first characters, thereby ensuring that they get the names they want. The game's open beta test will begin shortly after, and pre-order customers will once again get a one-day jump on the competition as they will be able to log in beginning on April 19th. On April 20th, the beta will open to the public, and it will run for three days until April 23rd. And finally, pre-order customers will get one final head start on April 28th, allowing them three days to explore the world of Arborea before the floodgates open to everyone on May 1st. So hone your blades, string your bows, and ready your spells, Arboreans. We'll see you on the other side.

  • En Masse adding dungeon finder to TERA

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Love it or hate it, the dungeon finder has become synonymous with the modern-day MMO. Further evidence in this regard comes via En Masse Entertainment's latest website update, which trumpets the addition of dungeon finder mechanics to TERA. En Masse says that in addition to the standard group-making functionality, its version of the dungeon finder will give players "significant bonuses for grouping, and even send [them] extra rewards when the last boss falls." TERA's dungeon loot drops have also been increased across the board, in some cases up to double and triple the rates from past beta weekends. Hit up the official site for more details, including a comprehensive list of the game's dungeons.

  • Michael Hogan and Claudia Black head TERA's voice-acting cast

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Last week we told you about En Masse's casting of Colonel Tigh, er, Michael Hogan for voice-acting work in its new TERA MMO. Now the company brings word that Claudia Black will be joining Hogan in the recording studio to bring aspects of TERA's fantasy story to life. Hogan will lend his talents to the Valkyon Federation's formidable Commander Samael, while Black (best known for her role as Aeryn Sun in Farscape, as well as voice-acting stints in Dragon Age and the Uncharted series) brings her considerable charms to the role of Commander Freya of Allemantheia. If you want to see Hogan in action behind the mic, check out the clip after the break. Finally, En Masse says to keep your eyes and ears peeled for more TERA voice-acting reveals later this month.

  • Weekend warrior: Two days with TERA's beta berserker

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    This all feels very familiar. The gorgeous Asian aesthetics, the sexed-up avatars, and the hordes of high school tykes runting and squealing in global chat take me back to September of 2009 and the opening gyrations of the themepark orgy that was Aion. Only this time, there are no angel wings, there's but one faction, and the game's called TERA.

  • PAX East 2012: TERA hands-on


    In the service of Massively's ongoing PAX East 2012 coverage, I spent some time today in and around the TERA booth, ogling the pretty trailers and getting a seat in a group press demo to tackle some fun high-end content in the form of a five-player encounter with an Argon boss. Read on for an overview of what I saw!%Gallery-152724%

  • Amazon offers exclusive mount for TERA pre-orders

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With TERA's May launch coming up in under a month, the window to pre-order the action MMO is shrinking daily. Those who are loyal members of the En Masse Army have a tough decision to make at this juncture: Where should you pre-order? Amazon hopes that you'll choose it, of course, and has a unique bonus to tip your favor in its direction. Amazon has worked out a special deal with En Masse to entice players to its store. Those who pre-order with will be guaranteed an in-game horse mount that's decked out in all manner of wicked-looking armor (note that the armor appearance gives no armor bonuses.) It's called the Pinto, and it won't be found anywhere else. In addition to this special mount, pre-orders guarantee a three-day head start to the game, name reservations, and in-game gear. There's added incentive to getting in on any of TERA's pre-orders if you haven't already, as they'll secure your spot in the next beta test, which is scheduled for April 20th. Also be sure to check out a new teaser trailer after the jump that was released exclusively for Amazon for those looking to learn a bit more about the game.

  • The MMO Report: Shut up about Mass Effect edition

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    This week on The MMO Report, Casey tells everyone to stop whining about Mass Effect 3's ending, laments the loss of the "online" part of Warhammer 40K: Dark Millennium Online, touches on the World of Darkness keynote, and outlines The Secret World's preorder plans. He also reveals the identity of one of TERA's key voice actors: Michael Hogan (of Battlestar Galactica fame), who will play Samael in the final game. Finally, he pulls one measly letter from the mailbag and debates which class he represents in TERA. Enjoy the full MMO Report after the cut!

