

  • Civilization Revolution has no alibi (it's ugly)

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    While DS development for Civilization Revolution continues (and progress on the Wii version, uh, un-continues), we can't say it's looking too great based on the initial batch of released screenshots. Check out this janky image on the right; it's almost as if someone tried to mash together Fire Emblem with Age of Empires: Age of Kings, but somehow messed it up.Of course, no one plays Civ for its graphics, and, according to a recent interview with IGN, Firaxis made sure to leave in the strategy title's core mechanics. The DS release will, for the most part, have the same mechanics as the 360 and PS3 versions, except with a mostly 2D presentation. You'll still have 16 civilizations to choose from and a robust online multiplayer experience with two-player head-to-head, four-player free-for-all, and team battle modes. End your turn and head past the break for a couple more screenshots.

  • Anniversary aftermath: Next year's awesome games that you forgot about

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    We spent yesterday going through the big releases that've been announced for next year so far -- Smash Bros. Brawl and/or Wii Fit likely topping your personal "must get" list -- but what about the second-tier games that don't usually receive much press or attention? Though we haven't forgotten about the low-key releases, we've collected a selection of games and media to ensure that these titles stay on your mind too! Read on for our top ten list of awesome 2008 games that you totally forgot about!

  • Civ Rev interview discusses new features, old features

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    While long-time Nintendo fans might not be all too familiar with the franchise, Civilization has managed to constantly impress and push the envelope iteration after iteration. And, it should have came as no surprise that once it was revealed for the Wii, we were immediately smitten (the inclusion of online play helped). But, this isn't your grandpa's Civilization title, now is it?During an interview with CVG, Firaxis's Tim McCracken points out that this is a totally new Civilization game, built from the ground up for consoles. It should be noted that there is no shortage of nations on the consoles, either, as Time points out players can play as 16 different nations. From "Alexander the Great, to Bismarck, to Cleopatra - you can play as them and against them." Also, the addition of army creation (where the player takes three of same type of units, places them into the same square, giving that particular army three times the power of the single unit alone). Sounds great to us!That's not to say some of the other aspects of the franchise didn't make their way into Revolution, as players can still win by making it off the planet to Alpha Centauri, as well as through this blogger's preferred method of victory: global domination.

  • Wii Warm Up: Civilization -- are we squealing alone?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Are we alone in our extreme enjoyment of the Civilization franchise? Well, we're probably not alone, since it's a big seller, but we mean here. Are you guys on the boat, especially now that we know it'll offer online play? We've played console versions before and have been less than impressed, but we can't help but hope that this time, it'll be as smooth as, say, snot on glass. Which is pretty darned smooth for such an icky image.

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup goes Beyond the Sword

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Here at Joystiq, we pride ourselves on being like that father who always made his kids compete for his affection. Except these aren't our kids, so it's even crueler. Firaxis joined forces with a handful of webcomics to create strips based on Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. So it's with an evil but loving grin that we throw all the participating webcomics we could find (if we missed one, let us know and we'll throw our hands in the air say "oops!") and have our beloved readers vote on who did the best job with the source material. Fashion Faux Pas Technological gaps Deal or no Deal (also: there can only be one) "We've got pointy sticks." Self-referential three-parter (Zero, One, Two) Starving, indeed

  • Civilization Revolution not coming to PSP due to "lack of resources"

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Firaxis, devlopers of the upcoming Civilization Revolution, has given a statement to Eurogamer to explain why there is going to be no PSP version. Put simply, they simply don't have a big enough team. The entire development staff is currently working on versions for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS. They have even delayed the Wii version to Autumn 2008, while the other versions are out in the Spring, because of resource shortages.Firaxis seems to be very proud of the fact that the game is being developed in-house. The only way a PSP version would be possible would be if they "farmed it out", which they are seemingly unwilling to do. Barry Caudill, of Firaxis, made sure to defend the handheld, saying that "it's not like we're dissing the platform - I use a PSP. We put Pirates out on it." The official word, then, is that there will be no PSP version. However Caudill's wording certainly leaves room for that to change in the future.

  • Firaxis wouldn't be against Alpha Centauri II

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    While talking with Firaxis about Civilization: Beyond the Sword and its space scenarios, it had to be asked whether we'll ever see the return of Alpha Centauri and its cast of characters bent on controlling the living planet. Producers from Firaxis and some representatives from 2K weren't opposed to the idea.Yes, Brian Reynolds (Big Huge Games), who designed the original game with Sid Meier has moved on and then there is the tricky issue that EA owns the rights. However, the Firaxis crew said if EA wouldn't be opposed to giving that up, there might be an opportunity for a sequel. It's the best and only chance for Firaxis to ever return gamers to Alpha Centauri. One producer for Firaxis turned around and said, "We could make 'Sid Meier's Space-something,' we have a great group to do that, but it just wouldn't be the same." No, it really wouldn't. Come on EA, it's not like you're doing anything with the series, work out a deal.

  • Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution coming to PSP

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Not to be left out of the Civ lovin', the PSP is getting a Civ fix in the form of the brand new rendition, Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution. The official press release is a bit loose on exactly which handhelds will be getting this title, saying only that Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution will be coming to "next gen consoles and handhelds." We think we can safely assume a Nintendo DS version will be dropping in tune with the Sony PSP's release but hey, why get the Nintendo version? (wink, wink). The game is said to have "extensive multiplayer capabilities" with "integrated video and voice chat." Voice chat on the PSP? Maybe not, but at least having "extensive multiplayer capabilities" and "downloadable content" should prove a worthwhile venture on the PSP, especially for Civ gamers on the go. 16 civilizations are making the grade here, with Sid Meier himself in the hotseat as lead designer. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is set for a Spring 2008 release, so we imagine it won't be much longer before we can share some screen shots. Stay tuned.[Via Joystiq]

  • Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is coming to PS3 [Update]

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    2K Games, courtesy of Take-Two Interactive, dropped a Civ bomb today, announcing their publishing deal for Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution for both PS3 and Xbox 360. As of yet, no announced plans for a PC release. That's because consoles rule and PC's drool. (/Humor) In all seriousness, this endeavor should pose quite a challenge, as the console audience is vastly different in control and appeal (especially considering the plethora of trigger-happy preteens from FPS overload). This marks the first time Sid Meier actually has a hand in producing a Civilization console release, which we hope will bear significance on its quality and polish. Sixteen civilizations will be available for player control with real-time interaction with leaders and advisors, packed with "extensive multiplayer capabilities" featuring "integrated video and voice chat." No screenshots as of yet, but that should change as the sands of time bear down on us. According to Sid Meier, "Civilization Revolution is the game I've always wanted to make! We are excited to take advantage of the power of next generation consoles and the ingenuity of handhelds, to create a great and unique strategy game for newcomers to the series, as well as the millions of fans around the world who enjoy Civilization on the PC." We guess he wasn't kidding when he professed his love for Sony. Welcome to the party, Sid. Glad you came aboard.[Via Joystiq][Update: Added the newly-released trailer, embedded for your enjoyment.]

  • Sid Meier loves his PS3 so much he's going to develop for it

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    The PlayStation 3 has been garnering some surprising defenders these days, and we can now add another developer the list. In an interview posted on, legendary game designer Sid Meier exposed at length about his love for the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation brand in general. According to the article, Meier owns a PlayStation 2, a PSP, and a PlayStation 3 and actively uses them all (with Resistance being one of his recent favorite titles). Most interestingly though is that he feels that with the arrival of the PlayStation 3, it's time for him and Firaxis (his development group) to move into console gaming. While Meier has dabbled in console gaming before, most famously with Pirates! and it's recent sequel, this appears to be a major paradigm shift for him. He explains his reasoning behind the shift a little more in-depth:"Computers no longer have the edge on set-top systems. The technology is there; the audience is ready for deeper and more gripping experiences; and the bar's formally been raised in terms of enthusiasts' expectations. I hate to use the word convergence, but I don't know how else to describe the situation... The timing couldn't be more perfect."Now, before people take to the streets and start screaming about how Civilization couldn't work with a controller, keep in mind that he has not specified at all what his next-gen projects are. Also keep in mind that the PlayStation 3 supports bluetooth keyboards/mice as well as the obvious USB support. So if Civilization did come out for the PS3, there's no reason to automatically assume he would 'dumb it down' for consoles. Still, it's much more likely that we'll see entirely new games released, though you can pretty much be guaranteed sure they'll carry at least a shred of the classic tactical style gameplay he's known for.

  • Civilization coming to the DS?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sid Meier recently sat down with Gamespot to discuss Civilization and the possibility of it gracing handhelds. With how well Age of Empires works on the DS, we'd love to see more strategy games hit the console. Turns out, Sid agrees, stating that:"Our goal is to deliver Civilization on any game platform that makes sense. If we can deliver a fun experience to the players on the DS, then we'll do it. We're still in the exploratory mode on all of this, but will definitely let you know our plans as soon as they're set."So, we're assuming that they're looking to the console for a version, in some form, of a Civilization game. Personally, we'd like a game built from the ground up exclusively for the platform, but perhaps that is a pipe dream. With how well the DS is consistently selling, we feel Firaxis and Sid would be ill-advised to avoid the DS.

  • Metareview - CivCity: Rome

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    What do you get when you combine the Roman Empire building of Caesar, the city planning of SimCity, and the wonders and tech trees of the ever popular Civilization? It would probably look something like CivCity: Rome, developed by Firefly Studios (Stronghold, Space Colony), where your task is to create and manage the economy of ancient Rome, collect taxes, and keep your citizens happy. The critics have been all over the map so far, but there is an alternative right around the corner for aspiring urban planners. VU Games plans to release the long-awaited Caesar IV in September, which should provide a basis for comparison -- and give Firefly some time to patch the buggy CivCity. IGN (82/100) appreciates the attention to detail: "CivCity: Rome is definitely full of Roman flavor. Not only are the structures and commodities designed to heighten your appreciation and understanding of Roman life, but even your citizens will give you insight into topics as diverse as makeup and warfare. If you crave more information, the Civilopedia and the manual offer some interesting commentaries on the buildings and activities of a Roman's daily life." GameSpot (66/100) has issues with CivCity's look and feel: "For starters, the game is ugly. Although it is nifty how roofs peel back to show you citizens going about their daily lives, and how clicking on homes and businesses create arrows connecting them to their wandering citizens, the jagged visuals are three years out of date." 1UP (50/100) isn't bullish on the game's combat system: "Once you've struggled with troop facing, watched them surround and ignore an invader, and shrieked as enemies walk right through closed city gates, you'll convert entirely to the boring (but less troublesome) map-level warfare. You can also opt to entirely skip this disappointing tradeoff by sticking to the peaceful game, though at a cost of about one-third of the game's content."

  • Civ IV Warlords preview vids

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    The Warlords expansion pack for Civilization IV hits store shelves this week, and Civilization resource site Apolyton has uploaded some exclusive preview videos from their ApolyCon '06 conference. Firaxis designer Jon Schafer gives attendees a walkthrough of the new features in three downloadable segments.You can also view the E3 trailer and some gameplay vids at GameSpot.See also: New Civ IV patch won't melt your Mac CivCity: Rome updated screens, interview 2K's Firaxis trifecta for 2006

  • CivCity: Rome updated screens, interview

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    IGN has posted 14 new screens from the upcoming CivCity: Rome, a collaboration between Civilization developer Firaxis and Firefly Studios (Stronghold). While it has no multiplayer modes, Rome will provide a deep city-building campaign that incorporates gameplay elements from Sid Meier's award-winning Civilization series. GameSpot has more details in their updated interview with 2K Games producer Jason Bergman. CivCity: Rome arrives July 24.See also: 2K's Firaxis trifecta for 2006

  • Civilization gets kudos for educational value

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Planet Civilization has posted an article highlighting the educational value of Sid Meier's popular strategy series. The games are noted for their geography-honing skills and interactive decision making tasks that provide kids with levels of engagement and direct feedback not found in textbooks. In response to similar write-ups of the Civ series, developer Firaxis has launched Teacher Features, an online resource inviting educators to share their experiences with video game-based curricula.A certain shareholder of publisher Take-Two Interactive might be interested in knowing that the company he's invested in isn't all blood and guns.