

  • Byte

    Byte, the spiritual successor to Vine, has a new owner

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Byte, the 'spiritual successor' to Vine created by one of its original founders, has been bought by another would-be Vine successor.

  • Latest Injustice showdowns: Superman vs. Sinestro, Hawkgirl vs. Green Arrow

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    It's time once again for NetherRealm Studios' weekly infusion of Injustice: Gods Among Us fight tapes, this time featuring all-American legend Superman, creepy Craigslist birthday party magician Sinestro, reincarnation poster child Hawkgirl and facial hair enthusiast Green Arrow.The most important part of either of these videos isn't the fact that Green Arrow has some decidedly Sub-Zero moves going on, or that Sinestro's slender torso makes us uncomfortable, but rather that the Clash system is still in place. First seen at E3 last year, the Clash system was in danger of being scrapped altogether last August, though it seems NetherRealm was able to make the system work.

  • So you want to play a brewmaster monk?

    Chase Hasbrouck
    Chase Hasbrouck

    Interested in trying out the new monk class, but can't tell your Tiger Strikes from your Tiger Palms? Written by Chase Hasbrouck of World of Monkcraft, WoW Insider's new monk coverage will get you kicking in no time! Last week, I covered windwalker monks and how to fly around kicking butt like a kung fu master. This week, I'm delving into the "spirited" version, the brewmaster. One caveat, though: Because this is still beta, things will likely change somewhat between now and live. We'll have a full 101 guide that covers things like enchants, gems, and stats when Mists is released, but this will cover you until then. What is a brewmaster monk? Monks have three role options: damage, tanking, and healing, of which brewmaster is the tanking role. How do brewmaster monks work? Brewmaster monks have two primary resources, energy and chi. Energy replenishes at a constant rate and is used to power your basic moves and abilities. These attacks generate chi, which is then used to buff your survivability. What is this "stagger" thing? Stagger is a new mitigation mechanic that is exclusive to brewmaster tanks. For every physical attack taken, a percentage of the damage is not taken immediately but instead is turned into a damage over time effect that stacks. In and of itself, this does nothing except spread out the damage taken a bit. However, brewmasters also have Purifying Brew, which completely eliminates the Stagger DoT effect. Depending on the fight, you may have enough chi to use PB often, or you may need to let Stagger stack a bit. Many abilities buff Stagger, such as the Shuffle effect from Blackout Kick.

  • CLASH is an adorable, cloth-climbing roach-bot (video)

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Generally the words "roach" and "adorable" don't get thrown together. But, one look at the video after the break and you'll understand. This six-legged successor to UC Berkeley's DASH scampers not just horizontally, but vertically -- so long as the material it's climbing is cloth. All motion is handled by the bot's front four legs, while the rear two provide stabilization. The CLASH is able to adhere to cloth because its feet have small claws that allow it to grip the fabric, while its appendages scurry about at up to 34 strides per second. Its top speed of 24 centimeters a second may not sound like much, but considering the pest-inspired design is only 10 centimeters long, it's actually quite a brisk pace. Trust us, you don't want to miss watching it in action after the break.

  • Rock Band Weekly: The Clash, The Police and The Ramones

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The Rock Band servers are starting to take a pounding every Monday morning as the faithful desperately clamor to find out this week's DLC. This week we head to the late '70s for a triple dose of off-the-beaten-path hits from some major artists.Three-song Pack (440 MS points/$5.50) Complete Control - The Clash (160 MS points/ $2) Truth Hits Everybody - The Police (160 MS points/ $2) Teenage Lobotomy - The Ramones (160 MS Points / $2) We've got videos of the songs after the break for purchasing assistance. We'll keep on poking Harmonix with a drumstick and try to get some actual in-game previews as soon as possible. Trust us, we're working on it.[Thanks to all who sent this in]

  • Virtually Overlooked: Clash at Demonhead

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Welcome to our weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative. Some of our favorite NES games are the ones that were completely unlike their boxarts. Companies didn't think American kids would go for Japanese-looking art, so they Frank Frazetta'd up their characters for the covers of their cartridges. Games that, from the covers, appeared to be heavy sci-fi or fantasy, with square-jawed, beefy characters in dramatic poses would usually turn out to be the cutesiest, chibi-est platformers on the system. Vic Tokai mastered the art of deceptively Western cover art, with painted covers that always stuck out on the shelves for being so undefinably weird. Clash at Demonhead has one of the best Vic Tokai boxarts ever. Also it's fun.

  • Naruto game announced ... but which one?

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    You might have to take some notes on this one, because it's a little complicated, especially since the games involved have very long, very similar names. Tomy and D3 Publisher have announced a new Naruto game called Naruto: Clash of Ninja MVZ, to be released on the Wii in the US with exclusive new content.However, exactly which Naruto game it is is somewhat of a mystery. The unruly (but perspicacious) NeoGAF horde thinks that it's not the Wii Naruto (Naruto Shippuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX) that just came out in Japan, but rather a port of the Gamecube Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 with some new characters, minigames, and, we would assume, new controls. But Gamespot is reporting that we're getting a version of EX with the animations and characters changed to reflect where the US localization of the anime is in the Naruto storyline. We don't exactly know what's going on. There will be a Naruto game of some kind on the Wii this fall, and the rest is obscured by ninja trickery, deployed in a successful attempt to confuse and disorient us.