

  • EVE Evolved: Four years of EVE Evolved

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    On April 27th, 2008, I joined the Massively crew and published the first edition of a new weekly column dedicated to the world of EVE Online. It's hard to believe that the EVE Evolved column is now four years old, spanning nine major expansions and predating CCP Games' transformation into an industry giant with three games in development. Since the column's first crude scribbling about shuttles, I've written over 200 in-depth articles, guides, stories, and opinion pieces. With its free expansions and iterative updates, EVE is a rapidly changing game that provides a constant supply of things to write about. To celebrate the fourth anniversary of the column, I'm giving away two 30-day Pilot's License EXtensions to two lucky readers. To enter the competition, leave a comment stating which EVE Evolved article from this year is your favourite, and why it's your favorite, and what topic you'd like to see covered in the coming year. You will need an active EVE account to claim the prize, so be sure to include a character name with your comment if you want to be able to win a prize. If you're not comfortable with giving out your character name, use an alternate character or sign up a new trial account. The winners' names will be revealed in next week's column. In this week's EVE Evolved, I look back at some of the highlights from the column's fourth year.

  • The Firing Line: Five reasons to love Tribes: Ascend

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Oh, Tribes: Ascend, if only you were an MMO. Actually, wait a minute. When I think on it, if Hi-Rez Studios' new free-to-play sci-fi shooter were an MMO, I probably wouldn't like it as much. There's something to be said for frequent updates and instant gameplay gratification, and Tribes provides those things (and more) in spades.

  • Redeem your EVE Fanfest code for DUST 514 beta access

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    CCP is being rather selective with its invites to DUST 514's ongoing beta test. That said, if you attended Fanfest 2012 last month, you can now redeem a closed beta voucher code and get on with the sci-fi sandbox fragging. You'll need one of the code cards given out at Fanfest, and you'll need to enter the numbers on the new redeem page at the DUST 514 website. Once you've done so, you'll be placed in a queue to receive your actual beta code via email. CCP says it will begin sending out said codes "very soon, hopefully as early as the week of May 7, 2012."

  • DUST 514 dev blog outlines dynamic battlefield mechanics

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Most FPS titles feature static mission areas, says CCP's CmdrWang. Over time, players memorize layouts, spawn locations, and objectives because nothing ever changes. Not so in DUST 514, the upcoming EVE Online-based MMOFPS. CCP is bringing its sci-fi sandbox design chops to the shooter space, and the company has broken down its dynamic battlefield concept in a new DUST dev blog. Each DUST planet will be divided into separate districts, which are basically large territories that contain resources and infrastructure needed to control the world. While planetary landscapes remain static, these districts can vary quite a bit from one deployment to the next based on what has happened in previous engagements and based on player placement decisions in regard to battlefield equipment. Memorizing the maps won't give you a huge advantage, CmdrWang says, because you may find a new choke point or structure clogging up your previous short-cut. Read more about DUST's emergent battlefield play at the official PlayStation blog.

  • CCP shows off seven years of DUST 514 skill training

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    CCP recently said that it would take seven years to max out every skill in its DUST 514 MMOFPS. If you want to see what that improbable feat looks like on a DUST character screen, head to fansite DUST514.org (or check out the video clip behind the cut). "Much like in real life, and in EVE Online, we don't expect that a player will master all of these skills," explains CCP marketing guru David Reid. Specialization is the name of DUST 514's skill game, and Reid says that most players will probably choose a few skills and "get really, really good at them." DUST isn't just about skills, though. It's an MMO, and an MMO means gear, so the game will launch with upwards of a thousand items (the vast majority of which can be lost in battle). How do you manage and equip these items? Through the fitting screen, of course, and today's video gives us a good look at the system in action.

  • Fansite details DUST 514 newbie experience

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Fansite DUST514.org has the best introductory info dump we've seen to date regarding CCP's upcoming DUST 514 MMOFPS. The sci-fi shooter is, of course, set in EVE Online's New Eden universe, but how exactly does the new player experience look and feel? That question is answered at length on the site's latest blog post. Dropsuits and dropsuit fittings are covered in detail, as is DUST's complex skill system. Also noteworthy are the tidbits relating to missions and PvP. DUST, like EVE, starts newbs off in high-security space, where there are plenty of NPC corporations willing to hand out mercenary contracts. These aren't just bot matches, though, as you'll go up against other players who have chosen to work for competing corporations. The blog also delves into DUST's version of blueprint originals and blueprint copies as they relate to gear acquisition, not to mention a host of other interesting topics.

