

  • See what you'll be ruining in Burnout's new DLC

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    As if we weren't tantalized enough by the gaggle of screens Criterion sent over a few weeks back, today the company dropped teaser videos for each of the cars in the soon-to-be released 'Legendary Cars' DLC for Burnout Paradise. Not skimping one bit on the nostalgia factor, the "GT Nighthawk" "Cavalry Bootlegger" video employs liberal use of the General Lee horn over a slo-mo jump sequence, though Doc is unfortunately missing from the "88 Special" video. "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." Peruse our gallery below and then hit the jump for all four videos. That's a command!%Gallery-41360%

  • Look directly into this new Ghostbusters trailer

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The Ghostbusters game presents something of a predicament to the savvy gamer. On one hand, it's a movie-licensed video game. On the other hand, it's Ghostbusters. The PR folks at Atari seem very aware of this touchy dichotomy and have made sure to cram the latest trailer with just enough fan service to make us wonder if gameplay even matters at this point. Example: Some guy: "This game doesn't really look that good." Some other guy: "But ... he said 'don't look directly into the trap!'" Some guy: "Touché." Download HD Ghostbusters Rule #2 Trailer (53 MB)

  • The Queue: Wear shoulder pads like it's 1989 and get The Immortal title

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW Insider's daily Q&A column where the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky will be your host today.Salutations and fond wishes everyone. Today in the queue we'll spend a moment looking at shoulders you can get for your alts. Shoulder padding, if you will... Remember shoulder pads? I hear they were popular in the '80s. Along with Ghostbusters. And Ghostcrawler is popular now. So therefore Ghostcrawler is only two steps removed from the fads of the '80s.Bet ya' didn't see that one coming.Be sure to submit your questions about patch 3.1 in the comments. We'll try to answer as many as possible in the next few days.Jared Daniels asks..."Would you recommend getting the inherited plate shoulder pads solely for the purpose of leveling my Death Knight and Warrior from 70-80? My main is a Mage and I am coming close to being able to buy the ones from using Stone Keeper Shards. If no, then what would you recommend I do with the shards?"

  • New Ghostbusters screens feature slime, virtual hair-don't

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    click to make big (like the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man) You're probably expecting this post to contain some Ghostbusters-related humor; perhaps a "Who ya gonna call," or a reference to not "crossing the streams." Well, it doesn't. Okay, so it does -- but that wasn't our intent. No, that would be showing you this latest batch of screenshots from PS3/360/PC version of the game, featuring the hair of a virtual Harold Ramis. Due on June 16, the game's looking good, playing well, and, so, Atari ... "we're ready to believe you." Damn. %Gallery-42934%

  • Ghostbusters: We ain't afraid of no new screens

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Atari released six fresh screens of its upcoming Ghostbusters game, including the image above of Ernie Hudson (Zeddemore) and Harold Ramis (Spengler) pimping into, what we can only assume is, a ghost infested room. Written by Ramis and Dan Aykroyd, Ghostbusters: The Game is essentially considered a third film in the series, continuing where the second film left off, over 20 years ago. Nearly the entire cast of characters will reprise roles from the 1984 film and its 1989 sequel. Hell, they even tracked down the skeptical antagonist from Ghostbusters II! So far they have the fan service thing down, we just really hope the gameplay gets the same level of attention. %Gallery-38564%

  • Ghostbusters confirmed for June 16 release on all platforms [update]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    [Update: Atari just sent out a press release announcing that the game is coming out across all platforms on Jun 16!]Terminal Reality, the developer behind the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the upcoming Ghostbusters game, said the game is indeed slated for release during the week of June 16th, to coincide with the release of Ghostbusters on Blu-ray. But, what about the Wii version of the game?It's being developed by Red Fly and, while we'd like to think the game will release alongside the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, nothing has been confirmed. Stay tuned for more info as it's made available.%Gallery-27664%

  • Crossing streams: Ghostbusters game confirmed for week of June 16

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It sounds like everyone is on the same page now about the Ghosbusters game release. Sony Pictures stepped on Atari PR's toes by revealing the June 16th date, coinciding with the Blu-ray release of the movie. Atari has since confirmed a June 19th date for the UK. Just to make sure everyone is in on the party, VG247 has confirmed with the game's developer, Terminal Reality, that it's "always been planning day and date release with the Blu-ray discs." Terminal Reality chief Mark Randal says "it will be a huge Ghostbusters week!" That may be true, but how the company's game reviews and sells is a whole other question altogether. Randal wouldn't say if there would be a special edition game and Blu-ray movie box set. We wouldn't count it out -- but that would certainly move a couple units.

