

  • Doonesbury covers the tablet release

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Cartoonist Garry Trudeau is of course no stranger to the constant expectations and travails of being an Apple fan -- he famously skewered the Newton years and years ago in his comic strip Doonesbury. And with the Appleverse on high alert for what could finally be the "second coming" of a revolutionary handheld Apple computer, he's at it again. Today's strip lampoons Apple fans who are hoping for a religious experience tomorrow, and Trudeau will likely be posting Apple-related work all week long. The satire is biting as always -- while I'm as big an Apple fan as the next guy, it's very true that many people are expecting a life-changing revelation, and in reality, all we'll get at most is a brand new piece of technology. A piece of technology that might change the way we do a lot of different things, sure, but if you're hoping for "miracles" over and above, you know, a new way to read newspapers or watch TV, I wouldn't hold your breath.

  • Congressional caricatures on the App Store: The nays have it

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Let's face it, America: if you're looking for "obscene, pornographic or defamatory" content, you can pretty much count on the US Congress to satisfy your jones. Put those representatives into cartoon bobble-head form, however, and stack them up with contact and district info in a handy-dandy iPhone app... well, that's just not cricket, according to the App Store review team. Cartoonist & MAD magazine contributor Tom Richmond was commissioned to produce said caricatures for the iPhone app in question, and unfortunately they've run afoul of clause 3.3.14 of the developer agreement, the 'Apple's reasonable judgment' rule regarding potentially objectionable content. Richmond is scratching his head trying to figure out what about his caricatures could possibly be considered reasonably offensive, compared to some of the other fine entertainment apps already gracing iPhones worldwide. Still, it's at least consistent with Apple's previous rejections of things that are funny. On some level it's unsurprising that an app filled with congressional bobbleheads is finding it a bit of a slog getting through review; that's a lot of potential angry phone calls for Apple to take. [That's Dennis Kucinich over there.]

  • NVIDIA takes its feud with Intel to cartoonish new levels

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Oh, boy. Just when you thought NVIDIA 's feud with Intel couldn't rise above endless name-calling, lawsuits and production shutdowns, NVIDIA does this. In a series of not-so-subtle cartoons on the recently established Intel's Insides website -- which NVIDIA's spokesperson has confirmed is, in fact, hosted by NVIDIA -- NVIDIA takes aim at Intel (and CEO Paul Otellini, specifically) over a range of alleged ill doings, and even goes so far as to include a cheeky disclaimer that the site "is not provided, sponsored or endorsed by Intel Corporation." Hit up the gallery below for a quick retrospective, and stay tuned for what we can only hope is a decent comeback from Intel.

  • Tom and Jerry and Ben 10 coming to the MMO realm

    James Egan
    James Egan

    We've written a bit about the Cartoon Network MMO FusionFall of late, which enjoys a great deal of popularity with younger MMO gamers. Now it looks like two other cartoons will be coming to the MMO space: Tom and Jerry and Ben 10. Tom and Jerry is going massively multiplayer (for Asia in 2010) through TurnOut Ventures Limited, a joint venture between Turner Entertainment Holdings Asia Pacific Limited and Outblaze Investments Limited. Hong Kong-based Typhoon Games (who are developing Hello Kitty Online) is developing the Tom and Jerry MMO. A look at the TurnOut Ventures product page also shows they're working on Ben 10 Omniverse. Both massively multiplayer titles are being built on the Unity game engine, for PC and Mac compatibility. There's no announcement at this time for North American or European releases of either title. [Via Kotaku]

  • WoW Moviewatch: Momento Adventures: Ximista's Origins

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Today on Moviewatch we bring to you a different sort of Machinima, a blend of in-game artwork and scenes as the backdrop to animated characters. At first I was rather skeptical of how it all looked and if it'd work, but by about a minute into it I was digging it.The movie is in French with English subtitles, so those of us who don't speak the language of fries are in luck (okay, I kid... I kid... It's Friday, I'm allowed to make bad jokes.).Definitely check out this very well animated cartoon. It runs just under 16 minutes too, so you'll have a bit of entertainment. And big props to Krys on his accomplishment."But I don't want to! ... You should have played Freecell instead."

