

  • Star Trek: Infinite Space explores browser-based gaming in 2011

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Star Trek: Infinite Space is a free-to-play, casual browser-based game launching in the summer of 2011. Published by Gameforge (don't worry, you've likely never heard of 'em) and developed by Keen (What's Cooking? With Jamie Oliver, Anno on Wii and DS), it's set during the Deep Space Nine timeline. Keen Games creative director Antony Christoulakis says, "We consider ourselves very lucky to have this opportunity and we are highly committed to delivering a Star Trek experience fans can be proud of." Wouldn't it be awkward if this freemium game ends up being more compelling than the for-pay (for-now) Star Trek Online?

  • Garriott's Portalarium going the social media route

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Our friends at Joystiq tipped us off to the latest endeavor for MMO legend Richard Garriott (and no, it doesn't involve the intrepid developer orbiting the earth). While speaking at the Austin, Texas-based Fantastic Arcade event, Lord British dropped a few hints regarding the social media stylings that his latest company (and game), Portalarium, will feature. "You play it by clicking on a link, nothing to pay for up front, no real installation and only if you decide you really want to play it will we decide how to eventually charge you money for it," Garriott enthused. While we're not quite as excited as we would be if he'd announced an updated Ultima Online project, Portalarium bears watching, if only to see whether Garriott can still walk the walk. "Since everybody else is doing Flash and Java games, I can kick their ass pretty easy," he told attendees.

  • The Bible Online set for European launch

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The Bible Online has been through a few phases of beta testing since the game's introduction at the end of August, and its popularity has been increasing. The first round of beta testing had over 2,500 participants, and the Bible Online forums have been increasingly active. The developers seem happy with the results, because they have declared the game nearly ready for launch in Europe. Beginning September 28th, this browser-based RTS will be officially open for business in Europe in both English-and-German-language versions. The beta servers are still up and running, so if you just can't wait to play Abraham and his descendants, check the game in its beta version.

  • Smith and Tinker talk of green goo, Marvel partnership

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Smith and Tinker is a company that is building products for today's "roaming audience," such as 2009's collectible-monster game Nanovor. Essentially, tweens battled microscopic silicon-based monsters that lived deep within their PCs. While it garnered much attention, Smith and Tinker decided it was time for a re-do. Now, we have Nanovor Evolution, a newly rendered 3-D multi-platform version of the game that offers "every player complete gaming satisfaction anywhere and everywhere, and by evolving our Nanovor digital collective game and future titles onto multiple platforms, we are on track to making that a reality." The new version runs within a browser, with future versions available on iPhone and iPad. After our discussion, I decided to a look at the game myself. True to the company's word, it loaded and ran within my browser and looked great. I walked through an animated tutorial, customized my avatar, learned the basics of combat, and was introduced to the public area -- a square for players to chat safely and challenge each other to matches. Really, it's a miniature version of many full-scale MMORPGs, built to be played on many different devices and while on-the-go. Take a look after the jump to catch a glimpse at the action!

  • PAX 2010: It's clobberin' time with SHSO's PvP online card game

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Massively has taken a swing at Marvel's Super Hero Squad Online several times in the last few months, now. So, on our trip to PAX, the boy-in-grown-up-shoes, Jay Minn, could not wait to show us the newly announced PvP portion of this dynamic game. Minn, who is the Director of Games for The Amazing Society, turned in to a giddy imp and directed me to a computer station that had a burning Human Torch on the screen, all prepared to fight some bad guys. Even though PvE wasn't what I was there to cover that day, Minn just had to show me anyway. "Click on a bad guy," he told me, "and good things just happen." I obliged; the Torch lit up and chased some bad guys away! At that point, we were told we had to move on to the PvP portion of the demonstration. Marketing people can be such spoil-sports sometimes. The giddy grin returned to Minn's face as he gave me instructions on how to get into the online card game. In the lower right-hand corner simply sat an icon that looked like fanned-out cards. As part of the demo I was able to pick my opponent, and since I just love seeing the Ol' Canucklehead Wolverine get beaten down, I picked him for my enemy. And who is the best Marvel superhero? Spider-Man, of course. I had to choose him as my character. Hero up with me after the break to find out the details of my adventure through this shiny and lively online card game.%Gallery-101337%

