EOS 5D Mark II


  • Canon shutters the EOS 5D Mark II, makes Mark III man of the house

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Given the advent of the EOS 5D Mark III, it's hardly a surprise to see that the Mark II has been quietly moved to Canon's retired list. The full-frame DSLR was famous for its HD video prowess and was quickly adopted by Hollywood, where it was used to film an entire episode of House back in 2010. While the spirit of the 5D lives on in the latest revision, the old dog most definitely deserves a toast 'round the fire.

  • Canon will now add locking mode dial to your EOS 5D Mark II or 7D... for $100

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Oh, sure -- Pentax may have thrown one in gratis on its K-7, and Nikon has done the same on its D3S, but none of that really matters if you're the proud owner of a Canon, now does it? For those fed up with accidentally moving their mode dial during a critical shoot, Canon is now offering a chargeable service for the EOS 5D Mark II and EOS 7D cameras. For the tidy sum of $100, the outfit will install a Mode Dial with a center-located lock button -- the goal here is to prevent the wheel from moving during "normal camera operation," while simultaneously milking an extra Benjamin out of the outfit's loyal customer base. 'Course, there's a glass half-full / half-empty way to look at this. You could bang on Canon for not including this from day one, or you could be grateful to have the option at all. Your move, cynic.

  • Canon AE-1 and EOS 5D Mark II reincarnated in papercraft form, DIYers welcome to replicate

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you know us, you'd know that we're huge fans of papercraft. It's one of the simplest forms of DIY design expression, but something about it just screams adorable. To that end, we're having somewhat of a panic attack after viewing these -- three famed Canon bodies, all reborn as paper models with an insane level of detail. The Canonflex, AE-1 and EOS 5D Mark II are all present, and they're being offered up to the tinkering public as part of the company's 50th anniversary in producing SLRs. Hit the links below if you're ready to get your fold on, but be mindful that these are PDFs we're directing you to.

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II 2.0.4 firmware said to fix audio, reputation

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Ok, that was fast. We just told you about the audio recording issue with the version 2.0.3 EOS 5D Mark II firmware yesterday and already we have a 2.0.4 release in Japan. Expect this fix of a fix for a fix to go global on the quick and give you that 29.97 FPS and 23.976 FPS 1080p recording you so specifically crave. Update: And it's live for US users too.

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II 2.0.3 firmware yanked due to audio issues, fix is on the way

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's not déjà vu, it's just all happening again. Just over a year after Canon had to bow its head in shame due to a black dot / banding issue that plagued the EOS 5D Mark II, along comes yet another heartache surrounding one of the company's finest DSLRs. The v2.0.3 firmware update that was issued earlier in the week is apparently causing audio problems for some users, with the actual quirk going a little something like this: "Recently we have discovered a malfunction that occurs with Firmware Version 2.0.3, in which the manual recording levels for C1/C2/C3 are changed and the camera becomes unable to record audio if the power is turned off (or if Auto power off takes effect) after registering "Sound Recording: Manual" in the camera user settings. We apologize very sincerely for the inconvenience, but we are going to stop making this firmware available for download. For customers who have already updated to the new firmware, when using the camera with the mode dial set to C1/C2/C3, please either set the sound recording settings to Auto." In the meanwhile, Canon has pulled the update from its support site while it works on a new firmware version to patch things up, but aside from a promise of "soon," there's no way to tell when exactly the new file will hit the pipes. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II firmware 2.0.3 arrives at last to free us from frame rate hell

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    It's been obvious from day one that it was possible, but after a couple of years of oh-so-painful 30 FPS recording on the EOS 5D Mark II, Canon is finally coming through with its long-promised 2.0.3 update that brings 29.97 FPS and 24 FPS (23.976, to be precise) 1080p recording at last. Even the VGA mode has been swapped to a 29.97 actual rate, and PAL mode has a flat 25 FPS and 23.976 FPS as well. Additional tweaks include a manual volume adjustment (as opposed to the automatic gain the cameras usually employ), a brightness or RGB histogram display (this function, like some of these other features, has been available for a while as a hack), shutter and aperture priority modes have been added for movie shooting, and the audio sampling ramp has been bumped from 44.1KHz to 48KHz. The bad news: now you don't have any excuses for not shooting that heartwrenching mumblecore masterpiece you've been telling everyone you're working on. Hit up the source link for the download instructions. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • New SNL title sequence and segments shot using Canon EOS 7D, 5D Mark II

