

  • Mentor Guilds for EU and US realms announced

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Back in July, Blizzard announced the Guild Mentoring Program, aimed at easing the process of connecting new players to guilds. Now, both the European and US servers have their initial mentoring guilds selected. These guilds will have their names temporarily changed to make finding them easier for new players, becoming Blizzard Mentor Horde or Blizzard Mentor Alliance for the duration of the program. The Mentoring program is only available on the selected servers for now, so if you feel you're in need of mentor services, check the lists to see if they're available on your server. The program is specifically tailored for new and low level players to get an introduction to what being in a guild is all about, so if that's you, definitely check it out. It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

  • The Guild Counsel: Help, other games are stealing my members!

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    I have to start off this week's column with a hearty show of sympathy for current guild leaders because in some ways, it's much harder to manage a guild now than it was a decade ago when MMOs were just in their infancy. When I first created a guild in EverQuest with a friend, we had the luxury of knowing that "our way or the highway" really did apply. If you got booted or chose to leave, your choice was to join another guild (which was pretty hard to do if you were a problem because word got around) or basically hang up your MMO hat for good. Now, there are more MMOs to choose from than ever before, and with the flurry of game launches over the past year, it's sometimes hard to manage the ebb and flow of guild members on the roster. Guild departures are a fairly common problem, but what if the reason for the departure isn't a "grass is greener" guild but a "grass is greener" game? In this week's Guild Counsel, we'll look at what to consider when treating the issue.

  • The Guild Counsel: Lessons from you

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Each week, I tip-toe to the sidewalk and plant my soapbox to pontificate on the trials and tribulations of guild life. I'm a little biased, obviously, but I really enjoy the social side of MMOs, and apart from a few brief months when I first started gaming back in 1999 (trying to figure out what the heck it was all about), I have always been involved with guilds. For every frustrating moment, drama-filled clash, and annoyance of management, I can cite 10 moments when being a part of a guild has made MMO gaming more enjoyable and satisfying for me. But each weekly topic has brought a wide variety of opinions from all of you, and while not everyone agrees, there have been some valuable comments. In this week's Guild Counsel, we'll look back at some of the hotbutton topics of the past and highlight some of the advice and commentary that the Massively readers have had when it comes to guild management and guild life in general. The soapbox is all yours!

  • The Guild Council: Why you should diversify your guild roster

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    More than once in this column, I've tried to hammer home the point that it's important to recruit players who match up well with your guild. So much guild drama spawns from a situation in which one player just doesn't fit in with the culture of the guild. But you don't want to lead a bunch of sheep, either, and while there are certain traits that you want to see match up (like playtimes, game style in general, and chat preference), it's worth it to carry a roster with some diversity. In the past, we've looked at a few good player types to seek out, but in this week's Guild Counsel, I'd like to look more closely at some of the more subtle personalities that are good to have on board.

  • The Guild Counsel: Five essentials of guild management

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    We've seen a recent wave of new MMOs launch, and in just a few more weeks, we'll probably see the launch of one of the most anticipated titles of the year, Guild Wars 2. That, along with the upcoming launch of World of Warcraft's expansion, means there will be many new guilds springing up, some of which will be headed by brand-new guild leaders. Everyone wants a roster full of happy pandas, but sometimes that's easier said than done. There are lots of issues to deal with when it comes to running a guild, and there's a lot of nuance that factors into whether a guild is successful in the long run. We've looked at many of them in this column, but in this week's Guild Counsel, we'll highlight five of the essentials that must be considered when you're leading a guild.

  • The Guild Counsel: Should MMO studios hold guild summits?

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    We're in the thick of game convention season, and with that come the usual panels and discussions aimed at the general playerbase. But in some games, there are organized "guild summits" that pull in handpicked guilds for some amplified feedback and lobbying power over future game design. But how much sway should guilds have with game studios? On one hand, they can be helpful lobbying groups for game changes that the bulk of the playerbase wants and would appreciate. On the other hand, not all guilds are the same, and what one guild might want to see in game could be vastly different from the ideas of another guild. Should guilds have special summits with studios? Let's take a look at this topic in this week's Guild Counsel.

  • The Guild Counsel: Gender choice and guild drama

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    There are many reasons for guild drama, but one of the most challenging comes from a single choice that we make before our characters even see the light of day. In MMOs, character creation can consist of full customization, or it can simply be a choice among some pre-sets, but the majority of games give you the choice to pick your gender. Even if you select a non-human race, there are usually male versions and female versions. For many players, this is a no-brainer, and they play as their own gender. But many others opt to go cross-gender, and that can lead to drama later on, even if it's unintended. In this week's Guild Counsel, let's look at the topic of gender to see why it can be so problematic and how guilds can avoid potential drama from it.

  • The Guild Counsel: The merit in MMOs and the greatness in guilds

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Last week, I got a bit grouchy as I looked at bad gamers, and I want to rebound from that this week. Bad gamers are like a paper cut: tiny and microscopic, yet surprisingly annoying. But when you step back and look at gaming overall, there's still plenty to marvel at. MMOs still offer a lot of freedom, which means freedom to be a griefer but also freedom to make connections with others and even learn a little about yourself along the way. I love when a group or raid is really clicking because players begin to relax, personalities emerge, and the results are some memorable moments and strong friendships. Maybe it's a desire to bounce back from last week's rant, or maybe it's the double rainbow I saw yesterday, but in this week's Guild Counsel, it's time to revisit what makes MMOs and guilds so great.

  • The Guild Counsel: Bad gamers

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    You'll have to forgive me this week for channeling the spirit of Andy Rooney and getting my grump on, but I need to get something off my chest. When it comes to MMOs, I tend to have an optimistic view of things. I think MMOs offer a lot when it comes to learning about ourselves, making connections with others, and exploring amazing worlds. But every time I reassure myself of the positive qualities of gaming, up pops exhibit #4,381 to prove me wrong. I still hold out hope, but in this week's Guild Counsel, I want to look at my most recent encounter with the bleaker side of gaming to see why, after all these years, we haven't escaped it -- and how we might be able to curb it. (And I'll explain why it has to do with Ron Burgundy!)

  • The Guild Counsel: Five golden rules of raid leadership

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Organizing and running a raid is a weird cross between coach, playground monitor, and symphony conductor. It's challenging, but when everything is going well, it really is a fun and satisfying experience. There are a lot of little details that sometimes come up, but in general, I think there are five "golden rules" that basically guarantee a good raid, even if you don't necessarily win all the boss battles. And these rules really apply to any situation that involves managing players, so players who like to put together dungeon-running groups, for example, should find these helpful as well. What are my "golden rules" of raid leadership? Read on and share yours below!

  • The Daily Grind: What's the best guild you ever joined?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    I find that a great guild can make or break a game for me. It's always exciting to know that there's a terrific group of people waiting to talk with you and hang out with you when you log in every day. Long after the memories of my daily adventures in an MMO have faded, I can still recall the people I talked and grouped with as clear as anything. I've been part of many wonderful guilds over the years, but one of the most special in my heart was in World of Warcraft. This guild got me into blogging for starters (which in turn led to my very first mention on Massively!), and I formed quite a few strong friendships there that have continued to this day. So what about you? What's the best guild you ever joined, and what makes it so special? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Star Trek Online gets a new installment of Ask Cryptic

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you're looking forward to more Fleet options in Star Trek Online, you're in luck, as the newest installment of Ask Cryptic makes it clear that Fleet Starbases will be getting more love in the near future. There are plans for more PvP options, plans for more projects in the base, and plans for more fleet-specifics ships. Despite all of that, the fleet projects can be completed by almost anyone with dedication: producer Dan Stahl says you should still be able to unlock your rewards even if you have a fleet consisting of just yourself and your alts. This particular installment also focuses on other long-awaited features such as the addition of Cardassians as an official species, something that's still on the table even with the Cardassian lockbox ships. Stahl makes it clear that the team would like to allow players to switch the species of their captains if desired, although there isn't a precise timetable on that feature. That's in addition to more discussion of a future inclusion of poker, new item sets, and other future improvements to the universe of Star Trek Online.

  • The Guild Counsel: What barbecue teaches us about raid leadership

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    The fourth of July is here, and along with the fireworks and fun in the sun comes my favorite meal of all: barbecue. There's nothing better than grilled-up meats rubbed in spice or slathered in sauce. Recently, as I was finishing off a perfectly smoked rack of ribs, I realized that there's an interesting parallel between barbecuers and raid leaders. You can see many similarities between the personality types. I put my theory to the test and consumed lots and lots of barbecue, all in the name of science, and I have concluded that you can indeed tell what type of raid leader you are by your barbecue style. So grab burger and a nice cold drink and read on as we interpret the smoke signals and read the tea leaves of grilling!

  • The Daily Grind: Do you join a new guild in each new MMO?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So I was asked about starting up a Massively cabal (otherwise known as a guild) in The Secret World. It's an interesting idea, and one that would probably be a lot of fun if there was some way to make it work with an insane schedule. See, in addition to TSW, I'm also heavily invested in an Age of Conan guild. Then there's that small group of friends that still pal around in EverQuest II, and oh yeah I'm actively looking for a PlanetSide 2 outfit. Today's Daily Grind, then, is all about MMO guilds and how you approach them. Does your guild join you as you check out new games or genres, or do you strike out on your own and join another group in each new game? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Guild Counsel: Adam Trzonkowski on guild leading and Kickstarter success

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Adam "Ferrel" Trzonkowski is on a roll of late. He's a successful veteran guild leader, an accomplished author, and most recently, a Kickstarter success story. He's used his experiences in guild and raid management to pen two advice manuals: The Guild Leader's Companion and The Raider's Companion, the second of which was successfully funded through a Kickstarter campaign. And just a few weeks ago, he wrapped up his second Kickstarter fundraising drive for his new project, The Guild Leader's Companion 2nd Edition. Massively had a chance to speak with Adam and pick his brain about leadership, writing, and Kickstarter. Whether you're looking for advice on handling guild drama, seeking a little help getting started with your own writing project, or looking for his secret to Kickstarter success, you'll find the answer after the cut!

  • The Guild Counsel: Nerfed to heck - now what?

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    You can run the best guild, have the smoothest guild atmosphere, and progress like a champion but still end up losing members through no fault of your own. Why? Nerfed classes. Classes are a double-edged sword because on one hand, they allow people to feel needed and unique. I tank, you heal, Bobby does DPS, and the group is a lot weaker if one of us is missing. On the other hand, class balance is rarely achieved, so there's always that red-headed stepchild class that no one really needs, the one who feels like the proverbial fifth wheel. If you're a guild leader whose member has suddenly gone from "OP" to "nerfed to oblivion," then what, if anything, should you do? Let's take a look in this week's Guild Counsel.

  • The Secret World talks Founding Cabals and corrupt sun gods


    As part of the process of gearing up for launch, The Secret World's community team is setting a lure for cross-game guilds. Any existing guild leader can apply for a chance to have his or her guild to to be selected as a Founding Cabal. Cabals are TSW's super-secretive-sounding version of guilds. Founding Cabals come with a whole host of benefits including guild name reservation, beta keys for members, a lifetime account and 5,000 Funcom points for the leader, and the possibility to get five years of hosting via Guild Launch. Check out the forum post for application details, and prepare to marshal your forces to stake your claim in the world. While we're speaking of marshaling forces, a lore post today shed some light on the dark powers stirring in the once-hidden city of the sun god. After the Black Pharaoh Akhenaten was driven mad by the beckons of the evil sun god Aten, the vizier Ptahmose and his seven children worked to end the pharaoh's reign and protect the world. To that end, the seven children turned themselves into statues infused with the powers of the Egyptian gods, the better to hide the dark city from the rest of the world. There's no such thing as a happy ending for this kind of story, though: The city has been found by cultists, ghouls, jinn, and other baddies. The living statue Sentinels are having a hard time holding back the dark corruption, which means it's time for a hero -- you. Players will help the Sentinels, retrieve relics, rally spirits, restore balance, hack mainframes, and come face-to-face with the Black Pharaoh himself. [Thanks to Spartan for the tip!]

  • The Guild Counsel: Important graduation advice for gamers

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Summer's almost here, but before we hit the beach and grab some sun, it's time for graduation. Everywhere I go, I see cars with "2012" colorfully written across windows and young adults sporting mortar boards. Graduation is a culminating point in a young person's education, and lately, I've felt as if I've received quite an education through the years playing MMOs and managing guilds. Interestingly enough, some of the advice that's given to graduates applies very well in our MMO experience. In this week's Guild Counsel, let's look back at a few famous graduation speeches to see how some sage advice on entering the "real world" offers valuable lessons for our time in the virtual ones.

  • The Daily Grind: Should games bother innovating guild systems?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    In-game support for MMO guilds has come a long way in the last 15 years. Ultima Online launched without guilds at all, let alone chat, so we tacked our guild abbreviations onto our character names. EverQuest's early months required guild leaders to petition GMs to form guilds. In fact, it wasn't until Asheron's Call that an MMO tried to break away from the "unofficial online shooter clan" mold and provide something different: a monarchy system that encouraged players to form official but dynamic allegiances, which provided an in-game benefit to patrons and vassals alike. But the genre didn't iterate on Asheron's Call's invention, instead preferring to bolster in-game guilds with perks like guild vaults and achievements -- cool stuff, but layered over a static, military style of guild structure with generic ranks. Most MMOs don't allow you to join multiple groups, either (Guild Wars 2 being a notable exception). So today I'm wondering whether you think there's room for innovation in MMO guild mechanics. Should studios design unique and flexible guild systems, or should they just get out of the way and let players decide how to organize themselves like we had to Back In The Day? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Guild Counsel: Finding the best times to recruit

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    When you're recruiting more members to your guild, it can sometimes seem like there are just no more fish in the pond to attract. And managing a roster can be frustrating at times because just when you think you have a healthy number of members, attrition sets in. We're all familiar with the launch-day, mass influx of players to an MMO, and we've seen the waning numbers over time, meaning a smaller pool of candidates to recruit. But there are actually peak times during the course of the year when recruiting becomes easier. In this week's Guild Counsel, we'll look at a few prime opportunities to seek out good members for your guild.