DS Lite


  • You can take it with you: Nintendo handheld retrospective

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Tomorrow is the big day -- Nintendo's E3 2008 media briefing. Will there be a new DS? A new handheld altogether? A new array of DS Lite colors instead? Nearly anything is possible, and while we wait, bouncing up and down on our toes and struggling to remember to breathe through the excitement, it's a good time to look back at the history of Nintendo's handhelds. From the extensive Game & Watch collection to a few portables you may have forgotten, Nintendo has a rich and storied handheld history, and it's one we celebrate every day -- just not like this. Step forward into the past

  • Nintendo E3 2008 press conference: Let's play bingo

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    #bingochart { border: 2px solid #111; border-collapse: collapse; } #bingochart td { padding: 1px 0px 1px 0px; border: 1px solid #ccc; vertical-align: top; text-align: center; margin: 0; font-size: 80%; line-height: 90%; } #bingochart th { padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: top; text-align: center; margin: 0; } #bingochart a{ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1;} #bingochart a:hover { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity: 0.80;} DS Lite redesign Mega Man 9 That pesky storage problem More Mario sports DLC A new Wii peripheral Link returns Even more Fit What comes after FFIV? Pikmin, baby, yeah! Dragon Quest IX Layton sequels Fanboys love Reggie New Wii colors Balance Board games Guitar Hero for everyone More language trainers Chrono Trigger Pokémon Platinum DS Novel to US Wii Music Captain Rainbow Spore Creatures Animal Crossing Wii Kid Icarus var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/nintendo/Nintendo_E3_2008_press_conference_bingo'; In anticipation of next week's E3 Media and Business Summit, we've prepared bingo cards for each of the big press conferences, filled with some likely (and some not-so-likely) predictions for what each of the big three console makers intends to announce at arguably the biggest trade shows of the year.Today's card is for Nintendo (special thanks to Wii and DS Fanboy). Our fingers are crossed twice over (trust us, it's painful) for the no-brainer Pikmin sequel. Click on each of the slides above for more information about our predictions. The folks at NWF and DSF got a little carried away, so check out their full predictions (Wii, DS).Nintendo's E3 2008 press conference begins Tuesday, July 15, at 9:00am PT (that's 12:00 pm Joystiq Time / ET). As always, we'll be liveblogging the event, so you can play along in real-time with us. (Also: check out all our press conference bingo cards, including some for Microsoft and Sony!)Download a copy (PNG file) and play along!

  • Condi Rice's custom DS lite: proof that G8 globalization is important

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    It really does pay to be a foreign minister representing the 8 richest countries in the world. This Japanese-lacquered DS lite is just one of the items presented to the G8 ministers participating in last week's talks in Kyoto. The other items included a scented perfume ball and manga-styled stickers for each of the participant to attach to their diplomatic tricycles.

  • DS Daily: What color do you bleed?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's been awhile since we asked you, and what with our community growing all the time, we figured it was time we discussed what model DS Lite you've gone with. Were you there for the first handhelds to release locally, or could you not simply wait and just had to import one like, say, the Enamel Navy model? Are you still rocking the Phat? How's your handheld situation?

  • Nintendo's DS handheld used to teach English in Japan

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've already got Nokia handsets being used to teach math in South Africa, so we totally knew it was only a matter of time before a gaming handheld or two got in on the fun. Select middle school kids at Tokyo Joshi Gakuen school are not only allowed to bust out their DS in class, they're required to. As the school attempts to make English education "fun" for everyone, it's currently using Nintendo's famed handheld along with English learning software in order to keep students interested in nailing those dilettantes, truckles and wunderkinds. There's no telling if the pilot will blossom and invade other institutions, but we have all ideas children across the country will be requesting it when asked to fill out end-of-year comment cards and the like.[Via Switched]

  • DS Daily: Choosing a favorite

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Yesterday, we talked a bit about limited edition DS Lites. Sure, most of them are only available in Japan, but that doesn't keep us from drooling all over them anyway. Did you check them out? What do you think?When looking them over, it's hard for us to choose a favorite. With so many great handhelds in one place, you can understand the difficulty we're having in choosing one. So, why don't you? What's your favorite limited edition DS Lite? Fan of the Zelda-themed handheld, or more for the simple style of the metallic blends? Which is your favorite?

  • A lustful look at Limited Edition DS models

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/nintendo/Limited_Edition_Lites_A_History_of_Sadness'; Sure, it's sad to see all those beautiful, Special Edition DS models in Japan never reach US or European soil. Fortunately for those with a bottomless wallet, the DS is region-free. If you're the kind to covet DS units like Pokemon, here's a collection of some of the best colors and designs from around the world.

  • Japanese classrooms using Nintendo DS to teach English

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We've had many Game Boy Pockets, GBA SPs and other portable devices snatched up by certain agitated educators during our formative years, which is why the recent news of a new program to teach English to Japanese students using the Nintendo DS fills us with unbridled, elderly bitterness. Think of the things our generation of handheld companions could have taught us! Geometry from Tetris! Microbiology from Dr. Mario! Animal husbandry from Pokémon!To be fair, the program (which was recently examined in a Reuters write-up) requires students at Japan's Joshi Gakuen all-girl junior high school to use special English-instructing software with the handhelds, which are collected at the end of each class to prevent any unsavory Pokédueling during recess. The program is just barely into its one-year trial period, though the school's vice principal is very optimistic -- if only he knew he was actually transforming his pupils into rot-brained, knife-wielding miscreants!

  • Midify board adds MIDI port to Nintendo gaming handhelds

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not like you really need another excuse to use your DS as a MIDI controller, but the hacking fiends over at Division 6 have just made available the aptly-titled Midify board. The tiny creation enables users to add a MIDI port to just about anything, but it specializes in Midifying Nintendo handhelds. It can be installed directly into a GBA, GBA-SP, DS or DS Lite, though it'll play nice with other electronics should you procure a few extra parts. We won't even bother mentioning what all you can do with this, but those already salivating at the thought shouldn't have too much trouble parting with $34.99.[Via Hack A Day]

  • Guitar Hero: On Tour DS bundle revealed, pocket rockers go "\m/"

    Joshua Fruhlinger
    Joshua Fruhlinger

    Yo, portable rockers: Toys 'R' Us has let the Guitar Hero: On Tour DS Bundle details out of its proverbial bag. For $179.99, you'll get a limited-edition silver and black Nintendo DS, the Guitar Hero: On Tour game, and the Guitar Grip. The DS in question has a flaming Guitar Hero logo on its silver cover and hits stores on June 29, a week after the game comes out on its own. As far as the $179.99 price goes, don't flip out just yet: this is a fair deal given the DS runs $129.99 and the game will be $49.99 on its own. So, if lime green or cinnamon red isn't your thing and you're the last gamer without a DS, this could be the bundle for you.

  • New DS Lite colors in the wild

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    While Nintendo has yet to confirm its upcoming trio of new DS Lite colors for Europe (and hopefully the rest of us soon after), the much-leaked units have already been spotted in the wild and unboxed for your viewing pleasure. In addition to its regular warnings about getting outside and not hitting people in the face, Nintendo might want to inform consumers on the danger of eating their handheld consoles -- we'd hate to see unsuspecting Advance Wars fans succumbing to the incredible temptation these new colors present. Now, how about a little bit of confirmation and release dates for these, Nintendo?Update: Turns out Nintendo indeed confirmed the new colors -- a solid week ago. They're hitting Europe on June 13th. Still no word on the US, though, unless we missed another memo. [Thanks, Daniel]

  • New DS Lite colors all but confirmed by Nintendo

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Chicks and dudes, get ready for extremely spicy, delicious, and stimulating news. Remember those new DS Lite colors we mentioned a few days ago? Apparently Nintendo has all but confirmed the forthcoming arrival of cool ice, hot red, and lime green -- at least in Europe. According to DS Fanboy, the big N has started circulating an e-teaser with the new paint jobs, which pretty much puts to rest any chance that this was just some over-eager Photoshopper's weekend art project. The landing date of June 13th seems to be holding as well, but what we really want to know is when we can see some of these provocative color schemes Stateside. Well Nintendo?

  • Nintendo DS to come in lime green, red, and cool ice this summer?

    Joshua Fruhlinger
    Joshua Fruhlinger

    What's that? Could it be? A Nintendo DS Lite in delicious lime green? Yes, kids, according to pre-order pages that popped up at a Spanish gaming retail site, Nintendo's ubiquitous portable gaming console of virtually every color will come in lime green, hot red, and ice blue starting some time around June 13. No other information is available just yet but we assume that the insides will be the same and the new colors will kick-start Ninty's summer sales massacre, at least in Europe. Bonus points for coming up with better color names than we did. Margarita? Cinnamon? C'mon.[Via NeoGAF]

  • Wii Warm Up: Channel spitballing

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Talk about cool DS and Wii integration over at DSF got us thinking about the Channel line-up on the Wii right now, game-specific and just those released by Nintendo for our pleasure. Some of the Channels we're all about, yet some just kind of sit there, on the Nintendo servers. Frankly, we refuse to download them because of how useless they are.So who knows better than you, the fans, right? We want to hear your ideas for some cool Channels that can be implemented into the Wii. Anything is fair game here, from the ridiculous to the realistic. Lay it on us!

  • Nintendo to start petal-ing 'Metallic Rose' DS Lite

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Don't worry if you don't find the headline funny right away. Some puns take time to take root and mature, like a fine vine.Okay, but seriously, the news: Nintendo has announced that the "Metallic Rose" DS Lite, a pinkish sort of model that many may feel compelled to bury in the garden, will become available at retailers "later this month." The model was previously attainable only as part of a Nintendogs bundle.As of May 19th, you'll be able to see the Rose shown off in commercials which star "celebrity spokespeople" like Carrie Underwood and America Ferrera. Another commercial will feature Liv Tyler, the odd one out with a Crimson/Black DS and a name that doesn't sound completely made up.[Via DS Fanboy]

  • Nintendo re-launching Metallic Rose DS Lite as standalone system

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just in case the Big N hadn't doled out enough variations of pinkish DS Lites, along comes yet another one to spend your discretionary income on. Later this month, a standalone Metallic Rose version of the handheld will be widely available in the US, but folks who managed to snag this very device in that Nintendogs bundle last year can pass right on by. Additionally, Nintendo is once again looking to the celebrities to push its wares, with America Ferrera and Carrie Underwood starring in spots with the aforesaid Rose DS and Liv Tyler showing up with the two-toned Crimson / Black edition. We're expecting the not-entirely-new hue to run the same price as all of the others, but we'd still recommend grabbing one quick if you're interested. One more look after the break.

  • Point: Uh, yeah, it totally will get redesigned

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    While we all think it would be totally rad if Nintendo issued either another redesigned DS model or a whole new handheld unit altogether, certain things must be considered first. Like, will it make Nintendo some money? Also, is there a demand? And, finally, is the DS as it is now outdated and no longer a viable option for the consumer?Let's look at the facts, folks: The original Game Boy released in 1989 and saw several revisions, including a color change in 1995, a smaller system in the Game Boy Pocket in 1996, the Game Boy Light in 1997 and the Game Boy Color in 1998 The Game Boy Advance released in 2001 and saw 2 revisions before it was officially retired, with the Game Boy Advance SP releasing in 2003 and the Game Boy Advance Micro releasing in 2005 The original DS was released in 2004 and since has received one revision, in the DS Lite, which released in 2006 But, this is not all that needs be considered. For one, the DS Lite is still selling incredibly well, and Nintendo might think to adopt the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" plan of attack on this one, choosing to sit back and let the thing sell as long as it possibly can. However, due to the lowering manufacturing costs and Nintendo's profit on each unit sold, a revision with newer features might be manufactured for the same, or a very similar, price. This would allow Nintendo to sell the new unit at a higher price than the DS Lite and make even more money on each handheld sold. There goes the answer to the first question.What about demand? Well, the demand for the existing DS Lite is there, but we'll be the first to tell you that, while we love the handheld , it's not perfect. Alterations in the best interest of the handheld may still be made, including generic improvements such as improving battery life and the like.If the people still love the DS Lite, we find little reason for them not to upgrade and froth at the mouth for something like a DS Liter.What about its use to the consumer? Does it still remain a great choice for the general consumer? Sure, but in technology years, the thing is like a Brontosauras with Jesus resting comfortably on top of it. What we're saying is, the thing is old. While its appeal may never go away thanks to the easy control scheme and mountains of amazing titles available for it, one cannot ignore the competition. As new features are released everyday for Sony's PSP system, the DS Lite is increasingly dwarfed by the technological wizardry capable with Sony's handheld. If Nintendo went with a new version of the DS, we'd like to see them implement some of the more standard technological features that exist in other handheld devices on the market.So will Nintendo release a revision to the DS? Sure, whether it's a new handheld entirely or a new DS, Nintendo would be crazy not to build on what they have with the DS Lite. Will we see it at E3 this year? This blogger thinks so, because, to be honest, what other megatons could they possibly drop on us? placeholdertext Back Not so fast there!

  • Guitar Hero: On Tour to land in Nintendo DS bundle this June

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    There's not a lot of details on this one just yet, but Activision CEO Mike Griffith has dropped word in an earnings conference call that the company's upcoming Guitar Hero: On Tour game / controller combo will not only be released on its own this June, but in a new Nintendo DS bundle as well. No word on a price, unfortunately, nor is there any indication that the DS itself will be undergoing any Guitar Hero-inspired changes, but it seems like those little details should be making themselves known soon enough.

  • DS Daily: Charged with reckless battery use

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Perhaps it's just our affinity for electric gadgets in general, but as we set up our DS for its routine charge, we wondered if many of you out there also had your handheld on a prescribed regiment of "the good juice." You know, the kind of juice you can jack on with.So do you have a special place set aside for charging? Do you not play that often and only charge when necessary? Charge in the car? How do you keep the games going on your DS?

  • No, Nintendo is not dropping the price on the Wii or DS

    Joshua Fruhlinger
    Joshua Fruhlinger

    Waiting for a price drop on the Nintendo Wii or DS? Don't hold your breath. Nintendo's Satoru Iwata told analysts on Friday that there are no price drop plans for the hot-selling units. Iwata insisted this is because Nintendo doesn't want to annoy those who already paid full price, but it's pretty clear that there's also just no need to drop the price on something that's already selling like mad.[Via Joystiq]