

  • SMITE brings out the Hindu god Kumbhakarna

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The Sleeping Giant, Kumbhakarna, is the latest god to enter into SMITE's cage match pantheon. This Hindu god might not be the most nimble or even the most awake, but he has power nevertheless. Kumbhakarna doesn't die when he hits zero hit points; he falls asleep and eventually wakes up at 25% health. He can also throw back enemies, root bad guys with a smash, and... yawn for a mez. You can check out his moves in the god reveal after the break. [Source: Hi-Rez press release]

  • SMITE video shows off revised He Bo, God of the Yellow River

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Although not implying that the old He Bo was washed up, SMITE treated the God of the Yellow River to a makeover. A mage who uses water to drown and destroy his enemies, He Bo's new visage better fits his mythology. His skills include the passive Steady Flow (a buff that increases his magical power), and three active attacks: Water Cannon, Water Spout, and Atlas of the Yellow River (previously known as Flood Waters). He Bo's ultimate attack is Crushing Wave. Besides the revised god, today's update includes other changes as well, including a semi-transparent mini-map that players can control the opacity of, a new view mode that allows players to follow the action of their teammates even after death, and improvements to the league and god screens as well as the match lobby. For more on this update, check out the official notes. And to hear the lore behind the god He Bo and see a demonstration of his skills, watch the video below. [Source: Hi-Rez press release]

  • SMITE issues doomsday patch with Mayan god

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Everyone's hopping on board the (non-existent) apocalypse bandwagon, and SMITE may have the edge on irony. Today the MOBA has expanded to include the Mayan god Xbalanque as well as a host of new features and additions. These changes include special holiday skins, a jousting map and 1v1 queue, a themed "match of the day," changes to the conquest map, and an improved item store. Hi-Rez Studios is participating in a 24-hour "post-apocalyptic" livestream charity event for Child's Play tomorrow, and our very own Patrick will be joining them to cover it. Check out Xbalanque's reveal video after the jump, if only to figure out how to pronounce his name! [Source: Hi-Rez press release]