
  • Samsung

    Samsung made an app that adjusts its TVs for color blindness

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    Samsung has launched an app that makes watching TV a more vibrant experience for people with color vision deficiency (CVD) -- the inability to distinguish certain shades of color (also known as color blindness). Through the SeeColors app, users can test their visual color spectrum, and based on their unique diagnosis their QLED TV will adjust settings to give a more accurate color display (something a number of video games have been working on for a while, too).

  • Graphene rolled out in 30-inch sheets, makes for one durable touchscreen (video)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Whether they're slated to power terahertz chips or transparent electrodes, graphene sheets have garnered tremendous excitement, but the scientific community has had great trouble making the single-atom-thick pencil lead lattices large enough for industrial use. Thankfully, the same South Korean scientists who brought us 10 centimeter film never abandoned their post, and now Sungkyunkwan University has composited 30-inch sheets of the stuff and prototyped a working touchscreen panel as well. Using a modified version of the popular chemical vapor disposition deposition (CVD) technique that grows the graphene on top of copper foil, they were able to produce a four-ply graphene stack with 90 percent transparency, plus resistance and durability reportedly superior to the dwindling indium supplies currently used in displays. Now let's see some 300mm wafers, eh? Watch one of the world's first graphene digitizers make its video debut after the break.