  • The Firing Line: Firefall, Defiance, John Romero, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Dude, there was a ton of big shooter news this week! I mean, this isn't terribly unusual, particularly since the genre is expanding at a rapid rate, but when I've got to cut interesting items out of this column for length reasons, you know it's been an eventful few days. Join me after the break for a recap on everything from Firefall to Defiance to John Romero and beyond.

  • DUST 514 dev blog details vehicle roles

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    DUST 514 isn't at PAX this weekend, which probably explains CCP's strategic reveal of a new dev blog earlier this afternoon. We knew that the MMOFPS will boast a number of similarities to its EVE Online sibling (like the fitting screens, factions, and lore); one thing we didn't know, though, was that DUST will also repurpose vehicle hulls in a decidedly EVE-like way. Many EVE ships share the same hull visuals despite having radically different performance envelopes and combat roles, and DUST vehicles will definitely follow that trend, according to CCP's Cmdr Wang. DUST vehicles will also be powered by a capacitor (which should seem awfully familiar to you capsuleer types). Cap management will therefore play a vital role in the new game just as it does in the old. Finally, DUST's vehicle skill system also takes a page out of EVE's book. Today's dev blog finishes up with a look at a couple of high-level vehicle skills as well as some verbiage on module customization.

  • The Firing Line: Can you hate EVE and love DUST?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hoo boy, CCP and EVE Online. Wait, what? Isn't this Massively's shooter column? Well, yes, yes it is, and if you weren't already aware, CCP has made a shooter called DUST 514 set in the EVE universe. I bring this up for two reasons. One, I'm really looking forward to the game (as I might have mentioned last time). Two, CCP has taken some lumps in the PR department over the past couple of weeks primarily because of its annual alcohol-fueled sausage-fest. I'm not going to rehash cyber-bully scandals today, but since e-thug players will undoubtedly have some sort of DUST presence, and since DUST shares certain unforgiving gameplay tenets with its sister title, should those of you who love sandbox shooters but hate EVE Online even bother with the game?

  • CCP reiterates anti-pay-to-win stance for EVE microtransactions

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    CCP has been pretty quiet on the subject of microtransactions since last summer's monoclegate and the ensuing Jita protests. EVE Online creative director Torfi Frans Olafsson recently spoke up about the trendy new business model, and while he acknowledged that it is popular, he also said that CCP is "very reluctant to do that in EVE because it's so established. It's like changing the DNA of a living organism after it's born. That didn't work in Blade Runner," he tells PC Gamer. Olafsson also repeats the anti-pay-to-win mantra that comes standard in just about every developer interview these days. He says that CCP will sell cosmetic items in EVE, including makeovers for your avatar, ship, and starbase. Given the fact that players will be purchasing weapons and gear in DUST 514 (which will interface directly with EVE's pre-existing economy), we've no doubt it will be interesting to see how CCP maintains that delicate balance. "I think we have to be very careful in introducing such mechanics into EVE. And I personally think that we shouldn't be doing it in the near future," Olafsson says, "because it's such a vulnerable little flower in a vulnerable little ecosystem. You make minor changes to an ecosystem and you can introduce hostile things and the whole system breaks down." Check out the video interview after the cut.

  • The Firing Line: DUST 514 newsplosion edition

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Oh man, this back and forth between PlanetSide 2 and DUST 514 is going to be the death of me. I feel like I'm cheating on one game every time I get excited about the other, but I just can't help it since both titles are drawing a bead on my personal sweet spot. This week's Firing Line is all DUST all the time, thanks to the massive info dump at last weekend's Fanfest 2012 event. I didn't get to go to Iceland for the hands-on, unfortunately, but I did log into PlayStation Home for the keynote livestream (which is archived after the cut in case you missed it). And I'll go ahead and beg your forgiveness for my fanboy breathlessness in advance this week. I've been an EVE Online player for a number of years now, so I'm already enamored of both the DUST universe and CCP's propensity for sandbox mechanics. What I didn't know prior to Fanfest, though, was just how deep the rabbit hole's going to go.