  • The Room adventure game is tearing us apart, Lisa

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    So, here's the thing: If you're not in on the cosmic joke that is Tommy Wiseau's impossibly bad masterpiece The Room, you're probably not going to grok anything we're about to talk about. Everyone else, brace yourself: Newgrounds founder Tom Fulp released The Room Tribute earlier this morning -- an adventure game which recreates the aforementioned film scene for scene from the perspective of its nigh-unintelligible protagonist. What could have been a quick and easy Flash game is actually a pretty lengthy experience, with collectibles (like hidden spoons tucked all throughout San Francisco) and expansions of The Room universe not present in the film, such as the haunting interior of Denny's apartment. Oh, also much like the film upon which it's based, The Room Tribute features frequent, thoroughly unerotic nudity -- so don't play it at work. But do play it at your earliest convenience. It is simply wonderful. Unless, of course, you haven't seen the movie. You monster.

  • Hero up! Hands-on with Marvel Super Hero Squad Online

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Back in May, I scored Massively's first real look at Super Hero Squad Online, the Marvel-flavored, kid-friendly MMO from Gazillion Entertainment and The Amazing Society. I was smitten with the game at the time, and so when Gazillion offered me the opportunity to take a peek at the newest build earlier this week, I jumped at the chance. Who can resist some hands-on time with such an adorable toy! (Answer to rhetorical question: no one, which is why you should go sign up for beta right now.) Plus, if I learned anything the last time, it was that I have a duty to relentlessly inquire about Squirrel Girl. Am I right? Gazillion PR Manager Keith Mutzman and The Amazing Society's Director of Games Jay Minn wasted no time bringing me up to speed on the progress of the game as the team heads to PAX this weekend, so I'll pay that forward -- join me after the break and we'll dig in and hero up!

  • Ministry of War announces Vox Populi contest

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're ever wanted to put words in the mouth of an MMO NPC (and who hasn't), now's your chance. Snail Games USA has announced the Vox Populi contest for its free-to-play MMORTS known as Ministry of War. The title, currently in closed beta, is a browser-based MMO that allows players to conquer territory as one of four ancient civilizations (China, Egypt, Persia, or Rome). To get in on the contest, and play puppet-master to your very own MMO NPC, head to the beta forums for the complete contest rules and requirements. Entering the Vox Populi competition also makes you eligible for a beta key, and you could be one of five finalists to compete for the coveted grand prize of having your quote spoken by an in-game villager.

  • The 11th Commandment: Thou shalt play The Bible Online

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Tweet Blasphemy or Bible-tastic? The creators of The Bible Online hope that potential players will see their game as the latter. Announced last week, this MMORTS seeks to capitalize on both the world's most prolific IP and this up-and-coming online game fad. Currently in beta, The Bible Online is starting with the literal beginning -- Genesis -- for the first chapter of this possible epic. Players will follow the path of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as they travel the Middle East with their nomadic tribe. Standard RTS gameplay follows, as you'll collect resources, construct buildings and get into tussles with other tribes. FIAA certainly hopes to appeal to Bible believers, as the game is peppered with plenty of verses and quotes from Genesis. While the melding of the Word of God and MMOs may appear strange, the devs say that they have a lot more in common than you might expect: "There are also quests for users to experience Genesis according to the history of the Bible. For example, as it is written in Genesis 14:13-14, there is a quest for Abraham to lead 318 men to rescue his nephew Lot." You can check out the beta at The Bible Online.

  • Bigpoint teams with Playboy for Poisonville

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Playboy has teamed up with MMO developer Bigpoint, and plans to enter the MMO industry before the end of 2010. The first title from this partnership will be Poisonville, a 3-D, browser-based title full of hardened criminals, fast cars, and beautiful women. It's not an unfamiliar title to MMO fans -- Bigpoint had plenty of information to offer on this game back in March at GDC. Bigpoint's founder and CEO Heiko Hubertz is optimistic about the partnership: "Launching this new game through will allow us to directly tap into our ideal gaming audience – avid, online men between the ages of 18-35. We look forward to engaging gamers in new and exciting ways through Playboy's network of high-traffic websites." While the title doesn't have a firm launch date yet, a new trailer is up and running, so follow along after the jump for a look at Poisonville.