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Sure, we'd heard of indie flicks and rumors of studio films being shot on Canon's EOS 5D Mark II, but DSLR video just got a big kick into the mainstream: Saturday Night Live's new opening title sequence was shot using an EOS 7D. SNL director of photography Alex Buono saw that Dublin's People short and was so impressed that he switched over -- and what's more, he's even using the 5D and 7D to shoot various segments, like the faux-mercial for "Bladivan" embedded below. That's a big win for this new breed of video cameras -- and while we're stoked to see new tech take over the old, we're also patiently waiting for someone to start a site dedicated to identifying jelly-motion on network television. [Thanks, Malkmus]

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II update with manual video exposure controls now available

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We'd heard it was coming and now it's here -- the just-released EOS 5D Mark II 1.1.0 firmware update adds a much-longed-for manual exposure control to the video mode. That ought to warm some budding filmmaker hearts our there -- and the rest of us can enjoy a few other minor enhancements. Fun for the whole family![Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • New Canon EOS 5D Mark II firmware to add manual exposure control for video recording

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Hey, it's no autofocus, but Canon's sent word that a free firmware update is coming for the EOS 5D Mark II that'll enable manual exposure control while shooting video, including ISO and aperture settings and shutter speed. Excited? Yeah, us too. No word on what else the update might entail, but it looks like we won't have to wait long either, as the company's saying to expect the download sometime in early June. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Searching For Sonny: first feature film shot on a DSLR

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    What's the world coming too, really? Not only did we see the first official presidential portrait shot with a DSLR this year, but we're also seeing the first feature film to be entirely shot on one as well. Searching For Sonny has grabbed the rights to that latter claim, a little ditty written and directed by one Andrew Disney. As expected, we have Canon's almighty EOS 5D Mark II to thank, though Nikon fanboys will surely love that their lenses were used. Head past the break for a sneak peek, and hit up the read link on April 15th for the full trailer. Indie filmmakers, this is the break you've been waiting for -- don't screw it up.

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II flash drive: just 21.1MP shy of awesomeness

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You could say that this is the perfect USB flash drive for existing EOS 5D Mark II owners. We'd argue, however, that this is the perfect USB flash drive for those looking to just live vicariously while not shattering the bank. 'Course, $129.99 for a 4GB USB key is pretty absurd, but at least that gets you Live View and a 1080p movie mode. Er, wait...[Via Zungua]

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II firmware update cures 'black dot' ailment

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Those equipped with the Canon EOS 5D Mark II might've noticed a few continuity errors between their shots and real life, such as light from a building window missing its right side. The company has released firmware update 1.0.7 to eradicate this "black dot" phenomenon -- which can affect any point light source -- as well as fix a problem with vertical banding noise that appears when recording in sRAW1 format. Hit up the read link for patch instructions. You can go now resume your regularly-scheduled Mark II lovefest. [Thanks, Jonathan]

  • How would you change Canon's EOS 5D Mark II?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Okay, so besides the obvious black dot / band issues that Canon doesn't seem to care much about, how else would you tweak the EOS 5D Mark II? Said DSLR has proven itself as a champion in the low-light / video space, thought there's like, no competition at all thus far in the latter department. Are you comfortable with the grip? Is the UI friendly enough to navigate? Too light or heavy? Does it make you weep in joy each time you hold it? For those who've laid down the coin for this, we're sure you've got a few things to say -- so vent in comments below, won't you?

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II review roundup

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    This one's been a long time coming, but we wanted to make absolutely sure you had quite enough reading material to make the most informed decision on this incredibly expensive (albeit quite valuable, as you'll soon find out) DSLR. Reviews the web over shout practically the same thing: the EOS 5D Mark II is astounding. In most every important area, the device simply excelled. Image quality was remarkable, the 1080p video capture was stellar (though the lack of Auto Focus was a legitimate knock against it) and low-light performance was simply awesome. Hailed as a respectable upgrade from the original 5D, it was found to strike "a great balance between resolution, quality and performance," and most outlets found it worthwhile even if you're not interested in capturing video. Frankly, we can't even begin to scratch the surface of all the nuances here, but we'll certainly point you in the right directions to get all the knowledge you need. Read - PhotographyBLOG (5 out of 5) Read - PopPhoto ("lives up to the hype") Read - ArtByPhil ("an amazing deal") Read - Digital Journalist ("a superb still camera, at a reasonable price") Read - CameraLabs ("one of Canon's most powerful DSLRs to date") Read - CameraTown ("a revolutionary camera")

