case mod


  • Modder stuffs a Wii in a PC and leaves it at that

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    With as much creativity as Wii modders have shown so far, especially with using that Wiimote to interesting effect over Bluetooth on a PC, we would've thought that Wii modder thef1ea could've found something a tad more interesting to do with this "Wiiputer" of his, but it's kind of neat all the same: the mod routes the Wii's video out to an internal video capture card, allowing you play the Wii in a window on your desktop or maximized for the full-on experience. Of course, with the Wii stuck inside that case, there's no way to get at the GameCube plugs, but hopefully between the Wii and this box's own Windows XP gaming prowess, you should be able to keep those itchy trigger fingers of yours occupied. Plus, thef1ea is tossing in a modded USB NES controller with the eBay auction of his creation, and will add in WaveBird wireless controllers to the captured Wii for $25 a pop if that's really a hangup for you.[Via Wii Fanboy]

  • Diamond 360 Case Mod

    David Dreger
    David Dreger
    01.25.2007 has a really cool Xbox 360 replacement shell available for $49. It's called the XCM Diamond case, and is an obvious homage to the "Crystal" Xbox from the previous generation. The clear case also comes with a replacement shell for your controller as well, giving you a clear view into the inner workings of both your console and gamepad. Also available at the site is the step by step case removal instructions, which voids warranty. Unfortuantely, the link for how to install the DCM Diamond case takes you to the same page, so you'll just have to retrace the steps back to the beginning. Still, would any of you consider getting this to pimp out your 360's case?[Via TopBlogPosts]

  • Don't you wish your Xbox was hawt like mine?

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Flickr account holder 'g3n3101' has posted a mighty collection of Xbox 360 case mods, highlighted by this WWII-themed diorama assembled atop a Call of Duty 2-plated console. Microsoft has long touted 360 as a customizable unit, and fans have taken that theme and run wild. Think that extended warranty is still valid? Think again.[Via Gaming Bits]

  • Take a look, a plethora of 360 case mods

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Back in the day we posted a few Xbox 360s with case mods that we felt were either really good or pretty bad. But there are a lot more modded 360s out there created by some talented (and not so talented) people. We found a Flickr montage of some unique 360 case mods that you and your peers have completed. It's awesome to see so many people making their 360 personalized and taking on a case mod. Personally, we've claimed defeat to Microsoft and the whole case mod idea. What can we say, we want our warranty to stay in tact. But if you're willing to throw caution to the wind and take the plunge, by all means make your 360 case something special.[Via Digg]

  • White PS3 maker expands line to red, silver

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Encouraged by the positive reception and high eBay sales price fetched by his white PS3 mod, Michal Berecki is expanding the operation to include silver and red system cases. The new colors are still in the concept stage for now, but Berecki has promised the brightly colored PS3s will be on sale in the coming weeks. We can't help but be tickled by the idea of a home hobbyist filling in a market niche that a console maker seems unwilling or unable to fill. With three colors planned already, the sky's the limit. What kind of designs would you like to see on a future PS3 case?

  • Gears of War 360 case mod pwns

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Do you remember that Half Life 2 case mod we featured a little while back? Yeah, just forget about that, because there's a new case mod on the block and is much sexier. The Gears of War case mod to the right is not only stylish, sleek, dark, edgy, and friggin' gory (I ran out of adjectives), but makes me want to curb stomp someone. The white ring of light really works, the etching on the side of the case is superb, and overall the craftsmanship rivals that of the HL2 mod. Check out more pictures after the break.[Via Digg]

  • This Half-Life 2 Xbox 360 case mod is way early

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Dr. Gordon Freeman would be proud. This "first ever" case mod sure looks professional to us but, then again, we're not the case modding experts around here. We suspect the mod's builder may have been anticipating an '06 release for Half-Life 2 on the Xbox 360, before the series' second episodic installment was delayed until early 2007 ... and then again until Summer 2007. Now every gaming session will have a brief, but painful, reminder of the title's absence. It'll be okay, just don't make a Duke Nukem Forever case mod ...[Thanks, Macca; via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

  • Combine fear the Half-Life 2 case mod

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    360 Fanboy reader, PiNPOiNT, sent us some pictures of his newly finished Half-Life 2 case mod. We have to say, it's flippin' sweet. Even the lighting in the photograph is topnotch. The left side of the case (at right) features a cut away window with the HL2 logo in the corner. The right side features another logo which is raised off the surface of the case. All in all, it's some very impressive work. There is no denying that the Half-Life 2 megapackage coming to the 360 is worth celebrating, but we hope we won't upset PiNPOiNT when we remind him that the game was delayed. Hopefully, his spiffy mod will brighten his days until the game releases this summer. Check out bigger, beefier images after the break.