  • The MMO Report: Horsesteak edition

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    In tonight's ultra-short MMO Report, Casey complains that Phantasy Star Online 2 will launch for mobile platforms ahead of PC, drools all over the integration of DUST 514 and EVE Online, maintains a weirdly neutral face while discussing Anarchy Online's graphical overhaul, and regales us with an explanation of The Secret World's class-less game mechanics. He ends on a high note with a peek into Uncle Casey's mailbag and some mockery of World of Warcraft players' forum campaign to undo the latest round of Warlock nerfs. No one's ever done that before. All this and some tips on Icelandic cuisine in the video beyond the cut!

  • EVE Fanfest videos viewable on YouTube

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    We didn't go to EVE Online's annual fanfest this year, and more's the pity. Aside from the unfortunate noise generated by Mittanigate, CCP released quite a bit of interesting info related to EVE, DUST 514, and even World of Darkness. Fortunately, the company has also thrown a bone to those of us who weren't able to attend (and who may have missed out on the extensive livestream coverage). A new post on the official EVE website has links to CCP's YouTube page, and there you'll find footage from CCP Presents, the EVE keynote speech, the DUST keynote speech, and the Tesselation tech demo. You can also check them out after the cut. Happy viewing!

  • New DUST 514 screenshots dropping from orbit

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    The 2012 edition of EVE Online Fanfest has come and gone, and it went off (mostly) without a hitch, but that doesn't mean that the DUST 514 hypestorm is done -- not by a long shot. Eurogamer has some brand-spankin'-new screenshots of the upcoming PlayStation 3 FPS hot off the press from Fanfest. The shots cover everything from vehicle renders, combat, and of course, a disturbingly large number of explosions. The full gallery of new screenies is available over at Eurogamer, so just meander on over that way to take a look for yourselves.

  • EVE Evolved Extra: Revamping PvP in Inferno

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    When Inferno arrives on May 22nd, it will introduce a whole new wardec system, war UI improvements, and iteration on faction warfare. We'll also see a ton of new modules released over time to completely mix up how people currently fit ships for different roles. For those who started playing EVE Online after 2007, getting new modules and having to rethink all your ship setups will be a very unusual state of affairs. For older players, it signals a glorious return to the way things were before Empyrean Age expansion -- players will have to learn to adapt to a constantly changing PvP landscape or stagnate and die. The only people immune to wardecs will still be those in NPC corps, and all current loopholes like EVE University's infamous decshield will be removed. The number of wars the target corp is fighting will no longer be factored into the war cost, but the base cost is rising to 20 million and an additional 500,000 ISK will be added for every active member in the target corp. The number of wars the aggressor is fighting will still factor into cost, so you can sort of do a reverse-decshield by having alt corps wardec the target and waiting a week for his bill to recur. There are flaws with the system as presented, but those may have been at addressed at the roundtable, which was not streamed. In this special EVE Evolved Extra edition, I delve into the information revealed at Fanfest on revamping PvP as presented at those talks that were streamed live.

  • EVE Evolved: New info from Fanfest 2012

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    The annual EVE Online Fanfest is starting to become a major event in the gaming calendar, thanks to CCP's partnership with Sony and the addition of DUST 514 and World of Darkness talks to the event schedule. This year, CCP flew gaming journalists to the event to give the press hands-on time with DUST and demonstrate the game's impressive realtime integration with EVE Online. Massively, unfortunately, is not permitted to accept such travel stipends, which meant that we couldn't produce in-depth coverage and interviews as we did last year, so instead we've pieced together information from the talks that were streamed to viewers at home. The theme of this year's Fanfest was unmistakably DUST 514 and its integration with EVE Online. Attendees got first-hand experience with DUST 514 and a free pass to enter the beta in April. There was even a live demonstration of the EVE-DUST link during which a battleship delivered an air strike directly into a DUST match in realtime. There were several talks on EVE's upcoming Inferno expansion and its PvP revamp, with details of new modules and gameplay designed to shake up the PvP landscape for the first time in several years. Players report leaving Fanfest this year with a very real sense that CCP is back on track and recovering from the aftermath of Monoclegate. In this week's colossal EVE Evolved, I piece together some of the information from EVE Fanfest 2012 and consider what it means for EVE players.

