

  • Engadget Podcast 386 - 2.28.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    With most of the regular crew away, Terrence decides to call in some heavy-duty reinforcements. Richard joins us with critical insights into HD and the Netflix bottleneck debacle. Meanwhile, Brad is perfect for a providing a rundown of the best from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, including first-hand insight into Samsung's newest devices. There's plenty to learn by tuning in this week, so head to the streaming links for the full episode of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Richard Lawler, Brad Molen Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 385 - 2.21.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Gaming has been scoring big in the headlines lately and Ben Gilbert's been paying attention. The studio that brought you BioShock Infinite has been dissolved and Doom 4 becomes 'Doom' all over again -- which is fine with Terrence since that's how he remembers it anyway. It might be IPO time for the company behind Candy Crush Saga and the numbers behind that reasoning are pretty interesting. Google even announced its Project Tango phone and it's environment mapping capabilities could turn your home or work space into an augmented reality gaming zone. Oh, and Facebook just bought WhatsApp for about $19 billion, so there's that. There's a lot going on, so head on down to the streaming links below for your weekly dose of tech, courtesy of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Ben Gilbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 384 - 2.14.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Broadband oligopolies, Sage Fistbumpingham and sugar honey ice tea are just part of this week's reality bending roundtable discussion. The recent Comcast and Time Warner Cable merger plan spurs a series of installation anecdotes from Terrence "The RAD-iator" O'Brien, Ben discloses his feelings on Flappy Bird fanaticism and Joseph, ever the wordsmith, tries to rewrite the urban dictionary, one letter at a time. There's also news from last week's DICE Summit in Las Vegas and predictions for the upcoming Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona. This is the episode your Valentine's Day date wouldn't want you to miss, so head to the streaming links below for your Engadget Podcast fix. Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Joseph Volpe, Ben Gilbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 383 - 2.7.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Your host Terrence O'Brien weaves his way through this week's hot topics with the agility of an Olympian athlete, aided by what can only be described as: the cult of Joseph Volpe's personality. Missing from today's podcast is Ben Gilbert, who will be back next week if he can manage to escape the soul-crushing grip of Sin City. This week we're making a nod to the illustrious Mets broadcaster Ralph Kiner, discussing Microsoft's change in direction with Satya Nadella at the helm, and offering some insight into the sale of Sony's VAIO PC business. So settle in, the Engadget Podcast is about to begin. Simply head on down to the streaming links below, and please enjoy the show. Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Joseph Volpe Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 382 - 1.31.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    We're breaking it down to the bare essentials this week, with Terrence and Ben getting laser focused on the recent Lenovo / Motorola deal and Nintendo's state of financial affairs. With just those two topics on the table, every stone is upturned and every tech nook explored. Ben delves into the world of poultry puns and even explains the Pokemon portmanteau situation, while Terrence eyes him from across the room, fiercely ready to fight for Sonic the Hedgehog's dignity. We're even reaching out to you, the listener, for your input on the future of the podcast, so please join the conversation. As for the podcast itself, it's ready and waiting for you at the streaming links below. Enjoy! Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Ben Gilbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • The Engadget Podcast is live at 12PM (ish) ET!

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    This week Ben and Terrence are exploring the brave new old world of audio-only podcasting, starting as close to 12PM ET as humanly possible. (You know, sometimes life just kinda gets in the way.) Joseph is unfortunately indisposed, either off working on the pilot for his show about creeping on celebrities or just enjoying a midday cocktail in the comfort of his warm and spartan Brooklyn apartment. But don't worry, your remaining hosts have plenty to talk about -- we're pretty sure some company bought another company from a third company. Or something like that. So join us after the break!

  • Engadget Podcast 381 - 1.24.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Ben Gilbert is in charge of today's wild podcast ride, and he's taking Terrence and Joseph into uncharted territory: a place where people actually make cookie dough from scratch. The discussion attempts to swerve around the real issues, but ultimately slams head on into tech-related topics. You'll get the full skinny on Obama's recent NSA announcements, the emotional aspect of Beats Music and Facebook's full-on nerd feud with Princeton. It's a feet up kind of deal, so grab a mug of your favorite tea and settle in for this week's glorious episode of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Joseph Volpe, Ben Gilbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 380 - 1.16.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    After surviving nearly a week in the desert and braving the wilds of CES, the crew is back in New York and ready to mainline you some podcast love. It's a fine time, this 2014, as you should be able to purchase an Oculus Rift at some point this year and Steam Machines are also cleared for a landing. In this podcast: Terrence bemoans the loss of an on-stage onesie performance, Joseph sends his wearable to a toilet timeout and the rest of the gang can't stop talking about this robot hivemind thing. So please join us for some laughs amidst torrents of tech talk in this edition of the Engadget Podcast, conveniently located at the streaming links below. Hosts: Terrence O'Brien, Marc Perton, Joseph Volpe, Ben Gilbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 379 - CES Day Four - 1.10.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Join Brian Heater and the Engadget gang for the CES 2014 wrap-up podcast, with personal "best of" choices, audience giveaways and significantly less background noise. It's been a long week of interviews, hands-ons and an avalanche of new gadgets, leaving the team worn out, yet melancholy about another CES coming to a close. This is Brian's final Engadget podcast and after some parting words he leaves the stage in a decidely Murph-approved style. So please join us for the final CES 2014 edition of the Engadget Podcast at the streaming links below. Enjoy! Host: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 378 - CES Day Three - 1.9.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Brian Heater and crew take to a champagne-soaked stage following the Best of CES 2014 awards presentation to run through the winners and exchange witty banter about the world of CES this year. Terrence recounts his head bashing experience earlier in the day, Christopher Trout sends out an invitiation to drinks back at his and Michael Gorman expounds on the return of webOS. Join us for a surprisingly down-to-earth and informative episode -- with short bursts of mayhem -- of the Engadget Podcast, conveniently located at the streaming links below. Host: Brian Heater Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 376 - CES Day One - 1.7.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Your host Brian Heater gets the gang back together for the inaugural 2014 CES podcast direct from the Engadget stage in the Las Vegas Convention Center. The not-so-unfamiliar guests are none other than Tim Stevens and Darren Murph, but the reunion doesn't stop there as more Engadget faces from past and present stop by for a quick chat. It's been full day of weird wearables, delicious 3D printing and curvy 4K TVs, so join us for a quick day-one review in this first installment of the Engadget CES 2014 podcast series. Host: Brian Heater Guests: Tim Stevens, Darren Murph Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 375 - 1.2.14

