

  • New Castlevania, awful art style confirmed

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Wrong.That's what comes to mind when I look at the art style for the now confirmed Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. The title seems awfully appropriate now, what with the series' stunning gothic art heritage being ruined in the wake of something more along the lines of "Yu-Gi-Oh" and "garbage". Is this some sort of reverse Prince of Persia phenomenon, where a beloved franchise is actually lightened up in order to appeal to a broader group of gamers?I'm sure it'll still play wonderfully, but I have trouble believing that an androgynous, saucer-eyed blondie wielding half a jump rope will be able to convey the atmosphere of melancholy that permeates the rest of the series. Poor Dracula - imagine getting bested by someone like that.

  • "Do you know where I can find some sailors?"

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    The Armchair Empire has thrown together a list of what they believe to be the top ten in-game quotes. The list ranges from the bizarre (including the title to this post) to the classic ("All Your Base"). A good way to catch up on the last couple of decades of, how shall we put this, memorable lines from video games.My personal choices: "Hehehe! This is gonna be good!" - A Dwarf from Myth II just before he's about to blow up a crowd of Thrall with a molotov cocktail. It doesn't sound like much but if you've ever played Myth II you'll probably agree. "(singing) On the eleventh day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to me: eleven Science Vessels..." - This is a singing science vessel from the StarCraft Map of the Month: The Twelve Days of Starcraft. Random eh? "OBJECTION!!!" - From Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, natch. This isn't any objection in particular, although the times where either Phoenix or the Prosecution objects to the Judge's Guilty/Not Guilty verdict are probably the best. What are you favorite video game quotes?[Via Evil Avatar]

  • New Castlevania called Portrait of Ruin? [Update 1]

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    A while back, we all assumed that Konami was on the brink of announcing a brand new Castlevania adventure for the DS. It was a fairly solid assumption based on the evidence at hand, but information since then has been scarce or, worse yet, completely fake. That's why we're a little dubious about an article on Orange Lounge Radio (who?) that claims the game in question will be called Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and will be released in November.As great a title as that is (certainly three steps up from Waltz of Discontentedness), the article raises a few suspicions and references no sources. It states that Konami has "quietly announced a few titles" that are meant to be released this year. What an excellent strategy to employ--by quietly announcing new entries in popular franchises to a select number of obscure websites, Konami will minimize the danger of people actually finding out about these games, becoming interested and possibly purchasing them. Yeah.I also happen to be on Konami's press release mailing list, and the spot reserved for them in my inbox is currently as empty as a cinema showing Bloodrayne. The article also mentions a DS Death Jr. game, one which has been previously rumored but never confirmed. Am I right in being cautious, or am I being overly paranoid? And how stupid will I look if this turns out to be true? (You don't have to answer that one.)[Via 4cr][Update: 1up is reporting that the same list of titles and release dates were leaked (and not quietly released) to retailers. Portrait of Ruin on 15 November it is, then! Thanks Mike!]

  • Castlevania: Dual Moons

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Forum poster Think Tank recently did a little snooping at to shed some light on the supposed upcoming DS Castlevania title. It looks like we have an actual name for it now. Castlevania: Dual Moons isn't as gripping a name as Aria of Sorrow or Harmony of Dissonance and hopefully will change before the suggested 2007 release. Stay tuned to DS Fanboy for more information as it develops. [Via Go Nintendo] [Update: Gah! We fell for an April Fool's joke. Serves us right for that nasty Mario DS Lite prank we pulled.]

  • New Castlevania DS game to be revealed soon

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    If a suggestively worded blurb at the back of this month's Nintendo Power magazine is to be believed, the next issue is set to unveil a brand new Castlevania game for everyone's favorite touchy-feely portable. Under the "World Exclusive" banner, the text reads: As mysterious as a new moon, the follow-up to one of 2005's best DS titles is a whip-smart adventure that you won't want to miss.Perhaps we just haven't been spending enough time outside, but those words instantly conjure up the loving image of an androgynous hero traipsing through a musty, upside-down castle and whipping evil bats to shreds. They also match up with Konami's previous promises that there would be another entry into the series following the spectacular Dawn of Sorrow, this time incorporating Nintendo's Wi-Fi service. Oh yes.Though the mag's mention of a moon might imply a sequel to the GBA's Circle of the Moon, would a port of Symphony of the Night be too much to ask for? If so, how about we suggest some other appropriate titles: Castlevania: Dirge of Despair Castlevania: Polka of Purgatory Castlevania: Elegy of Regret Castlevania: Waltz of Discontentedness Castlevania: Whine of Irritability Castlevania: Ditty of Unhappiness [Thanks Deep.Grave!]

  • Top 10 most memorable villains

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    IGN has posted a list that is sure to generate some grumbling. But that's what's to be expected anytime you try to cram the baddest evildoers into a list of ten. Here goes: #10 - Bowser (Super Mario) #9 - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic) #8 - Dracula (Castlevania) #7 - Evil Otto (Berzerk) #6 - Psycho Mantis (MGS) #5 - Kerrigan (Starcraft) #4 - SHODAN (System Shock) #3 - Wesker (Resident Evil) #2 - Sephiroth (FFVII) #1 - The Nazis ("too many games to count") What?! No Ganondorf? Blasphemy. So how does your list compare?

  • Typo shame hits Castlevania

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    There is no clearer indication of human folly than the keyboard typo. Not content with exposing the shocking state of spelling affairs in the Mario Kart DS manual, we've now got our microscope aimed at Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. You see, no matter what kind of game it is, a keyboard and a human being will undoubtedly be involved at some point during its creation, with the latter most frequently causing the biggest problems. In this case, somebody's fingers didn't hit their intended targets and cobbled together this on-screen sentence:That Celia woman... Not only was she after me, shie tried to harm Mina too.Shie? Who? Hell? She? This makes no sense. Why is she, assuming that Shie is, in fact, a she, trying to harm dear Mina? Well, obviously the game is completely unplayable now. Thanks a lot for destroying the English language, Castlevania.[Thanks, Daniel S!]