  • Movie Cowboy iPod media streamer goes heroic with DC branding

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We won't front -- our heart goes into overdrive each time Japan's own Digital Cowboy births a new product, and we're especially jazzed about its latest Movie Cowboy. Known for introducing markedly outré home entertainment gear, the company's freshest piece is an iPod-friendly HDD-based media streamer that inexplicably boasts branding from DC Comics. So far as we know, the DC-MC35ULI doesn't come loaded with a director's cut of Watchmen, but it does provide room for a single 3.5-inch hard drive along with an Ethernet jack, USB 2.0 sockets, coaxial / optical digital audio outputs, HDMI, a few composite hookups, iPod streaming and charging capabilities and support for an array of file formats. Still, for ¥24,800 ($255), we'd definitely expect some built-in storage... or the promise of eternal invisibility, one.[Via Impress]

  • Doraemon netbook has all the American kids perplexed

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not sure what exactly Doraemon is? Haven't heard all the rage over it in Japan? Fret not, as this here netbook is definitely none of your concern. If you just so happen to be in the opposite camp, you'll certainly take interest in knowing that this Doraemon-splashed rig has been spotted in Taiwan, and so far as we can tell, it's just a beautified version of the Classmate PC. Regrettably, there's no word on actual specifications, and we're hoping and praying the ¥48,000 ($497) price tag we're seeing is a horrific typographical error. Even if not, we're still tempted -- just don't tell anyone.[Via PortableMonkey, thanks Peter]

  • Sonic Boom! Relive Street Fighter cartoon's best moments

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    And by "best," we really mean "worst." Mind you, since we're dealing with one of those things that's so bad it's good, we kinda do mean "best." By all means, enjoy the best that 1995's American Street Fighter cartoon has to offer in a video love-hatingly assembled by Youtube's theswitcher, posted after the break. Marvel at Guile's uncanny resistance to lightning! Gape at Blanka's earnest growling! Recoil in laughter at M. Bison's inappropriate giddiness! Scour the screen for Ken and Ryu's obviously missing surfboards! And then wish that any and all problems, no matter how minor, could simply be dispatched with a well-placed SONIC BOOM![Via Capcom-Unity]

  • Activision publishing game based on Chaotic TCG

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Fans of the popular TCG and cartoon series, Chaotic, will get a much cheaper alternative when Activision releases their video game version of the card game. Combining action, role-playing, and turn-based elements, Chaotic will feature "vibrant, fully-realized 3D environments" and "various characters from the best-selling trading card game and hit animated series." Players can also look forward to "dramatic tactical battles, a variety of captivating gameplay modes, as well as powerful upgrades and valuable unlockables."Chaotic will be available for the DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 this fall.

  • Battlefield Heroes stealths into second beta

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    As of today, February 11th, the second beta test for Battlefield Heroes has tip-toed out into the hands of old and new testers alike. And while there isn't any information about additions to this beta, we're certain that DICE hasn't just been lazing about all these months having tea parties.Now that things are officially back in action, we expect to be hearing more about the game in the coming months. Hopefully, official launch day isn't too far off as spring slowly creeps up behind us draped in ninja garb. Pretty soon we'll be sitting on plane wings and gunning down our cartoony adversaries with unreasonably-sized mini-guns. At least, assuming this version of the beta is the last one.

  • Kohjinsha livens up netbook game with shockingly green Gachapin edition

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Generally speaking, Kohjinsha is better known for its dabbling in the UMPC / convertible tablet arenas than netbooks, but there's nothing like a retina-searing lime green shell to bring attention to your latest. Reportedly, the outfit has teamed up with famed toy maker Bandai in order to create a Gachapin and Mukku netbook aimed at kids with no sense of style and a simple desire to smile at all times during the day. As for specs, everything's pretty much par for the course, with a 1.6GHz Atom N270 CPU, 160GB HDD, 8.9-inch display (1,024 x 600 resolution), WiFi, a 3-in-1 card reader, a 1.3 megapixel webcam and 1GB of RAM. We must say, the inclusion of a 1Seg digital TV tuner is a nice touch, and one we're sure your TV-loving youngsters will greatly appreciate. The bad news is that this rig is selling for a whopping ¥79,800 ($866), so you can be certain those fuzzy cartoon characters are getting some serious royalties.[Via PortableMonkey]

