

  • NBC Live iPad app adds interactivity to shows, won't keep Michael on The Office

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    While other networks (Fox and ABC) have dipped a toe in with specialized iPad companion apps, NBC is going a different route with the recently launched NBC Live. From the screens, it's able to pull up information on multiple shows in a similar style to the website and provides social feeds and interactive features between viewers while they watch the show on TV. What it doesn't do is stream video to the iPad like the ABC Player has since launch which, judging from some of the reviews, is confusing to would-be users. It's a free download though, so try it out and let us know if you're interested in "tuning in, interacting and engaging" with Parks & Rec or 30 Rock in a whole new way. [Thanks, TV Tipster]

  • Motorola's SocialTV app will turn your Xoom or Atrix into a communicative couch companion

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Whether you look at stats or your own limitless experience, you know very well that humanity spends too much time staring at tubes, screens, and other unnatural visualizers. Motorola isn't really here to fix that ailment, but at least it's converging the uses of some of those device classes with its introduction of a SocialTV Companion Service. Designed to turn your smartphone, tablet or laptop into a, you guessed it, TV companion device, this new software serves up social networking, complimentary content, real-time chat, TV show ratings, and interactive (as opposed to what, non-interactive?) games. Basically, since you spend your TV-watching time idly browsing away on your Xoom anyway, why not fuse the two things together and "generate some incremental revenue" for your service provider in the process? We presume the new SocialTV stuff will be rolled out in app form, Moto doesn't dish up those details or give us a launch date. If only we had an app to tell us when to expect new apps to arrive.

  • ABC's Sync iPad app is getting revived for Grey's Anatomy (update)

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Reincarnation may not be part of everyone's belief system, but ABC has apparently embraced the concept for its eavesdropping Sync iPad app, which blipped in and out of existence after My Generation failed spectacularly last fall. At least that's what Rick Mandler, vice president of digital media at ABC, shared at Hill Holiday's TVnext conference, stating, "we went back and said, let's try this again with a show that we know is going to be around for a while." Now, the app is being called away from the pearly gates to serve as an iPad companion for Grey's Anatomy and presumably will operate much like the original, by providing synced polls, quizzes, and social media ties-in -- you know, playing into that whole three screens trend. There's also no word on whether the app will receive a makeover befitting of its new McSteamy / Dreamy subject matter, or when this revival will actually take place. If ABC really wants this new media interaction experiment to go differently this time, though, we expect to learn more from an intense voice talking over flashes of frantic gurney races and risque locker room encounters sometime soon. Update: Disney / ABC Television group has now made an official announcement about the application. Apparently, the latest iteration will launch with this Thursday's episode and includes new features such behind-the-scenes extras as well as the ability to "check-in" to special environments shown in the episode. In other words, our dreams of hopping on the same elevator with McDreamy can come true virtually -- and best of all, we can let the world know through Facebook. To see what we mean check out the video after the break.

  • Massively interviews BioWare on SWTOR's crafting and PvP

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    This past Wednesday, I had the opportunity to head down to LucasArts in San Francisco to check out the current build of Star Wars: The Old Republic and chat with some of the BioWare developers. While my hands-on with the game won't be out until next month, we can deliver a couple of smaller interviews on two of the recently revealed systems in the game. And I think you'll want to hear what the interviewees have to say! Join me past the cut as I ask lead writer Daniel Erickson and lead PvP designer Gabe Amatangelo all about the Alderaan Warzone, the PvP reward system, avoiding battleground design pitfalls, companion tradeskilling, player-made gear, and hardcore crafting in SWTOR.

  • Cryptozoic announces release date for WoW TCG Worldbreaker

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    As Azeroth trembles under Deathwing's might, so too does Worldbreaker, the newest content pack for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game from Cryptozoic. Featuring Cataclysm content like goblin and worgen heroes and allies as well as new common, uncommon and rare in-game loot cards, Worldbreaker hits stores on Dec. 14, 2010. Everyone loves loot cards, and this set features a marked move away from the old loot card system, with the common loot card being an in-game pet -- Landro's Lil' XT. The best part is that the common loot card will be a pet from now on, not just items with finite uses. The uncommon card in the set is a super-scary version of the Basic Campfire called the Grim Campfire, and the rare card is the flying Mottled Drake mount. In addition to the Worldbreaker date, Cryptozoic announced that the Darkmoon Faire Los Angeles show will be happening on Dec. 4-5 and will feature a first look at the Worldbreaker set. And if our BlizzCon party was any indication, Cryptozoic will have tons of stuff on hand to show you.

