

  • WiiMan Superhero: what we all should aspire to be

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Okay, so maybe millions of Wii-costumed individuals running around wouldn't be ideal, but the idea at least sparks up a modicum of hilariousness, yeah? The person you see above, dear readers, is WiiMan Superhero. Fully equipped and ever-ready to address any Wii-related issues and / or injuries that you may be enduring. Best of all, this suit (a GarageGeeks project) does way more than make a boy a man -- it acts as a fully functional Wiimote, complete with built-in Bluetooth, accelerometers, and an IR cam. Check out a few more shots in the read link, and be sure to bow as you enter.[Thanks, Rafael]

  • The DS Life: Puppies at play

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    The DS Life is a weekly feature in which we scour the known world for narrative images of Nintendo's handhelds and handheld gamers. If you have a photo and a story to match it with, send both to thedslife at dsfanboy dot com.We've already seen cosplay outfits for Nintendo DS figures like Dr. Kawashima, Link, and even K.K. Slider -- it was only a matter of time before a pair of kids decided to dress themselves up as Nintendogs! Chase us past the post break for the canine costumes.See also: The DS Life: Best Friends Edition

  • Comic Watch: World of Kung Fu

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    This is a little off the beaten path, as far as this series of posts go. What's being highlighted here isn't an ongoing webcomic in the usual sense, but in the same vein as all the in-game comics that fans of WoW put together comes the first World of Kung Fu comic!Personally, I think they should have combined the dialogue from panels 3 and 4 into the third panel and made that the punchline, but hey, I've never written one, so what do I know? However, if this is merely the first in an ongoing series (as the comic's title suggests), then it makes more sense. But I do like seeing companies stretch out a little bit with their properties. Who knows? Maybe someday we'll be able to buy costumes like the ones in the comic!

  • Female duo sets the standard for Link cosplay

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    var digg_url = ''; As far as Link cosplayers go, these two are easily the best we've come across. It's especially impressive when you consider that they're both wearing the Link's Four Swords outfits and not his traditional green garb.Why is it that women seem to find more success in mimicking the Hylian hero's image? Is it his boyish frame? His unwhiskered cheeks? His effeminate, pointy ears?Whatever it is, this pair captured it with a bug-catching net, stuck it in a bottle, and put it to work with these photos. Hit the gallery below for more action shots of the girls posing with boomerangs, miniature bows, and, uh, cell phones.%Gallery-17571%

  • Flower, Sun, and Not Heroes

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    In addition to touch-screeny puzzles, the DS remake of Flower, Sun, and Rain has been confirmed to contain at least minimal new content -- minimal but meaningful. Notably (har), you have a memo pad, which lets you save pages of handwritten notes. This is, of course, wonderful for adventure games.In addition, Suda has (openly) hidden a reference to his recent Wii release No More Heroes in the new game. Sumio Mondo has access to some changes of costumes, which we are guessing are unlockable. One of them is a bellboy, in the same style as Flower, Sun, and Rain's creepy-looking bellboy character, but the other is Travis Touchdown -- right down to the amber sunglasses and single glove. It's no surprise that Suda alluded to No More Heroes in Flower, Sun, and Rain, since he made a similar allusion in (at least the advertising for) No More Heroes.[Via Siliconera]

  • Play dress-up in Japan's first casino game

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    With Japan yet to be treated to its first compilation of casino games on the DS, Success Corp is planning to bring SuperLite 2500 Tokyo Odaiba Casino to the region next February. At first glance, there's nothing particularly notable about the title, with the usual casino suspects all present: poker, slots, bunny girls, blackjack, and roule -- wait, bunny girls?Yep, it turns out that Odaiba comes with a rather unusual hook: the ability to dress up the game's casino hostess in a range of costumes that can be purchased once you've won enough virtual medals in the game. Indeed, further research indicates that said outfits are the only reward for playing through the game. Is this the vital ingredient that would have brought success with the lonely male demographic to western casino titles? Dear reader, we shall never know.Take a gamble and make the jump for shots of a further five outfits.

  • Big Daddy VGA costume now on eBay

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    If you somehow missed Spike's Video Game Awards ... er, let's try that again. If you somehow watched Spike's Video Game Awards, then you no doubt saw Nathan Sharratt's impressive home-made Big Daddy costume. He was actually invited to the event by 2K Boston after his BioShock homage Halloween costume pictures got significant attention from these here intertubes. Anyway, Sharratt is selling his Big Daddy costume on eBay, may the capitalism commence!The bidding began at $999 and is how much the costume cost to make according to Sharratt. He says he's getting rid of Big Daddy because his apartment is the "size of a shoe box" and hopes someone out there will give the costume a "good, loving, nerdy home." We're kinda wondering why 2K Boston doesn't just buy the thing. The only thing missing from the BioShock launch party was a Big Daddy walking around. This way they'll have a costume all set for the BioShock 2 launch party (assuming the game takes place in Rapture).Update: Opening bid price was lowered to $799 this morning.