  • Joystiq visits: The Afro Samurai launch party in Los Angeles

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Namco Bandai, er ... we mean Surge rented out the Geisha House in Hollywood last night in order to throw a party for the launch of Afro Samurai, and Joystiq tagged along to check things out. The best thing about the night? Plenty of stations to play the game on both PS3s and Xbox 360s. Sadly, the sound was so loud in the place that you couldn't hear the hacking and slashing from the samurai with the gigantic hairdo. Also puzzling was the fact that Samuel L. Jackson was listed as a co-host of this party and was a no show. That was a real surprise, since he provides both the voices of Afro Samurai and his sidekick Ninja Ninja and is a co-producer of the series. Either he didn't show at all, or he really does have ninja-esque skills and we just missed him. Update: he actually did show up, we just missed him. Plus he was dressed for freezing weather.Check out the gallery below, and highlights after the break including a video performance by an afro-bedecked The RZA, who provides music both on the show and in the game.%Gallery-43362%

  • The Simpsons finally making high-def debut

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The Simpsons began its twentieth season last September, and now -- at long, long last -- we're going to see Bart, Homer, Lisa and the whole gang in high-definition. Starting on Sunday, February 15th, the American sitcom that has entertained both young and old for decades will make its high-def debut on FOX. Just let this simmer on your mind for a minute, then feel free to explode in comments with extreme jubilation.[Thanks, Michael]

  • South Park finally goes HD in season 13

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hold on to your hats, kids -- South Park is making its long awaited high-def debut in just under two months. Starting on March 11th with the season 13 premier, every successive episode of the famed cartoon will be in glorious high-definition. Furthermore, the crew has been toiling around the clock in order to re-render previous episodes in native HD (presumably for Blu-ray releases), so don't be shocked to see episodes from years past show up on Comedy Central HD a bit clearer than you remember. And here you were thinking the show was teetering on the edge of irrelevance.[Thanks, Michael]

  • South Park making long-awaited Blu-ray debut in March

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    South Park was already a winner in HD, and now it's finally making the expected leap to BD. For the first time ever, the calloused crew will be seen on Blu-ray format when the Complete Twelfth Season BD launches day-and-date with the DVD set in March 2009. All 14 uncensored episodes will be presented on a three-disc set, with each in 1080p and boasting Dolby TrueHD 5.1 surround sound. Sadly, we're still waiting to hear an MSRP and whether any of the prior seasons will follow suit on BD, but there's a good chance that studio execs are waiting on sales numbers from this one to determine the latter.

  • Anti-Aliased: Who decided brown was such an awesome color?

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Pet peeve time, ladies and gentlemen. I despise the realism movement in video games. Sure, I love seeing more accurate graphics and more realistic environments -- that's the nice part. I get to use my nice computer to explore amazing landscapes and take part in some beautiful interactions.But, whoever wrote the equation "Brown + Grass + Bland Colors = Realism" needs to have their head checked. With all of this amazing technology, we've seemed to have forgotten the magic of what games stand for. But what really gets me is the culture that's springing around this phenomenon. Apparently "toony" games aren't welcome here anymore. So I need to ask the question: "Who decided brown was an awesome color?"

