

  • Verizon not closing unlimited plans yet, but still trying to transition customers away

    We reported that Verizon was going to shut down unlimited data plans when customers purchased new phones and shared data plans were available. The company now says that while it does want to try and phase unlimited data plans out, there will still be options for customers currently under unlimited plans who are aiming to buy new phones. Basically, if you want to be eligible for a discount on a new phone, Verizon is going to try to sell you on switching off from the unlimited plan, over to something that helps the company budget data more easily (not to mention opens you up to extra fees, if you happen to go over your data cap). Customers who currently have unlimited plans and pay full price for a new phone, will get the reward of keeping their unlimited plans for the foreseeable future. Those of you willing to pay won't have to worry. I personally have an unlimited data plan with AT&T, and it's been more than worth it, given all of the browsing, sharing, and reading I do on my iPhone. I can see why companies would rather get their customers on more budgeted plans, but as a customer, I'd much rather pay for unlimited service than have to worry about how much data I'm using all the time.

    Mike Schramm
  • EverQuest II grandfathers in established characters

    EverQuest II players got a pleasant surprise today, as Executive Producer Dave Georgeson announced that any and all characters created prior to Age of Discovery's launch would be grandfathered into the game. This means that any characters that were locked due to a player going from, say, subscription to free-to-play are now available. The company is also refunding any Station Cash points spent to unlock these characters following the expansion's release. From the full announcement on the EQII forums: But, we don't really want to force those decisions on returning players. It's not a fun experience to come back to something that seemed exciting (F2P) and then get hit with a bill as soon as you arrive, just for the privilege of using your current characters. So here's what we're going to do. *Every* character that was created before 12/06/2011 at 12:01 a.m. will be grandfathered in without race or class restriction. This means that regardless of your membership level, you will be able to play any character created before 12/6 without paying for race- or class-pack unlocks. For any player that previously subscribed to EQII Live servers, or as a Gold or Platinum member on EQ2X, we will also refund all the class/race pack purchases made after 12/06/2011 at 12:01 am and before the time of this posting (12/08/2011, 4:30pm) so that no one loses any SC due to this change.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Grandpa Aaron loves Bioshock, can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving

    It's getting to be that time of year where mushy, sentimental and "awww"-inducing chatter overwhelms all channels of media and fills your heart with a warm sense of home, whether you like it or not. For example: Reddit user Jungleradio gave his 80 year-old grandfather copies of Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption, Braid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for his birthday, with quaint, heartwarming results. Jump past the break for Grandpa Aaron's take on each game, and don't forget to tell your Aunt Suzy to bring Nana's twice-baked potato recipe to the next family reunion.

    Jordan Mallory
  • AT&T extends olive branch, will let all iPad orders before June 7 get $30 unlimited data plan

    We'd previously heard some nasty rumors that Apple appeared to be delaying iPad shipments until June 7, ostensibly to prevent a bum rush of people grandfathering into AT&T's $30 unlimited dead-plan-walking. Whether that's really what was going on, we may never know -- but the carrier's making things right today by saying that it'll let anyone ordering an iPad prior to June 7 get in on the $30 plan whether they've received their unit or not (and let's be honest, if you order now, you're definitely not getting it by Monday). When asked for an exact cutoff time, AT&T told us that you can push it all the way to 11:59PM on the 6th, so procrastinate all you want, you... procrastinator, you.

    Chris Ziegler