DS Lite


  • Nintendo urges Australia to train brains

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    When they're not busy putting shrimp on the barbie or rolling their eyes at annoying stereotypes, Australians are enjoying gaming just as much as the rest of us are. In particular, they'll get to enjoy the DS Lite before most of America, with the system already launching down under on Thursday, 1 June. It seems that the system will also include a demo version of Brain Training (as it's called in Japan) in the box, something we hope is repeated for the US Lite launch. Let's hope they have better luck saying "BLUE!" than the rest of the world did. [Via 4cr]

  • New Super Mario: Big in Japan

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    It's easy when you're big in Japan. Nintendo recently announced at a Japanese retailer meeting that New Super Mario Bros. sold through over 900,000 copies in its first 4 days of availability. Not a huge surprise, but another indicator that even Nintendo benefits from everything old being new again. Other successes in Japan, where the Eastern seas so blue, were Tetris DS which sold 800,000 in 4 weeks and of course, the DS Lite itself. In the month of April alone, Nintendo shifted 950,000 Lites. It looks like this whole "double screen" thing is going to work out for them after all. [Apologies for the Alphaville lyrics used throughout this post. Thanks Feek!]

  • DS Lite is ready to Rumble (Pak)

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Eager DS Lite anticipators can all get their red pens out and cross this one off their list of "DS Lite annoyances." Nintendo of Japan has a special reduced-size Rumble Pak for the smaller sized GBA port on the DS Lite, so if you're the kind of gamer who likes to keep the Pak in permanently, you won't have to deal with that ugly sticking-out thing. They're selling it from their site (machine  translation here) for the same price as the larger Rumble Pak: 1200¥ (about $10). While there's been no announcement of any counterpart outside Japan, it's a reasonable expectation. It's less than a couple more weeks now ...See also:DS Lite diet factsBuy MP Hunters, get Rumble Pak fo' free[Via DS Fanboy]

  • Nintendo releases Rumble Pack for DS Lite

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    No surprises here: Nintendo has loosed a version of the venerable Rumble Pak on Japanese DS Lite owners, with a US model forthcoming. Besides being smaller than its big brother in order to fit flushly in the Lite's cartridge slot, the new Rumble Pak sports all the same vibrating goodness, and for the same price too. (In case you don't remember, that price is a mere $10). Unfortunately, both versions of the Pak are still only supported by a handful of games, so here's to hoping you haven't beaten Metroid Prime Hunters yet.[Via DS Fanboy]

  • Japan feels Lite rumble

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Sickened by enormous GBA cartridges protruding awkwardly from their precious DS Lites, the folks over at Nintendo of Japan have seen fit to release a teeny tiny version of the Rumble Pak, that wondrous device that shakes about in your DS in unison with the blasts of Samus' arsenal. The new Lite Rumble Pak is made to suit the stylings of the newer system very closely, fitting snugly into the GBA slot for some discreet vibrating action in-between train stations. A US release shouldn't be too far behind the Lite launch. [Via DSLite Blog, thanks Thomas!]

  • DS Lite packaging pr0n

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Behold, the box art! You can score the real deal on June 11 when the DS Lite drops for $129.99 in the US -- Europe's gotta wait (and pay more).Compare to: DS Lite packaging (Japan)

  • Interview: Contact developers

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    A developer interview conducted by CVG reveals some interesting bits and pieces regarding the philosophy and design of Contact, soon to be published in the US by Atlus. It reveals that the game initially started out as a GBA adventure and that the Wi-Fi gameplay is a bit more unusual than you might have initially thought. Takeshi Ogura, one of Contact's producers, explains that when "you are connected to the wi-fi there are new characters that might appear and new events that will happen. The more that you connect to the internet the more characters and events you will have to play with." Check out the interview for more insights, as well as our positive impressions of the game itself.

