

  • Wings Over Atreia: Drowning in dailies

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Two weeks ago, in the midst of supplying Daevas below max level a list of things to do (which I am so glad many of you found helpful!), I mentioned daily quests. Since then, you've been asked about your opinions on repeatable quests, including daily ones; even the Massively staff members chimed in with their thoughts. Love 'em or leave 'em, daily quests are a pretty abundant in Aion. Abundant -- that's almost an understatement. I was not kidding when I said we're drowning in dailies; there are just so many dailies sprinkled throughout Atreia now that it's crazy! Heck, I almost went insane just trying to hit them all up these past couple of weeks. No one can accuse Aion's system of being a minuscule afterthought with all of the various quests and rewards available for all levels. But with so many other things to do besides daily quests, you might find it easy to miss out on them even if you really want to do them. We can't have that! So here is a quick(ish) reference guide to all of the types of daily quests... assuming the devs don't sneak more in on me that I haven't even found!

  • Mists of Pandaria Beta: The new endgame

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Mists of Pandaria has a whole new story on a brand new continent with inhabitants that we've never really been able to interact with before. We've mentioned the leveling experience, we've mentioned the shift away from the linear nature of quests in Cataclysm, and we've mentioned some of the cool moments you'll see as you level. And let's face it -- there are a lot of cool moments. Leveling in Pandaria feels completely different from leveling in Cataclysm. Jade Forest serves as the starting zone and the literal impetus, in terms of story, for what drives you to the rest of Pandaria. Without the events of Jade Forest, the rest of the zones simply would not happen. In fact, without the events in Jade Forest, I suspect the rest of Pandaria would have been largely uneventful. The key lies in our arrival, which is a shift in the direction of the storytelling. We aren't reacting to traumatic events anymore; we're the cause of them. But it's the endgame that has changed so significantly that it's unlike anything we've ever seen before -- and it's changed for the better.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Finally 50

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    I see you there -- you've made a name for yourself in Star Wars: The Old Republic, but where do you really fit within these wars? I know what you're thinking: What is this guy trying to sell? Stick with me for a moment; I'm not just a used-speeder salesman (speeders are way over-priced, by the way -- it's 570 thousand creds just for licensing, and the Empire's making a killing on that). I wanna talk to you about what you do after you conquer the galaxy Of course, you've taken a bit of time to explore this wondrous universe. If you're a space explorer extraordinaire like I am, then you've danced with your share of Twi'leks on Nar Shaddaa. It's a good thing they have enough Twi'leks to balance out the Hutts, amirite? Hoth was cold, of course, but there's nothing like a war and a couple of Wampa battles to warm the blood. And what's up with the Voss? People who wear such funky make-up shouldn't be that stuffy. Still, it does make me think: How many Voss can fit in a speeder? The galaxy is yours, and you're now a Darth or a Moff or something. Do you sit back and twiddle your thumbs? Of course not! A new game begins. It's a vastly different adventure than the one you just finished, but the features are still shiny.

  • Breakfast Topic: Do you still run daily quests?

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Listen, this Fox Van Allen fellow is a pretty busy guy. Lots of stuff on the burner. Lots of balls being juggled at once. There's no time for a lot of tedium. And yet, despite the fact that he's so preoccupied with other, more relevant content, Fox Van Allen can't help but find himself doing the Orgrimmar cooking daily. Every. Single. Day. I don't know what it is about them. I certainly don't need the tokens to buy recipes, and my character hardly needs the pittance of gold that completion rewards her. But every day, I still head out on my trusty steed, picking Prickly Pears, grabbing Muddy Crawfish, and murdering thieves. It's just part of my routine, and I feel weirdly incomplete if the server resets before I can get them done. What about you? Do you run your cooking dailies every day? Do you still make your way to Baradin Hold or Firelands to grind out a reward? Do your characters head to Dalaran or maybe even Shattrath to do their good deed of the day? Let us know.

  • Voyage Century Online introduces new Crete instance

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Voyage Century has been around for four years now, and the dev team is always searching for new ways to freshen up the free-to-play nautical title. To that end, the latest game update includes the isle of Crete, which IGG calls a "primary instance." Accessing Crete requires players to be sea battle level 15 and class level 15. Once these requirements are met, it's a matter of navigating to the Straight and preparing for three waves of pirate forces. The baddies include Gibraltar pirate flagships and North Sea pirate flagships, both of which will challenge high-level players as well as lower-level types who want to advance quickly by doing the daily quest and defeating the three bosses. There's a fair bit of incentive to run the instance due to its loot drops as well, and enterprising captains have a chance to snag buckshot cannon and dartling cannon drops, not to mention rare gold and high-grade forging materials. [Source: IGG press release]

  • Mythos readying daily quests for June release

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    What's better than a smorgasbord of quests in your favorite MMORPG? A smorgasbord of daily quests, of course, and Frogster is gearing up to give Mythos players a smattering of dailies designed to further their enjoyment of the free-to-play hack-and-slash title. The quests will be available to players at level 15 or higher, and the devs are shooting for a June release window. Gamers can claim their dailies via a quest blackboard located in all of Uld's quest hubs, and the tasks will scale to both a player's level and his group size. Completing all of the quests on a particular day will unlock bonuses like 60 minutes worth of double experience and significantly increased currency payouts. Follow the glowing trail to the official Mythos website for more info.

  • Ask the Devs Round 8 answers your Firelands questions

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    The Ask the Devs question and answer series continues with Round 8, where Blizzard devs answered user-submitted questions about patch 4.2's raid content, the Firelands. Players are anxiously awaiting the next tier of raid content, and Blizzard has had a lot to answer for due to the changing nature of patches in the months to come. Blizzard answers some pretty good questions this time around and even addresses the melee DPS problem in many of the tier 11 raid fights. Some answers are a bit cryptic, however. When discussing the planned Abyssal Maw dungeon (we thought it would be a 5-man, but apparently, raid fights would have taken place there as well), Blizzard says that it believes that the Neptulon story is wrapped up fine with Throne of the Tides but doesn't make mention of the Abyssal Maw dungeons making a return. They only mention "for now," so hopefully the complete Neptulon story will be told in the depths of Vashj'ir. Another interesting point that the devs make is that they don't really understand the complaint that some aspects of the raid game are too easy, when they look at the number of people who have completed the 25-man heroic encounters in relation to the normal content modes. Also, the devs wanted to stress that they were not trying to turn 25-man raiding guilds into 10-man raiding guilds and actively tried to make the 10- and 25-man versions of encounters similar in order to stress that point. I am very excited for a new Lady Vashj bridge in the Firelands, though. WoW always has the coolest bridges. Read the full Q&A after the jump.

  • Cory Stockton interview reveals more info on Firelands in patch 4.2

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In an interview with buffed.de, WoW Lead Content Designer Cory Stockton let loose information on patch 4.2, including information on the Firelands raid, the tier 12 armor sets, new epic quests revolving around Thrall, the Firelands daily area, and much more. Keep reading for a summary of the big stuff.

  • Patch 4.2: Firelands information features coming soon

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Blizzard has released a schedule of patch 4.2 information related to the Firelands, armor tier previews, dungeon journal teaser, and more! Here's what we're expecting in the next couple of days, so stay tuned to WoW Insider for all the information and our commentary. April 27 "Through the Fire and Flames" 4.2 Video Teaser. April 28 "The Firelands" raid preview "A Legendary Engagement" legendary staff preview "The Regrowth and Molten Front Quest Hubs" BlizzCast 16 April 29 "Elemental Bonds" quest preview Tier 12 teaser May 2 Dungeon journal teaser Stay tuned! WoW Patch 4.1 is live, and WoW Insider has all the latest news for you -- from guides of the revamped Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub to new valor point mechanics and new archaeology items.

  • Breakfast Topic: How consistently do you run your dailies?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Daily quests -- love 'em or hate 'em, they've become a staple of WoW's endgame design since their introduction in The Burning Crusade. Some players do all 25 dailies every day, using them as a reliable source of in-game income. Others blast through as many dailies as they need to gain the reputation or rewards they want, then consider their work done; they rejoice in never having to do those quests again. Still others take it slow, doing dailies casually as filler content when they have nothing better to do. Despite my exhortation to WoW Insider readers to do their dailies, I must confess that I don't always follow my own advice. At the beginning of Cataclysm, I was excited and determined to get all my reps to exalted as quickly as possible, but over time, I got lazy and started to slack off. I only do the Uldum dailies if I happen to be transmuting Volatile Air or digging up Tol'Vir artifacts, and I tend to put off the Tol Barad Peninsula dailies, rationalizing that "they'll be there all day" and I can always squeeze them in. I still try to do Wildhammer every day, but I'm so sick of those quests that it's hard to stay motivated. Sometimes, to make sure I get my dailies done, I log off in Tol Barad or Thundermar and force myself to do the quests first thing the next day. I find that if I leave my dailies until the end of the evening, they just don't happen. How do you approach daily quests? Do you stick with them until there's nothing left to gain? Do you see them as easy gold? If you're a slacker like me, how do you motivate yourself to buckle down and do some daily quests?

