

  • Storyboard: Making villains work

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A while ago, I talked about the fact that roleplaying in MMOs most closely resembles comic books. This is apropos of the current discussion because both mediums have a fundamental issue with how villains are supposed to work. A good villain should be roundly trounced by the end of a story, but you also want to bring back a villain for more antics later on. So as I begin the follow-up to my recent column on the topic, the question becomes how you can make a villain who's entertaining and satisfying to encounter without becoming boring or making everyone wonder why no one has stabbed him yet. To be fair, there's no way to absolutely fix this problem. Someone will always have the idea that stabbing the villain to death will alleviate the problem, and that assumption is pretty much right. But there are ways to minimize the issue without making everyone seem like a colossal twit or creating the soap opera problem (wherein everyone is a malicious jerk every so often and no one seems to make long-term changes). This week I want to examine how both antagonistic and malicious villains can be played to avoid those pitfalls.

  • Dragon Nest reveals its newest character, Kali

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Here's the problem with having a destined hero -- no matter how specific you make the criteria for being the chosen one, there's always the chance you'll wind up with the chosen two or four or whatever. That's the case in Dragon Nest, where the new character Kali is a second prophet in addition to the prophet Rose. While Rose seemed to be the chosen one, Kali wields the same amount of power, albeit in a very different fashion. As demonstrated in the preview video, Kali revels in dark magic and spirit attacks, mixing up large magical attacks flowing melee strikes. She's advertised as moving quickly between targets, and certainly seems built for speed and multi-target abilities over single hits or durability. But you don't have to take our word for it, as you can check out some of Kali's moves for yourself in the video embedded just past the break. [Source: Nexon press release]

  • SMITE unchains the might of Fenrir

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    After many years, we finally have the answer to a rhetorical question: SMITE let the dogs out. Well, one dog -- Fenrir. But he's enough dog to count for all the others. If you hadn't guess, Fenrir is the newest deity added to the game, coming into the game with a full suite of melee abilities suitable for a wolf feared by the Norse pantheon. Fenrir's core mechanic is a stacking set of runes, with each of his abilities gaining a major buff when at a full stack of five. Normally, Fenrir can leap to do damage to an area, leap to do damage to a single target, or buff himself with increased damage and lifestealing. With a full stack of runes, his area leap stuns, his single-target leap becomes an AoE, and his buff becomes more efficient. He can also grow to a massive size, increase movement speed, and carry an enemy god around like a chew toy. Take a look at all of Fenrir's trick in the reveal video past the break, and read up on the full list of changes in the official patch notes.

  • Star Trek Online goes behind the scenes with Denise Crosby

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    When Star Trek Online launches its first expansion, Legacy of Romulus, players will find themselves facing off against the formidable Empress Sela right from the start. The return of Sela also marks the return of veteran actress Denise Crosby to the game, and the community team behind STO had a chance to speak with Crosby about returning to the franchise and to the same characters she portrayed years ago on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Crosby mentions that while she enjoyed the chance to reprise the role of Tasha Yar (a character she jokingly says simply refuses to die), revisiting Sela is a chance to dive deeper into a character who was not fully realized during her first appearances. Sela's life is the Empire, and she feels that any means necessary to restore the power and prestige of her people is more than justified. Click past the break to see the full video and learn a little bit more about the face of the Romulan Empire in the expansion.

  • Infinite Crisis introduces Doomsday and Gaslight Batman to the roster

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Turbine's Infinite Crisis roster keeps growing larger and more potent. Today the studio has unveiled two new playable characters for the MOBA: Doomsday and Gaslight Batman. Doomsday is a brute-force character who loves to wail on opponents at close range, while Gaslight Batman is an inventor who's all about his trusty sonic pistols. We've got a video for each of these characters for you to check out after the break. Discussion: Which of these two would win in a fight, do you think? [Source: Turbine press release]

  • Storyboard: Profession discussion - the Builder

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Human beings like to make stuff. It's in our nature, presumably because the humans who liked making things were able to create important inventions like clothing and weapons and homes and portable DVD players. That stuff gives you an edge over the guy hunting with a rock and a decent pitching arm. A lot of jobs and hobbies alike revolve around making things or changing existing made things into new made things. The Builder isn't just someone who enjoys making things but someone who lives by making things. Our previous professions have all focused around providing something, but the Builder is the person responsible for making those things. This is a profession that's all about creating, something near and dear to most roleplayers to begin with. But it's also a profession that has a bit more to it than simply being the guy down the road who puts cabinets together at a discount.

  • Injustice: Gods Among Us Avatar costumes point to more characters

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    Now that the Injustice: Gods Among Us demo is live on PSN and Xbox Live, the game's associated Avatar goodies have also hit the Xbox Live Marketplace. Of the many offerings available (Wonder Woman/Superman/Batman logo shirts, etc), the costumes for Killer Frost and Ares seen above are by far the most interesting, since those characters haven't been announced for the game.Considering that every other available costume is for one of the game's many playable characters, we feel safe in assuming that Ares and Killer Frost haven't been thrown in for giggles. More likely, these two villains are either unlockable fighters, or future DLC. We've reached out to NetherRealm studios for more information and will update with anything we learn.[Thanks, Sugg3s710n!]

  • The Daily Grind: Do you randomize things during character creation?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If a game has more than four options during character creation, it has the option for you to randomize everything. In a game like World of Warcraft, this can be somewhat manageable. Games like Champions Online or the departed City of Heroes will almost inevitably produce utter insanity, since you're drawing from a huge pool of random parts and colors. And that's not even discussing games that let you randomize your class or abilities, or doing so yourself through the time-honored art of clicking without looking. But this isn't a bad thing. Sometimes the easiest way to cut through a sea of options is to just roll the dice and get something you can work into looking better. Heck, sometimes your random nonsense becomes memorable in its own right (as evidenced by Javier Placeholder up above). So do you randomize things during character creation, or is each of your characters carefully sculpted with no room for randomness? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • League of Legends turns the spotlight on Karma

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A game like League of Legends relies heavily upon the ability to rebalance characters. Sometimes you'll wind up with a particular champion without the necessary abilities to really work in any role, obviating any serious use of that character. But the development team can always rework the character, which is exactly what's been done to the latest spotlighted champion, Karma. With a reworked set of abilities centered around her ultimate skill, Karma's got a new lease on life, or at least being a multi-role support character. Karma's new playstyle heavily revolves around use of her Mantra ability -- her passive ability reduces its cooldown, and all three of her other abilities are modified when Mantra is activated first. The focus of her abilities is on slowing enemies and protecting allies, but with careful use of Mantra and her skills she can hold her own in a straight contest. Take a look at the full spotlight video past the break for build strategies, tricks for the early game, and more useful information.

  • What makes a compelling character?

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    I don't know how many of you frequent the official Story Forum. It can be an intimidating place. Beware, all ye who may mention the words "Lordaeron," "Sylvanas," or "Southshore;" and these days add "Sunreaver" and "Dalaran" to the list of ten-foot-pole topics. I still visit the Story Forum regularly and if you're a lore buff its often a good source for varied discussion and debate. The amount of detail folks are able to recite at a moment's notice never fails to impress me, and has more than once sent me scurrying to my personal Warcraft library to fact-check or reread something with an eye for a new interpretation. Recently, Nethaera has paid a visit to the story forum, and she asks you all directly: What makes a compelling character? What makes a character strong or weak or interesting or boring? What makes a character your favorite? What are the things that draw you to a fictional personality, what are the things that repulse you? As for me personally, well, I'm pretty sure the WoW community is more than familiar with some of my favorites (shameless self promotion). The reasons why I find those characters compelling are varied, but mostly boil down to the situation of being between a rock and a hard place. I like stories where there aren't good answers, where every way you look, you lose. Maybe I'm a Debbie-downer, but if the path to victory is obvious, I am bored to tears. Don't give me that, I don't want to read it. Give me someone who has struggled and fought and who will never be sure if they did the right thing. Give me something, and someone, that will haunt me. What makes a character compelling to you? What fuels your imagination? If you've ever wanted the chance to talk with a blue about your favorite WoW personalities and share your personal idea of what you'd like to see out of WoW's canon characters, now is your opportunity!