  • Anti-Aliased: Who decided brown was such an awesome color? pt. 2

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    BrownQuest 2 ended up proving that too much of something was bad -- horribly, horribly bad. BrownQuest 2 could barely run on most systems because no one could handle the "extremely, super cool, melt your face" graphics and ended up sitting on the shelves that holiday season. The new rationale about the game was that it had future-proofed itself, lying in wait for computers to exist to run it at its graphical peak.That peak came, and no one rushed to buy the game. People came in and people left, and the game didn't turn out to be the huge blockbuster it was anticipated to be. And now, 4 years later, I turn on my computer and run BrownQuest 2 at maximum graphics easily, and I'm just not fully impressed. Are they good graphics? Sure they are. Are they so amazing that they make me run around my room screaming so loud that I can drown out Lewis Black? (NSFW) No, not really.So, with all of that in mind, let's turn to something more relevant. Let's turn to World of Warcraft. Say what you will about the game, but I think we can all agree that the game design of WoW is solid. It's not the holy grail, but it's certainly good enough to make 11 million people play it. Now ask yourself the question: "Would WoW be as popular and as good if it sported the extreme graphics EverQuest 2 did?"If you're hijacking my brainwaves, you know the answer already. Of course WoW wouldn't be popular if the graphic requirements were through the roof. Even if it was an amazing game, no one would be playing it because no one would be able to run it. In these times, we can't afford to go running off and upgrading our video cards just because we want to play that one game, *cough*Crysis*cough*.And is World of Warcraft a beautiful game? Of course it is! The vistas, the sunsets, the snow, the shattered landscapes. And for being so "cartoony" it can still pull off some really imposing places, like Blackrock Mountain, Hellfire Peninsula, Netherstorm, Icecrown Glacier, and many others. Certainly, the graphics have improved in the latest expansion, but the other areas of the game just don't scream "I'm dated" as loudly as "realistic" games can.Say what you want about graphics that don't push the edge of technology, use bright colors, and attempt to engage us in veritable water-colored landscapes. The truth is these things make sure that the game still looks good and appealing to us years down the line, they let the tone and aristry of the game shine through in ways that realistic graphics cannot, and they make sure that you can still play with your friends without spending wads of cash to upgrade your rig.Because, in the end, isn't that what a massively multiplayer game is about? Playing and enjoying the world with other people at your side? Colin Brennan is the weekly writer of Anti-Aliased who believes games need to grasp the imagination, not your video card. When he's not writing here for Massively, he's over running Epic Loot For All! with his insane roommates. If you want to message him, send him an e-mail at colin.brennan AT weblogsinc DOT com.

  • Japanese anime studio Production Reed opens Blu-ray doors

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Thanks to prohibitive licensing fees and all sorts of other ridiculous hurdles, the amount of anime studios making the leap to Blu remains incredibly small. Thankfully, Japanese studio Production Reed has ponied up the cash and courage to take the dive, officially opening up a Blu-ray website and announcing a few forthcoming titles for the format. The firm's first two offerings on BD will be Magical Princess Minky Momo and Dancougar: Super Beast Machine God box sets, with the first landing on January 23, 2009 and the latter arriving December 19, 2008. As much as we'd love to see this mark the beginning of a trend, we still have our doubts -- but then again, if BD adoption keeps heading up in Japan, we suppose anything could happen.[Via ActiveAnime]

  • Aquarion Movie sees December 5th Blu-ray release date

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Typically speaking, we won't cover every single film that hits Blu-ray -- particularly since it's pretty much the only high-def format to choose from (CH-DVD notwithstanding) -- but the anime industry is still struggling to pump out a healthy amount of BD titles. That being the case, we're all the more elated to see that Aquarion Movie will be landing on the format on December 5th in Japan. Reportedly, the disc will feature a 16:9 version of the flick with the MPEG-4 AVC codec along with Dolby TrueHD 5.1 channel audio. Buyers will also get a 28-page booklet, HD remake of Episode 27 and audio commentary for the special features. As for a US release? We're still waiting in tense anticipation.[Via ActiveAnime]

  • Futurama's next flick will be the first on Blu-ray

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    As if the wait for Futurama's return wasn't bad enough, the wait for its Blu-ray debut has been almost unbearable. The good news out of Comic-Con is that the next movie, Bender's Game is coming day and date on Blu-ray November 4. /Film's early peek at the trailer brings word of jabs at high energy prices and Lord of the Rings parodies, no official release from Fox yet -- or hints about the previously released movies coming to HD -- but in the meantime check out the full ad and mark down 11/4 on your calendar.[Via TheHDRoom]