

  • WoW Olympics?

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Aggro Me suggests a list of MMOlympic events that players could compete for -- ranging from a camping competition to a tricky roleplay race. Some more WoW-specific events that we're all longing to see: Chest Competition -- Juggle bag space and run speed as you try to collect all the treasure chests in a zone; no dwarves allowed! Auction House Wheeler Dealing -- Pit your salesmanship skills as you compete to sell AH items in the Trade channel for a profit Hunt the Ninja -- Run instances with PuGs; try to be the first to find a ninja-free group Survivability -- Level 1 characters race from their starting area to the furthest capital city via high-level zones; first through the gates alive wins! I've heard of the last event taking place under several themes -- the Running of the Bulls sees baby Tauren characters sprint for survival, and gnome footraces have also been run on a few servers. While some of these events exemplify the bad side of behaviour ingame, others are just plain fun.[via Wonderland]