

  • Final Fantasy XI's Feast of Swords is back again for another swing

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    It's springtime! The birds are in the air, the flowers are in bloom, and crazy armor stealing brigands are back in Vana'diel. That means the moogles are once again handing out swords and imbuing them with moogle magic to fight back the malice of the brigands. It's the Feast of Swords!Participating in this event is pretty easy, but it's recommended you bring a class that has a high amount of hit points and include white mage as your subjob. Simply visit a moogle at any one of the major FFXI cities and pick up your magical sword. Be careful though, as you'll be brought down to a level restriction of 1, but no monsters will be interested in attacking you. You will also have the benefit of enhanced movement speed, so you can track down those armors.Taking down one of the magical armors will allow you to trade your sword in for some neat event prizes, like food that turns you into a kid, medals that teleport you to a city's chocobo stables, or even one of the special yearly swords. But participate soon! This event is being sheathed come May 12th.

  • Brigands in the Shire

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    If you're looking to pad out your deed log (and the traits that go with it) you'll want a steady supply of the appropriate foes. There's no great brigand presence in the Shire, but they're there nonetheless. That extra point on your Justice trait certainly isn't a bad thing. Your two primary hunting grounds for brigands are in Green Hill Country, in the South-eastern portion of the Shire.

  • LotRO tip: Finding Cole Sickleleaf

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    LotRO's quests are diverse and interesting, often backed with lots of character. One thing, though, that I hear more about on the advice channels than any other, is the location of the Blackwold bandit, Cole Sickleleaf. Indeed, fellowships have ranged up and down Northern Chetwood looking for this infamous handkerchief-stealer for hours, yet he remains elusive, as groups walk right past his hideout. It is one of the few serious stalls in the early part of character and quest progression in the Bree lands, and alone generates a fair bit of frustration. So, if you're searching for the infamous mister Sickleleaf, we'll show you where to look.