  • Addon Spotlight: Planning my day around Daily To-Dos

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Each week, WoW Insider brings you a fresh look at reader-submitted UIs as well as Addon Spotlight, which focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience: the user interface. Everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your addons folder will never be the same. This week, plan your day around dailies! Daily quests are the bane of my existence. You're going to say, "But Mat, aren't dailies great ways to make easy gold or are usually quick enough to only really take a short amount of time a day?" Yes, good reader, both of these things are true. Dailies are not the bane of my existence because they are bad, but rather because I am "that guy." Who is "that guy," you ask? You know him -- he comes in many forms. That guy has every Argent Tournament mount ... on multiple characters. That guy has done the Pebble daily enough that he should have a pet Therazane. That guy collects Tol Barad commendations for the fun of it, just to provide the Baradin Wardens and Hellscream's Reach quartermasters with a commendation stimulus program. Quartermaster Brazie and Pogg support their respective families on that guy's diligence.

  • PTR patch 4.1: New fishing dailies appearing in Undercity

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Currently on the PTR, there is one new fishing daily for the Horde found in the Undercity. This new fishing quest requires the player to fish up a severed abomination head from Undercity. As of right now, it appears these quests are a work in progress, as only one quest is available, and the Alliance versions of these quests are not yet implemented. Blizzard has stated that Cataclysm is intended to keep both Orgrimmar and Stormwind as the central hubs for players to congregate in, with portals to Cataclysm zones and daily profession hubs. With new fishing dailies being added to other cities, players will be traveling to different cities just a boat or zeppelin ride away to make use of some of the underused assets in the game. If people have now noticed, the amount of content being added for patch 4.1 (and potentially, 4.2) constantly grows larger. Combined, these could be some of the more feature-rich patches in WoW's history. WoW Patch 4.1 is on the PTR, and WoW Insider has all the latest news for you -- from previews of the revamped Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub to new valor point mechanics and new archaeology items.

  • Breakfast Topic: What's your dailies routine?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Love them or hate them, daily quests have become a staple in WoW. In The Burning Crusade, you had your cooking, fishing, daily dungeons, Sha'tari Skyguard and the Shattered Sun dailies (toward the end of BC). In Wrath of the Lich King, you had profession, dungeon, faction-specific dailies and the Argent Tournament. You could do all 25 dailies and still have a handful you weren't able to complete. In Wrath, I made sure I always did my cooking and fishing dailies. I was determined to get one of the rare fishing poles (which I still have yet to get, by the way). I also did one faction at a time until I was exalted. When the Argent Tournament was introduced, that became my first stop of the day. I would start at the tournament, move onto The Storm Peaks for the Sons of Hodir, back to Dalaran and then to Sholazar Basin to convince the Oracles that I needed a Green Proto-Drake. (Turns out the Oracles don't have any Green Proto-Drakes and the Mysterious Egg they sell is really just a scam.) Do you follow a routine while you're in WoW? Do you have a route that you follow religiously, or do you pick your dailies at random each day?

  • Addon Spotlight: Daily Grind

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Each week, WoW Insider brings you a fresh look at reader-submitted UIs as well as Addon Spotlight, which focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience: the user interface. Everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your addons folder will never be the same. This week: grind, baby, grind. Dailies, dailies, dailies. Dailies are the perpetual new WoW hotness at this juncture -- but really, dailies have been in since The Burning Crusade, introduced in full force during one of the greatest content patches with the Black Temple and then kicked up a notch during the Isle of Quel'danas. We've never really seen a decline in popularity of dailies, as they have been a mainstay in the game for over four years of content. Today's addon for spotlighting purposes is a nice little tool that not only stays out of your way but adds a little functionality to your daily grind. Coincidentally, the addon is called Daily Grind. Are you looking for an addon to manage some of the clicking and dialogue for all things blue exclamation mark? Read on.

  • Patch 4.1 PTR: Wintersaber mount grind goes daily

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    For a long time now, the Wintersaber Trainer grind (for the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber) has been one of the last holdouts of the old world's long, slogging reputation grinds, featuring repeatable quests that give relatively small chunks of reputation and require slogging all over a zone. Admittedly, the grind is a lot easier these days thanks to tweaked drop rates, slightly higher reputation gains, and old world flight, but it still stands as a symbol of a different time. In patch 4.1, this will stand no longer. The Wowhead blog is reporting the Wintersaber grind is being turned into a series of daily quests that put you in charge of the care and feeding of a Winterspring Cub on the PTR. After 20 days worth of dailies which earn you Winterspring Cub Whiskers, you'll be able to turn in the They Grow Up So Fast quest for your very own set of reins. In addition, you can buy a Winterspring Cub permapet from a vendor in Everlook. It's Bind on Equip and sold by a neutral vendor, so even Horde and Bloodsail Admirals can get thier hands on it.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Never put off until tomorrow a daily for today!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Chances are, if you have spent any time in Atreia since the release of Aion's 1.9 patch, you have been participating in daily quests. If, however, you have been living under the same rock as I have (it's plenty roomy here, really), then you either don't know what I am talking about, put it off, or just never put much thought into it, period. Personally, I kept thinking, "I'll get to it in a bit," but never actually got to it. After all, there is quite a bit to do already in Aion, and my days were pretty full. I admit that I didn't even really know why I should put my time into them. After some cajoling from a shocked legionmate who insisted I was sorely missing out, I finally cracked down and got started. Boy, have I been missing out! The daily quest is a new(er) system that rewards players for completing a task with special tokens along with XP. These tokens are then exchanged for special items, including titles, gear, AP items, godstones, and even special pets. In many cases, these quests can be completed in just a few minutes each day. Sure, it takes some time to save up for the rewards, but it wasn't nearly as arduous as I had initially thought. If you haven't started on daily quests, want a few hints on maximizing your token earning potential, or just want to laugh at me for taking so long to jump on the bandwagon, jump past the cut and see why daily quests are well worth the time and effort. Trust me, you want to get started today!

  • Cataclysm Daily Quests, Part 5: Uldum, Twilight Highlands and daily priorities

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This article has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Welcome to part 5 of the epic guide to Cataclysm daily quests! Previously, we discussed profession dailies, Therazane dailies, Tol Barad permanent dailies, and Tol Barad dailies received by the faction in control of Tol Barad. Today, we'll wrap up the last few dailies in Uldum and Twilight Highlands and then discuss getting the most out of your Cataclysm daily limit. Uldum dailies There are only two dailies in Uldum, one infinitely preferable to the other. The first is a short, sweet, entertaining quest called Thieving Little Pluckers. It's fast, fun to do, located near the center of Uldum where you port in, and awards 150 reputation with Ramkahen, otherwise known as the guys who'll sell you a camel when you hit exalted. The other, Fire From the Sky, is the daily version of the quest by the same name that is part of the Harrison Jones quest line. This was hands down the most broken, miserable quest I had to do on my way to 85. It involves using a cannon vehicle to shoot slow-moving bombs at tiny, moving soldiers on a large map. Initially, all players shared the available mobs; grouped players' kills did not count for other group members; and worst, you couldn't see any bombs except your own. The group you'd been oh so carefully targeting would blow up seconds before your bomb hit, leading to massive nerd rage. Luckily, this has been hotfixed. Mobs are still shared, but group kills count for everyone, and all players' bomb targets are visible on the map. I still advise skipping it as soon as you get the associated achievement.

  • Cataclysm Daily Quests, Part 4: Tol Barad proper

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This article has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Welcome back to the fourth installment of this comprehensive guide to Cataclysm daily quests! In the first article, we discussed the basics of dailies and the profession dailies in capital cities. In part 2, we covered the Therazane dailies in Deepholm. Then in part 3, we went over the permanently available dailies in Tol Barad Peninsula. Today, we'll pick up where we left off and talk about the dailies obtained when your faction is victorious in the battle for Tol Barad, as well as the rewards available.

  • Cataclysm Daily Quests, Part 3: Tol Barad Peninsula

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This article has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Welcome back to the Cataclysm daily quests series! Previously, we looked at daily quest basics and profession dailies and the daily quests in Deepholm. Today, we'll examine the world PvP hub of Cataclysm, Tol Barad, and the first half of its wealth of daily quests.

  • Cataclysm Daily Quests, Part 2: Deepholm and Therazane

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This article has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Welcome back to our Cataclysm Daily Quest Guide series! In Part 1: Daily basics and profession dailies, we went over the basics of daily quests and why to do them, and we reviewed the Stormwind and Orgrimmar profession dailies. This time, let's delve into the dailies targeted at high-level players, beginning in the very depths of the elemental plane of earth: Deepholm.