

  • Trion Worlds and Syfy to debut Defiance at E3 2011

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Three years ago, Syfy announced that it would be teaming up with RIFT creator Trion Worlds to construct the world's first MMO that would actively intertwine with a live-action TV series. This project became Defiance, which will be making its debut at E3 2011. The groundbreaking project will create a shared universe for the game and TV series, with each influencing the other through actions the characters and players take. The game -- an action-based shooter that will be released on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 -- will be set in the San Francisco Bay Area, whereas the TV series will take place around St. Louis, Missouri. Both, however, take place on the same conflict-torn future Earth where humans and aliens coexist, though whether they do so peacefully or not remains to be seen. Lars Buttler, CEO of Trion Worlds, has this to say about the project: "This is essentially the convergence of the television and gaming industry into one fully-developed cohesive property. Syfy is creating a television show that takes place in the fictional universe that the game is set in. The game and the show will constantly [influence] each other from the moment they simultaneously launch." If done properly, Defiance could bring a new level of persistence and player influence to the genre. Keep an eye out for more on this upcoming title as E3 draws ever closer, and be sure to head over to Hollywood Reporter for the full article.

  • The MMO Report: May the beard be with you edition

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With great facial hair comes great responsibility, as Casey Schreiner knows. This week on The MMO Report, we're given not only a healthy serving of news and views on all things MMO but also a glimpse into past-Casey. We also learn of time-traveling-Casey, who apparently shares beard-care tips with the early Jedi. First up, it's a look into the news about Defiance, the upcoming sci-fi MMO from Trion Worlds and the Syfy Channel. That, in turn, leads us to ask: Does anyone else look at the channel name and want to pronounce it "siffy?" After that, we get a look at a shockingly Schreineresque Jedi in the Star Wars: The Old Republic newsbyte. Charging onwards, it's a note on the EVE Online/DUST 514 cinematic from Fanfest that CCP released to the drunken capsuleer masses -- and then the rest of us. Next up, it's time to look at the toad-ally awesome Guild Wars 2 Hylek, and finally we finish off with the standard sack silliness, including a bit of internet archaeology. Check out this week's episode behind the break -- and don't forget you can see it every Thursday on G4TV!

  • SyFy-Trion project revealed as Defiance

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Trion Worlds may be big with its RIFT mojo these days, but the studio isn't looking to be a one-trick pony. We've known that it's had a number of other projects in the works, including an action science-fiction MMO created in conjunction with the Syfy channel. Today we've learned the name of this project: Defiance. Described as a "new entertainment franchise that will seamlessly pair a primetime series with an online video game," Defiance is scheduled for release sometime later this year. We first heard about this MMO a few years ago, although Trion's been fairly mum on the specifics. Video games and TV series working together offer a unique prospect for synergy and cross-promotion, something that hasn't escaped the attention of Trion CEO Lars Buttler. Defiance may also appear on the Xbox 360 if Trion's hiring practices are any indication.

  • E3 2010: Hands-on with Rift: Planes of Telara

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We've had our eye on Rift: Planes of Telara for some time now, especially after getting a little face time with the game back in April. Fortune smiles upon us all once more as Trion Worlds made the trek to E3 to showcase this gorgeous fantasy title. Shouldering our way to the front of the line -- hey, hey, I'm reporting here! -- we took the wheel of an interactive demo while the developers were kind enough to answer a few questions about Rift. Your very first decision in game will be to choose a faction: the Guardians or the Defiant. Both are tasked with saving a world under attack, although they each have their own approach and butt heads against the other in the process. The Guardians are blessed by the gods and are chosen to be their holy knights, while the Defiant take the anti-hero route and rely on their own technology to wage this war. The Defiant had created vast cities in the desert using their magical tech, but they were infiltrated by dragons and saw their great achievements wiped away, reducing them to desert wanderers. There are races unique to each faction, as well as races shared by both. We learned that the Defiant have access to both the Eth (human) and Bahmi (human/elemental) races.

  • Blu-ray releases on June 2nd 2009

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    What an improvement from last week's unimpressive slate. Not only do we have a few day-and-dates like Defiance and He's Just Not that into You, but we also have the greatest Blu-ray demo disc since Planet Earth from the BBC in the way of Nature's Most Amazing Events -- yes they are very amazing, but we still prefer the original name Nature's Great Events. But that's not all, as we are also getting the fourth season of Weeds as well as a number of classic catalogs worth checking out like The Gradute and Fletch. Defiance (Paramount) Revolutionary Road (Paramount) Nature's Most Amazing Events (BBC) He's Just Not That Into You (Warner) NFL: Road to Super Bowl XLIII: Pittsburgh Steelers (Warner) Spring Breakdown (Warner) Weeds: Season Four (Lionsgate) Home (Fox) Air Force One (Sony) Anaconda (Sony) Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Sony) Glory (Sony) Bruce Almighty (Universal) Inside Man (Universal) Fletch (Universal) Dark Blue (MGM) Navy Seals (MGM) The Graduate (MGM) Out of Time (MGM) Road House (MGM) Rollerball (MGM) Walking Tall (MGM) Direct Contact (First Look) Elsewhere (E1)