  • Storyboard: The characters you like

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Some of my characters are pretty awful people. Some of them aren't people in the strictest sense of the word, to be fair. But there are some pretty awful types among them. And I enjoy playing them, but I sure as heck don't like them. They're terrible people who deserve to meet with terrible fates, and the glory of roleplaying is that they serve as a bit of anarchistic fun until someone gives them what they deserve. I don't like them as people. But that's not universal. I have other characters who will frequently do awful things but aren't fundamentally bad, just misguided on several occasions. Sometimes the line can get a bit blurry between one well-trained spy and assassin when one of them is a character I like and the other one is meant to be awful. So I started thinking about the distinguishing factors and what it means to play a character you like personally compared to one just meant to cause trouble. The answers were a bit odd.

  • Neverwinter beta Half-Orc character creation video preview

    Richie Procopio
    Richie Procopio

    Are you looking forward to playing Neverwinter but uninspired by the racial options that were available in the first beta weekend? Does the idea of creating a mundane Human or diminutive Halfling fail to get your adrenaline pumping? Is the potential of the dour disposition of the Dwarves ruined by their short stature? Would a passing thought of playing a delicate Elf be enough to unravel the very core of your being? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you'll be happy to hear that Half-Orcs are now in Neverwinter! Want to see them in action? Enjoy Massively's Half-Orc character creation preview video after the cut.

  • New Awesomenauts character Genji announced

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Ronimo Games introduced its 13th character to Awesomenauts, and his name is Genji. Genji is one of the last living Entin, a caterpillar-like monk "on a pilgrimage to restore his faith in the great space butterfly."He is also a support character that specializes in "shielding allies and banishing enemies." Ronimo tells us that Genji is being put through testing in closed beta, along with a sizable balance overhaul for the game, so there's no specific date for when the character will join the rest of the Awesomenauts crew. The official site for the game lists him as a Steam exclusive, though. %Gallery-179192%

  • Linden Lab releases Versu, an interactive fiction system for iPad

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Linden Lab is best known for putting together the old social MMO Second Life, but more recently the company has been getting involved in tablet development, releasing its first iPad app last year. Today, Linden has released another app, and like Creatorverse and Second Life, this app is more of an engine than a game -- it's an interactive fiction platform essentially, designed to upgrade the idea of traditional text adventure games into something more replayable and dynamic. Versu is what it's called, and you can download it for free on the App Store right now. There are only a few stories available right away, with most of them based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. As you can see in the app, the action plays out like a text adventure: you get a description of the surroundings and the setting, and then can interact with various characters at different moments, either engaging them in dialogue, or performing certain simple actions. The big innovation here is that Versu allows you to play through the same scene or story from multiple perspectives, so you can play once through as one character, and then play through the same scene again as another character, playing out different reactions every time. Unfortunately, what's available right now with Versu isn't very much -- the platform's potential is impressive, but the current content is more of a demo than anything else. But the app's FAQ says this will turn into a content creation system very soon, and that seems like the fun part: users will be able to create their own characters, actions and even stories, and fit them into the Versu system. There have been some really intriguing interactive fiction games showing up lately, and Versu could do a lot to really expand upon and improve that genre -- if it can get those content creation tools out and running. In the meantime, you can check the app out for free, and you should, if you want a look at what Linden Lab has been working on. Hopefully, they'll open the platform for creation very soon, and then we should see some really intriguing uses for this new app.