  • Europe to get black DS Lite

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Looks like we've got some bad news for those in the US anticipating a DS Lite in black -- looks like Apple isn't the only one making the dark version of their portable a little more inaccessible than its white counterpart. So far as we know we're still slated for that June 11 launch of the "Polar White" DS Lite in the states, but unless they're gonna surprise us with some additional colors it looks like Europe will be getting black first come June 23rd. And don't be fooled by Nintendo's press shots above, we don't think there's a muddy gray / brown shade en route as well, just black and white due Europe for about £99 or €149.99 ($185 or $191, depending on your region).[Thanks, Ant]

  • Nintendo confirms June 23rd European DS lite launch

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Where there were rumors there are now facts: the DS lite will be launching in Europe on the 23rd of June for £99.99/149.99 EUR. As a way of compensating people for the extra two week wait over the North American launch, the European DS lite will be available in black at launch. However, I'm sure the majority of potential European DS lite customers would forego this novelty in exchange for some price equality: Europeans will pay the equivalent of $191 for the DS lite whilst Britons will pay $187. Compare that to how much Americans will be paying on the 11th of June: $129.[Thanks, Andrew Wong]

  • Overheard at E3: Why no DS Lites?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Since the Atlus USA booth is host to some pretty interesting DS games this year, it seemed somewhat odd that all the units in the booth were of the Phat variety."So, why no DS Lites?""Oh, we wanted to order a bunch of them from Japan.""You couldn't get them?""Uh, no. We couldn't get the little stands for them."To be undone by such a minor issue illustrates that behind the scenes, E3 must be a logistical nightmare.[Game pictured is Atlus' Touch Detective.]

  • Nintendo says goodbye to GBA

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    And it's all the fault of that sleek system you see to the right. Eurogamer reports that in an interview with Reuters, Satoru Iwata shot down the idea of creating new versions of the hugely popular GBA, stating that it would be pouring cold water on the DS and the DS Lite's unfathomably hot success. He says that he "would have a second thought about using our resources on what would be the next generation of Game Boy Advance considering the strong support DS is now enjoying." So is that the end for our beloved GBA? Not by a long shot. Many developers are still churning out games for the system--given how many people have one stashed inside their pockets, it's still very much a viable and even lucrative market. Besides, you'll want to keep one around if you simply can't handle the sight of a GBA cart sticking out of a DS Lite.

  • DS mega list shows Phoenix Wright 2, more

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    If you thought Reggie was skilled at assaulting posteriors and acquiring names, you'd best beware of the author of one highly comprehensive fact sheet that was pulled from Nintendo's press website. A tipster sent us the document in question and, upon reading the list of currently planned titles and their projected release dates, we experienced something that could best be described as a seizure of delight. If the epic list is to be believed, zany courtroom adventure (and DS Fanboy favorite) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is receiving a sequel in October. The rest of the document also contains a bunch of unannounced titles (none of them from Konami) and some specific release dates, including one for Star Fox DS. Another click will take you to the complete list. Trust us, it's a good read. [Thanks, Ryan F!]

  • Aus/NZ beat North America to DS Lite

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Remember when North America got everything before Australia? Sure, sometimes Japan would get things before North America did, sometimes Europe would get things before North America did, but we could always comfort ourselves knowing that we would always get it before Australia (and, by extension, their neighbors in New Zealand with the adorable accents).Nintendo has announced that the DS Lite will be released in Australia and New Zealand on June 1st, a full ten days before it hits American shores. Though they'll get their systems sooner, they'll also pay a premium for it. The DS Lite will retail in Australia for $199.95 AUD, $20 more than their DS Phat, and about $153 US, $20 more than our light. You've won this battle Oceania, but you haven't won the war!(Update: fixed grammar booboo. All better now.)

  • Nintendo DS Lite US launch - June 11 for $129.99

    Marc Perton
    Marc Perton

    As expected, Nintendo has announced the US launch date and pricing for the DS Lite. The handheld gaming system will arrive on US shores on June 11 for about $129.99, and will come in an "inaugural color" of white. Since we've already seen the Lite in other colors, we assume those and more will make their way to the US soon enough, and the Wii factory is just teasing us by making us wait. Everything else you already know about the Lite remains unchanged, including the fact that, if you really can't wait a whole month to get it, your favorite gray market dealers can still get it for you sooner for about $200 plus shipping.

  • New video up at Super Mario Bros. site

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Watch the acrobatically inclined Italian plumber perform amazing leaps and powerful butt-stomps in this video that, if anything, reminds us that this game simply can't come out soon enough. Sure, the game shamelessly profits from nostalgia and fails to provide much in the way of innovation, but it seems to radiate pure, unbridled fun from every shell-kicking, block-busting orifice. New Super Mario Bros. releases 15 May.

  • Lite price and release date coming 4 May

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    From the metanews department: Being unable to report on the Lite's US release date and price, I instead get to share with you the date when said information is likely to be revealed. Whip out your calendars and dark electronic fruits, because a 1UP podcast claims that the magical date of revelation is set for 4 May. As I said way back in March, I'm expecting a $149.99 Black Lite to launch sometime in June. What does your gut instinct tell you? [Via Joystiq]

  • Nintendo to announce DS Lite pricing/release deets on Thursday?

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    So we don't actually have any new information on the U.S. pricing and release date of Nintendo's DS Lite; rather we're simply here to pass on the fact that these important details will supposedly be available on Thursday. Our hot sister blog Joystiq is reporting that a recent 1UP podcast revealed both the May 4th announcement as well as the actual pricing/launch info, but the latter deets were bleeped out in order to conform with pesky embargoes and non-disclosure agreements. You can be sure that we'll be on high alert later this week to bring you all the info as soon as it's available, and remember, the sooner you start standing in line for your new DS, the sooner we can post amusing pics of people suffering for their hobby.[Via Joystiq]

  • Nintendo E3 Keynote to be shown at Nintendo World Store

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    If you live in the New York area and are unable to attend E3 this year (given the hordes of sweaty, shoving geeks involved, it might not be such a great loss), be sure to drop by the Nintendo World Store on 9 May. The store will be broadcasting Nintendo's keynote, an event sure to host new DS games, Wii revelations and at least one appearance by Shigeru Miyamoto dressed as a Nintendo character. Missing it would be quite appalling.For more information and an opportunity to RSVP for the event, check out Nintendo's official World Store website. Be sure to snap some pictures and send them to us![Via N-Sider]

  • DS Lite to be priced & dated May 4

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    During a recent podcast, 1UP noted that Nintendo would announce the official price and release date for the DS Lite this Thursday, May 4. The announcement will include the relevant data for the North American launch and will likely reveal a price and date for Europe as well. The DS Lite debuted in Japan this past March for 16,800 yen (just under $150), but due to demand, some distributors pushed the price to 23,300 yen (roughly $200). Current rumors speculate a June release in North America with a $199.99 price tag.The original Nintendo DS model is now on sale for as low as $119.99. Would you be willing to fork over an additional $80 to go Lite?[Thanks, David]

  • Buena Vista announces DS exclusive -- Spectrobes

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Not too long after the family friendly publisher announced the perversion melding of popular puzzler Meteos with the saccharine world of Disney, comes word that Buena Vista Games is releasing something called Spectrobes which, rather than being some sort of airborne virus, is actually an exclusive DS game. Developed by Japanese developer, Jupiter Corporation, the game is an anime-inspired action role-playing title which seems to subscribe to the greedy "Gotta catch 'em all" school of thought.With an evil alien force out to destroy the galaxy (it's just what evil alien forces do), two junior interplanetary patrol officers, Rallen and Jeena soon come to learn that salvation lies in an ancient race of fossilized creatures. In order to thwart said evil alien force, over 500 different Spectrobes must be (and stop me if you've heard this before) unearthed, collected and trained in order to do battle. The press release promises that all of the DS' capabilities will be put to good use, though we certainly hope that excavation doesn't come down to scratching the screen furiously. The game also promises loads of customization, a compelling story (it does have an evil alien force, after all) and exciting real-time battles. No release date is set yet, but we'll probably learn more about this one at E3.