cell phone


  • Flash 10 for smartphone beta coming this October

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's been a while since we've heard a peep about Adobe's Flash 10 for smartphone initiative, but according to a slide from its Q2 Fiscal Year 2009 earnings presentation, the platform's on track for a beta release this October at the company's MAX conference. Prime mobile OS candidates for the beta include those from Adobe's Open Screen Project, which at last count included Nokia, Palm, Google, and Microsoft -- and unless there's been some behind closed doors meetings, the two glaring omissions on that list are still gonna be bugging you come this Halloween.

  • Nokia E72 prototype gets manhandled, torn asunder

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    If you stop to think, really, about how much we take pleasure in seeing pictures of phones get utterly dismembered, it's quite disturbing. So don't think about it, and instead hit up the read link for a gallery showcase copious amounts of a prototype Nokia E72 innards, ripped apart alongside an E71 (on the right in the image above) for comparative purposes. There's a very brief question-and-answer session just after the photos, but it's definitely not gonna keep you satisfied between now and its third quarter launch window.

  • LG Versa Gamepad hands-on

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We've spent a week now fiddling with the LG Versa game pad module. How does the phone's first premium attachment fare? Does it amp up the gaming cred or join the ranks of ultimately forgettable peripherals? Unfortunately, we're inclined to think it falls in the latter category. Read on for full impressions.

  • Sony Ericsson's facial recognition patent plays the perfect song to complement your mood

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We don't expect this to be indicative of any near-term projects for the now financially hindered phone maker, but one of Sony Ericsson's recently unearthed patents paves the way for some interesting uses. From what we gather, while listening to music on your device, a picture of your face would be taken. That image would then be run through software that interprets your mood, and an appropriate next song based on those emotions would be picked -- so much for the art of mixtapes. Presumably, it'd also require a phone or device with a camera mounted on the same side as the screen, so unless mobile video conferencing takes off in a huge way, we can't see people paying extra for a phone or device with this configuration. And if you just got dumped over SMS, we hope it doesn't intepret those tears as a good time to play that Damien Rice song you two fell in love with. Hit up the read link for the full patent details. [Via Slash Gear]

  • Samsung Omnia HD i8910 reviewed in the glow of the AMOLED screen

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Whether you call it OmniaHD, i8910 HD, or even "Timmy Tim" (hey, it could happen), Samsung's AMOLED--infused smartphone is a winner, if the fine lads at Phone Arena are to be believed. Points go to its HD video recording and playback, a surprisingly good battery life, and a form factor that's not too hard on the pocket, measuring in at just a wee bit taller and thicker than the HTC Touch HD. Not everything's sunshine and rainbows, though, as trying to use it in direct sunlight's a lost cause and the phone is a magnet for fingerprints. Still, those are pretty minor in comparison, and this is sounding more and more like a solid smartphone. Hit up the read link for a more thorough review, or after the break for the moving pictures version.

  • HTC Touch Pro2 gets thoroughly handled overseas

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    While we still don't have an official release date for HTC's Touch Pro2 here in the states, the folks at Russian site Mobile-Review have managed to get some extensive hands-on time with the unit. Props go to the quality of the voice calls and especially the QWERTY keyboard, noted via the machine translation as one of the most user-friendly in modern mobile devices. The same is not said here, however, for the plastic casing and steep pricing. They also don't really touch on TouchFlo 3D 2.0.XX -- that's apparently coming later in another article -- but hit up the read link for a plethora of pictures and a video of the updated UI in action.[Via WMPoweruser]

  • New Pre Classic emulator video shows off 3D gaming prowess

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The last time we saw the Pre's Classic Palm OS emulator in action, we had a few lingering questions in our mind, chief among them being how well can it game? From the looks of this latest video, released by Motion Apps to answer that very question, pretty well so far. In addition to confirming sound support for the latest build, we also get a brief glimpse of the software handling 3D driver GTS World Racer. Of course, seeing this makes us even more curious about the gaming potential for the native webOS, but alas, we're in the cold there. In the meantime, check out some classic 3D racing in the video after the break.

  • Keepin' it real fake, part CXCIX: NokiPhone N3000i dual slider is one part N95, two parts iPhone, and six parts win

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Combining two pretty great ideas in a way that is all kinds of illegal in the US, the China-produced NokiPhone N3000i looks to be a pretty straightforward iPhone ripoff with bonus N95-esque dual slider capabilities. The GSM smartphone's got 3.2-inch QVGA screen, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, dual SIM support, microSD slot, and video recording capabilities. Price of admission is $129 right now, which according to chinagrabber is a hefty discount from its $400 MSRP. Your move, NOKLA.[Via PMP Today]

  • Lenovo's Android-powered OPhone gets hands-on video treatment

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's always nice to get an update on one of our favorite KIRFs as of late. Lenvo's Android-powered OPhone has popped up in a hands-on video, showing off its mock-iPhone OS interface and all the doppelganger apps / features -- weather, stock, calculator and even a near-identical push notification window. Surprisingly, it's actually pretty well put together and includes some things we wish our legit Apple phone would do, like on-screen widgets and an option to change backgrounds. It'll be a cold day in Hell before we see this serial patent infringer outside of China, so for now you'll have to get your OPhone kicks by checking out the video after the break.[Thanks, Neerhaj]

  • Nokia E55 blushes red for the camera

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We doubt you need a translation to figure out what's going on here, but to summarize: the crew at mobile@mail.ru managed to get what they're saying is an exclusive hands-on with a red Nokia E55. It's the same compact QWERTY phone you've grown to love vicariously through photos and video, only now with a little rouge. Check out the read link for more pics.[Thanks, Zavackiy]

  • Samsung unveils Blue Earth, a solar-powered mobile phone

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Samsung's Blue Earth handset might just be taking the green thing to a whole new extreme. Made from PCM, a recycled plastic from water bottles, the phone boast an "eco" mode for efficiently adjusting screen brightness, backlight duration and Bluetooth usage, and an "eco walk" app / built-in pedometer to tell you how much CO2 emission you've saved by walking instead of driving. The best part? It's got a giant solar panel on the back that'll apparently charge it enough to make a phone call anytime the sun's peaking out. Of the form factor, Sammy says it "symbolizes a flat and well rounded shiny pebble" -- which we hope means it can skip puddles with the best of 'em. It'll come in recycled packaging with an energy efficient charger. What we don't know, unfortunately, is what makes this phone tick, neither OS nor hardware specs. Not a word on price yet, but UK environmentalists can look forward to this one second half of this year.

  • Fantasia enters Korean closed beta ... on cell phone

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    This might just be the beginning of the end for MMO fanatics. Sure, it's possible to whip out a laptop to play your favorite online game on the move, but with the upcoming Korean MMO Fantasia, it will be as simple as pulling your cell phone out of your pocket. Imagine your most boring work meeting, school lecture, or family gathering, then think about how much better it would be to discreetly farm for items under the table or desk -- just don't include the resulting termination/expulsion/disowning in your little fantasy.Fantasia has just entered the closed beta phase of its testing in Korea, and developer Lemon Co. hopes to release it in the second half of 2009. Whether this will be limited to the Korean market or not is up in the air at this point. The game is said to feature detailed 2D graphics, a large world map, item trading, a mail system, and even an arena for PvP. On top of this, Lemon is working on cell phone specific features, like a system that sends a text message when an item you're looking for shows up, even if you're not logged in. The bar has been set -- now we wait and see if Lemon can deliver a quality product, and also, if other developers are keen to enter the mix.

  • Top industry CEOs weigh in on the cell phone MMO debate

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    After a recent Game Power Panel at this year's CES, GameCyte caught up with a few MMO big-wigs to ask the burning question: can the MMO experience extend to mobile phones? From Turbine to Gaia Online, the companies' CEOs all had differing views.Dr. Lars Buttler of Trion World Network, and Jim Crowley of Turbine both agreed that the mobile phone is not really the place for a full-blown multiplayer experience. Although they did essentially agree with others like Brett Close of 38 Studios in the thinking that there are certainly extensions of an MMO that can be achieved through a cell. Checking the auction house, training skills or even reading quest text could all be done on-the-go. Check out the entire post over at GameCyte for some more opinions on mobile MMOs.

  • LG's concept phone contest winners should please art house gadgetphiles

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    When we see alluring phone concepts that'll never leave the lab, we end up wishing there was a little more innovation in the handsets out in the wild. There was a wealth of eyebrow-raising examples of that principle when LG Japan exhibited top entries to its Mobile Design Contest last weekend. We're keen on the fbt, a phone designed for braille text messaging, and the Tap, which is shaped like a light switch and functions like one too -- when you tap it, the phone turns off so you can live once again in peace. The winner, though, was the above-pictured Planet Phone, the surface of which is dotted with LEDs representing your friends; if you don't talk to someone for a while, their light gradually moves out to the edge. It's supposed to remind you to keep in touch, but it has darker connotations -- if you become angry with someone, you can revel in the pleasure of watching them slowly tick away into oblivion. That's absolutely a feature we want to see added to the Storm.[Via Hallyu Tech]

  • Toshiba powers cell phone with methanol fuel cell -- no, you can't have one

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Toshiba continues to tease us with its prototype liquid fuel cell-powered gadgets: last year it was a Gigabeat media player, and at this year's CEATEC you can check out a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) that's been crammed inside a cell phone, lending it a robust six hours of talk time (compared to the paltry three or four hours of a traditional battery). Toshiba won't reveal the capacity of the DMFC, but they have said that a 50ml cartridge is good for about 15 refills. No release date yet, but the phone "might" be available "as early as next year." In the meantime, enjoy this picture of a woman holding a flip phone with "DMFC" clearly visible on the display.

