

  • Back to the Future Blu-ray trailer revealed

    Get an early peek at the Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Edition restored footage in this trailer (embedded after the break.) Not that a YouTube stream can hope to match Blu-ray, but you can click the 1080p switch and pretend it's October 26 already. Where we're going, we don't need (to wait for) discs.

    Richard Lawler
  • See what you'll be ruining in Burnout's new DLC

    As if we weren't tantalized enough by the gaggle of screens Criterion sent over a few weeks back, today the company dropped teaser videos for each of the cars in the soon-to-be released 'Legendary Cars' DLC for Burnout Paradise. Not skimping one bit on the nostalgia factor, the "GT Nighthawk" "Cavalry Bootlegger" video employs liberal use of the General Lee horn over a slo-mo jump sequence, though Doc is unfortunately missing from the "88 Special" video. "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." Peruse our gallery below and then hit the jump for all four videos. That's a command!%Gallery-41360%

    Ben Gilbert
  • Burnout Paradise goes Back to the Future

    Go ahead: Blink twice. Yep, it's still here. You're not dreaming. Now, would somebody please whip up an award for Best DLC Ever? Thanks -- just hand it over to the folks at Criterion Games.It may be the first time you actually pay for Burnout Paradise DLC, but we're gonna go ahead and put in writing that the Legendary Cars Pack will be well worth your hard-earned PSN money / . Exhibit A: The DeLorean DMC-12 "Jansen 88 Special" (see above). Time traveling? No*. Hovering? Yes! And be on the lookout for Exhibits B, C & D: The Cavalry Bootlegger, Manhattan Spirit and GT Nighthawk. (One of those has to be codename for the "Tumbler," right?) *But there are burning flame trails! %Gallery-36402%[Thanks, Bob]

  • Flux Capacitor replicas for sale

    Seems like every year since 1985 a modified DeLorean with Flux Capacitor shows up for sale. This time, it's just the 1.21 jigawatt-powered heart of the Back to the Future time machine. The perfect accessory for your 2008 DeLorean. Get your $220 pre-order in now (or $275 after January 1st) for an April 30th, 2008 fluxing -- the apparent past tense of fleecing.[Via OhGizmo!]

    Thomas Ricker
  • DeLorean being brought back to the future?

    We're certainly not holding our collective breath on this one, but according to an article put out by the Los Angeles Times, the cult classic DeLorean automobile just might be resurrected. Reportedly, the DeLorean Motor Company is laying plans to bring the car back into limited production, and while it'd be easy to brush aside this whimsical scheme, 2007 certainly has been good to vintage automobiles made new. Apparently, the supply of cars suitable for rebuilding is quickly dwindling, and if everything pans out, DMC could possibly produce "20 or so cars a year." Of course, there's simply no way to tell how legitimate these expectations are, but here's to hoping for a brand new gull-winged whip in the not-too-distant future.

    Darren Murph
  • Seen@E3: DeLorean sans Doc Brown

    While waiting in line for Microsoft's appointments yesterday morning, we were witness to any valet's dream: a DeLorean pulling into the drive. No doubt someone was attempting to travel back in time to avert the massive damage the Viceroy Hotel received earlier at the hands (wheels?) of a vicious truck. Unfortunately, it seems as though the scheme failed: the damage remains.In all seriousness, the car belongs to Ryan McCaffrey of OXM, who was understandably irked by the ensuing Back to the Future jokes. Before the valet could make off with the car (at which point he would no doubt attempt to reach 88 miles per hour "just to see what happens") we snapped off a shot of the interior. Check it out after the break.

  • The Mac Mini-based DeLorean drivable drive-in

    So you've got your shiny, not-quite-new DeLorean fresh off eBay but still don't think it gives you enough geek cred? Well, you can do what Ryan Brandys did and turn it into a driveable drive-in movie theater with the help of a Mac Mini, a projector, and a bucketload of skill. Ok, just putting a Mac Mini and a projector in a car doesn't really require much skill, but this dude totally pimped it out, installing actuators that open the hood with a push of a button, revealing the 37-inch projector screen mounted under the hood that puts all other in-car movie-watching solutions to shame. He also created custom fiberglass enclosures to keep everything looking pretty, designed a custom Mac Mini dock, and created the Basic Stamp "Brain Box," which makes everything work together. He hasn't, however, tricked out his car to look like the Back to the Future DeLorean but, really, wouldn't you just as soon have this?[Via TUAW]

    Donald Melanson
  • DeLorean + Mac mini equals ?

    I have no idea what it equals but this guy wants to find out. Many people put Macs in their cars, for a number of reasons (though mostly it boils down to: because I can), the DeLorean Mac mini integration has one unique aspect to it: the screen. Actually, there is no screen, but rather a projector that projects the image from the Mac mini to the underside of the hood. A clever way to make sure that you never operate the computer while driving (that isn't safe for anyone, especially not in a car that can time travel).Check out the pictures, and the podcast and rejoice in the fact that this post contains only one lame 'Back to the Future' joke.Thanks, starlightmica.

    Scott McNulty
  • Back To The Future DeLorean for sale

    4 SALE: 1983 DeLorean mods, inc flux cpctr, nuclear reactor, time crcts like BTTF. Mint xept for slight dmg by Libyan trrsts. Pls c eBay auction; meet reserve OBO. Sorry, OUTATIME plates not inc. Free Huey Lews + News CD 4 buyer.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Ryan Block