  • Canon acknowledges, doesn't fix black dot and band problems on 5D Mark II

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    It's been released, unboxed, and adored by many. But, like other eagerly anticipated bodies from Canon, the 5D Mark II hasn't been entirely trouble-free for the early adopters. The company is at least stepping forward and confirming that the new model's two most commonly reported problems do indeed exist -- but isn't going so far as to fix them just yet. The first issue is called the "Black dot" phenomenon, where bright point light sources (like streetlights at a distance) result in a grouping of dark pixels immediately to their right, as seen above. The second issue is ugly vertical banding, apparently appearing only in sRAW1 mode. Canon has no advice on the first problem, but says you can avoid the other one simply by not shooting in sRAW1. Surely millions of photogs are wondering why they didn't think of that.[Via Digital Photography Review, image courtesy of Stephan Hörold]

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II unboxed

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It's been on sale for a couple days now (at least in Shanghai), so it had to happen eventually -- you're witnessing the first tentative breaths of a Canon EOS 5D Mark II as it leaves the box. So many manuals to ignore! So many useless composite video cables and driver CDs to fill your drawers! So much bubble wrap to spend intimate moments with! It all goes down at the read link, kids.[Thanks, Mikha]

  • Canon's EOS 5D Mark II reportedly hitting US stores (shelves?) today

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    It's near, the day that Canon's EOS 5D Mark II hits retail shelves (outside of China) is almost upon us. According to Rob Galbraith, the 21 megapixel, full-frame, Full HD-capable EOS 5D Mark II will leave Canon's US distribution centers starting today. That should translate to a body-only $2,699 retail appearance sometime this week if you're lucky. YouTube's new widescreen, high-definition, holiday videos will never be the same.

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II sample video is very HD and very unofficial

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Canon has already provided a few carefully prepared sample videos taken with its new EOS 5D Mark II DSLR, but those that prefer things a bit more unofficial may want to head on over to Akihabara News, which has new demo video of its own. Not surprisingly, the camera definitely impresses even when taken out of Canon's capable and controlling hands, but there's not much use in us simply describing it -- hit up the read link below to check it out for yourself (assuming your computer and internet connection is up to the task).

  • Canon's EOS 5D Mark II displays multiple LP-E6 battery capacities

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You may think you know everything there is to know about Canon's marvelous EOS 5D Mark II, but have you heard of this tidbit? Hailed as the first DSLR to "manage" multiple batteries, this here camera includes technology to read up to six separate LP-E6 batteries and display data about them right on the rear LCD. The LP-E6 cell includes an embedded microchip with a unique 8-character serial number; after it's installed once and "registered" in your EOS 5D Mark II body, the camera then displays each cell's serial number, the last time it was charged, the number of shots taken since the last charge, its remaining capacity in 1% increments and its recharge performance. It's a small inclusion, sure, but for pros who go 18+ hours on a single set, we can imagine this coming in handy when trying to select which battery to use on the next excursion.[Thanks, Peter]

  • Canon's G10, SX1 IS, and more get the hands-on treatment

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We already caught of preview of Canon new EOS 5D Mark II 21-megapixel monster, but if you're curious about Canon's other new camera offerings, you may want to hit up Photography Blog, which has gone hands-on with each of 'em. That includes the PowerShot G10 (pictured above), the PowerShot SX1 IS / SX10 IS, the Digital IXUS 980 IS and 870 IS and, of course, the aforementioned EOS 5D Mark II, just in case you need another look at it. Unfortunately, they don't have much in the way of first impressions just yet, or any sample shots, but they do at least have a comparison between the G10 and the earlier G9 model for those considering an upgrade, and plenty of high res photos of each camera to let you examine every nook and cranny. Hit up the links below to dig in.Read - Photography Blog, "Canon PowerShot G10"Read - Photography Blog, "Canon PowerShot SX1 IS / SX10 IS"Read - Photography Blog, "Canon Digital IXUS 980 IS and 870 IS"Read - Photography Blog, "Canon EOS 5D Mark II"