  • Custom Rockstar Table Tennis 360

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Give credit for coming up with a Rockstar-commissioned Table Tennis case mod that goes beyond the usual paint job and faceplate. One of these babies is destined for a future give-away, but if you have the time and desire to build your own ping pong prize, they provide a list of supplies and directions.[Thanks AoE]

  • The Leela case mod

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We don't cover that many case mods 'round here, but once in a while one comes along that's just impossible for us to ignore. After completing his Bender case last year, would-be Zapp Brannigan here decided to tackle a member of the Futurama crew a little closer to his heart for his next project, crafting this likeness of Leela out of nothing more than a store mannequin and pressure foam. Like the best case mods, it also incorporates some added functionality with Leela's eye serving as a webcam, LCD displays fitted into her arm bands, and a removable thumb that doubles as a literal thumb drive (we must have missed that episode). Alright, now who's gonna be the first to put Richard Nixon's head on their desk?

  • Xbox 360 case mod oddity of the month

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We've kind of tapered off on Xbox 360 case mod coverage, since beyond a bit of paint here and a large fan there, where are you going to go? Well, a friendly Engadget tipster finally answered that question with the "Xbox 360 Tissue-Dispensing Alarm Clock Case Mod." Featuring not only intense tissue-dispensing action, but a snazzy EL-based alarm clock, the Xbox 360 case mod sheds all such constraints such as "functionality" and "reason" for a case mode made especially in our honor. Fitting, no?[Thanks, Jordan]Read - Pic 1, Pic 2 and Pic 3

  • Xbox 360 tissue-dispensing alarm clock

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Jordan Keeling, one of the snot-nosed morons (he takes it as a compliment) behind created this oddly familiar tissue-dispensing alarm clock in honor of this blog. Thanks man. There's no clock display shown in this case mod pic, but he says the ring of light functions as a snooze button. Time to re-purpose that Core System, especially if you suffer from a runny nose.

  • Ruby Red 360 Euro Case

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    XCM is trying to decide whether or not to put their "Euro" case mod into full scale production. Should they?

  • Pimp my 360: chrome edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    TeamXtender has released the XCM 360 Full Chrome Case mod. Those dying to be the king of bling can pick it up now from DecalGirl. It's sure to be a hit a parties and attract more fingerprints than an iPod and PSP put together. As an added bonus, the chrome case goes great with the chrome controller shell. Anybody plan on picking this up? [Via Xbox-Scene]

  • Water + 360 = Cool

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Behold the internally water cooled 360. As noted by Xbox-Scene, there have been other -- more Frankensteinian -- water cooled 360s, but this is the first to be completely internal. All the hardware is inside the case itself. No easy task, to be sure. Dano2k0, creator of the mod, explains his inspiration: "It had been talked about in the past about having a complete internal watercooling system and everyone doubted it would ever be possible due to the lack of space. This is when i got the idea of pulling off the impossible, and it hit my requirements perfect, a completly [sic] portable solution with the cooling needs i was after, in the exact same original sized case."  One time, I tried to cool my 360 by pouring water into the disc drive ... it didn't work. [Thanks Revadarth and GP2S]

  • Batman Begins case mod could eat your case mod

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Sure, there's something to be said about squeezing PC components into a reasonably small space, or finding some obscure cooling method to keep a handle on overclocking heat, but it's still pretty hard for us to fault this completely badass Batman Begins case mod for doing it's own thing with style. Computer Choppers started working on the project a few months before the movie premiere last year, and while they missed the launch by about a year, we wholeheartedly forgive them. The steel case includes room for four HDDs, and powers the large black LCD that the modder seemed to find "necessary" to complete the look. We're sure the Dark Knight would be proud. Check the read link for a whole bunch of beautimous pics.

  • Team Xtender's New Mod is L.E.Delicious [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Team Xtender just announced the winner of the XCM 360 Full Case side panel design contest. The winning design -- entitled "Black Knight" -- was created by a mysterious individual known only as Hector, and comes in both red and blue LED varieties. Team Xtender plans to run a small production of this limited edition design so, if you want one you'd best hurry. Of course, it's no surprise that Hector won: the Black Knight always triumphs! [update: fixed a capitalization error. Blogging is hard!]

  • Rig of the Day: The black Blue and White G3

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    While perusing our Flickr pool this morning, we decided, "It's time for a mod post." Behold the Blue and White G3 that's been painted black. It looks pretty good, Geoff."Power Mac G3 Black Mod" posted by GeoffMyers. If you'd like to see your own rig featured here, simply upload photos into our group Flickr pool. We select one image to highlight each day, and crown a Rig of the Week on Sundays.

  • Order a pre-painted Mac mini case

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    If you're the instant gratification type who is sick of white, check this out. FastMac is selling Mac mini cases in your choice of seven colors. For $69.95US, they'll send you a pre-painted case and a video that shows you how to swap the painted case for the boring white one that your mini is currently sporting. Once you've made the switch, you send your old white case out to them. I guess it's easier than shipping your computer out for a couple of weeks, but opening a mini isn't for everyone. Let us know if you try this out.

  • NES plus Playstation 2 equals NEStation

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Another day, another NES casemod. This NEStation from French console hacker kotami certainly borrows heavily from the PS2's design, although we'd challenge anyone to fit a full-size NES into one of those itty bitty slimline PS2 cases.We're not sure what the motivation behind this mod might be--perhaps it's down to the old adage that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Will we see the NEXbox next?[Via digg]