

  • PAX08: Day three impressions

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Day three is now behind us, marking the end of PAX 2008. Sunday showed a crowd of gamers just as strong as the first two days, and there is no doubt that the attendance numbers from this year blew away last year's figures. As far as panels for this last day, there was an interesting mix of MMO development-type panels with a particularly interesting one called "MMO and Virtual World Business Models" that we will be reviewing in more depth later. Plus, who could forget the intriguing "How to Get Your Girlfriend into Gaming" panel?So now we look forward to the future of this mega expo. If next year's PAX grows as much as the previous years have progressed, they're going to need a larger booth floor, no doubt about it. As this blogger sifts through the bags of free swag and begins the recovery process, you can look forward to more coverage of interviews with Jon Radoff of GamerDNA, Jeffrey Steefel of Turbine on Mines of Moria, Dane Caruthers of NCsoft on Tabula Rasa, Adam Powell and Aaron Matthew of Meteor Games on Twin Skies and much much more!%Gallery-30683%

  • GamerDNA offers Frostmourne replica contest

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    GamerDNA, the GuildCafe offshoot, has opened up a new contest to World of Warcraft players. Send in a screenshot of your character -- armored, naked, alive, dead, it doesn't matter -- and you stand a chance to win a replica of Frostmourne, Arthas' evil runeblade from Epic Weapons. The sword itself is a $379 value, but of nearly equal worth to many players is the $20 game card that five players could win by entering a picture they've created themselves, either traditionally or digitally. These hand-done portraits are also eligible for the Frostmourne prize. To enter, simply register for GamerDNA through GuildCafe and send in your favorite character's picture. The deadline is June 30th, so get snapping![Thanks, Sam!]

  • GuildCafe expands its horizons with GamerDNA

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    GuildCafe has been often called the Myspace or Facebook for MMO players, but not only is it much more than that, it's expanding even further. This summer, the mega-guild social site will be changing its focus onto a new venture (and company name) called GamerDNA. This new site will have much more than GuildCafe offers currently, and will cater to a larger audience of Xbox gamers, and eventually all platforms. This all stems from the fact that the site has recently received a $3 million Series A investment from Boston's Flybridge Capital Partners.According to GamerDNA's founder and CEO Jon Radoff, "the idea behind GamerDNA is to provide a means of identity-a place where players can record all the stories around all of the cool stuff they've done, be it achievements, accomplishments, or experiences they've had." So in essence, it will help broaden the players experiences in-game, as well as help other players experience games they may not play yet on a much more personalized level. All of this done in a larger scope, reaching a wider audience than GuildCafe alone could do targeted at the MMORPG market alone.[Thanks Sam!]