  • En Masse reveals TERA crafting guide

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Crafting probably isn't the first (or even the second) thing that springs to mind when someone says TERA, but thankfully Bluehole and En Masse didn't opt to leave the system on the cutting room floor when designing the new fantasy MMO. En Masse recently released a fairly detailed tradeskilling guide, and while it won't tell you exactly where to get rare materials, it does give you plenty of info on the basics. TERA features six different crafting disciplines, and your character can learn them all at any time. There are no training costs; all you'll need to worry about is finding patterns and raw materials. Crafted items are usually better than random loot drops, but generally you'll be outpacing your gear every five levels, so you'll want to upgrade fairly often anyway. There's a lot more info on TERA's tradeskilling system at the official website.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you like beta weekends?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I'm not sure when this whole "beta weekend" craze began, but with The Secret World now joining the likes of TERA and Guild Wars 2 in parceling out its pre-release access, it's safe to say that staggered testing weekends are the new norm. Personally I'm not a fan, as my weekend gaming time ranges from limited to non-existent, and if I'm hyped enough to play a marketing beta, I'd just as soon play it several hours a night. It's especially aggravating in the case of Guild Wars 2 and TERA, both of which can't even be bothered to turn on their testing servers every weekend! What about you, morning crew? Do you like beta weekends? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • TERA sheds some light on open beta as test weekends draw to a close

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    TERA's launch is now just beyond the horizon, and that means that it's almost time for the game's closed beta testing to draw to a close. Specifically, it means that this weekend will mark the fifth and final closed beta test weekend, so En Masse Entertainment has put up a new blog post discussing what was learned from CBT 4 and what players can expect from CBT 5, open beta, and launch. One thing that the team is looking at very intently for open beta and launch is the difficulty of the starting experience -- or perhaps more appropriately, the lack thereof. Players have long said that the starting experience is not challenging enough, and the team has been listening. On top of that, En Masse has been working on a number of other changes as well, including tweaks to the enchantment system, some additional equipment and skill options, and even an entirely new tutorial zone that "serves as the precursor to the current Island of Dawn experience." The full details, of course, can be found in the official post over at TERA's official site, so go on and read up and we'll see you in in Arborea again soon.

  • En Masse shares new TERA argon lore, screens

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you've been tooling around in En Masse Entertainment's infrequent TERA closed beta weekends, you might have caught a glimpse of the game's fearsome argons. If you haven't, well, suffice it to say that the argons are Arborea's big nasties, and in terms of lore, all of the world's races are banding together to fight the argon threat. While we're on the subject of lore, we've got some more of it for you today courtesy of En Masse's latest press dump. You'll find plenty of backstory on the argons after the break, and you can also see some fresh screenshots in our gallery below. %Gallery-88481%

  • TERA PvP battlegrounds won't be in at launch, delayed until 'late summer'

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    TERA fans who were looking forward to proving their mettle in PvP battlegrounds at launch are in for a bit of disappointment. En Masse community manager Minea stopped by the forums a few days ago to give fans an update on the game's development, and in doing so, revealed that battlegrounds will not be in the game when it launches in May. But before you take to the forums to kick up a frenzy (please don't), keep in mind that just because battlegrounds won't be available at launch doesn't mean that they're not in the works. Minea goes on to announce that battlegrounds are planned to be added to the game "late this summer." We hope that the extra development time will allow battlegrounds to be nice and polished when they finally hit the live servers. Until then, though, players will have to make do with open-world PvP and guild-vs-guild battles.

  • En Masse bringing TERA and sci-fi surprise to PAX East

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    PAX East 2012 is swiftly approaching, and that means that it's about time developers start announcing their plans for the show. Today, En Masse Entertainment joined that steadily growing roster with an announcement that the studio will be showcasing its upcoming action-based MMO TERA at the convention. Attendees will be able to get a look at a never-before-seen area of the game, so fans of the title would do well to stop by En Masse's booth to have a go-'round in the world of Arborea. To top it all off, the studio ends the announcement with the cryptic remark that it "will also have some new details to share that are sure to excite fans of modern sci-fi." We're not sure whether this means that TERA is going to be getting some sci-fi flavor or En Masse has a new project to announce or what, but we can't wait to find out. Of course, Massively will have its own presence at the show (including yours truly!), so even if you can't make it to Boston for the con, you can bet that we'll be bringing you all of the delicious, juicy TERA news that you could possibly ask for. In the meantime, though, just hang tight for a couple of weeks. We're sure it'll be worth the wait. [Source: En Masse Entertainment press release]

