

  • Lenstore

    Gigapixel timelapse captures a day in the life of London

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    There's a real chance you've seen gigapixel city shots before, but they've rarely had a dynamic element -- you've had to be content with that one sliver of time. Now, there's something a little livelier. Lenstore, Nikon and Canary Wharf have partnered on what they say is the first gigapixel timelapse, 24 Hour London. As the name implies, the project provides 7.3-gigapixel snapshots of the city for every hour of the day -- you can see how the roads come to life in the day, or how Tower Bridge illuminates the night. The trick, unsurprisingly, revolves around some robotics.

  • Nikon

    Nikon goes after video pros with the D850 Filmmaker's Kit

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Until recently, Nikon had been wasting an opportunity to make its cameras more appealing to filmmakers. It doesn't have a pro video camera lineup to cannibalize, unlike Canon and others, so by adding 4K and other video features to DSLRs, it could have made taken sales away from rivals. Thankfully it started to catch up with the D850, which features 4K with no cropping and 1080p,120fps slow motion. Now, Nikon has made its clearest pitch for videographers yet with the Filmmaker's Kit.

  • Engadget / Steve Dent

    How to buy a high-end camera in 2018

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    When photography or filmmaking becomes a consuming passion or a career rather than a hobby, you might look longingly at fancier equipment. Luckily, "enthusiast" cameras have edged so close to professional gear that there's no need to spend $4,000-plus for models like the Sony A9, Canon EOS 1DX Mark II, Hasselblad X1D or Nikon D5. For considerably less, you can pick up Sony's A7 III, the Nikon D850 or, for videographers, Panasonic's GH5s -- and get performance that's nearly as good. But which suits you specifically? We're here to help.

  • Nikon

    Nikon's D850 DSLR blends speed with insane resolution

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Nikon recently teased a full-frame D850 for its 100th anniversary, hoping it would fulfill the wish-lists of pro photographers. It has now unwrapped the DSLR and seems to have wildly succeeded with that goal. The D850 is entering medium-format territory, resolution-wise, with a 45.7 megapixel sensor, and can push those images through the camera at 7 fps, or 9 fps with the optional battery grip. And this time, Nikon didn't leave videographers out, as it can handle 4K video at 30 fps.

  • Nikon

    Nikon working on next-gen D850 DSLR for its 100th anniversary

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Nikon has become a bit set in its ways, failing to compete with Sony, Fujifilm and others in the profitable mirrorless and high-end compact realm. For its 100th anniversary, the camera maker has no intention of ceding the high-end professional market, however: It just announced the development of the full-frame (FX) D850, the successor to the 36.3-megapixel, full-frame D810 (above).