  • Against all odds, Samus cosplay looks surprisingly good

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    In recent times, we've shone the Fanboy spotlight on cosplay experiments that have ranged from adorable to slightly surreal. This Samus number effortlessly trumps the lot, however.For starters, it's Samus. Samus cosplay is not a walk in the park, kids. We can only begin to imagine the sheer frustration involved in accurately recreating the Power Suit, with all of its peculiar angles and ridges (not to mention those awkward shoulder spheres). Which makes this effort, featuring Swedish student Jenni Källberg, all the more admirable.More pictures after the jump.

  • CoX Issue 11: First Impressions

    Jonathan Northwood
    Jonathan Northwood

    The newest expansion for City of Heroes and City of Villains, Issue 11 has been in open beta for a couple of weeks, and -- so far, at least -- it's proven to be a hit. As with all other releases, there have been the inevitable tweaks and adjustments to make sure that levels are being balanced and that powers are neither too strong nor too weak. Still, all things considered, it's been a phenomenal step forward in the elegance of the game.It's hard not to squeal with delight when I think of the changes that have been made since I first created my account in June of 2004. Whether we were peering Through the Looking Glass or fending off an Invasion, NCsoft was always pushing to give us new features, and to make sure that the play was as balanced as possible. As far as I can tell, they've done a phenomenal job of continuing that trend. %Gallery-9980%

  • More Manhunt 2 promo stuff hits eBay

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It's a little late for Halloween, but you can always pick up this promotional Manhunt 2 costume on eBay for next year. What's a better costume than "doctor who got some blood on him, and also a video game logo for some reason?" Nothing, that's what. Of course, you can only do that if society doesn't collapse due to the "easily accessible" uncensored violent content in Manhunt 2 turning every child in America into a thoughtless murderer. You'd better hope that all children don't turn into bloodthirsty maniacs, for the sake of Halloween parties.Wow, that's the second time this week that looking at Manhunt stuff turned our thoughts to the end of society. Maybe there is something to all the protesting.[Via GameSniped]

  • WarioWare costume makes cosplay not fun anymore

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Theresa Murphy's intentions were well-meaning when she planned out this costume, dressing up as Kat, half of the WarioWare series' ninja-sister duo. There must have been some misstep during the creation process, however, some supernatural treachery, that produced this absolutely creepy paper mache head. Our best guess is that a dying killer snuck into Theresa's house and performed a voodoo ritual to imbue the mask with his evil soul, all while she was distracted by a Geico TV commercial.Gone are our memories of Kat as a cute minigame ninja. In their place, we see a black and white scene of Kat pulling herself out of a well, her fingertips crusted with blackened blood and her skin sallow. She tramps toward us, and the only thing we can hear is the smack of her wet, sock-covered feet on hard ground. Our eyes are wide with horror, screaming, but we cannot move.

  • Show and Tell: Mashing it up

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Sometimes, you just can't decide which fandom you want to pursue at any given time, especially when we're talking about an occasion like Halloween. There are just too many options! You know you've toyed with ideas like "Its-a me, Sparta Mario," or "Touching Mrs. Tingle." Well, one reader decided to take the mash-up approach to his Halloween costume this year, and he calls the result "Dr. Luigi Myers in Punch-Out!!"We heartily approve, Oscar. Here's hoping you scored not only compliments, but piles of sugar, if that's what you so desired. Or maybe you were just shooting for laughs. That's admirable as well.Got something you want to show off? Crafts, cakes, collections from modest to extreme, t-shirts ... whatever you've got, if it has a little Nintendo flavor, we want to see it. Just take some pictures (or copy your web album links) and send them to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest.

  • Last minute Halloween costume idea: Billy Mitchell

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    If you're still searching your soul (and your closet) for a last-minute Halloween costume idea, then you could probably do a lot worse than dressing up as Billy Mitchell. Or, as Mr. Awesome likes to call him, "Silly Bitchell".If you want to talk cheap gaming costumes, then check out MTV's Multiplayer blog. Looks like all you need access to are a mullet-y wig, facial hair and a patriotic necktie of some sort. Plus you need to have attitude in spades and the ability to drop cheesy lines left and right. You can accessorize with bottles of hot sauce, arcade tokens, and a sneer.Halloween on the cheap. Get a friend to dress up like Steve Wiebe, and you're set.