  • DUST 514 presented at EVE Fanfest 2012

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    While Massively isn't at this year's EVE Online Fanfest, those who are in attendance have been treated to a wealth of new information and reveals on upcoming console MMOFPS DUST 514. During the DUST 514 keynote speech, developers demonstrated orbital bombardment of a DUST match by EVE players in realtime. We saw the orbital command center and surface command centers that enable communication between the two games; we also saw the orbital artillery that let DUST players retaliate against players in orbit. Earlier today, during the CCP keynote, the DUST crew revealed some exciting new information based on questions repeatedly asked throughout Fanfest. In addition to PvP matches organised by NPC corporations, there will be co-op PvE survival missions in which players fight off hordes of rogue drones -- living machines with a collective consciousness. The PvE mode will be released in 2012, and there are some exciting plans for expansions scheduled for the year after. 2013 will bring in e-sports and competitive gaming, with gladiator arenas in which players compete in capture the flag, deathmatch and custom game modes. The matches will be a true spectator sport, with live viewing from both the EVE and DUST game client and even betting on matches. Battles on hostile worlds are also due for release in 2013, with tactically different terrain that may require vehicles to get around. CCP confirmed that the highly requested MTACs (mechs) will also be introduced in 2013. DUST is currently in closed beta, with additional waves due to be released in April and June in time for E3. Read on to watch the first incredible trailer for the game in HD.

  • CCP shifts gears from DUST to EVE at Fanfest 2012

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Day one of EVE Online's 2012 Fanfest is in the books, and it was quite the interesting spectacle from CCP's perch at the top of the world. As expected, yesterday's juicy news centered on DUST 514, and we learned a bit about merc quarters, skills, and objectives. The devs also talked about DUST's battlefield resupply mechanics (which are somewhat unique for a shooter since every bullet, weapon, and vehicle must be produced before it can be airlifted to the front lines). We also got to see the first real footage of EVE/DUST integration courtesy of a live orbital strike coordinated between a ground trooper and a capsuleer. Today looks just as interesting, and the focus will be shifting to EVE as CCP talks up the state of the game's economy, factional warfare, and a variety of other topics. As you're probably aware, you can catch all of this via our dedicated EVETV Livestream channel, and we'll have more info and analysis for you as the weekend rolls on.

  • EVE Online's 2012 Fanfest kicks off with free livestreams

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    It's that time of the year again, when thousands of EVE Online fans from across the globe fly to Iceland for the party at the top of the world. Every year, Fanfest is packed with high-profile reveals, sneak previews at what's to come, panels discussing hot topics, and round tables giving players the opportunity to discuss their ideas directly with developers. For EVE players, Fanfest is more than just a party with some reveals thrown in; it's a place to meet players as enraptured with the game as they are, to share epic stories of battles won and lost, and to be a part of a truly global game community. Fanfest is three days of living in a world where the virtual universe of New Eden is real and the online exploits of its inhabitants are legend. Last year, Massively attended the EVE Fanfest and brought you in-depth first-hand coverage of the event, but this year we take a back seat to the live reporting of EVE TV. Live streaming of the event has just begun and will continue for three full days. A full list of the talks, panels, speeches and events that will be streamed is available on the official EVE TV schedule. Each day's events will also be repeated during the night for those viewing from the US. Head over to our official Fanfest livestream page to watch the action!

  • The Daily Grind: Would you buy a system for one game?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    At noon EDT I'll be logging into PlayStation Home to see what CCP has in store for its DUST 514 faithful. I'm not expecting much beyond the free t-shirt for my Home avatar, since game devs are a notoriously tight-lipped lot when it comes to pre-release info that we actually want to hear. Nonetheless, a couple of my EVE Online bros will be joining me, one of whom is a long-time PlayStation connoisseur and the other of whom went out and bought a PS3 this week specifically for DUST. And that brings us to today's early-morning question. Would you buy (or have you bought) a console or a PC system primarily for one game? Which one? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!