

  •'s driver assist system is a robot chauffeur for the rest of us

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Autonomous vehicle technology is just starting to go mainstream, which means, for the most part, it's still only available to those who can afford a Tesla with Autopilot or a Cadillac with SuperCruise. Both of those cars start at around 60 to 70 grand by the way. So where's the digital chauffeur for the rest of us? Enter

  • AOL, Roberto Baldwin

    A car-tracking dongle could make self-driving systems better

    Roberto Baldwin
    Roberto Baldwin

    George Hotz is intrigued by artificial intelligence. The man who hacked the iPhone and PlayStation 3 as a kid, has moved on to self driving cars with his company Comma AI because of the autonomous vehicle technology's reliance on machine learning. After an initial hiccup that involved the company cancelling a device that would make cars semi-autonomous (because of a run in with regulators), Comma AI is back The new $88 Panda OBD II dongle, like most universal car interfaces, plugs into your car (1996 or newer) and gathers data.

  • Tumblr

    Tumblr's Cabana app lets friends watch video along with you

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Tumblr has released a new standalone app called Cabana, where you can hang out with your friends through video chat and force them to watch cute animal videos. It's far from a being a new concept: Google already did it with YouTube party mode for Hangouts and Uptime. A simple search for "watch videos together" will bring up a lengthy list of choices, as well -- there's even an in-app option for Apple's iMessage. Still, the company says the prototype was a hit among teens aged 13 to 18 during their tests. If you're partial to Tumblr and you're looking for a virtual party app anyway, Cabana might be worth a shot.