contactless payments


  • Windows Phone 7 getting NFC payments in next update?

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is still catching up to the competition in terms of apps and basic features, but when it comes to mobile payments it might not be left in the dust -- Bloomberg has two anonymous sources who say that Microsoft will outfit the next version of Windows Phone 7 with software support for near-field communications, and bake NFC tech into WP7 smartphones as early as this year. As we heard earlier this week, Google's reportedly working on a similar plan, complete with partnerships in the credit card space, RIM may or may not be arguing with carriers over its Bank of America trial, and the general consensus around the water cooler is that Apple won't be pursuing contactless payments this year. Yes, it's an exciting time to work in industries that rely solely on money changing hands.

  • WSJ: Google teams with MasterCard and Citigroup for NFC payments, also files patent app

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Ever since the Nexus S and its nifty little NFC chip hit the market, there's been speculation that El Goog was planning a foray into the mobile payment arena currently occupied by the likes of Charge Anywhere. Now, it looks like that plan may be in high gear, as the Wall Street Journal reports that Google's secretly partnered with MasterCard and Citigroup to test out just such a system. According to the publication, the early demo pairs "one current model and many coming models of Android phones" with existing Citigroup-sponsored credit and debit cards, and is using the phones' NFC chips with those VeriFone readers we recently heard about. What's more, a newly-published patent application from the crew in Mountain View may hint at the software behind such things. The application describes a service that sets up Google as a third-party broker who receives the shopping cart info of customers placing orders via a device (including those of the mobile variety), allows them to select shipping and other options, and provides the total order cost. It then collects payment, coordinates shipment, and forwards order information to the seller to complete the transaction. So companies can have Google handle all their payment-taking needs in return for getting a sneak peek at what folks are buying -- something that the WSJ's sources say might be a component of the setup Google's testing right now -- as opposed to other third-party services, like Paypal, that only obtain and exchange payment info with merchants. Looks like Alma Whitten (Google's Director of Privacy) has her work cut out assuaging the concerns such a system will inevitably create in an increasingly privacy-minded populace. Sean Hollister contributed to this report.

  • Google said to be preparing NFC checkout trials for San Francisco and New York City

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Google does not sell hardware, Eric Schmidt told us as much, but the company has few qualms about buying the stuff up. Bloomberg is reporting, on the authority of a pair of well informed sources, that the Mountain View team is about to buy up "thousands" of VeriFone's NFC payment terminals, with a view to installing them in stores across San Francisco and New York City. Those two technophile cities represent the most receptive audience NFC is likely to get in the US, and Google will be hoping that users there will be able to appreciate the convenience of being able to swipe their Nexus S (or other similarly equipped handset) to complete payments. We already know that Schmidt and co. consider the concept of "mobile money" a priority and there have been rumblings of Google setting up its own payment system, which together make this hookup with VeriFone appear highly credible. Bloomberg expects the trials to commence within the next four months, just in time to make iPhone 5 users green with envy.

  • Morpho's NFC / WiFi-enabled keyfob brings wireless payments, card management to the everyman (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not interested in picking up an NFC-enabled smartphone? No matter -- Morpho's got you covered. The outfit was demonstrating a newly finished Simlink NFC keyfob here at Mobile World Congress, intended to provide contactless payment capability for those who lack it in their existing mobile. Rather than stopping at just payments, this dongle also supports frequent flier cards, membership accounts and pretty much any other members-only situation that may ever use NFC check-ins and registration. There's even a WiFi module here and an onboard web server, enabling any WiFi-enabled phone to immediately see your most recent transactions as well as what data / cards you have stored on the device. We're told that the onboard battery can last around a week if you don't use it continuously, and a simple micro-USB connector is responsible for charging. The only unfortunate part is the size -- it's hardly inconspicuous, but we're guessing revision two will lose quite a bit of weight. This particular model should go on sale by the end of Q4, with pricing to be determined. Head on past the break for a brief demonstration, you big spender, you. %Gallery-116875%

  • Nokia teases Swipe NFC payment system for digital receipts, warm eco-friendly feeling

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Now that Nokia's gone all-in with NFC and announced that it'll be blanketing its entire smartphone line with the technology next year, it's gotta do something cool with it -- after all, simply turning a phone into a digital wallet is so 2009! That seems to be where Swipe comes into play, a new software stack Espoo is teasing this week that integrates NFC payments with instant digital receipt uploads to your phone -- instead of getting a printed copy -- which boosts your treehugger street cred by leaps and bounds. Perhaps even cooler, though, the system reads the receipt once it's back on your phone and makes a note of the product's return period so that it can remind you when time's running out, perfect for getting maximum usage out of that N8 before flipping it back from whence it came. If we had to guess, this might be unveiled in full at Nokia World, which just happens to kick off tomorrow -- and we're on the scene for all the unexpectedly drama-packed action, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, follow the break for the full teaser video.