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Hercules has tackled the northeast with snow and delayed this broadcast, providing an eerie look at the moments just before the storm -- and by storm, we mean CES. It was a slow news cycle and heavy weather was approaching, so your hosts Brian and Terrence turned their gaze to the highlights of 2013. In that peaceful time before the crew got stuck at various airports en route to Las Vegas, they discuss packing preparedness, New Year's Eve festivities and Brian's love for gold toe socks. All this good stuff and more awaits you at the streaming links below in 2014's very first Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 374 - 12.26.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    This week's podcast ditches the studio and delivers the mellifluous voices of Brian, Terrence and Billy without all that video nonsense, leaving much to the imagination. The news tidbits are real, however, and the discussion launches into tasty gadget gifts, spearheaded by Apple's shiny new Mac Pro. Avegant has a new immersive display arriving soon and Canonical is giving the gift of dual-booting this season, so that Android users can get in on the Ubuntu experience, too. It's a festive bit of banter this week, so heat up those leftovers, grab a tasty beverage and settle in for another edition of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Billy Steele Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 373 - 12.19.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Try as they may to put this week's podcast into a tailspin; Brian, Terrence and Ben end up delivering a good deal of sane discussion on proper tech news. The seriousness quickly degrades, however, and your hosts (aka the Engadget Wreckin' Cru) bounce from oddball NES Remixes of their own making to the sad reality that Ben may never hear his dog actually talk. Holiday vibes have invaded the studio and are ready for your ears; all you need to do is head down to the streaming links below to bask in a fresh edition of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Ben Gilbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 372 - 12.12.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    It's that time between Black Friday and CES when the news cycle becomes a snoozefest, but your intrepid host Brian Heater sallies forth into the abyss along with Terrence O'Brien and Sarah Silbert to bring you this week's tech tidbits. Led Zeppelin landed on Spotify to mark yet another major artist holdout that's finally crossed over to digital services. Blockbuster, however, failed to change with the times and finally announced the closure of its last remaining UK stores. This leads the gang to reflect on Red Vines, beaded video-store curtains and the dearly departed Tower Records. There's plenty in store in this week's show, so hang on tight and head on down to the streaming links below for another edition of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Sarah Silbert Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 368 - 11.7.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    As Expand NY gains momentum, your host Brian Heater takes time out of his hectic schedule to bring you some podcast love, along with equally busy guests Terrence O'Brien and Peter Rojas. Brian loves his Origami, especially the kind that wraps around a Kindle Fire HDX. Terrence expresses some bleary-eyed difficulty with sleep tracking devices and Peter floats the possibility of an unbundled smartphone-like device that simply ends up as a connected screen. And just who will be Microsoft's next CEO? Will it be Stephen Elop, Alan Mulally or perhaps Colonel Mustard in the boardroom with a Surface 2? It's still a mystery, but one thing's for sure; you can catch this episode of the Engadget Podcast at the streaming links below. Enjoy! Hosts: Brian Heater, Terrence O'Brien, Peter Rojas Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 367 - 10.31.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Your well-rested host, Brian Heater is back from his sabbatical and he's joined by Dana Wollman and Joseph Volpe to talk about Google's timely Halloween release of Android 4.4 KitKat, Sony's new SmartWatch 2 and the benefits of having a curved smartphone. No one dressed up for the holiday, but if they had a choice of eerie Engadget doppelgangers: Joseph would pick Winona Ryder over a skinny Vin Diesel and Dana's vocal stand-in would be Schwarzenegger, simply for the giggles. You won't need to stow those electronics as we touchdown for this week's Classic Podcast, and if you look down below as we approach the runway, you'll find all of the available streaming options. Please enjoy the show. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Joseph Volpe Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • Engadget Podcast 366 - 10.24.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    It's been a big week in news and our host Marc Perton is joined by Dana Wollman and Peter Rojas to sort through the details. Apple focused on the tablet-size sweetspot with their iPad mini Retina, but will the steep pricing prove to be too precious? Peter muses about the meaning behind Apple's "space" gray nomenclature, Dana hashes out the details on Microsoft's Surface 2 line and Nokia's new tablet, and the crew discuss the implications of John Sculley's rumored bid for BlackBerry. Could it prove to be a rally cry or a death knell for the dark fruit? There's no certainty on that, but we do know that Peter will definitely not be in costume for next week's show. So big up your brain with a heaping helping of tech after the break in this week's episode of the Engadget Podcast. Hosts: Marc Perton, Dana Wollman, Peter Rojas Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast:

  • The Engadget Podcast is live at 3:30PM ET!

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Happy Thursday! We're back in the studio for another episode of The Engadget Podcast. Brian's taking a much-needed vacation this week, so Marc's leading the festivities instead. Tune in at 3:30PM ET to join him, Dana and Terrence -- all framed by some moody blue backlighting, probably. Join us in half an hour, after the break!

  • Engadget Podcast 365 - 10.17.13

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    We're back in the studio this week, but you'll have to get your Brian Heater fix while you can, as he'll be out for the next week or two. Dana Wollman and Joseph Volpe join our host to talk about Microsoft's "lean mean heavy machine," the Surface Pro 2, and Joseph admits to both wanting a watch with lasers on it and possibly stalking Mr. Heater on his pasta shopping expeditions. Our very own Dr. Evil perhaps? We also chat about the benefits of the Windows 8.1 update, speculate on the upcoming Apple event and question BlackBerry's rationale for joining the open letter trend. Want to find out all the dirty details? Join us for this week's Engadget Podcast after the break. Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman, Joseph Volpe Producer: Jon Turi Hear the podcast: