crisis core


  • TGS 06: FFVII Crisis Core trailer eyes-on

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    One of the most wanted, and most mysterious PSP games out there has to be Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Little to nothing is known about this prequel to the uber-popular Square RPG, except that you'll play as Cloud's buddy, Zack. There's a new trailer for the game at Tokyo Game Show, but until the video gets leaked, 1UP has given us some great eyes-on: Based on the roughly five seconds of gameplay footage on display (which is actually generous; it may have been four), Crisis Core looks like a single-player action RPG. It's extremely fast-paced, in fact, with Zach dashing around combat areas, slashing foes with a sword and racking up combo hits. Over-the-top seems to be the order of the day; attacks rack up damage in the triple digits, and the action is preceded with Zachs squaring off for a fight with Neo-Bahamut.Sounds good to me! According to the preview, the graphics seem to be stunning. The action-packed approach to Final Fantasy seems exciting to say the least, even if it hasn't translated very well in previous efforts. Once we find a trailer, we'll post it here on the Fanboy.

  • Gamespot lists its most anticipated TGS 2006 handheld games

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    I think I can actually begin to feel the excitement of the Tokyo Game Show emanating to me through the internet. And it seems Gamespot feels the same as they've listed their most anticipated games to be shown at TGS.They listed four handheld games they are most excited about are Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Lumines II, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, which just so happens to be the only Nintendo DS game to make the list. Take that you blasted Nintendo fanboys!(Via Gamespot)

  • Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII screenshot blowout

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The Magic Box has a plethora of screenshots for the upcoming Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, a prequel to FFVII starring Zack. There is also artwork included showing some of the game's characters, including a sketch on Cloud. What's even more interesting is the addition of the character on the right, who seems to be in possession of the Buster Sword. Every trickle of info that comes in about this game gets me more and more excited.