  • Final Fantasy XIV discusses companions and crafting

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    One of the more frequent complaints about the nature of Final Fantasy XIV is that the game doesn't go out of its way to be accessible. If anything, it revels in a solid veil of mystery and encouragement for players to experiment. That doesn't sit well with everyone, however, which is no doubt why Square-Enix is making a conscious effort to expand the resources on the official player site as a basic reference. The most recent update has seen some common questions about crafting answered, as well as a brief guide to choosing a path companion. Path companions are an element of the game introduced at the start of the fifth main story quest, giving you an NPC who accompanies you on the missions. There are a multitude of different personalities, determined by race and gender, with the short guide provided explaining how each choice affects the outcome. The brief rundown on crafting is also illuminating, as it highlights certain heretofore unknown elements of the system -- such as a character's elemental affinity helping to determine what sort of crystals and shards come from gathering. Final Fantasy XIV players are encouraged to check both pieces.

  • Singing Sunflower companion pet voiced by Laura Shigihara

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    If you're a Plants vs. Zombies fan, you are quite familiar with Laura Shigihara, the composer for the PopCap Games plant-a-thon. She is also the voice behind the Plants vs. Zombies theme song. On her blog today, Shigihara confirmed that her voice will be used for the companion pet, the Singing Sunflower, which players receive after completing the Peacebloom versus Ghouls minigame in Hillsbrad. How awesome is that? Besides being fun and kind of novel if you're into PvZ, you get a pretty cool reward for finishing the quest: a "singing sunflower" pet! I actually had no idea this information was public until Hashimoto linked me to TotalHalibut's video earlier tonight... incidentally, I was right in the middle of recording the sunflower's voice when I watched it. ^_^ I am so excited about voicing a WoW-pet because what can I say ... I'm a big nerd. Peacebloom versus Ghouls is a minigame/quest in Hillsbrad that puts the player in charge of Brazie the Botanist's garden of ghoul-destroying plants. If you've played Plants vs. Zombies, you'll feel right at home. Defeat wave after wave of ghouls and you will claim your very own Singing Sunflower companion. These new facts continue to illustrate the intimate and awesome relationship between Blizzard and PopCap, bringing good tidings to gamers who are fans of both excellent companies. Hopefully, more collaborations like this are in store for the future.

  • The state of household robots in Japan: looking pretty great

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    This crazy looking little fellow is Toshiba's ApriPoco robot, and we couldn't want to meet him more -- especially in his updated form. Designed as a home assistance bot, ApriPoco can learn to control electrical appliances using both IR and verbal commands. He's got some fine company in Japan, too, where household robots are starting to take off. As you'll see in the Japanese news report (which is embedded below), there are robots to help you do the dishes, move furniture, and even robotic wheelchairs to help you get around. Really, the only question that remains for us is... when do we move? Here's to the future.

  • SWTOR finds a companion for the Jedi knight

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    In SWTOR's Deceived trailer, there was an odd shot of the Jedi leader giving a signal to an astromech droid. Per usual, the writers at BioWare do not put anything into their trailers without a specific reason. This past Friday, that little droid was revealed to be a companion for the Jedi knight class, named T7-O1 (tee seven - oh one). This little bot calls back to both T3-M4 of Knights of the Old Republic and, of course, R2-D2 of the Star Wars movies. In fact, his attitude is very similar to R2-D2's. According to the companion page on SWTOR's official site, he considers his owners to be more like partners and less like masters. T7-O1 was activated over two centuries before the Treaty of Coruscant and has yet to be memory-wiped in that whole time. He remembers every organic he has ever worked with, from the petty smugglers, to Senator Oodora of Manaan, to Captain Nico Okarr, and to Jedi Master Ven Zallow, whom we witnessed being killed by Darth Malgus in the previously mentioned trailer. For your Jedi knight character, you can expect this droid to be an invaluable source of information. His surveillance, cartography, and data-slicing skills are unmatched. BioWare has not revealed where your Jedi knight will meet T7-O1, just like every other companion mentioned for this game, but rest assured, he's waiting for you somewhere in that galaxy far, far away.