  • Visa gets Bank of America on board for mobile payments trial, starting in New York next month

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    It didn't take long for Visa to react to the three-headed beast of AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon entering the mobile payments arena. The world's foremost payment processing company has just announced that it's about to start a trial of its contactless payment system in partnership with Bank of America. Kicking off in the New York area this September and lasting through the end of the year, the scheme will most likely involve the MicroSD NFC communicator and In2Pay iPhone case that DeviceFidelity has been developing for Visa. No disclosures are being made on the size of this pilot scheme, though we're told that only a "select" group of employees and customers will be getting the mobile payment chips. Don't worry if you miss out on this one, though, as a similar trial is scheduled to begin in October with US Bancorp. That should give you enough time to turn yourself into a high-rolling select customer, right?

  • Visa and DeviceFidelity working to bring mobile payment functionality to iPhone

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    This ain't the first rodeo for Visa and DeviceFidelity, and if we had to guess, we suspect it won't be the last. Just a few short months after teaming up to bring contactless payments to any mobile with a microSD slot, the two are at it again -- this time aiming for the oh-so-tantalizing iPhone market. Reportedly, the tandem is toiling away in an effort to concoct a protective iPhone shell with a secure memory card that hosts Vista's contactless payment app, payWave. As it stands, the product would only function on the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, leaving upcoming iPhone 4G / HD / Barhopper buyers out in the cold. As with any other payWave-enabled handset, this would allow users to simply tap and go when checking out, a process that our pals over in Japan have had down for centuries now. If all goes well, market trials of the payment-enabled iPhone are set to begin this summer, or approximately six months too late for anyone to seriously care.

  • First Data and Tyfone announce partnership for NFC payments by microSD card

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We've already seen Visa team up with DeviceFidelity to deliver NFC payments via microSD card, and it looks like they now have some company from First Data and Tyfone, who have just announced a partnership of their own to help bring the technology to the cellphone-toting masses. At the heart of their system is Tyfone's SideTap card made by NXP Semiconductors (pictured after the break), which is not only able to function as an actual memory card in addition to a NFC payment device, but should cost about the same as a regular memory card of the same capacity as well. Using a microSD card instead of a phone with built-in NFC technology also cuts out the need for carriers or phone manufacturers to be involved, which is apparently where First Data comes in, as it will responsible for bringing the cards to consumers (in addition to dealing with retailers, carriers and financial institutions). Complete details on a rollout still seem to be a bit up in the air, but the two companies are promising that it will hit the market in the second half of 2010, with trials slated to begin mid-year.

  • Nokia cancels NFC-equipped 6216 handset

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Visa may be pushing ahead to bring NFC to phones via microSD cards, but it looks like phones with built-in NFC capabilities have now suffered a bit of a setback, as Nokia has officially canceled its already delayed 6216 handset. That phone was a rather unimpressive candy bar in most respects, but it was the first such phone that would have tied NFC payments to a carrier's SIM card, which Nokia had hoped would have been enough to at least give it a foothold, if not kick-start a wave of NFC handsets. For its part, Nokia isn't offering too many details on the reasons for the cancellation, saying only that it felt "the quality of the consumer experience was not what it needed to be," and adding that its "commitment to NFC remains as strong as ever."

  • Visa teams with DeviceFidelity for contactless payments via microSD card

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Visa has been working on contactless (a.k.a. NFC) payments for quite some time, and it's now teamed up with DeviceFidelity in the hope of bringing them to even more cellphone users. That company makes (among other things) a contactless payment system contained on a microSD card which, when paired with Visa's own payWave system, will let you use just about any microSD card slot-equipped cellphone to make pay contactless payments at between 50,000 to 60,000 merchants in the US. Exact specifics are otherwise a bit light, but Visa says trials are scheduled to begin in the second quarter of this year.

  • Visa rolls out payWave-enabled Micro Tag key fobs

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    In the latest scheme to make it just a little easier for you to part with your money, Visa has begun rolling out its Micro Tag key fobs for contactless (and if under $25, signature-less) payments. The issuer-customizable Tags are based on Visa's payWave technology -- an RFID system similar to MasterCard's PayPass -- and are meant to act as companions to existing credit and debit cards. To commemorate the launch, Visa passed out 1,000 Tags pre-loaded with $15 at yesterday's San Francisco Giants game at AT&T Park, encouraging fans to purchase the fatty stadium concessions that could perhaps lull them into the false notion that this is a completely secure payment method.[Via Geekzone]

  • Sony's firmware 1.5 update for PS3 includes contactless payments

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Sony's latest PS3 firmware update (1.5 already? Oh how the time flies!) really has its heart in the right place. None of this magnanimous 720p Blu-ray playback nonsense, or any other help for the True HD impaired. No, this time around Sony is concentrating on what really matters: raking in the cash. See, the update lets you hook up a fancy little PaSoRi reader, which can pull contactless payments from your Edy money card or Felica phone to fill up your Network Wallet with relevant monies. It's all Japan-only, of course, but perhaps one day we can be cool like our island friends. Other minor enhancements include the addition of WEP128 and WPA-PSK (TKIP/AES) for wireless security, and a few other smaller fixes. The firmware should be headed to Japanese PS3s tomorrow.[Via gearfuse]