  • DS Daily: A practical Halloween

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Dressing up for Halloween is fun, but looking like H.R. Pufnstuf is bittersweet if you can't get in a couple of minutes of Face Training in under the mask between parties. To that end, we'd like you to get creative. What are some possible Halloween costumes into which you could integrate some cleverly concealed DS storage space? If you've already got a costume picked out, how could a DS-able pocket be added to it?Alternately, should you decide not to bring your DS, the space in question could be filled with candy.

  • Let's see your Apple-themed Halloween costumes

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Leopard isn't the only fun we'll have this weekend. Wednesday is Halloween in the US, and Apple lovers everywhere will spend the next few days constructing their Apple-themed costumes. If you're planning to make one, we want to see it!Will you be "iPod Family," with poppa iPod Touch, Mom iPod Classic and nano kids? Maybe you'll grab a black shirt, jeans and New Balance sneakers. Perhaps you'll be a giant Sad Mac or a vintage bomb icon. So scary!Whatever you create, send a photo to us at the address below. We'll pick our favorites and post a special gallery on Halloween (Oct. 31th). Now get busy! We can't wait to see what you've made.PLEASE NOTE: Be sure to read and complete our little photo release. Complete "rules" (this is not a contest or giveaway of any kind, but we still gotta have some rules) after the break.

  • The DS Life: A moustache, a hat, and a duffel bag

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    The DS Life is a weekly feature in which we scour the known world for narrative images of Nintendo's handhelds and handheld gamers. If you have a photo and a story to match it with, send both to thedslife at dsfanboy dot com.Is that who we think it is, plopped over there by the steps and playing a DS? You'd think he'd have one of the newer models, right? And doesn't he look a lot "portlier" on TV?

  • Moustache not included

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It'sa me ... sorta! If you're on the lookout for a game-inspired costume this Halloween, we would like to recommend not this costume. Spencer over at Siliconera happened upon this Mario-esque kit while searching for his own costume, and found it lacking. His major problem with the kit is that it's one-size-fits-all, or, in other words, a sack.That's one of our problems with this item from Leg Avenue (who is, by the way, a lingerie company first and foremost; consider that information when deciding whether it's a good idea to open the link where you are). Our other major issues include the lack of a moustache and the fact that the costume is probably made out of that paper-thin stretchy nylon stuff that most cheap Halloween costumes are made out of, and will therefore look exactly as cool as any other loose Spandex overalls you may have worn in your lifetime. Let us put it this way-- it's going to look worse in real life than it does on the package.

  • Wii Warm Up: Costumes

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Yesterday, we saw some various gaming costumes that reminded us that Halloween is just around the corner. Will you be dressing up this year, and if so, will you be adopting a game-related theme? It's always fun to see someone pull off a good gaming costume. We're off to a party this year, but finding round, pregnancy-friendly costume ideas has thus far proven a challenge, since the man of the house isn't too thrilled with the idea of his lady slapping on a fake mustache and taking advantage of the belly to do a Mario-drag thing. Or maybe it's just that he doesn't want to go as Peach. Oh well, back to the drawing board!

  • Show and Tell: Zelda week, day three

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Maybe we can't all ink our love for Zelda into our flesh, like the folks in yesterday's edition (which has been updated; don't miss the new tats!), but we can wear it in various ways. T-shirts are popular, of course, but we've seen jewelry and more in the past. There is no limit to creativity when it comes to draping our bodies with game gear, which is why today's Show and Tell is dedicated to wearable items of all types. We've got quite a few specimens after the jump -- so check 'em out!Do you have some awesome Zelda gear? Anything from t-shirts to tattoos, to statues and standees, if it features Link, we want to help you show it off. Snap some pics and send 'em to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll be here all week.

  • Impressive homemade Master Chief costume at Halo launch NYC

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Jim Cush from N. Babylon, New York, is definitely dressed to impress at the official Halo 3 launch event going on now in New York City at Best Buy. Cush says that the costume cost him "multiple thousands" of dollars and a year "on and off" to create. Asked if he's going to sell it on eBay, he jokingly replies, "I want to be buried in it. They'll dig me up 10,000 years from now and say, 'He must have been king.'"Cush's friend Tom isn't afraid to give some more details, "It started with the helmet, then one thing led to another and now he's got the armor, flag, plasma grenades and guns." He estimates that the whole thing set his friend back about two to three thousand dollars. Hell, if it gets him on-air with Major Nelson we're sure it'll be worth it. Bungie says they have their own Master Chief showing up soon -- yeah, but it means more when somebody does something like this out of love.[Special Thanks to Ray A. Hernández]%Gallery-7746%