case mod


  • Flickr Find: iPod as an arts and crafts project

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Remember all the time you spent making little houses out of Popsicle sticks in elementary school? Flickr user snazzyguy sure does, and in fact he's still putting those skills to use. He put the innards of a dead iPod and a few AA batteries into a custom popsicle stick case, and now he's rockin. Pretty cool mod, snazzyguy...just get it away from that (very) full glass of water, ok?

  • Xbox 360 replacement case concepts

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Team Xtender is showing off the concept art for their Xbox 360 replacement case. There are two different concepts, one featuring an X-shaped cutout in the side, and the other a square (pictured). A neat idea to save yourself the trouble of spraypainting, and cutting out the plexiglass window. One  has to wonder how easy it is though to transport the entire guts from one case to another. The case itself is screwless, which is sure to present some trouble to your average Joe. One thing is sure, this will void the hell out of your warranty. [Via Xbox-Scene]

  • iPod meets Geiger Counter

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Cue mournful music.In a post apocalyptic world, all iPods will be rendered useless. Except for this one. Imagine the excitement of being the only person on the planet able to listen to music, all the while being notified of exposure to harmful doses of radiation. Cool!Seriously, this is one nice mod. Flickr user JavaMoose took a vintage (and still operational) Geiger counter he had lying around (don't we all have these?), gutted it, modded the case and mounted his iPod inside. Next, he altered the original wand to accommodate iPod's wired remote. Very clever. You can check out his step-by-step Flickr set here. Well done.[Via Engadget]

  • Mini Donkey Kong cabinet case mod

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Most case mods are giant, fire-breathing speed monsters, built to be impressive, majestic even. Full of equal parts epoxy, plexiglass windows, and blue LEDs, they make LAN party-going geeks drool with jealousy. That's the part where Martin Smith's beautiful Donkey Kong case mod might not fit in. A 0.5056 scale replica of the original cabinet, complete with fully functioning controls, coin door, and 10" screen, the Lilliputian case mod is perhaps a better fit for a one-of-a-kind emulation station; however, with an Athlon XP-M 2500 and an ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 256MB under the hood, it's hardly a slowpoke. Keep your eyes peeled at Quakecon '06.[Thanks, Bloo]

  • WoW-Inspired Case Mod

    Damien Barrett
    Damien Barrett

    Someone has created a PC case mod with a World of Warcraft theme.