

  • Wait ... what's up with GRAW's achievements?

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    After snooping around Xbox 360 Achievements we found one game's achievements to be rather interesting. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter has been out for a long time and now it has just came to our attention that its achievement point totals are extremely odd. Take a look at the whole list of them, notice anything a little weird? If you look closely you'll notice that there are achievements that award you Gamerscore points listed at 2, 8, 16, 24, 28 and 32. We've never seen any games offer such odd Gamerscore point totals, usually they are in increments of five, never being as odd as these. Are we missing something here or are there other games out with such odd Gamerscore point totals attached to achievements? Microsoft, don't let them do this to our nice rounded multiples of five ... it's just not right.

  • Battlestations: Midway rewards mediocrity

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A savvy tipster pointed out the above achievement from Battlestations: Midway today. In case you didn't notice, the game actually rewards players for being the worst player on the team. This isn't the first "shame" achievement -- Dead or Alive 4 had an achievement for consecutive losses. What's makes this different is that it is actually worth ten points, whereas the DOA achievement was worth zero, thus cementing the "shame" aspect. Of course, this achievement presents another problem: what if you're crazy good? What if your skillz are so unbelievably mad that you're never ever the worst player on your team? What the hell do you do then, suck on purpose? Frankly, we will not stand for this injustice.Seriously though, there are lots of achievements out there. What are some of the most creative you've seen? Best? Worst?[Thanks, un1qu3 n3wy0rk]

  • Xbox 360's first 100,000-point gamerscore

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Uh ... congratulations? The man known as 'StripClubDj' has surpassed the 100,000-point gamerscore milestone, becoming the first Xbox 360 user to do so -- and he's suffered through some pretty awful games to get there (twice!).StripClubDj is currently trailed by Southsidepimp24 on the worldwide leaderboard. What a world...[Thanks, Mike]

  • 100,000 Gamerscore broken!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The next milestone in Gamerscore points has been reached ... the 100,000 mark. StripClubDj has surpassed the 100,000 Gamerscore point! It looks like Superman Returns was the game that finally put him over the magic number and what a perfect game to choose. Now I'm not saying he cheated at all, whether using game saves or having friends logon for him, but that's a crazy amount of not only time, but money spent. He can't even be human. Cheers to you Mr. StripClubDj, you've surely glued yourself to that TV for way to long and I commend you for it.

  • You're invited to a piata party

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    If you live in the LA area, have kids, are a kid at heart, or just love Viva Piñata then make your way to the world's largest piñata party! Gamerscore Blog has posted an invite to anyone interested in participating in their Viva Piñata bash that is going down on December 2nd at the Santa Monica Pier. Not only will you be able to play Viva Piñata, but there will be face painting, free rides, prizes galore, cartoons, get your picture taken with the Viva Piñata characters, and a 35 foot tall Horstachio! I know ... I'm even getting excited! And since the whole event is free, bring your kids, nephews, cousins and even the annoying neighbor kids down to the pier for some piñata fun. Thanks again Microsoft, we love your marketing events ... they make us so happy.

  • Fall update curbs GamerScore cheating

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    GamerScore whore awfullygood, from the appropriately named blog, "Confessions of a GamerScore Whore," describes how the Fall update made life more difficult for achievement cheaters:With the Fall Update, Microsoft has introduced a hybrid locking mechanism that effectively harms the first method [ for swapping game saves] and squelches the second method. Method 1 has been smacked silly because the vast majority of existing game save files created on the previous update do not work on the Fall update software version. This renders those files useless until unscrupulous members decide to re-upload hundreds of saves based from the new dashboard version. This will most likely take months upon months or possibly never happen for very unpopular games.Method 2 has been rendered useless as new console specific security is in place. Gamerscore thirsty gamers are taunted with a Corrupt Save message when the bypass method attempts to be used. Obviously, the new security may eventually be cracked by code junkies, but those game saves may also have to be re-uploaded. I'm unsure of any repercussions to method 3. I've always found trading accounts to be supremely idiotic as anyone could keep your account for themselves. Anyway, if anyone has heard if method 3 has been affected, let me know. Former champ ST TheKing quit the GamerScore race after the upper reaches of the leaderboard became became clogged with fakes, including awfullygood himself (who admits he was cheating just to keep up with the Joneses). Sure Xbox 360 achievements are intangible and useless, but they are fun to earn and these a-hole cheats make a mockery of every pallid kid who spent a three day weekend in the basement going after that final Lumines Live time attack get. For God's sake, if putting endless hours into a crap game like Bomberman gives you a limited sense of accomplishment, stealing a game save must give you even less. Of course, these changes won't stop cheating, just slow it down for a bit. But it does serve as a reminder that you're not entitled to an elite score, unless you're playing that other console.

  • Viva Piata achievements cracked open

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Piñata Island, the wiki for all your Viva Piñata needs, has a big stick. They have taken that stick, swung it smack into the piñata that is the internet, and cracked it wide open. "What was inside?" you ask. Why, nothing other than a listing of Viva Piñata's 20 non-secret achievements. There are 50 in all, with 30 of them being secret. The achievements range from easy (name one of your piñatas) to requiring Pokémon like dedication (attract 50 piñatas) -- and all of them are worth 20 points. Supposedly, all achievements should be unlocked through normal play. Our favorite is Wealth Master, which requires the player to amass 100,000 chocolate coins, the game's currency. We don't care if they are chocolate, anyone with 100,000 chocolate coins is wealthy in our book. [Thanks, jimmcq]

  • No gamerscore, no achievements on PS3

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Speaking with Game|Life, SCEA's executive vp Jack Tretton confirmed that PlayStation 3 user accounts will not feature an aggregate score based on gaming accomplishments, squashing rumors that Sony would counter Microsoft's gamerscore/achievement system with "entitlements."Tretton did suggest plans to incorporate a "pan-console" scoring system into first-party titles, but admitted that Sony had not decided on a name for this feature and that developers of first-party launch titles would likely pass on it. While excluded from Sony's aforementioned scoring system, third-party publishers will have the option to include their own achievement-like rewards, "on a game-by-game basis."

  • Behold the Gamerscore elite

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    When you meet a player on Xbox Live with an insanely high Gamerscore (upwards of 40,000 or more), what is your first reaction? CVG picks the brains of the players with the some of highest Gamerscores to talk about their lives and obsessions with this little Xbox Live feature.Of course, one of the biggest gripes from those interviewed was so-called Gamerscore boosting, where players artificially increase their points through rather devious means. Swapping game saves, playing the same game from different regions, and cash-for-points businesses are all discussed and lamented. Are these tactics ruining the innocent quest for the high score, or is this a silly quest anyways? Should we respect these XBL fanatics or should we worry about them?[via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

  • Top Gamerscores spill their guts

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    CVG -- a site that manages to cover both computer and video games -- has a really neat article about Gamerscore. More specifically, it's about people who have insanely high Gamerscores. The pros talk about what it takes to have a high score, as well as what it means for your social life. Another covered topic -- one that is becoming quite an issue -- is Gamerscore boosting. All of the top players play with each other to boost Gamerscore. Most of this is innocent, friends helping friends. There are others, however, that use somewhat nefarious methods to get high Gamerscores. Migrating game saves, playing the same game from different regions (a process called doubling), buying Gamerscore from other people, some will stop at nothing. How do you recognize a cheat? Look for achievements that are out of order. For example, having "100 kills" unlocked before "50 kills."There are some enlightening quotes from top players, like this one,"The people at the top really don't have more skill than other players - they have more time, more dedication - and often no social life. In fact, as we move forward - maybe you should worry about people with high scores more than you admire them."It's an interesting (and lengthy) read to be sure. The perfect article for a day without Live.[Via PlayNoEvil]

  • Official Xbox360Fanboy Leaderboard

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks
    10.06.2006 has a cool new feature that allows you to create custom leaderboards for any group (They ask that you not use it for your regular friends list). Obviously, the applications are endless. Imagine separate boards for alcoholics, Dr. Phil fans and readers of this blog. Start off by adding yourself to the official Leaderboard. [Thanks KineticOnline]

  • Wack Xbox 360 achievements, Top 10 style

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    GamersReports has posted a list of some of the more questionable Xbox 360 achievements. But points whores (a.k.a. those of us who pad our gamerscores) will quietly disagree with the claim that the Madden and King Kong achievements are among the "worst" -- heck, who wouldn't take 100 points for lighting a brush fire?And we're gonna argue that GRAW's 'World Champion' is one of the better achievements, in theory. After all, "achievements" implies hard work and a goal that isn't accessible to everyone. But we do agree that Ubisoft should have considered those who were able to play the game before its release -- we're looking at you Major Nelson -- ineligible to receive the achievement.But the other seven achievements on the list are downright tedious and offensive. 40,000 points in Feeding Frenzy? Do we look like we got a case of the OCD?

  • GamerCard design winners now available

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    The winners of's design poll are now available and ready for use by the geek public. H2O has a "water-cooling" theme (the tube changes color depending on your online status) while Recessed incorporates a nifty status light. Better yet, there are sub-themes available for both.[Thanks YLA G]

  • PS3 entitled to mockery

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    In the July 19 EGM Live Podcast, editor Dan Hsu reported that Sony's new, yet oddly familiar, points system will allow gamers to pile up "entitlements" by achieving certain goals in PS3 games. Set aside, for a moment, the fact that this entire concept is a blatant rip-off of Microsoft. It doesn't even make sense. Last I checked, entitlements were something the modern welfare state sent your grandmother in the mail, not things that you earn through toil and tears. Microsoft calls them "achievements" because you' something. This is a hilariously awkward attempt by Sony to avoid using their rival's nomenclature that denotes both a lack of creativity and a failure to comprehend the English language. I guess "goals" and "accomplishments" were also taken. Leave it to Kutaragi & Krew to come up with a reward system that sounds like they're doling out government cheese to the indigent. Then again, if you plunk down $600 for PS3, you better be entitled to something besides a hefty credit card bill.I almost can't believe this will be in the final product. Is Sony as dense as they are shameless?[Thanks Geof]

  • Are you a GamerScore whore?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    One of the great things about the 360 is the GamerScore system, and one of the great things about GamerScore is that it allows bloggers to interview any random schmuck with a high score. Enter 360-Deals and their GamerScore Whore contest and its winner, HayJack! While the article fails to let us know what HayJack's score actually is, and despite his insistence on replacing the letter "O" with zeros (shudder), it's a fun, brief read. "Is ST TheKing your hero?""No, that crazy canuck and that #1 guy from Italy are Pro-Hos. I know they have many admirers. But I like to think that I am the People's Champion of h0-ology. Those Pro-Hos are just out of touch with what the huddled masses of recreational-h0s like myself and others."Anyone out there willing to call themselves a GamerScore Whore?

  • Square Enix likely to introduce achievement incentives into FFXI on Xbox 360

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to, the next update of Final Fantasy XI for Xbox 360 could introduce gamerscore points into the aging MMORPG. To date, FFXI is the only 360 title without points, which, technically, Microsoft requires publishers to include in Xbox 360 games, dispersed throughout at least five game-related achievements.If you view Final Fantasy XI details on an Xbox 360 gamercard, you'll notice that the game has been updated with 32 "secret" achievements. However, these achievements are not yet active, but are speculated to become fully integrated with the next FFXI update, which will also include changes to Besieged and chocobo breeding.

  • Secret NCAA 07 achievements explained

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Paul from VideoGameJocks clues everybody in on the "secret"" achievements in NCAA 07: They are basically achievements that denote how much of a gamerscore you have in the game. There is one each for reaching 250, 500, 750 and a full 1000 gamerscore in the game. While each achievement actually comes with zero points they are needed if you want to complete the entire list, which you will obviously do by getting the known achievements.Necessary stuff for the collegiate completist.

  • Meet the highest gamerscore in the USA

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    K1lla's Xbox Domain interviews TheGrayWolf about the awesome burden of maintaining  the highest gamerscore in the US of A (Currently 42,921). Getting there required the usual combination of obsessive play and obscure Japanese titles, plus some torturous hours with FIFA World Cup 2006. Surprisingly, TheGrayWolf says he wouldn't mind if Microsoft reset all scores to zero. Such is the pressure of being on top.According to the Wolf, current overall champ RANCE6 has notified his friends list that he will be retiring soon, so the top spot could be in US hands soon.

  • Finding achievement difficulty ratings now effortless

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Wondering which achievements are easier than a drunk prom date and, conversely,  which ones will drive you to the bottle? has added an achievement difficulty rating to every title in their sizeable database. Games are rated from "effortless" to "near impossible," with three thumb-busters, Bejeweled 2, Ridge Racer 6, and Smash TV, garnering the latter controller-crushing status. Editor Kerry is looking for feedback, so if you breezed through RR6 like it was nothing head over and say your piece. While you're at it, you can explain to the rest of us why the hell you were playing Ridge Racer to begin with.

  • GamerScore king talks blood, sweat, and Zoids

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    RANCE6, aka Alessandro from Italy, tells Xboxic how he managed his globe-leading GamerScore of 39,430 points. Owning a video game store with access to Japanese titles, and having the time/energy/will to game 12 plus hours a day seems to be key:Nino: How much do you play to get so many achievements?Alessandro: About 12 – 16 hours per day. But I have to calm down in the following weeks, I'll slow down to about 5 – 10 hours per day. I'm waiting for Japanese games to come out.Nino: Wow, 5 – 10 hours per day is still sick, do you play at work?Alessandro: Yeah in the morning particularly. I can play 4 hours in the morning, 5 in the evening and about 3 – 5 during the night.Color me impressed -- with his girlfriend, if he still has one. RANCE6 marks 50 hours spent on a single achievement in Zoids as his greatest feat. He also says he gets 30 - 40 friend requests per day, mostly asking how he gets the NTSC-J stuff. Nobody ever said XBL celebrity came without the pressures of fame.