

  • $1.75 million game

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    With all this talk of people willing to pay crazy sums of money for a new system on eBay, what about paying crazy sums of money for a 25 year old game? One eBay auctioneer is hoping someone will pay $1,750,000.00 for a very rare copy of the game Atlantis II for the Atari 2600. The auctioneer, who has an extreme propensity to use exclamation marks, states, "The only way you could have obtained an original copy of this game is by entering the Defend Atlantis Contest and scoring over two million points on the original Atlantis cartridge." Our gaming history is good around here but, when it comes to gaming ancient history, we get a little fuzzy. Do we have a gaming archaeologist in the house?We have heard a lot of crazy things around here. Over launch week we expect to see a lot more; however, $1.75 million for a game? PS3 auctioneers haven't even mustered that level of greed. It's all good though, in the words of the great 20th century wordsmith Ice T, "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."

  • eBay scalper gets scalped -- capitalism, indeed

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Supply and demand, eh? Seems demand was overestimated for this Canadian who popped his PS3 preorder up on eBay. Maybe it was because he ordered two games with the system as well, maybe it was just bad luck, but the guy spent over CA $900 and got back only CA $735 -- about $651 US dollars (a deal anyone would kill for... a 60GB PS3 and two games!). Let's not even mention the console got a measly two bids before the end. What does this say? Well, if anyone is putting their receipt on eBay, be forewarned -- people don't want more than the console itself, apparently. Either that, or thanks to the information highway that is the internet, people are actually hesitant to bid on the things thanks to all the crazy issues going around. What do you guys think caused this? Was it bad luck? The extra games a turn off? Canada? Shipping costs? Give us your opinion. Also, props to the winner of the bid. You are very special.

  • Halo energy sword pwnage!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Do bullies at school push you around? Hate that toaster that always chars your toast? Well my friend, I have something that will cure all of your problems in life, the Halo 2 replica sword. It comes complete with glowing blue lights and bad ass mystique. But you must hurry, this sexy sword will sellout fast as the starting bid is only $230. Buy one (or fifteen) today![Thanks, Darrien]

  • PS3s final eBay price

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    After covering numerous pre-order events and talking with all those people selling their PS3 on eBay, it's time to ask the question: What do you think will be the average winning bid price?Even sister site Xbox360 Fanboy confessed they pre-ordered a PS3 to sell on eBay, for a hefty price -- at least they stayed fanboys and are keeping it real. Of course, eBay has a policy on pre-selling your pre-order and is attempting to cancel those auctions by greedy exploitative entrepreneurial individuals.Will people get the $1000 - $2000 they are hoping for? Please, let's keep it civil in the comments, but when all is said and done, what's going to be the average winning bid for a PS3?

  • A Playstation 3 Confession

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Friends, I have a confession to make. Last year when our beloved Xbox 360 hit store shelves there was a bit of a shortage, fanboys went crazy, parents were angry, and kids were sad. Microsoft just couldn't make enough consoles to supply the consumer's massive demand. And so many people felt they had no other options left, no where to turn, no other choice but one. Those consumers who needed a 360 by Christmas had to go spend their money on eBay where Xbox 360s were selling for crazy inflated amounts. Those who preordered the white console or had an extra one made a killing on eBay, racked in the big bucks and chuckled as they were selling Xbox 360s for two to three times their value. Well... we've come to a similar situation this holiday season with the release of the ::shiver:: Playstation 3...

  • EB-Gamestop & eBay not conspiring to cancel PS3 pre-orders

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The rumor -- PlayStation 3 pre-orders sold on eBay will be cancelled by EB-Gamestop -- was a stretch when it first surfaced two days ago, and now EB-Gamestop's director of public & media relations Chris Olivera has officially debunked it. "Are we canceling pre-orders that appear on eBay? The answer to that is no," Olivera confirmed.eBay will continue to moderate PlayStation 3 (and Wii) pre-order auctions using these guidelines: Only one of each console can be listed per eBay account prior to the launch of the console The seller must only accept payment through PayPal, and have at least 50 feedback with a 98% or greater positive rating so that they qualify for PayPal Buyer Protection The pre-sale item must be listed in the 3, 5, 7 or 10-day formats, and cannot use Buy It Now The listing must include a photo of your pre-order receipt in the description

  • Halo 3 email addresses fetching the bucks?

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    With the first decent info on Halo 3 showing up in the gaming glossies, you can really sense the hype machine starting to churn. That's why it's a good time to start snapping up Master Chief-related exotica on Ebay -- starting with a Halo 3 yahoo adress. With 13 hours to go, "Order_Halo_3@yahoo.com" is going for $9.99, a full $290 off the buy-it-now price of $300. The seller says similar "professional" Halo 3 email addresses have sold for $1000 plus. Sounds like a can't miss deal, but I'm sticking with my squatter address: whyruwastingyr$@yahoo.com

  • Sanyo M1 in the wild, eBay style

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Though it's not the least bit unusual for unreleased phones to beg, borrow, or steal their way onto eBay, it's not every day that we're able to scoop the first big, clean shots of a device by way of auction. Enter the Sanyo M1 (no, not that M1), a phone that could ultimately end up serving as Sprint's crown jewel in the world of musicphones, and -- until now, anyway -- a phone that we've been unable to really get a great look at. The seller's shots clearly confirm the general shape and concept of the phone, but far more importantly, they confirm the in-built 1GB of user storage and 2-megapixel cam. Now just make sure you drop in some A2DP as we've heard you would, Sanyo, and will take two to go, please. Check after the break for a little more high-end Sanyo love.

  • eBay gets strict with PS3 / Wii listings

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Online auction house eBay has made a policy clarification regarding the PS3 and Wii pre-orders, so as not to have the same problems that occurred with the Xbox 360 launch (it almost did). Only experienced eBay sellers (with at least 50 feedback and 98% positive rating) can place a PS3 or Wii console for auction before launch, only one console per account, the picture must be of your pre-order receipt, and you can not set a "Buy it Now" option.Reasons why we love this: It discourages fake listings and encourages fulfilled orders. Desperate gamers who are willing to spend thousands of dollars for an early PS3 can still do so. Kudos to eBay for setting up guidelines to handle the impending console launch fiasco.See Also:eBay's PS3/Wii auction cancellations are a good move

  • Rumor: EB/Gamestop workers fired if PS3/Wii listed on eBay

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    One of our moles reports that EB/Gamestop corporate overlords are tracking eBay PS3 and Wii sales, with the promise of termination if an employee-bought system is listed. Our own digging corroborated the story, but we think this plan is a threat at best.Retailers scan game hardware serial numbers into their databases when making a sale; the receipt may even list the ever-so-unique number. But you shouldn't need to list the serial number on eBay to make a sale, so why do it? The EB/Gamestop bosses could buy specific listings and hope to catch employees, but that seems like a lot of costly work. Even then, the odds will be in favor of the EB/Gamestop worker-turned-profiteer.People will make money reselling scarce launch hardware; that's a fact of gaming. We like the idea of EB/Gamestop trying to get consoles into the hands of gamers, but this plan may have little impact.See also: eBay's PS3/Wii auction cancellations are a good move

  • Get your Hot Shots Golf: Coca-Cola special edition PSP at eBay

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    I'm sure you're all aware of the Signature PSP lineup by now, but did you know Sony teamed up with Coca Cola to manufacture 1,300 Hot Shots Golf: Coca Cola Special Edition PSP bundles in Japan last year? The bundled Hot Shots game, which Coca Cola gave away in contests, was basically a big commercial for the company as it featured Coca Cola advertising, clothing and even bottle-shaped golf clubs.Unfortunately, the contests are all over and you can't win one anymore. However, if you have about $660 burning a hole in your pocket, the bundle can be all yours via an eBay auction here. You even get the prize letter from Coca Cola to make you feel like you've won something.

  • Buy incomplete game on eBay, finish it yourself

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Have you been struggling to get into game design, due to your habitual inability to actually design a game? Since your answer has absolutely no impact on the continuation of this paragraph, let's just assume you answered with a resounding "yes." In which case, you'd best aim your web browser at eBay and start bidding on the rights and source code of a partially complete game. You'd better hurry, George Broussard has already moved into sniping position.Claiming to be an independent developer, eBay user mustardseed312 is selling a "near-complete 3D puzzle game," complete with "beautiful 3D graphics" and "cool particle effects." Having run out of time and funds, it's his hope that an eager garage developer will snatch up the code, finish the game and then release it to massive critical acclaim."This game is a shameless Meteos clone, except the blocks are 3D-er! Overall, we give it a four out of ten." Perhaps not. Check out the embedded video of Prasium (after the break) and start staking out the auction. Bidding starts at a paltry $1,000.[Thanks Brian. And, err, good luck with that.]

  • Preorders taken off eBay

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    eBay, it seems, is working to get rid of preorder auctions as soon as possible. Considering the wide array of possible delays, this seems like a smart move; by allowing preorder auctions to continue, eBay would in effect be sanctioning auctions thay may result in naught but a big, smarting sense of regret in the buyer when little Johnny Seller didn't get the Wii or PS3 he wasn't guaranteed after all. It is eBay who has to deal with the fallout of angry customers when someone can't deliver, but they're dealing with the fallout right now of actions some are calling too militant. Are accusations of fraud a step too far for those behind the preorder auctions?What do you think? Is it kosher to allow preorders to be auctioned off, despite the risks? Are the risks just another part of eBaying? Or did the auction giant make a wise decision?

  • E-bay and Sony removing PS3 auctions -- ethics vs. legality [update 1]

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Yes, this will be an attempt to educate you. No, it won't be painful. Let's first talk about what is ethical and what is legal. By the end, you may or may not agree, but the conclusion is that buying a system and re-selling it on eBay is, indeed, illegal and unethical. Let's first look at the act of buying a PS3 and turning around with the full intent to sell it at a much higher price. Note, it is your intent to sell it at a higher price. This is called scalping (think of the people who by popular football game tickets and tries to sell them for a very high price outside of the stadium) and scalping is illegal.Secondly, the act is unethical (more subjective, but think about the definition of ethical) because it is not honorable nor moral to buy a system with the full intent of making a profit off of someone who is desperately trying to get a hold of the system (maybe their job hinges on getting the system for some odd reason).With these perspectives in mind, can we blame eBay and Sony for taking down PS3 auctions? We say no. In fact, I support the move. In a perfect world, the people who truly want the system for personal enjoyment should be able to get it without having to pay a foolish amount. No, they aren't being told to pay that higher amount, but what other choice do they have if they want to get it for little Timmy for Christmas, or so they can properly report and review new games that come out? Commence counterpoints or applause. Applause is nicer, though.[update: it should be clarified that the auctions being removed account mainly for the violations of the Terms of Service on eBay -- not so much "for the heck of it"... and there's no personal agenda here (no mention was made of the three people in line in front of a certain person who made it clear they only intended on reselling on eBay), just an interesting perspective on "American capitalism" vs. "Moral views". Thanks for all the responses! They're all great.]

  • PS3 preorders up on eBay, down from eBay (or: IT BEGINS!)

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    We all knew it was inevitable. The entrepreneurial amongst us woke up early, climbed out of their warm beds, and dragged themselves to the local Gamestop to claim their spot in line. A couple short hours later, and $100 down, a handful of lucky gamers that were early enough walked out with a slip of paper that sort of promises them a shiny, new PlayStation 3 ...... which they took home and promptly placed on eBay, in the hopes of reproducing last year's outrageous Xbox 360 profits. Yup, eBay is being overrun with PlayStation 3 pre-order promises, priced as high as $2500 to start! Of course, "eBay permits Pre-sale listings only on a limited basis." What sort of limits are placed on this basis?For starters, the "seller must guarantee that the item will be available for shipping within 30 days from the date of purchase," with date of purchase meaning "the day the listing ends or the date the item is purchased from a store front listing." So, if the PS3 isn't available until November 17th, and it's only Oct. 10th, then as long as your auction ends on Oct. 17th or later, you oughta be hunky-dory. But then why are auctions disappearing left and right? Note the auction screen-capped above, or the one screen-capped after the break, both of which were due to end within the 30 day limit, yet both are now gone. We've gotten a dozen tips to various auctions from our readers, all were gone within an hour. Other tipsters tell us they've had their auctions pulled and their accounts cancelled (a little much, don'cha think?). Perhaps there's another reason. Note that Gamestop said, "As we cannot control production and shipping issues by the manufacturer, a reservation deposit does not guarantee receipt of a system available to purchase at launch," which would certainly make it difficult to "guarantee that the item will be available." If and when PlayStation 3s are in short supply this November 17th, eBay doesn't want any of the flak Gamestop is gonna be getting to rub off on them. Chances are these auctions are simply a violation of eBay's policies, and not the gloved hand of a shadowy video game company manipulating everyone's favorite online auction house.[Thanks to everyone that sent this in]

  • PSP sold for over $2000 on eBay

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Someone may have made a very valuable mistake on eBay. A PSP Value Pack was just sold for $2,025. Even with the free accessories and games, the hapless buyer overspent thousands of dollars. It looks like a pretty shady buyer by the name of karahsmama forced the bid up to $2000 and the winning buyer foolishly outbid by $25 on top of the inflated bid. Even more suspicious is how the seller has no reviews... Was this a scam? Or was it pure stupidity? (Most likely, it was both.) [Via PlayStation.com]

  • Gamer wins Xbox, receives dirty pants

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Gamer Chip Caddell found himself the lucky winner of a used Xbox, games, and accessories on eBay. However, little did he know that he would also receive two bonus items: soiled pants, and a dirty towel.The seller must be trying to save on packing materials, but this is a bit ridiculous. At least he didn't use human hair, or his discarded underpants. Maybe these were testimonies on behalf of the seller, "These games are so good, just look what they made me do in my pants" or "You'll need a towel to clean up when you piss yourself over the graphic capabilities of this baby."Another possibility is that Chip bid only on the pants and towel, and a bricked Xbox got thrown in to jack up the weight and let the buyer gouge him on the shipping costs.[Thanks, Rich]

  • Strange eBay auction -- buy a spot in a game, maybe

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Ever wanted to be in a video game and beat the crap out of Buddha, Jesus, Thor, or some other religious figure? Well... you can't, but you can get front row tickets! An interesting auction on eBay is for the upcoming title Battle of the Gods, not yet announced for any particular system, but considering any and all. It's basically a sacrilegious (to some) brawler where you can play as a multitude of dieties. As the auction states, "this game WILL make history, be a part of it!" Why not? It's only over $3000 right now.Your pretty penny nets you a t-shirt, a 3-d model of you animated by the production staff, a commemorative plaque, first dibs on playing the finished product, first viewable thing in a chosen level (most likely cheering on the mayhem), and two copies of the game signed by the whole staff, with you added to the cover. Truly, it sounds like bunk. The game isn't popping up on Google and if it's not on Google, where is it? Hopefully it's real. Probably not. Still, it's an interesting marketing quirk. If you want to check out the auction and see what goes down, feel free. It's funny, if nothing else. Think it's for real?

  • Skype's been cracked?

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    Earlier this week, a gentleman named Charlie Paglee received a Skype call from a colleague in China -- nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that this particular call was coming from an unofficial, homemade Skype client. Paglee, who cofounded the VoIP startup Vozin Communications, claims that the Chinese friend he spoke with is part of a team that has successfully reverse-engineered the Skype protocol, possibly paving the way for a series of third-party clients that would delight consumers but provide no small amount of frustration to Skype-owner eBay. Although this unlicensed client is currently only able to perform peer-to-peer calling -- presence, instant messaging, and super node features have not yet been implemented -- it seems to be only a matter of time before the engineers have a more robust demo available for public download (they're supposedly shooting for an August release). And since all of this work is going on in China, eBay has no legal means of shutting down the client's development, but even if they did, it's probably already too late -- now that the cat is out of the bag, it's pretty clear that an open-source Skype client is inevitable, and that eBay's future business plans will have to take that reality into account.[Via GigaOm]

  • Wii mockup on Ebay

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Hey, do you like buying things online? How about replicas? Well then, this auction over at Ebay should tickle your fancy. If you aren't struck with memories of comparison shots, you'd do well to check out this post over at Joystiq to see how much free time he has to witness his incredible diligence. The guy also went ahead and made a mock PS3 to show the two off. We're sure we'll be catching wind of the PS3 going on sale as well, if it already hasn't. [Via Digital Battle]