

  • Diablo 3 'Starter Edition' is a quickfire demo

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Diablo 3's Starter Edition gives hesitant players a free trial of the game, available for a limited audience for 30 days following its launch tomorrow. The Starter Edition will first be accessible with a Guest Pass key, which can be found in all boxed versions of Diablo 3, and without a Guest Pass after one month. It includes the same contents as the beta: Play up to the Skeleton King in Act 1, and to character level 13. Starter Edition players won't be able to access the real-money auction house and will be able to use Matchmaking only with other Starter Edition players.The Starter Edition was leaked during the beta in April, but the hole was patched before we discovered if it was a demo, trial or nuclear launch code.Blizzard has also detailed the Character Profiles feature, which will populate the official Diablo 3 website and allow players to read character stats and track their progress.

  • Diablo III Starter Edition lets you play for free

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Not sure if you're ready to take the plunge on Diablo III just yet? Not to worry, as Blizzard has announced a trial of sorts for its highly anticipated dungeon crawler. The Diablo III Starter Edition will let you access the first chapter of the game (up to the Skeleton King) for free. You're limited to level 13, though, and matchmaker results are also limited to your fellow tirekickers. Where can I get my hands on this fine Starter Edition, you ask? You'll need a friend who has bought the full game. Said friend will also need to fork over her Diablo III Guest Pass. If you're fresh out of friends, you'll just have to wait 30 days from the game's release (tomorrow), at which point the Starter Edition will be made available to everyone.