flickr find


  • Flickr Find: Unusual Apple designs from the early 90s

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    TUAW reader Mike turned us on to a Flickr photo set and a related post on Aussie Mac site MacTalk.MacTalk forum regular Donnie Darko was visiting a used book store in the Sydney suburb of Newtown when he came upon a rare find -- a 1991 copy of a Japanese design magazine called Axis featuring concepts that Apple was working on at the time.In this jewel are a number of concept computers: The bike computer on the front cover (see photo at right) A wrist-mounted Mac called the TimeBand A device called the Exchanger that shows an American dollar being inserted and another currency coming out of a slot Several server concepts that look similar to Apple servers of the early 90s A very cool flat-panel TV that looks cutting-edge even in 2009 Several tablet Macs A device that looks like a hybrid Mac / digitizer tablet A sidebar in the article shows stills from Apple's classic Knowledge Navigator concept video. It's a fascinating look at what products might have come out of Cupertino in an alternate universe.

  • Flickr Find: You've been Steve'd!

    Megan Lavey-Heaton
    Megan Lavey-Heaton

    When Flickr user jpegsrock returned from a few days out of the office, he discovered that someone else had taken over his desk while he was gone -- Steve Jobs.It's an unwritten rule among his co-workers that something is done to their cubes if they're going to be out of the office for awhile, and the prank they settled on for jpegsrock was hanging up portraits of Steve on every available surface. Why? Jpegsrock told me that he is the unofficial Apple spokesperson for his office and his colleagues figured this would be an appropriate homage. As another TUAW writer who saw the gallery commented, it's fantastic, but a bit creepy. And yes, it even got a little creepy for jpegsrock as people from around the company dropped by his cube to check out the display.

  • Flickr Find: TUAW is the word

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Rob H. was playing Wurdle on his iPhone when he came across what we'll appropriately call a bug -- apparently the program doesn't actually recognize us as a word (maybe it needs the accent mark over the U?). But we appreciate him trying anyway. Maybe we'll contact the SOWPODS people and see if we can't work this thing out.And by the way, this is the perfect time to show you one of the new features here on TUAW -- over on the sidebar just above the Featured Galleries, you'll find our TUAW Flickr pool. This is a set of images on Flickr that you, our terrific readers, can add to: just put the "tuaw" tag on your Flickr photos or screenshots, and they'll be put right into the pool and appear here on the page.So you can share great TUAW-related stuff like this, or anything else all the Mac folks reading the site might enjoy.

  • Flickr Find: iTunes genre icons

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Maybe I'm not paying attention (likely), but Derek B. told us about something in iTunes 8 that I'd never seen before -- you can organize your music in Grid view by genre, and when you do, there are some pretty good-looking icons that show up for each genre. I especially like the Blues and Jazz icons (nice nod to the old Blue Note Records in there), but all of them have a pretty neat vibe, summing up each genre as best they can in a colorful little box.Of course, there will always be more music out there than boxes to put it into, and so Derek B has started up a Flickr group to come up with icons for some of the more obscure genres out there. Replacing the icons is pretty easy to do, and there's even an app that will let you do it with ease -- just find the icon you want, and tie it to your genre. As you can see above, if you don't have an icon for the listed genre, it'll show off your album art (and just like iPhoto, mousing over the picture will let you flip through whatever albums are in there). It's kind of a weird thing to add into iTunes (and it's kind of tough to line them all up -- it's too bad iTunes won't pull down genres for music it recognizes from the iTunes store), but odds are we'll see these icons pop up more later, so getting them all lined up now is probably worth it.

  • Flickr Find: the Fluid icons pool

    Giles Turnbull
    Giles Turnbull

    The team down the road from me at Carsonified have been doing it, and you can do it too. Fluid is a fantastic free app that turns any web site into a self-contained application on your Mac. If you want to keep your webmail outside your normal web browser, Fluid is what you need. Thing is, all the apps it creates need icons, just as any app in your Applications folder does. By default, Fluid grabs the .ico files it finds on web sites and uses them as icons, but they don't scale well. Where can you find decent alternatives? The answer is the Fluid icons pool on Flickr, where a busy community of Fluid users have been busy making a selection of beautiful icons that work perfectly with any Fluid SSBs (Site-Specific Browsers) you've created. The icons in the pool might look weird to start with, but that's because the PNG originals have been converted to JPG format by Flickr's brain. To make use of an icon you like, make sure you view and download the full-size original, which will be the PNG file you need.

  • Flickr Find: Leopard is late

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    TUAW reader Matt Laurie whipped up this fun desktop pic. Show the whole world that you are anxiously awaiting Apple's latest OS offering, in style. I have to say that I am OK with this delay. What's 4 months between friends? That being said, if Apple delays Leopard once more that will spell trouble and make me think of a certain often delayed OS offering from a little company in Redmond.Update: It looks like Matt removed the pic for some reason.

  • Flickr Finds: sampling Jobs' stool

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Here at TUAW we have unusual hobbies. Some of us like walking and biking. Others of us like spotting Steve Jobs' special three-legged stool. Chacun à son goût and all that. In honor of our very own Dan Lurie, loyal TUAW reader Judson has spotted The Stool™ on the recent Jobs/Nightline interview and sent us a Flickr link to said sighting. If stool hunting pales for you in the greater scheme of things, consider Wozhunting instead. Twitch. Twitch.

  • Flickr Find: iBaby Designed by Apple in California?

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    We're not sure if kmcculler even lives in California, but there's no mistaking the birthmark on that baby. Yes, that child has the mark of the beast best. What do you think, folks, have the parents of this child Photoshopped him for fun or is this The Second Coming of Steve Jobs?Thanks, Barb!

  • Flickr Find: DIY iCurve with Legos

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    DIYer Extensor posted pics of a self-built iCurve replacement over at flickr. Created to support his (or her, the page doesn't say) 15-inch Powerbook, the do-it-yourself-Curve is made from spare legos and a $7 Container Store wire shelf. The shelf is colorfully made, surprisingly attractive and looks sturdy enough to handle the weight of the Powerbook. We at TUAW love to see this kind of initiative and welcome your DIY Mac submissions. Drop us a line at our Tips form.

  • Flickr Find: What to do with 50 iMacs

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    What would you do with 50 iMacs? That's the question that a classroom of kids wants your input on. They have 50 iMacs (mostly G3s) that are running a mix of OS X and OS 9. They need some ideas on what to do with 'em. The first thing I thought of was, of course, a Beowulf cluster. What classroom couldn't stand to use a Beowulf cluster?If that is too much they can always make 50 Macquariums.[via MAKE: Blog]

  • Flickr Find: Mac mini sculpture

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    What better way to end the day than with some Mac mini art? These 11 Mac minis are destine for greater things, but first TriangleJuice artfully arranged them and shared them with us.If you have any Mac art be sure share it in our TUAW Flickr Pool.

  • Flickr Find: Two tone MacBook

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Flickr user had some trouble with their MacBook's keyboard, and needed a loaner (I don't know why). The local Apple store happened to have a white keyboard for their black MacBook and the Two Tone MacBook was born (or the Al Capone Special Edition)!I think a black keyboard on a white MacBook would be pretty sweet myself.Thanks, Stefan.

  • Flickr find: Someone forgot to restock the vending machine!

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Somewhere in a San Francisco hotel, California, there's a vending machine stocked with snacks, beverages, and some stale iPod shuffles. Let's hope the consumables are refreshed more often than the iPods!I wonder why we aren't seeing more of these? iPod vending machines, I mean. For a while there it looked like every airport, hotel and assorted lobby vending machine was going to be filled to the brim with iPods. I hardly ever see them myself, though.

  • Flickr Find: Dearly Departed iPod

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Oh, the things one can find on Flickr. It seems that a co-worker of sabellachan's had her 4th Gen iPod die. What do you do with a dead iPod? Why, give it a funeral of course! There are three pictures for your amusement here, here, and here.

  • Flickr Find: My god, it's full of apps!

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Holy cow, that's a lot of icons. Head on over to this photo and help identify all the apps shown. I mean, what else are you doing on a Saturday afternoon?[via the uber geeks]Update: loudscreamer points out that this was generated using Todos 1.0. So check it out.

  • Flickr Find: Is that a MacBook Pro in the trash?

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    It seems like today is Apple portable pain day. Nathan Makan sent along this picture of his MacBook Pro that sadly died. I assume that Apple replaced it for him, but still his MacBook Pro was so young.

  • Flickr Find: Screenshots of Dashcode?

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    TUAW reader Glenn has sent us a link to these pictures that purport to be Apple's Dashcode. What's Dashcode? The rumored Widget development application that many say Apple is working on. If these screenshots are legit it would seem that Dashcode is almost ready for prime time.