

  • WAR40K: Eternal Crusade creates entire planet from scratch

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    While nobody can claim that the Warhammer 40,000 universe is lacking in locations, the team over at Behaviour Interactive thought it was important enough to create a new planet specifically for Eternal Crusade's setting. Art Director Ghislain Barbe talks about the planet Arkhona in his latest dev diary, saying that it lies smack dab "in the dead center of a void of systems." Arkhona used to be home to the Xenos, but now is ground zero for a five-way tug-of-war when it's not trying to tear itself apart with natural disasters. Or as Barbe puts it, "Death has come to Arkhona and it is ready for a second service." The look of the planet is replete with abandoned structures, shattered chasms, and diverse environments. Barbe also mentioned that one of the priorities of the art team is to support tons of customization. "Lots of research was done to see how far we could push what we offer without harming game performance," he said.

  • Eternal Crusade delivers sneak peek of new website and founder's program heroes

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Behavior Associate Producer Mathieu Fecteau penned a new producer's letter today in which he showed off both a mock-up of the upcoming Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade website and some concept art of the founder's program heroes. The website will be launched in the early summer, Fectaeu said. "I'm really proud of the direction the design is taking. Ghislain Barbe (Art Director) helped by Nicolas Brunoni (Lead UI/HUD) and I are working closely with Turbulent to get something immersive, dynamic and appealing for our dear crusaders!" As for the founder's program heroes, the sketches provided in the producer's letter merely give an idea of what they will look like when comleted. Fecteau said that all factions will have heroes, special units that are sent out for certain situations, but are "mostly aesthetic."