  • Storyboard: Profession discussion - the Spy

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Long-time readers will remember that back around the end of this column's first year, I wrote a series of columns about character archetypes. It was a series I'm quite proud of as a whole, and one that I've wanted to follow up for a while, but I had to wait until I had an idea that fit. That was when I started thinking about how that series talked entirely about who a character is rather than what he or she actually does. In reality, the two can be miles apart. Take my first choice of profession, the spy. A spy might believe that she's doing something for the greater good. She might see this simply as part of her duty and a necessary task. She might be doing this because she's fundamentally amoral, she might be hoping to find the answer to a puzzle she's long agonized about, or she might even be doing this because she just really wants to know secrets. But today I'm not going to talk about that. You want to make a spy; let's talk about what goes into that.

  • Massively's video guide to Neverwinter character creation

    Richie Procopio
    Richie Procopio

    Are you impatiently waiting to get your Dungeons and Dragons on in the upcoming Neverwinter beta events? Then we're sure you have already planned out what your character will look like. No? Well then, let us help you. Yesterday, we previewed the character creation tools for Cryptic's upcoming MMO, but we didn't showcase all of the customization options for every race. Today we remedy that with not one but six videos showing off all of the hairstyles, faces, scars, and tattoos for both genders of every race! Enjoy the previews after the cut.

  • Street Fighter X Tekken PC gets character DLC on Wednesday, temporarily $5

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    The PC versions of fighting games are usually the last to receive any updates or content made for their respective arcade and/or console brethren, but that doesn't mean the developers behind said games don't feel super awful about it. To wit, Capcom will be reducing the price of the Street Fighter X Tekken character DLC that hits PCs on Wednesday, February 6, from $19.99 to $4.99, at least for the first two weeks of its availability. The DLC pack contains 12 characters originally added to the console version back in July of last year.Capcom has also stated that development on the PC version of SFXT's "ver. 2013" update is still underway, and while there is no set window for its release, "the team is very aware that the DLC for SFXT has taken longer than usual to be released and is working hard to try and reduce the amount of time you will have to wait."

  • Lex Luthor, Bane confirmed for Injustice: Gods Among Us roster

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    Two more nefarious ne'er-do-wells are on deck to hurl both punches and one-liners in NetherRealm Studios' forthcoming DC Comics fighter Injustice: Gods Among Us. Lex Luthor, classic Superman baddie and girlfriend kidnapping enthusiast, shows up to the party in a powered robotic suit, using a special shield and gadget-based attacks.Meanwhile, perennial Batman-buster Bane is a grappling-based character devoid of projectiles, using his Venom-infused bigness to out-big other opponents. Given the character's history, we can wager a guess as to what wrestling move his full-meter Super will predominantly feature.While no trailer has been released as of yet, a scan of the latest Game Informer (tweeted by NetherRealm Studios' Ed Boon) does give us a glimpse of what the characters will look like. Luthor's appearance is quite similar to his robotic look in DC Universe Online, which is fine, we suppose, but Bane's resemblance to his appearance in Batman & Robin gives us pause. Which is to say, we had to pause and throw up after being forced to remember that movie.

  • The Soapbox: The heartbreak of altitis

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    In the MMO culture, there are those who alt and those who don't. Sometimes there's a hilarious rift between the two factions, as one side can't understand why you wouldn't want to try out all of the game's classes and the other side can't understand why you wouldn't specialize and excel in a single character. I'm one of those who alt, which is a blessing as much as it is a curse. I blame City of Heroes for starting me out on the path to altoholism. C'mon, it was simply impossible to play that game and not be rolling a new superhero concept every other day. By the time I moved on to more "traditional" titles, I was hooked on the idea of alts. It's a curse as much as it is a blessing. I'll be the first to advocate that alting can give you a wider perspective in a game, offer you more play flexibility, and perhaps keep you in a title far longer than if you played a single character until you burned out. But there's a darker side to it, a path to heartbreak. For those of us who alt, this is the unspoken danger that lurks in every reroll.

  • The Cave's latest character roster trailer is adventurous

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    This trailer for Double Fine's The Cave introduces three more of the game's playable characters. The video teases the back-stories of The Adventurer, The Knight and The Time Traveler. The last character trailer for the game detailed The Hillbilly, The Scientist and The Monk. Both trailers show The Twins, which actually makes sense, the more we think about it.The Cave will launch in January 2013 on Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.