  • Sony Pictures: Ghostbusters busts out June 16

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    According to a press release from Sony Pictures, the upcoming Ghostbusters video game will release on June 16. The game is set to release alongside the Blu-ray edition of Ghostbusters. Both are being released in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the film, first released in 1984. No further details are given about the game, as the press release chiefly concerns the Blu-ray release of the film. Of course, you could always read Joystiq's hands-on with the game if you want details.Ghostbusters was picked up by Atari late last year after it was left without a publisher thanks to the merger of Activision and Vivendi.[Via Joystiq]

  • CES 2009: Sony Pictures leaks Ghostbusters game release date

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ever since it was revealed that the upcoming Ghostbusters game wasn't dead and is in the hands of Atari, we've been incredibly excited to check out the collaborative effort. Now, thanks to the ongoing CES show, we've got a date for the game's release.Sony Pictures fired off a press release for the Blu-ray release of the original Ghostbusters movie, but tucked away in that release is a listed release of June 15th for the Ghostbusters game. Sadly, that's all we've got to go on right now, so it's uncertain if all of the versions of the game will release simultaneously. Hopefully, that'll be the case, and us Wii owners won't be forced to wait longer than the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC folk. %Gallery-27664%[Via Joystiq]

  • Sony Pictures dates Ghostbusters game for Jun. 16

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Amid a slew of press releases it shot out in the hours leading up to CES 2009, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment may have stepped on Atari PR's toes. In announcing a June 19 release date for the Blu-ray Disc release of Ghostbusters (the movie), it also confirmed a day-and-date launch of Ghostbusters: The Video Game. The release is long on details concerning the film's HD debut, but short on specifics concerning the game. No platforms are mentioned, although it stands to reason that the highest-profile versions -- Xbox 360, PS3, PC -- will be first out the door. Atari has yet to issue a release of its own concerning the game's street date(s), but we've contacted it for comment on Sony's announcement in the meantime.

  • Phil Harrison would 'love' to prove Activision wrong about Ghostbusters

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    When it comes to the much anticipated Ghostbusters game, Atari's Phil Harrison – somehow it still sounds wrong – clearly wants Activision to know what it lost when it cut the game (and several others) loose earlier this year. Speaking to MCV, he called out Activision-Blizzard CEO, Bobby Kotick, on the decision. "What Bobby, perhaps unhelpfully said, was that those games were franchises which wouldn't make $100m of revenue and generate sequels," Harrison said of Blizzivision's choice to offload Ghostbusters. "If that's his benchmark, then fine – and we'd love to aspire to the same benchmarks. But you know what? I would love to turn Ghostbusters into a $100m franchise, just to prove him wrong." That may not happen, but given the hype and fan following – not to mention the fact that it's coming out on at least five platforms – Activision might yet kick itself when the sales numbers are tallied.

  • Joystiq busts some ghosts, says Wii game plays best

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The lucky folks over at Joystiq managed to get their hands dirty with all of the different versions of the Ghostbusters game recently. Now that it's confirmed to, y'know, actually exist, we're wondering if the game is as good as it seems to be on paper. Also, how does the Wii version stack up against the other versions of the game? Well, we're glad to say that Joystiq said the Wii version was their favorite. That makes two now!As for the rest of it, head on over and check out the piece here.%Gallery-27664%

  • Joystiq hands-on: Ghostbusters (PS3/360/Wii)

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    click to enlarge (Xbox 360) We had no doubt going into our first hands-on with Ghostbusters: The Video Game that developers Terminal Reality (PS3/PC/360) and Red Fly (Wii) are delivering pure, off-the-chart fan service. We were concerned with one thing: Is this game going to be any fun to play? Terminal Reality is well aware that thousands of gamers have never seen the original movie or its (shudder) sequel, so the prospect of tromping around with a pack of middle-aged men in goofy getups might not be a major selling point. Funny jokes, ghosts, wild weapons, and blowing up everything you can see? That's compelling for anyone. %Gallery-38586%

  • The Best of Big Download: December 1-7

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    We are waist deep in the holiday season now but that doesn't mean Big Download is slacking up. Far from it in fact. Here are our highlights for the first week of December:Exclusive features Previews: We go hands-on with three upcoming Atari games: Ghostbusters, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena and Heroes over Europe. Reviews: We give our final verdict for Need For Speed Undercover, Pyroblazer, and two American McGee's Grimm episodes: The Golden Goose and Iron John. Interviews: We have chats with the people behind Cities XL and Mytheon and the Child's Play charity. Left 4 Dead game guide: Want to play Left 4 Dead better than anyone else? Then check out the first five parts of our game guide: Survive the zombies, a look at the different kinds of zombies, playing zombies in Versus mode, and details on the first two missions, No Mercy and Death Toll. Mac Monday: Our weekly look at Mac games takes a look at the sim title My Tribe. Indie Showcase: Our weekly look at indie games takes a look at games entered in the Commonplace book competition. Big Ideas: Our weekly games-and-themes column looks at how veterans of WWII would look at games set in that period. Big Iron: Our hardware column this week looks at the PCs's BIOS. Freeware Friday: Our look at free games this week looks at the side-scroller Bonesaw. BigCast: It's an extra long version of our podcast as we sadly say "Good-bye" to the BigCast's originator Xav. Contest: We are in the final hours of our gaming PC giveaway contest. Have you entered yet to win a $2,499 PC from iBuypower?

  • Sigourney Weaver turned down Aliens game, interested in 'high-quality' Ghostbusters

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    In a recent interview with MTV News, Sigourney Weaver discussed her potential involvement in two upcoming ludological adaptations of hit 80s films in which she starred. Weaver claimed she turned down an offer to work on an Aliens title as she believed the digi-Ripley portrayed in-game was "not true to the character." She also explained that the resumé of the Aliens developer wasn't too impressive -- one of their past titles was a game "called 'Rednecks', where you shoot animals." We, and, more notably, Sega (the publisher of the pair of Aliens titles about which the MTV reporter was inquiring) have absolutely no idea what she's talking about. However, her feelings towards Atari's recently acquired adaptation of Ghostbusters were crystal clear -- she's interested in joining the cast, but only if the title is "high-quality." Oh, and if Atari finally greenlights her idea for a video game based on her "hit" 2001 "comedy", Heartbreakers.

  • Who ya gonna watch? New Ghostbusters trailer and screens materialize

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Developer Terminal Reality isn't ruling out the chance that the final holdout from the original Ghostbusters cast, Rick Moranis (Louis Tully), will lend his voice to its upcoming game. Still, he's not present or accounted for in the latest trailer for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC version of Ghostbusters: The Videogame. But oh is it dripping with Ghostbusters vibe like so much ectoplasm.Atari, the new publisher of this June 2009 title, has also released a handful of new shots from the next-gen and Wii versions of the game. While it doesn't sport nearly the same level of detail as the other versions, we found ourselves unexpectedly pleased by the Real Ghostbusters-esque art direction of the Red Fly developed Wii game when we saw it in action. What do you say: charming, or too kiddie?%Gallery-38586% Download trailer in HD (30MB)

  • Ghostbusters trailer asks who you should telephone

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to embiggen Atari has released some new screenshots and a new trailer of Ghostbusters (cleverly subtitled The Video Game). The trailer is devoid of gameplay and looks to be made entirely of pre-rendered cut-scenes. Still, it's nice to see faithfully rendered character models for Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston (and even Walter Peck, no less) and it's even better to hear the voices of the original cast. Apparently, the story for the game centers around the ghost dimension coalescing with ours (still no word if any Mortal Kombat or DC characters are jumping through the rift yet). Find the trailer after the break and check out the new screens in the gallery below.%Gallery-38564%

  • The DS Life: Phosphorescence

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Even as a kid (or perhaps especially as a kid), artist David Gibbons had a fascination for all things glow-in-the-dark. Really, though, what's there to not like about glow-in-the-dark junk? David covered his bedroom walls with every glow-in-the-dark decoration he could find -- posters, stickers, and stars. He even wore glow-in-the-dark pajamas and braces! While we never went that far, we happen to have a glow-in-the-dark rosary hanging off our car's rearview mirror (It's a Filipino thing! Also, it makes it easier for us to pick out our car in the mall parking lot at night.).Anyway, David used his childhood glow-in-the-dark obsession as inspiration to create the art piece we've featured a today, an illustration depicting all of the Christmas toys he wished for as a kid while laying awake at night, gazing at all their glow-in-the-dark incarnations blue-tacked to his walls and ceiling.

  • Busting Ghosts is preferable on Wii?

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Kotaku got to try out the Wii version of Ghostbusters and, predictably enough, revealed that it differs quite a lot from its high-definition cousins on the other machines. The voice-acting and script aside, the Wii build sports its own level designs (which are smaller, naturally), a Wii-specific control scheme, and a far more cartoony visual style.Precisely none of which is surprising. Games developed for a spread of consoles often look and feel quite different on the Wii, but this doesn't seem to harm Ghostbusters. Kotaku reports that the Wii title has been built from the ground up, and deems waggling a Wiimote to capture spooks "a little more intuitive" than punching buttons.On a personal note, we definitely prefer the rounder, more rubbery character models found in Ghostbusters Wii. The franchise always felt pretty goofy to us, so these just fit more closely to our expectations of a Ghostbusters game. We've included a couple of comparison shots in our gallery for you to peruse and make your own minds up.%Gallery-27664%

  • Ghostbusters crosses retail streams June 2009

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Atari has officially announced that Ghostbusters will be hitting every console under the sun in June 2009. Having been in publishing limbo after Activision merged with Vivendi earlier this year, Atari announced its plans to publish the title last month. The game is set for a simultaneous release on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PS2 and PC. Of course, all we really care about is whether or not the game is any good. Let's hope so (we're sure Atari is).Head over to Big Download for a recent hands-on preview of the game.[Via Joystiq] Gallery: Ghostbusters (360/PS3/Wii)