  • Forum post of the day: Mobile love

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Recently, rumors have been spreading about a mobile application for WoW. Blizzard has been trying to get some information through a series of mobile service polls on the forums. Bornakk began a poll regarding the number of times forum users have downloaded games or applications for cellular devices. In the cellular era, Blizzard appears to be making our favorite MMORPG more mobile friendly. Many of the posters indicated that they have the latest in smartphones and thus are constantly adding new aps. This will likely encourage Blizzard to provide better mobile support. This will be handy considering that they have been resistant to third party mobile applications.

  • World of WarCrafts: Character charms

    Shelbi Roach
    Shelbi Roach

    Every Thursday, Shelbi Roach of The Bronze Kettle guides you in creating WoW-inspired crafts using real world mats with World of WarCrafts.Until now, this charming technique has been a well-kept secret, passed down through the ages to only the most devoted crafters and dark magicians. Use the knowledge contained herein to fabricate your very own WoW Trinkets. Here is what you will need: Shrinky Dink paper Ink-Jet Color Printer Image Editing Software Scissors (tiny manicure scissors work best for me) Clear Acrylic Spray Jump Ring Jewelry Pliers Brown Paper Bag Foil Click on the images below to view a gallery of step-by-step instructions. %Gallery-30631%

  • Blizz posts overpriced ringtones, wallpapers

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    It's not an iPhone Armory app, but Blizzard did release some official content for your mobile phones. They've set up a mobile.blizzard.com site, at which you can buy wallpapers and ringtones from WoW and the other Blizz franchises. At this point, you're probably asking yourself one question: can I get a murloc gurgle ringtone? The answer, thankfully, is yes. Yes you can. (Though I can't guarantee it's a good idea.) There is a big catch: the ringtones are priced at $2.99 each. Yikes. I know ringtones are big business, and I know Blizz is all about the tie-ins, but this is foolishness. Who would pay this over recording an MP3 and sending it to their phone? The wallpapers are $1.99, which is equally dumb for something I could just as easily screenshot off Blizz's concept art pages and email to my phone. Also I can't find the USA or Canada on the list of countries; it seems, at least at the moment, that these are not available here. It's a shame that these are so oddly expensive, and that they're not even available in the US, because some of them are pretty well-done. It would be awesome to play the WoW intro theme when my guildies text me to go raid. I guess I'll just have to make my own ringtone for it.

  • Nintendo 'localizes' DS systems for Asia

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    We may not be getting a redesigned DS in the near future (if you believe the company line), but there will be some "localized" DS systems flooding the markets in the near future. We're not sure what the differences are between a "localized" handheld and a good old-fashioned DS Lite, as Nintendo hasn't offered any specifics. What we do know is this: They'll be releasing in Taiwan, possibly South Korea, and (eventually) China They'll be sold in mobile phone stores They'll be available by the end of the month We wonder if the fact that these redesigned localized DSes are being sold in phone stores is an indication of cell phone support (or, at the very least, connectivity). We think guessing "yes" is a pretty safe bet, but in any case, we're waiting to hear more details from Nintendo itself before going crazy with speculation. This is certainly an interesting move on the Big N's part, though, in the company's attempt to revive sales and fight the popular PC beast in Asia. Being the analyst wannabes that we are, we can't wait to see if this has any impact on the hardware market.

  • Rumor: Wrath of the Lich King box revealed

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Tipster Nigel sent in these curious-looking photos of what appears to be the packaging for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. We've already gotten wind of the possible packaging for a Collector's Edition, so why not the basic box? Apparently, the person who leaked the Collector's Edition photo is still working at the printing press and puts his cell phone camera back to work with these photos of the regular edition.Could it be the real thing? I'm not so sure myself, but if they're fake, they're pretty good ones. The box design includes clever elements that I didn't consider were I to make a mock-up myself... such as a small disclaimer stating that the game requires The Burning Crusade. The layout of the box closely resembles that of the previous expansion, too, with the exact same font used for the words 'expansion set' and identical placement of logos. One of the most telling signs that point to its authenticity, however, was a printer's mark usually found on print material before they're cut (and made into a box). Nigel smartly states that he didn't take the pictures himself. Check out the pic of the inside flap with the telling printer's mark after the jump.