  • Wizard101 teleports across the pond

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    KingsIsle Entertainment and Gameforge have joined forces to expand the kid-friendly MMO Wizard101 to a European audience. "This partnership is an important first step in our strategy to expand beyond the domestic US market and bring Wizard101 to an international audience," says KingsIsle CEO Elie Akilian. The 2-year old title, which has netted Texas-based KingsIsle over 10 million registered players, features a magical world called Wizard City as well as player housing, pets, and seven combat classes presented in the form of distinct magical schools. Wizard101 features free access to portions of the game world, while players wishing to experience the complete title can purchase subscription time or use the Crowns system to pay a la carte. Gameforge, a German publisher of free-to-play titles, currently boasts a stable of over 20 games, including Cabal Online, Gladiatus, and Couch Potatoes.

  • So say we all: Battlestar Galactica Online's blueprints revealed

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Whether you're a human, a Cylon, a human working for the Cylons, a Cylon working for the humans, or a slightly off-kilter Massively editor, Battlestar Galactica Online promises to appeal across a wide spectrum. Ten Ton Hammer got in the good graces of Bigpoint at Gamescom this year and smuggled out information vital to the war effort. While it's not even in the alpha stage as of yet, BSGO is reportedly looking solid, especially for a browser-based title. The primary focus of this space-shooter MMO is the PvP conflict between human and Cylon forces. Players should expect to handle ships from the series (such as the Viper), but Bigpoint is planning on creating new spacecraft unique to the game. Each ship will handle differently, forcing users to adapt on the fly or die. Although the main stage of the game is the struggle to control systems (and their precious, precious resources), you'll be able to explore areas on foot, such as the titular Galactica, although this is mostly for atmosphere and storytelling. For players worried about the game's microtransactions model, Bigpoint promises that everyone will be able to experience the game from beginning to end without being forced to spend a penny.

  • Jagged Alliance returning as an MMO

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Gamigo and bitComposer Games announced today that they'll be working together to bring the classic title Jagged Alliance into the world of MMOs. Jagged Alliance Online will be a browser-based MMO, and should hold a familiar feel to those who know the game. The developers will be "keeping a popular mixture of tactics, strategy, role-play and management and transferring it to a modern MMO world," according to Gamigo's press release. Players will train and equip mercenaries, form alliances with others, accept timed mission arcs, and more within the game. The official JAO site is in German, and the developers have established a Facebook page as well so English-speaking players can keep up on the game's progression. Jagged Alliance Online is set for launch in 2011.

  • Bigpoint announces key characters in Battlestar Galactica Online

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Bigpoint, the creator of upcoming browser-based MMO Battlestar Galactica Online, has revealed a part of the game that fans have been speculating on for a while. The names of key characters have been announced, and you'll certainly see plenty of familiar ones. These characters will be NPCs, placed in the game to "create a deeper connection to the storyline, provide quests and accentuate the dramatic tension that the series is known for delivering expertly." On the human side, you'll find William and Lee "Apollo" Adama, Starbuck and Apollo and Galen "Chief" Tyrol. The Cylon roster will be made up of One, Two, Six and Eight. (Sorry guys, no Three.) Bigpoint CEO Heiko Hubertz is pleased with these additions to the game: "These characters brought to life the story and captured the imaginations of a whole new generation of Battlestar Galactica fans and we felt strongly that they needed to appear in the game." You can sign up for the game newsletter and receive more updates through the BSG Online site. [Editor's Note: Whoops, we made a mistake in our list! Fixed that for you. ~Sera]

  • Jagex releases Stellar Dawn teaser

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Jagex Games Studio, noteworthy publisher of the long-running browser-based Runescape MMORPG, has released the first trailer for its latest project, a sci-fi MMO known as Stellar Dawn. The teaser doesn't feature any gameplay footage, but does manage to conjure a nifty Dead Space-esque sense of dread. Stellar Dawn, also browser-based, will feature a large, explorable world conducive to both cooperative and solo play. Extensive portions of the title will be free-to-play, with the remainder employing a version of Jagex's RMT offerings. You can read more about the title, as well as sign up for beta, at the official Stellar Dawn website. Don't forget to check out the trailer after the jump.

  • Earth Eternal facing the prospect of shutdown

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There's incredibly bad news today about Earth Eternal, the free-to-play browser-based MMO from Sparkplay Media. Or we should say formerly from Sparkplay Media, as it appears that hard times have hit the company with resounding force. In an extremely sad letter, CEO Matt Mihaly has informed players that Sparkplay Media has been all but shut down, with only two remaining employees (including himself) taking care of closing down the company and trying to sell the game to another service provider. Although the game is not currently being shut down, Mihaly is frank about its prospects: it entirely depends on whether or not another company will pick up the hosting costs of running Earth Eternal. For the time being, the game has made all of its microtransaction items free for all players, in hopes that whatever the game's ultimate fate, players can enjoy it for a little while longer. Our consolations go out to the team behind the game, and we offer our sympathies for what has no doubt been a painful process for the entire staff.

  • Captains of DarkTide enters open beta

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Captains of DarkTide, the quirky pirate-slash-fantasy MMO introduced back in May, is finally ready for open beta as of today. The game has undergone quite a few changes and improvements in the past months as the devs worked on every area of the game. Basic game glitches along the way have been fixed, of course, but much more has been improved as well. Crafting and inventory have been greatly simplified. Enemies have been rebalanced and combat changed to make battles a bit less frustrating. If you've been participating in closed beta, there was a full character wipe so you'll be starting fresh with today's open beta. If you're new to Captains of DarkTide, it's browser-based, available on both PC and Mac, and free-to-play, so giving it a try couldn't be easier.

  • Gameforge buys majority stake in Frogster

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    MMO business news isn't normally as sexy as the latest press release from BioWare or as divisive as the newest F2P conversion announcement. That said, occasionally an industry-related story comes along that indicates something equally big is in the water. Today's announcement of Gameforge's bid to take control of noted free-to-play publisher Frogster seems destined to turn a few industry heads, including ours. Gameforge, which heretofore has specialized in smallish F2P games like Cabal, has just acquired a 60 percent majority holding in Frogster, the German publisher known primarily for distributing Runes of Magic. The purchase deal went through at $33 US a share, which places Frogster's overall value in the neighborhood of $85 million US. Frogster, and now Gameforge, is looking to grow its portfolio not only with Runes of Magic but also by publishing the forthcoming Mythos dungeon crawler as well as by securing the European publishing rights to the highly anticipated TERA action MMO from Bluehole Studio. The Gameforge folks have been busy little bees this summer, as they earlier announced an agreement with CBS to publish several browser-based games centered around the Star Trek intellectual property.

  • First Impressions: Might and Magic Heroes Kingdoms

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Browser-based games have come a long way. A few years ago, I would have never predicted that they would be as popular and varied as they are now. I wouldn't have believed that the quality would rise, while still being contained in the 2-D walls of your favorite browser. But, here we are, discussing Might and Magic Heroes Kingdoms, another browser-based game that has raised that level of quality once again. It's a subtle difference, but the improvements should still be noted and enjoyed. First of all, I want to say that I am generally horrible at any type of PvP. I rarely think of conquest and would rather trade with my fellow players than attempt to murder them. Call me old-fashioned! So, when I signed up for a game that promised that type of epic conquest (and diplomacy as well, lest we forget) I was a little more than worried that the following First Impressions would consist only of the words "I SUCK." What I found, after giving in and joining the very first alliance that offered membership, was a game that is heavy on the chin-scratching and light on difficulty. And it's fun, too.

  • Browse these new details and screens from Battlestar Galactica Online

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Our MMO-centric sister site Massively received a whole mess of gameplay details and screenshots from Bigpoint's promising browser-based MMO, Battlestar Galactica Online. Players will be able to choose between the Human and Cylon factions, will be able to create their own out-of-ship avatars, and will progress through individual quests and story-based missions exclusive to their own factions. For instance, Cylons might be tasked with preparing a fresh slice of toast. (Because Cylons look like toasters. Obviously.) For more details, check out the info Massively managed to glean from Bigpoint. For visual images you can see with your eyes, check out the gallery below.%Gallery-98092%