Charlie Rangel


  • New York Congressman knows what the kids like: Trump GIFs

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Remember last week when Speaker of the House John Boehner was raked over the coals for reducing a complex political argument to a series of glib Taylor Swift GIFs? Well, now it's New York representative Charlie Rangel's turn. The apparent congressman for life posted a direct response to Speaker Boehner's attack on Obama's free college plan, with a series of GIFs of his own -- these ones featuring Donald Trump. Does the congressman have some salient points about the benefits of making higher education more affordable and accessible? Probably. Are those points lost among a sea of head scratch-inducing GIFs? Yes. Like Boehner and others before him, the seemingly undefeatable Rangel (even in the face of multiple ethics violations and scandals) made the mistake of putting virality ahead of content.