

  • Engadget Podcast 364 - 10.12.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    We didn't record in the studio this week because Brian and Marc were in Boston making our reader meetup a blast. Still, they tirelessly laid down this week's episode immediately afterward, along with Zach Honig and Sarah Silbert -- their first podcast appearance! So, this one is short, but it's sure to be sweet to your ears. Hosts: Brian Heater, Sarah Silbert, Marc Perton, Zach Honig Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 363 - 10.04.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Huzzah! We finally managed to get back into our fancy recording studio -- get stoked. Brian, Terrence and Peter kept things ultra-focused this week and recapped all of our major reviews. From the Galaxy Note 3 to Kindle Fire HDX, we've got you covered. What else can we say? Find out by streaming this episode below or after the break if you prefer video. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 362 - 09.28.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    We didn't do it live this week, but boy did we record a great show for you! Brian, Dana and Peter piped in from their respective empty closets sound booths to discuss Amazon's latest Kindle Fires and Microsoft's updated Surface lineup. On top of all that, we fit in a quick review recap of Sony's flagship Z1 cameraphone. Don't delay. Do it now. Stream the Engadget Podcast below. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 361 - 09.19.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    This week it's all about our iPhone 5s and 5c reviews, the newly unveiled BlackBerry Z30 and Sony's intriguing QX10 lens camera. So how did we spice things up? We got none other than TechCrunch's John Biggs and our Executive Editor, Marc Perton, to rock the mics with Brian Heater. You know it, you love it and you can stream the Engadget Podcast below. Hosts: Brian Heater, Marc Perton Guest: John Biggs Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 360 - 09.13.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Back from IFA at our HQ in NYC, it's the Engadget Podcast. Brian, Dana and Terrence share their initial thoughts about the latest iPhones, but you might be surprised to find out which model they're most looking forward to (Dana, at least). Get to streaming below to find out. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Terrence O'Brien Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Partycast: IFA 2013 - 09.09.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Pre-recorded from Berlin, it's the Engadget Partycast: IFA 2013 edition. For your listening pleasure, we've got Dan from the Eurocast and Brad from the Mobile Podcast joining Brian and Dana. Stream it below to hear about their favorite picks from the show and Dana's run-in with some wild boars. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dan Cooper, Dana Wollman, Brad Molen Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 358 - 08.30.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Ballmer's set to retire from Microsoft within 12 months, so naturally Brian, Peter and Terrence spent half the episode placing bets on a successor. Aside from that, the trio took some time to discuss our new Peripheral Vision series, Nintendo's 2DS, the latest e-readers from Kobo and the OLPC XO kid's tablet. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 357 - 08.23.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    The PS4 launches this November -- are you ready? Aside from recapping Gamescom, Brian, Dana and Peter mull over the week's biggest tech stories and rumors of a champagne iPhone. All that and more in this episode of the Engadget Podcast. Stream it below. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 356 - 08.16.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Above: Terrence O'Brien wearing a disguise comprised of a fake beard and aviators. Below: The streamable explanation. This is the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 355 - 08.10.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Joseph joins us to discuss the Moto X and Brian shares his thoughts, as a vegetarian, on lab-grown hamburgers. Most importantly, however, Terrence swaps spots with Dana mid-recording to express his delight for Mars Explorer Barbie. This is the Engadget Podcast, folks. You know it, you love it and you can stream this week's episode below. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Joseph Volpe, Terrence O'Brien Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 354 - 08.02.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Get ready, folks. This week it's a party, with Ben Gilbert and Dana Wollman in the guest host seats. We start off the podcast with our initial Moto X impressions, then discuss the new Nexus 7 and Android 4.3 to keep the Jelly Bean vibe going. Then, Ben shifts us into the world of Android gaming by recapping his NVIDIA Shield review. We also highlight the positive reception of the Chromecast before getting into the likes of the HTC One mini, low-cost iPhone rumors and the ASUS MeMo Pad HD 7. Stream episode 354 of the Engadget Podcast below. Update (08/05): We've remastered the intro so that it's less loud compared to the vocals. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Ben Gilbert Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 353 - 07.26.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Despite a plethora of major news from the mobile space this week, we somehow recorded one of our shortest podcasts in recent memory. We kick off with a recap of Google's "breakfast with Sundar Pichai" event, then Brian ponders what life would be like with a Chromecast -- he hasn't owned a TV in about a dozen years. Finally, we chat about Verizon's new Droids, and round out the show with observations from our Nokia Lumia 1020 and Samsung GS4 Mini reviews. Episode 353 of the Engadget podcast is ready to stream below. Hosts: Dana Wollman, Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 352 - 07.20.13 (update: video)

