

  • Google Apps coming to Clearwire customers via new partnership

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Don't look now, but it seems Google is teaming up with wireless broadband provider Clearwire in order to bless its customers with the Google Apps communication suite. Though no definitive date was provided, Clearwire will "soon" begin migrating its users to Gmail / Google Calendar sometime during the first half of this year, and furthermore, these same folks will also have access to Google Talk. Beyond all that, however, is quite a bit of lovin' coming from both sides, and Clearwire's chief strategy officer Scott Richardson even went so far as to say that he "looked forward to expanding its working relationship with Google." Quite the interesting tag team, wouldn't you say?

  • Google Hosted Mail Notifier

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I found a widget back in January that did a ho-hum job of checking your Google hosted email (via Google's Apps for Your Domain service), but it doesn't always behave, and for RAM-conscious users a widget simply isn't the way to go. Fortunately, the Google Hosted Mail Notifier has risen to the challenge of providing a simple menubar item for checking your Google Hosted email, complete with customizable Growl alerts, choices in time intervals for checking mail, sounds, HTTPS connections and more. It works really well, though I wish it used a different icon than the official Google Notifier to help differentiate it from the pack. Still, for a donationware app from Troels Bay, the same crew who brought us the Google Reader Notifier (and please, show the dev some donation love), this is a great piece of work.