  • Howsabout another 5000 TERA closed beta keys?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Massively's got a treat for those of you who were off doing something crazy like sleeping, eating, or working last Thursday, such that you missed out on grabbing one of the 10,000 TERA closed beta keys we gave away that very day in just under four hours. The treat is a picture of a centaur stabbing a dude with a spear! Just kidding -- it's 5,000 more keys! These keys will secure your spot in TERA's Closed Beta Test 4 for North American players only, which runs this weekend, beginning on March 23rd. Just click the button below, claim your key, and then copy and paste it into the appropriate section of your En Masse Entertainment account, which you can create at the official site. After you've verified your email address, click the "enter code" button on the right side of your account window and submit your key. You can download the TERA client via the button on the account overview tab. Don't forget to have fun!

  • Get your free TERA beta keys here!

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So you're not in the TERA beta yet, but you'd like to be, amirite? I mean, come on -- sexy avatars, action combat, gorgeous fantasy graphics -- what's not to like? Well, Massively is your sugar-daddy because today we've got 10,000 keys to give away, each of which will unlock the world of Arborea via TERA's Closed Beta Test 4 for North American players only. All you have to do is click the link below, claim your key, and then copy/paste it into the appropriate section of your En Masse Entertainment account. What's that? You don't have an En Masse account? What are you waiting for, foo? Head to the firm's official site and make one right now! After you've gone through the email verification song and dance, click the "enter code" button on the right side of your account window and submit your key. Then download the TERA client via the button on the account overview tab. En Masse has also brought word of a new video that shows off TERA's high-level Temple of Temerity instance. The dungeon tasks players with holding off hordes of enemies bent on destroying a relic, and the instance made its public debut at last week's GDC demo. Finally, En Masse is releasing an e-book called The Amaranthine Heart which expounds on TERA's lore and backstory. It's available for a palty $.99 on Amazon (and the instance video is free of charge after the cut).

  • TERA cracks open Akasha's Hideout to the viewing public

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Why is it dangerous to watch the video below? Because if you do, you might just be converted to TERA's philosophy of high-impact action and BAMs -- big-ass monsters! En Masse Entertainment has released the second part of its dungeon video series, this time giving a brief overview of some of the boss monsters awaiting adventurers in Akasha's Hideout. Akasha is the goddess of pestilence, who has holed up in Fyrmount with her prize. What could that prize be? We don't know, but it must be something pretty incredible to risk life and limb trying to recover it! You can check out Akasha's Hideout after the jump!

  • GDC 2012: TERA's growth spurt and dynamic events

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "It's been a helluva year since we've been at GDC last," TERA Producer Chris Hager started, "and everyone wants to know what we've been doing for the past 365 days." Thus began our time with En Masse at GDC, in which enthusiasm for the forthcoming TERA was positively infectious. Hager sighed happily as he reminded us of the title's May 1st launch date: "You have no idea how happy that makes me to be able to say that." Just because a launch date is on the horizon doesn't mean that the hardest part is over for this crew. During this past month, the team's been running a closed beta test that's provided vital feedback for last-minute tweaks and preparations. "We've taken that feedback and it's helped us evolve TERA into the game we all want to play," Hager said. So just what has En Masse been doing for the past year, and what has us most excited about getting our hands on a launched version of TERA? Read on to find out!

  • TERA recaps the most recent closed beta weekend, concludes that PvP players enjoy PvP

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    TERA has just wrapped up its most recent closed beta weekend and is aiming at another this coming Friday. In this latest test, players finally got to take part in the game's PvP offerings, and the official postmortem leads to an ironclad conclusion: PvP players really enjoy killing one another. Across the beta's two PvP servers, players racked up a total of 50,000 kills, with over 150,000 battles fought. And that's not even factoring in the number of guild battles taking place with over 2,000 guilds formed. As it turns out, it wasn't just the players doing the testing; the developers were also putting together a small guild and going out among the people, as it were. It seems as if the game's PvP is humming along smoothly, and with the next closed beta coming up in just a couple of days, it'll be worth watching to see how the rest of the game stacks up. And for those players participating in the closed beta weekends, the third edition begins Friday!