

  • ‘Football Manager 2019’ is out now on PC, Mac and mobile

    Sam Desatoff
    Sam Desatoff

    Here's a bit of good news for those itching for some soccer simulation: Sega and Sports Interactive's Football Manager 2019 is available today for PC and Mac. Also debuting today are Football Manager 2019 Touch and Football Manager 2019 Mobile, marking the first time all three versions of the franchise have launched on the same day.

  • Football Manager

    Sega brings 'Football Manager Touch 2018' to Nintendo Switch

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    It's officially official: We told you it was coming soon, and now a few days later Football Manager has made its way to the Nintendo Switch. As for which version it is, if you had money on Touch, you're a winner. Meaning, this is a version of the game that's the same across Linux, Mac, mobile platforms and PC. The Switch version uses both touchscreen and traditional Joycon controls, and it's the first console version with the full 3D match engine. It's currently on offer through the Nintendo eShop for $40 (US) / £30 (UK) -- so decide now if you really still have time to finish a few more shrines in Breath of the Wild.