  • More information on Final Fantasy XIV's retainers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    With the announcement of Final Fantasy XIV's release date and some details on the pricing structure, one of the concepts we've been introduced to is that of the retainers. Any veteran of Final Fantasy XI is all too familiar with the "mule" characters that would dot cities; they were all but required for serious players, used for additional storage, and parked as a never-closing bazaar whilst the player wasn't active. Rather than forcing players to pay for a second character, Square-Enix is apparently letting the practice be fully realized by the game in the form of your retainer. A new translated article helps explain a little more about what a retainer's role will be. Adventurers will be allowed to choose one retainer for free, with the selection process running similar to Final Fantasy XI's adventuring fellow. Your retainer can be called at various points through use of a special item, and allows you to set up a storefront that will run while you're offline. A retainer will also provide extra storage, serving as combination mobile bank and assistant. Take a look at the full article for more details, as well as more shots of the beta client for Final Fantasy XIV in action.

  • Palm Foleo lands on eBay, can be yours for a relative song (update: sold!)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's probably not the first Foleo to ever splash down on eBay, but this one might just be the most comprehensive of them all. Palm's companion laptop-that-never-was will almost definitely remain a tech mystery for eons to come, but today, the chance is yours to own the flop of the last decade for just $750. Better still, that Buy It Now price includes a smorgasbord of applications, so you won't have to go hunting in order to find programs that actually take advantage of the thing. The only downside is the lack of a VGA dongle and the original packaging, but there's only so much griping you can do about a Foleo that costs less than an Adamo. Update: And she's gone! But strangely, it looks as if the entire auction has been removed. We're guessing someone paid this fellow a couple million to end it early and take an under the table lump sum, Just a guess, though.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Fires of Hope from E3 2010

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    The Hyperspace Beacon is a weekly guide and discussion by Larry Everett about the yet-to-be-released game Star Wars: The Old Republic. No matter where you were this week, if you are a Star Wars fan, you saw the new SWTOR trailer: Hope. I'm sure you also read the Daily Grind asking, "Do cinematics make you want to play?" It's an honest question. Lots of times these over-the-top trailers mask some of the things producers aren't telling you about the game you are interested in playing. In fact, it may give you greater expectations than the game has to offer. There have been quite a few comments about Star Wars Galaxies' trailers which have caused some players of the seven-year-old MMO to ask rhetorically, "I want to play that game. Where is that game?" So let me tell you up front, Star Wars: The Old Republic does not look like either of the cinematic trailers, but that does not mean it is not a great game. I believe as a fan of this game and as a reporter for this website that I would be doing you, the reader, an injustice by totally giving into the (albeit mostly fan-created) hype that surrounds this game. So this week I want to take things back a notch and hopefully give you a realistic outlook on a couple of announced aspects of the game.

  • New details on Star Wars: The Old Republic companion characters

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    BioWare's lead designer James Ohlen has done a quick interview with IGN about Star Wars: The Old Republic's concept of "companion characters." Not only do you get to tool around the universe as a Sith or a Jedi, but as we first heard back at the game's announcement, you get to bring some other poor suckers with you. The idea sounds a lot like your party members from Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2 -- your companions will follow an "Affection" system, and you can end up making them "twisted to the dark side of the Force" or "stronger and more independent," depending on how you treat -- even gift -- them. (Those being just a couple of examples.) Companion characters will also have a lot of combat utility, and you may want to bring some of them based strictly on how they complement you in combat. The gear you equip for them will also make a difference, so you may have to tailor your party and their gear for the specific goals of any given mission. The system doesn't sound too different from past BioWare games, with the caveat that, since it's an MMO, you'll have to direct AI players in real-time rather than pausing the game to give out orders. Ohlen also says his favorite recent character is Alistair, which worries us a little bit -- he always struck us as whiny. [Via Massively]

  • Complement your Star Wars: The Old Republic character with companions

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    What would Han be without Chewie, Luke without R2-D2, Robin Hood without Little John, or Hall without Oats? Pretty darn boring if you ask Bioware. This is the key reason for adding companion characters to Star Wars: The Old Republic. A lot of MMOs like to build the adventure around one lone character conquering the big bad. In a world with a lot of people who are all the best, why would anyone need anyone else? Bioware's Creative Director and Lead Designer, James Ohlen, tells IGN in an interview today, "Companion characters have a significant impact on the player's experience. They are integral to the player's storyline." So other characters can play a significant role in storyline progression and plot. What about combat? Sure, a lot of games have characters you can talk to and interact with, but they aren't important to battling the enemy. "Each companion has a specific role, whether it be additional DPS, tanking, healing or crowd control. Companions also have special abilities that can be activated to significantly change what's going on during a battle," Ohlen says further in the article. Read more of the article on IGN. Then let us know what role you think companions are going to play, and how you would like to see them used in SWTOR. [Update] the official site has been updated to include companions. In KOTOR tradition they have a blue twi'lek: Vette.

  • RIM's BlackBerry tablet starting to sound suspiciously like a Foleo

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    So BGR is reporting that it has "confirmed with multiple sources" that RIM's alleged BlackBerry tablet device is very real -- despite Mike Lazaridis' recent downer comments on the subject -- and that it'll have an 8.9-inch screen, WiFi, and Bluetooth connectivity to hook up with your phone. Oh yeah, about that Bluetooth connectivity: the tablet is being billed as a "companion" device, something to use when you need a little bit more horsepower and screen real estate for multimedia and the like. Sound familiar? Yeah, Palm tried this with famously catastrophic results a while back -- and considering RIM's ultra-conservative policy on product innovation, we can't imagine things going any better up in Waterloo. It's apparently slated for a December release with engineers scrambling to get it released even sooner... and, you know, discontinued sooner, too.

  • Fallen Earth lets the dogs out

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Oi, you there! Yeah, you, you grubby Wastelander! Bored of hiking the Grand Canyon all by your lonesome? There's hope for you yet -- the Fallen Earth team has announced that they've released companion pets into the game ahead of schedule. The dogs -- Wasteland Mutts -- were spotted on the test servers, yet did not make the journey to yesterday's 1.3.11 patch. While players feared that the new pet system was being held back for more testing, apparently everything is A-OK, and the Mutts are now available at feed and fuel merchants throughout Sectors 1-3. Even better, Icarus let out the word that the pets will be cheaper than anticipated, costing players about 500 chips for a new best friend. While the Mutts are welcome news indeed, Icarus wants us to know that Fallen Earth won't be a dogs-only club: "Don't get too attached," they teased. "We hear other variants still exist in Deadfall!"

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I'm kind of surprised we've never done this one on PLP (in fact, I think we may have, though I couldn't find it in the archives at all, and it just changed recently anyway). But just in case you don't want to spend $10 of real money on an epic in-game pet, you can try to get this one anyway. Name: Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) (Wowhead, Thottbot, WarcraftPets) Type: Epic (yes, Epic) Noncombat Pet Damage/Speed: N/A Attributes: Allows you to summon the Hyacinth Macaw companion pet, one of the most beautiful "parrot style" pets in the game. %Gallery-33600%

  • Celio REDFLY for BlackBerry tested: it's not the solution you weren't looking for anyway

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The lads at jkontherun took that new connection between BlackBerrys and the REDFLY for a spin. Prognosis? Not so good -- bad display rendering and trackpad controls, which are basically the two reasons you'd considering picking this up in the first place. Celio fans, a rather unpleasant read lies ahead should you choose to proceed past the link.

  • Rejoice! BlackBerry support arrives on Celio REDFLY

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We heard it'd be here in mid-Q4, and sure enough, it's here. And by "it," we mean "BlackBerry support for Celio's largely unwanted REDFLY Mobile Companion." Starting today, those looking for the Foleo's long lost cousin can snap up a REDFLY and download a free driver that adds compatibility for RIM's BlackBerry Bold 9000, Curve 8900 and Tour 9630. Granted, it's not like the BlackBerry web browser will be any less painful to use on an enlarged screen, but hey, whatever suits your fancy. [Via TestFreaks, thanks Nirckolas] %Gallery-77129%

  • Video: BlackBerry support coming to REDFLY Mobile Companion, adds only marginal appeal

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Listen, we feel your pain, we know you've been dying to find another use for your REDFLY Mobile Companion, and while we're not sure this is it, at least you've got another thing you can tell your friends when justifying the purchase. Celio Corp's announced it'll be bringing BlackBerry support to the Companion C8N and C7 as a free update in mid-Q4 of this year. It works via either physical cable or Bluetooth, and at this point supports Bold 9000, Curve 8900, and Tour 9630, with more phones promised as they're released. Crackberry's managed to obtain a video demonstration, which is after the break if you're interested. It's okay if you're not, we understand. Read - Press release Read - First look