
  • Building a better MMOusetrap: Can you teach old content new tricks?

    Dave Moss
    Dave Moss

    A common outcry I hear when playing MMO's, has to do with expansions and their almost unfailing ability to devour original content, and let it die a pitiful death. It's as if overnight, the quests people had been grinding on, the bosses they have endlessly battled, or the items they had no longer matter. Everything you worked for up to this point, is instantly obsolete.Most recently I have been talking with WoW players in relation to the release of The Burning Crusade expansion, and how those who were not in the forefront of raiding content before the expansion most likely will never get to see the old 40 man raid content. There have been all sorts of statistics thrown around since TBC came out that only 2% (or 10%, or 40%, etc) of the population of WoW actually got to make it into Naxxramas, with only a slightly larger number having made it into the 40-man wing of AQ.This sort of thing isn't just afflicting WoW either, back in the day when I was playing FFXI, and new expansions came out (Chains of Promathia, I'm looking at you), there was a great deal of content from the original game, or the Rise of the Zilart expansion I hadn't seen yet. Now on its third expansion (Treasures of Aht Urhgan) and on its way to the fourth in Wings of the Goddess there are a lot of players who are crying out that they have so much left to do.

  • The Digital Continuum: Don't Fear The Re: Console

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Massively Multiplayer Online Games have always been the slaves to their PC masters, rarely able to exist on anything other than the PC platform. That isn't to say there haven't been partial attempts in the past such as Final Fantasy XI, but since launch that game has been developed for three different platforms including the PC. Developers still have yet to create a console MMOG that becomes as financially successful as some of the more popular PC titles. In all reality, it still remains easier to make and maintain MMOGs for PCs. The reason MMOG developers find creating and sustaining their games on the PC easier is the very problem with a console exclusive. When creating any Massively Multiplayer Online Game for the Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3 that problem happens to be that as advanced as those consoles are they do not offer the flexibility of a PC. A large part of Blizzard's longterm success with World of Warcraft comes from the depth of the community tools and game customization. It's the wonderful ability to alter your user interface and the incredibly addicting habit of alt-tabbing back and forth from game window, forum posts or online game guides. I'm personally unable count the number of times I've been playing City of Heroes windowed while listening to various albums, simultaneously browsing news, guild forum posts or maybe just checking my email. You may be able to get a browser onto your PS3 and you might manage custom music on both the 360/PS3 but in the end would it be as easy as a keystroke to flip back and forth between both of those functions?

  • Final Fantasy Fan Fest reveals new expansion details

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    We've already talked about the big news from this past weekend's Final Fantasy XI Fan Fest - the announcement of the Scholar class. We've also noted the ease with which you can revisit the game, as deleted characters can be restored for folks coming back. But there were several other minor details dropped by the Square/Enix folks in the last few days.A few of the moves for the other new class, the Dancer, were announced. They'll be a front-line melee class - hitting mobs to build up TP, and then expending it to fuel their healing dances and enfeebling steps.Some more random details were also announced, affecting all players, like the expansion of the macro pallet to 4000 buttons. Little things make the game, right? I know I for one will be happy that players can now invite others into their Mog houses.The developers also confirmed what everyone already assumed, that portals to the past will be opening across Vana'diel. Known as 'cavernous maws', they will allow adventurers to move some twenty years into the gameworld's past.Finally (just in case you'd forgotten), the game will be shipping on or around the 20th of this month. There are so many new features that all players (regardless of whether or not they're buying the expansion) will need to endure a pair of updates. The first dropped earlier this week, while the next is scheduled for about the 12th.

  • Scholar job to be introduced in FFXI: Wings of the Goddess

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    Insert jokes about study groups; pen is mightier than the sword; and dance/scholar is a stripper at university. What exactly am I referencing to? The two jobs (classes) to be released alongside Final Fantasy XI's upcoming Wings of the Goddess expansion scheduled to launch on November the 20th. Play Online recently announced the Scholar with a nifty back-story (worth reading for any Final Fantasy XI player); the second job revealed thus far, the first being the Dancer. I guess there is a third class rumored, always some rumor going around and I've seen Geomancer bandied about. For those hardcore Final Fantasy players, you may remember the Scholar originally appeared in Final Fantasy III, at their initial inception their primary objective was to scan enemies and I forget what else, hey it's been awhile since I played it. I believe it wasn't until another Final Fantasy game where they could use White and Black magic. In Final Fantasy XI, Scholars will be able to cast some curative, White Magic, and some offensive, Black Magic. Scholars use Grimoires when engaging in battle because they got book smarts. Under the effect of White Grimoire, cast time and mp usage is reduced, and abilities for the White Grimoire are activated. Under the effect of Black Grimoire, cast time is increased, and MP usage is slightly increased. Changing between the two schools is instantaneous; a similar comparison to how the switch between the two schools might be better visualized for non-Final Fantasy XI players if they think of each one as a different stance. Does scholar equal mandatory leveling as a mage sub job? So what level will your scholar be 37 or 75?[Thanks, Xan!]

  • Square offers to bring back deleted characters for new expansion

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Are you or someone you love a former Final Fantasy XI addict just itching to get back in the game again? No? Well me neither, but Square Enix is offering its services for those looking to fall off the wagon again. They're bringing back the "Return to Vana'diel" campaign, where players who have previously deleted their Content IDs or PlayOnline accounts can have them automagically restored. And wouldn't you know it, they're starting the campaign a scant three weeks before the release of their fourth expansion, Wings of the Goddess. The "Return to Vana'diel" campaign is set to run through the end of February though, so it's no rush.Personally, when we have enough strength of conviction to delete a game after we unsubscribe, it's usually evidence enough that we don't want to go back. So whether Square Enix is being nice and just offering a service to its former players or whether they're just being dirty rotten enablers hooking in former addicts, is certainly a question open to interpretation.

  • FFXI "Special Task Force" takes on cheaters

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Square Enix proves once again that they are willing to bring the hurt on people who use hacks or exploits to gain an unfair advantage over other players or destabilize the economy of Final Fantasy XI. In a Special Task Force Report, they break down the approximately 8000 bans and suspensions that they've doled out since this time last month. Among the groups most actively targeted are people using illegal fishing bots, Chinese gil farmers, and people abusing the auction house system for use in real money trading schemes. In so doing, Square plucked a staggering 2.3 billion gil from the hands of cheaters and money traders.It makes you wonder why more companies aren't actively reporting the numbers of exploiters and gold farmers that they're busting every month. It's not like we don't know the practice exists, just tell us what you're going to do to stop it!

  • Those are the lamest achievements ever

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The hip and trendy kids over at G4's The Feed put together a list of what they think are the 17 lamest Xbox 360 achievements to date. Horrible games like Bomberman Act Zero and NBA Live '07 made the list as well as our favorites like Gears of War and Rainbow Six Vegas. We agree with most of their picks, but really agree with hating NBA Live's "Online With 1,000 People", GRAW's "Committed (Multiplayer)" and FFXI's ridiculous "Reach Level 75 with each character class". We guess this article made us further realize that there are truly lame achievements out there and that we have to be careful. Remember, friends don't let friends spend days on end trying to earn lame achievements. It's one epidemic that we can stop.[Via Digg]

  • Square Enix blames Wii friend codes for lack of FFXI [update 1]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Friend codes. Nintendo's self-imposed restriction on online gaming has been a burden to many who want to play with their friends without having to share a different 12-digit friend code for every game. When the Wii was revealed to have a console-specific friend code, we thought Nintendo had somewhat listened to the community's grumblings. When Pokemon Battle Revolution, the first online Wii title, launched in Japan with friend codes, we realized the folly of our optimism.Square Enix's Senior Vice President Hiromichi Tanaka empathizes, highlighting the friend code system as the primary reason they haven't brought an online game like Final Fantasy XI onto the console. In an interview with Cubed's Adam Riley, Tanaka reveals that the RPG powerhouse is now in negotiations with Nintendo about "resolving this point of contention." A publisher of Square Enix's magnitude does not necessarily guarantee Nintendo will listen, but perhaps Nintendo will ease off or at least allow exceptions for some titles.Then again, Final Fantasy XI on the Wii would surely be profitable even if gamers were required to enter over 300,000 12-digit codes to fully experience the world. That's how much, we suspect, Wii owners our clamoring for Nintendo to join the rest its brethren in this generation.[Update 1: As White Rose Duelist and others have pointed out, Pokemon Battle Revolution's extra friend code might be an exception and not a rule, and Elebits is a cited example where one can exchange in-game pictures with Wii friends. However, as we do not have any other details from impending online games, and Nintendo has not readily clarified, we're just not sure.]

  • FFXI cheaters hit with ban stick

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    Cheaters beware! If you think taking advantage of others is the way to go, take this latest bit of news as a mild warning. More than 2,000 players within the Final Fantasy XI MMORPG universe have had their accounts either suspended or terminated recently because of the use of some "third-party software tools."The FFXI group released this notice to potential bad boys and girls: We would like to take this time to remind our players that the use of any third-party tools will not only destroy the in-game balance, but will also encourage RMT (Real Money Trade) activities. We will continue to take strict actions against those individuals that we have confirmed to have used such tools. We always have a real sense of satisfaction when cheaters get caught. Some of us have even gone so far as to not play PC games at all online because of rampant exploits being used -- we're looking at you CounterStrike. Listen folks, stop this already. You are ruining everyone's gaming experience and we hate you.

  • Square Enix likely to introduce achievement incentives into FFXI on Xbox 360

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to GalbadiaX.com, the next update of Final Fantasy XI for Xbox 360 could introduce gamerscore points into the aging MMORPG. To date, FFXI is the only 360 title without points, which, technically, Microsoft requires publishers to include in Xbox 360 games, dispersed throughout at least five game-related achievements.If you view Final Fantasy XI details on an Xbox 360 gamercard, you'll notice that the game has been updated with 32 "secret" achievements. However, these achievements are not yet active, but are speculated to become fully integrated with the next FFXI update, which will also include changes to Besieged and chocobo breeding.

  • Gamer feels cheated by FFXI's sneaky hidden fees [update 1]

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    Davis Freeberg wrote to Joystiq to let us know that he feels ripped off by the lack of disclosure about the fees required to play Final Fantasy XI for the Xbox 360. Though experienced PC MMOG players and other hardcore gamers know that games of this type typically include monthly fees, Freeberg appears to be more typical of console gamers. He expected to be able to buy the game, pop it in, and start playing. Instead, he was required to spend hours installing the game and registering for a separate online service before he was told that the game would cost $12.95 per month plus an additional $1.00 per month per character (beyond the first) he created. Deceitful marketing or clumsy mistake? Click "continue" below to see what we found.

  • FFXI beta players have 13 days left

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    According to 1up, the Final Fantasy XI beta for the Xbox 360 will end on April 2, leaving gamers with just under two weeks of free play from today before they have to think about parting with their cash. The retail release of the game isn't until April 17th, but the switch from beta to retail will be more pleasant for FFXI players than other MMO beta testers.Unlike in many previous MMOs, the characters created during the FFXI beta will transfer straight across to the retail version of the game, presumably thanks to the game's established release on other platforms. Gamers who have been playing FFXI for free for the last couple of months will now have to decide whether it's worth the cash, or whether the enforced cold turkey before the game's release will be enough to break the habit. Although further MMOs could be in the pipeline for Xbox Live, FFXI remains the only massively multiplayer title on the Xbox 360 platform in the immediate future.

  • Xbox 360 MMO wishlist

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    We've been getting pretty cosy with Final Fantasy XI recently, and while porting various existing massively multiplayer games to the 360 is very much sought-after, we're hoping that developers will really take the 360 into account for some upcoming titles. Here's a wishlist of features we'd like to see in 360 MMOs: