

  • Ghostbusters spooking you out in June 2009

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Atari recently caught the Ghostbusters game in its ghost trap, and has now revealed a release date for the title -- the once-shaky project will escape its Ecto-Containment Unit in June 2009! There's no word yet on which region that date is for, though Atari's press gathering is taking place in the UK, for what that's worth.Who's excited, then? We noticed a few naysayers in the comments of our last Ghostbusters post, but the involvement of (Mushroom Men creator) Red Fly gives us confidence!%Gallery-27664%

  • Atari rescues Ghostbusters

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    When your game's aloneWith no publisherWho you gonna call?Ghostbusters! Atari!For a while, the merging of Activision and Blizzard looked like it might spell a grisly end for the Ghostbusters game, but now HERO OF THE PEOPLE Atari has stepped in to save the day, confirming previous assurances from Dan Akroyd and Variety. Once caught in development limbo, Ghostbusters is now due to release in 2009, and will feature the film's original main cast and a storyline penned by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. We never imagined ourselves saying this, but let's all raise a glass to Phil Harrison.%Gallery-27664%[Via press release]

  • Atari sets the trap, will publish Ghostbusters in '09

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Gozer: "You must choose ... choose and publish.Sierra: "Oh, oh I get it. Clear your heads, don't think of anything!"Gozer: "The choice is made. The Publisher has come!"Sierra: "Whoa, whoa whoa! We didn't choose anything. Did you choose anything?" Activision: "My mind is totally blank."(They all look at Atari.)Atari: "I couldn't help it. It just popped in there."Sierra: "What? What just 'popped' in there?"(Distant stomping sounds.)Atari: "I tried to think ...Activision: "Look!"Sierra: "What did you do Atari?"Atari: "No, it can't be! It can't be!"(They look to the horizon.)Atari: "It's Phil Harrison."Incidentally, Atari will publish Ghostbusters in 2009.[Via Joystiq]

  • Ghostbusters officially going to Atari

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    When there's something strange in your neighborhood, your choice for who to call is clear. But the question after the Activision/Blizzard merger was where, exactly, you'd be able to find the Ghostbusters. Now, we finally have an answer: As was rumored by both Variety and Dan Aykroyd, Atari is ready to believe in the Ghostbusters (and, you know, publish their video game). It's great news, but we're still left with the one big question on all thinking people's minds: As the other orphans are picked up, who will give Brütal Legend shelter from the storm? Is it you?[Update: Thanks to Press the Buttons for burning our spelling.]

  • Variety also says Atari picked up the Ghostbusters game

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    When Dan Aykroyd speaks, we all should listen. Variety is also claiming that Atari picked up the Ghostbusters game and will in fact be pushing it out onto store shelves. We're not sure if the game is still Wii-bound, but the article does mention Red Fly Studios, who, aside from Mushroom Men, were working on the PS2 and Wii ports of the game.So what's the big stink about a Ghostbusters game? Well, it's bringing all of the original talent back together for the voice work and is being written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, serving as the sequel to Ghostbusters II. If that isn't enough to get you excited, check your pulse. You might be dead.%Gallery-27664%[Via Gamasutra]

  • Riddick remake and (maybe) Ghostbusters go to Atari

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Continuing its long climb back to Phil Harrison-lead relevance, Atari has picked up an Acti/Blizzard merger cast off and might have made a home for another, according to Variety. The company will publish Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, adding not only multiplayer but a new campaign to the original Xbox release. "Originally it was just a remake, but we started thinking more and felt that wasn't super compelling," said Bill Kispert, head of interactive for Universal. Yeah, Bill. No kidding. Variety also reports that Atari has picked up long-term licensing rights to Riddick to allow the possibility of more sequels. The trade pub says it understands that a similar deal could be in place for Ghostbusters, as was previously hinted by Dan Akroyd, though that hasn't been confirmed yet.Well, finally, it seems all the Acti/Blizzard orphans have found good homes. ... Wait a minute, who's that sad, long-haired boy in the corner?

  • Dan Aykroyd: Atari picked up Ghostbusters

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Dan Aykroyd appeared on Dallas radio station 105.3 KLLI this morning, discussing the Ghosbusters game. According to him (and he would know, after all), Atari has picked up the game, rescuing it from the limbo it was in for quite some time. As great as that is to hear, he also had some bad news: the game is still "a year away."Of course, this may not apply to the Wii version. Atari may only want to put out the game on the Xbox 360 and PS3 or something. [Via Videogamer]

  • The story behind PAX's Ghostbuster lanyards

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Ghostbusters: The Game may not have a publisher, and its fate may not be clear, but that didn't stop the title from being advertised on lanyards at PAX. Variety spoke to Penny Arcade's business guy, Robert Khoo, who said that Sierra signed to do the lanyards in January and sent them in June. It wasn't even until two weeks before the show that Sierra, the abused and neglected stepchild of Activision Blizzard, "pulled out of displaying Ghostbusters."Khoo explains that there wasn't enough time to get a new lanyard provider, so even though Actilizzard isn't going to benefit from the promotion, they still paid the bill.

  • Activision Blizzard still 'reviewing' fate of Ghostbusters

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    For those of us who enjoyed unprecedented levels of excitement at the announcement of a Ghostbusters game, it's been a rocky ride ever since. First, we heard it was canceled, then the Terminal Reality boss said it would be published. Now, we just don't know what's up.The recently-merged Activision Blizzard doesn't know what's up, either. That's why they're still considering what to do with the game and "reviewing its options regarding titles that it will not be publishing." This means that should the company decide not to publish the game, it could be sold off to another publisher. Either way, we just want to see it release.%Gallery-27664%

  • Activision Blizzard still 'reviewing' fate of Ghostbusters, 50 Cent

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    It seems Activision Blizzard is still uncertain as to who it's gonna call -- to publish ectoplasmic epic Ghostbusters. Speaking to MCV, the newly melded megapublisher was still hesitant to divulge the "absolutely not cancelled" game's fate, along with the fate of fellow Vivendi leftovers like 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. In the wake of Vivendi UK's closure, Activision Blizzard's general manager for the region, Andrew Brown, pointed out that while "Crash, Spyro and Prototype will definitely be released this and next year," the company was still in the midst of "reviewing its options regarding titles that it will not be publishing." Sound familiar? If the games are found unsuitable for Activision's immense sequel conveyer belt, it's likely that they'll be shipped off to more eager publishers. Still, aren't you utterly relieved to learn that Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon are just fine? We were worried there for a second.

  • Dogs and cats living together: Sony and PNY set to re-release Ghostbusters on a flash drive

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It's not clear what format or resolution it's going to be in, but Sony and PNY have just announced that they're teaming up to release one of the best movies ever, 1984's Ghostbusters, on a flash drive. That's the first full-length studio movie to go out this way, but knowing Sony, we're expecting a crazy proprietary format that only plays in a heavily DRM'd player. Even still, it's definitely a start -- and coupled with the plan to stream Hancock exclusively to Bravia Internet Link owners, it certainly seems like the company is warming up to alternative forms of distribution. Now if we could just get some DRM-free HD content in a standardized format, we'd be all set, no?Update: it's already available on this UK site for £29, or about $60. Yeah, we'll stick to our VHS copy.[Warning: PDF read link]

  • Terminal Reality boss says Ghostbusters 'will be published'

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Don't throw out that book on how to not cross streams, because the upcoming Ghostbusters game might not be canceled. At least, according to Terminal Reality boss Mark Randel, who told videogaming247 that "Ghostbusters will be published. That's all I can say at the moment."This, of course, isn't assurance that the game will release on the Wii, since Terminal Reality is working on the Xbox 360 version (Red Fly is developing the Wii version). But, it's something, which is much better than what we had to work with previously: nothing. %Gallery-27664%[Via]

  • We ain't afraid of no ghosts, just cancellation

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Ghostbust ... er ... well, maybe not.With the Blizzavision merger, a few Sierra titles (like Ghostbusters) may get the axe. When it comes to efficiency, Sierra has been deemed a "non-strategic business unit," which (we're sure we don't have to tell you) is not good. While the recently merged publisher reports that Sierra franchises like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro will be safe, the fate of Ghostbusters is still up in the air. Offering a bit of reassurance, Sierra claims, "[Ghostbusters] is not cancelled and will not be cancelled." Some words from the people with the money, though, would probably make us feel better.

  • Sierra: Ghostbusters 'absolutely not cancelled'

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Yesterday's news that Activision Blizzard was only holding onto a select few Vivendi/Sierra properties going forward didn't look good for those awaiting the seemingly triumphant return of Ghostbusters. We contacted Sierra about the game's absence from Blizzavision's "to keep" list, and whether said omission spelled doom for the Ecto-1 crew. Good news, everyone: the game's not giving up the ghost. A spokesperson for Sierra confirmed that, "First and foremost, the game is absolutely not canceled." But does it have a publisher? "[Sierra] is reviewing its options regarding those titles that it will not be publishing," we were told. While not explicitly stated, it definitely sounds like Sierra has begun the process of shopping its remaining titles around to other publishers. These include Double Fine's hotly anticipated heavy metal adventure Brütal Legend. We're still awaiting word on its fate, but can't imagine Tim Schafer and crew letting a little publisher scuffle stop the rock.

  • ActiBlizz drops Ghostbusters, Brutal Legend in favor of Spyro, Crash & Prototype

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    We have a love-hate relationship with Activision-Blizzard; we love Blizzard and their games, but really rather hate Activision. This confusing dichotomy was further cemented today with the announcement that the company is streamlining their output by holding on to a few key Sierra franchises. Namely, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Prototype, Ice Age and an as-yet unannounced property, leaving Tim Shafer's Brutal Legend, Ghostbusters: The Video Game, WET, and Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena abandoned at the side of the road.However, there's still hope for these games if another publisher swoops in and picks them up. Actiblizz will also be shaking up its Sierra-based internal development studios, with plans to "realign staffing at Radical Entertainment and High Moon Studios" (Prototype and Bourne) and to explore "options regarding Massive Entertainment and Swordfish Studios" (Wold in Conflict and 50 Cent). For the full skinny check out the Yahoo Business report. It's sad to see interesting games like Ghostbusters and, particularly, Brutal Legend get poor treatment in favor of dead franchises such as Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. It's a world gone topsy-turvy, where EA are developing interesting and innovative new IPs and Activision is "streamlining" anything that stands out in favor of safe, boring franchises. [Via Joystiq]

  • Blizzavision keeps Crash, Spyro, Ice Age, Prototype; loses Brutal Legend, Ghostbusters, and more

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    var digg_url = ''; One of the major outstanding questions surrounding the Activision Blizzard merger was: "What the hell is going to happen to Vivendi's other video game division, Sierra?" The new super-publisher announced it will be keeping five of Sierra's franchises total: Crash Bandicoot, Ice Age, Spyro, the still-in-development Prototype, and another as-yet-unannounced title. We're currently looking into the fate of Sierra's other publishing arrangements: Tim Schafer's Brütal Legend (oh, Brütal Legend, we're so sorry!), Ghostbusters: The Video Game, WET, and Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. Activision Blizzard is also reviewing Sierra's other properties that they will not be publishing: think Bourne, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, World in Conflict, et al. Activision Publishing CEO Mike Griffith says, "We are reviewing our options regarding those titles that we will not be publishing." Those games won't be published by Blizzavision because they're not "a strong fit with [Activision Blizzard's] long-term product strategy." No word on the fate of Sierra's classic adventure games like King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, etc. As for the status of Sierra's in-house developers, Blizzavision will "realign staffing at Radical Entertainment and High Moon Studios" – the developers of Prototype and The Bourne Conspiracy respectively – while "exploring options regarding Massive Entertainment and Swordfish Studios" – the devs behind World in Conflict and 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, respectively. Those "options" include "the possibility of divestiture." Also potentially up for sale: Vivendi Games Mobile and Sierra Online, the latter notably responsible for a large amount of XBLA and PSN games. More on this story as it inevitably unfolds.

  • New Ghostbusters screens give us the heebie-jeebies

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    click to embiggen Some spook-tacular screenshots for Ghostbusters were released earlier today, and so far it's looking really good. Check out the ghostly images in the gallery below for both the Wii and Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions.%Gallery-27680%%Gallery-27702%

  • E308: Ghostbusters busting ghosts, faces

    philip larsen
    philip larsen

    Ghostbusters could be good, but the antics of Slimer and the gang might not make a smooth video-gamerial transition. If you watch the above trailer, peruse the new gallery and your head doesn't explode, there's a chance for success in an otherwise disappointing scenario.While "cartoonish" graphics might not be everyone's cup of tea, Red Fly still stood up to defend the game, with fun a priority. Realistically, that should be the goal for all games, but somehow adding the word "party" when describing a Wii title actually results in negative fun levels. %Gallery-27664%[Via press release]

  • Ghostbusters gets new E3 video

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Hey, it's popular stage and screen actor Ernie Hudson. Boy, have you seen this new video for Ghostbusters? That may look like a movie, but it's actually a video game! (I know, I was surprised too!) But more important than whether or not it's a game or a movie is that it really looks good, I think. Good in the way that I think you should all go buy it right away.See, times haven't been so good for your buddy Ernie. And when you buy something that says Ghostbusters on it, I get some money. In the biz, we call it a "residual." I know what you're saying: "Ernie, isn't it a bit troubling that around half the trailer is just clips from the movies?" Listen, what part of "hard times" do you not understand?

  • Another reason to love Ernie Hudson

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    As if brilliant acting in films such as The Basketball Diaries, or his great TV work in shows such as Oz, weren't enough to love the man, we now find out he's addicted to one of our most beloved puzzle games: Tetris. During an interview regarding the upcoming Ghostbusters game, Hudson let the cat out of the bag."Years ago, I bought my son Tetris. He said, 'Wow, this is cool, Dad, but are you sure you don't want to play? Here, this is how you do it...' So I start playing Tetris. I have to be at work at six o'clock the next morning. Then it's 4.30am and I've been up all night, playing Tetris." It didn't end there, as Ernie (we're allowed to call him by his first name, it's cool) continued his affair with the puzzle game for a lot longer than you might think. "For 15 years, I was hooked on Tetris. I played it every single day. I can still hear that stupid song in my head. I thought, if that one game did that to me... I just don't have time for that. So I'm not a gamer. But the kids, they spend more time than I'd like to see them spend playing games." 15 years, only to kick the habit cold turkey? Man, Ernie, talk about impressive.[Via Go Nintendo]