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    The Mobile Podcast had the pleasure of beating us to chatting about the Lumia 1020, but that didn't deter us. Aside from that taking up half of this week's episode, we'll discuss the new plans from AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile and the HTC One mini. Get to streaming below, because this one's dedicated to Tim Stevens. Hosts: Peter Rojas, Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien Producer: Joe Pollicino (akaTRENT) Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 351: Made in the USA week - 07.04.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    It's the fourth of July, so we've dedicated this week's episode to the revitalized Made in the USA movement. Sure, the NSA is spying on us, but at least you can take your mind off it with Brian and Tim for an hour. Get your Independence Day festivities in full swing by lighting the grill and fireworks, and start streaming below. Hosts: Tim Stevens, Brian Heater Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 350 - 06.28.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    We've made it to the big three-five-oh! Watch out, HD Podcast, we're closing in on your 355 episode mark. Although the week in tech news wasn't terribly exciting, Brian was so pumped he ran nine blocks in the blistering heat straight to our studio. As such, this episode is relatively short -- might we suggest you check out Distro on your favorite tablet with all that extra time? Hosts: Tim Stevens, Peter Rojas, Brian Heater Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 349 - 06.21.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    "You don't have Facebook? Then how do you get on Farmville?," asks Brian as Peter explains his disdain for the world's largest social network. While Tim was relatively mum on that subject, it turns out he broke his Google Glass... somehow. So, while the aforementioned bearded wizard works on getting a replacement -- and 3D printing a better case -- feel free to hear about this week's biggest stories in consumer electronics by streaming our newest episode below. Hosts: Tim Stevens, Peter Rojas, Brian Heater Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 348: E3 and WWDC wrap-up - 06.15.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    E3 and WWDC are complete, so we set aside an hour to highlight the big announcements from both events in this week's episode of the podcast. Tim joins the same club as our Senior HD editor, Richard Lawler, by reserving both the Xbox One and PS4, while Brian and Peter wonder what a world with "NintenDroid" and Mario on iOS would be like. Don't delay -- drag your pointer down below to hear it all for yourself. Hosts: Tim Stevens, Peter Rojas, Brian Heater Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 347 - 06.07.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Yay! Tim, Brian and Peter finally made it into the office "studio" again for a properly produced podcast. This week we kept things short so Brian could catch a flight, but also took care to elaborate on the earth shaking at Computex and put forth our speculations for WWDC and E3. As always, our video recording is after the break and you'll find the audio streamable below. Hosts: Tim Stevens, Peter Rojas, Brian Heater Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 346 - 05.31.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    We weren't able to make into the studio again, but a week without a new episode of the Engadget Podcast is hardly a week at all, right? Tim's still a traveling man, but he finally picked up a PlayStation Vita for entertainment on the move. Tune in to find out if he likes it and get a recap of the week's tech news, including the tastiest tidbits from D11. Stream the audio below and find the video version embedded past the break. Hosts: Tim Stevens, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 345: Xbox One debrief - 05.23.13

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Still restless from the Xbox One unveiling, we bring you episode 345 of the Engadget Podcast. This time around, Peter Rojas and Tim Stevens grace the microphones (Brian sadly wasn't able to make it). Ready for our post-event thoughts with sides of Tumblr, Flickr, Yahoo and more? Stream all the audio goodness below or join us past the break to subscribe and watch the video version. Hosts: Tim Stevens, Peter Rojas Producer: Joe Pollicino Hear the podcast: