

  • More in-game commentary coming next-gen?

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    MTV News takes a look at one of Half-Life 2: Episode One's best secrets: the in-game commentary track. Much like the DVD format's popular director's commentary feature, Valve stuck in audio commentary from the game's developers. Hit the little floating text bubble and be treated to commentary on everything from design conceits (like apologizing for artificial barriers) to eye-candy techniques (yup, that's HDR lighting).The problem is, according to Valve's own statistics, only 15% of the gamers who've played Episode One have activated the feature. Regardless of its popularity, Valve project manager Erik Johnson says, "There isn't really any chance of us leaving it out in our future titles." That's good news for those of us interested in the commentary feature. Unfortunately, not every game developer is going to keep it in, even if they got there first.Factor 5 included developer commentary on their Star Wars: Battle for Naboo title on the N64, an impressive feat for a cartridge system. They've included commentary on every title since then, so a commentary track on the PlayStation 3's Lair (with its copious amounts of Blu-ray space) would seem to be a perfect touch. Insomniac Games has commentary plans for their next game (following PS3 launch title Resistance), but that 15% number may make them nervous. Insomniac's Ted Price said, "If gamers want audio commentary, they have to let it be known." Okay, Ted. So, gamers, were you amongst Valve's 15% and if not, why?

  • Duct tape + cardboard = DI? Half-Life 2 costume

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    A Planet Half-Life member, who goes only by the online nom de guerre "Kevin," created this incredible Gordon Freeman costume with nothing but duct tape and cardboard (seriously, that's it). In exchange, he has earned the admiration of nerds and Halloween costume partygoers everywhere. Why do cosplayers always have to dress up as Final Fantasy characters, or Mario anyway? Joystiq salutes you, Dr. Freeman. Just don't bring any of those headcrabs to our staff party.[Via Aeropause]

  • Half-Life 2 on Intel Macs

    Alex Wollenschlaeger
    Alex Wollenschlaeger

    If you've sated your Tetris lust through Quinn and you're looking for something a little meatier to play, you might want to check out this kludge a CodeWeavers forumite has used to get Half-Life 2 running on an Intel Mac.Armed with the beta of CrossOver Mac, user JustinD downloaded Gordon Freeman's alien-blasting adventure through Valve's Steam service and proceeded to shoehorn it onto his MacBook. It isn't pretty since you can't use anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering, and there's pop-in, missing video, and other surprises, but, hey, it's Half-Life 2 on your MacBook.I don't have an Intel Mac lying around to try this out, so hit the comments if you get it working.[via Joystiq]

  • Relive youth with GoldenEye Source trailer

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    A team of fans is rebuilding GoldenEye 007 with the Half-Life 2 Source engine; that ought'a teach today's kids about good game design. The team just released an impressive trailer of its efforts, showcasing many of the recreated environments. While the project is still unfinished -- we'll call it "pre-cease-and-desist" -- you may soon be able to relive that Bond classic on a PC.But let's take a moon-walking step backwards here. These rebuild-the-classic game projects seem aimed at the gamer who looks at how perfect life was back then, with the velour car seats and prom date. And wait a minute, GoldenEye came out less than ten years ago. (Replace "moon walk" with "pop-n-lock," "velour" with "neoprene," and "prom date" with "internet porn.") It's not like your N64 won't work with your new TV. You might even be able to download the original on the Wii.Modders, we salute your ingenuity and desire to bring your GoldenEye experience to today's dirty, ungrateful youth. Judging from the video (embedded after the break), we know you've put a lot of work into the project. But why not spend that energy on making something unique? We know you can, and we want to play it.[Thanks, nowhere]

  • Half-Life 2 gets all tactical and stuff

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Primotech has posted a rundown of the new Half-Life 2 mod, SMOD: Tactical. This mod-of-a-mod transforms geeky Gordon Freeman into a Counter-Terrorist super-soldier, who can slow time and put down baddies with a few well-placed shots.Tactical's most striking elements are the remodeled weapon set and hip visual effects. You'll blast through City 17 with new toys like the 1911 .45 caliber pistol, M4 carbine with EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights, and Artic Warfare Magnum sniper rifle. The experience is heightened by depth-of-field and screen-blur effects and the aforementioned "bullet time" feature.Download the alpha version (191.55 MB .rar file) here.[Thanks, Alex]

  • Grok Half-Life 2: E2's five gameplay demos

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Having trouble getting used to Valve's eight-month episodic cycle? We can sympathize, we keep dreaming of Alyx also (don't worry, our shrink says this is totally normal).So we're only ... uh, four and a half months away from Half-Life 2: Episode 2's planned February 2007 release date and it's still not getting any easier. But Valve, empathic as they are, felt our pain last week and added the five gameplay demos they were showing off at the Leipzig Games Convention to Steam so we can download and enjoy them in lovely high-def. Don't want to bother with all that? We've also added all five in blocky embed-o-vision after the break.[Image credit: Planet of the Geeks]

  • Modding about Fallingwater; Frank Lloyd Wright house in HL2

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    If talking about music is like dancing about architecture, then what is writing about architecture like? Anyone with an affinity for the art and science of designing great buildings knows there is no better way to experience them than to walk through them; to experience the sense of scale intimately; see how light affects the space; see how the location affects the light, and so on. Unfortunately, that dictum still holds true, but for how long?One architecture student slash level modder chose Frank Lloyd Wright's tree-nestled modern masterpiece Fallingwater (aka the Kaufmann House) to recreate using Half-Life 2's Source engine. Anyone who's visited western Pennsylvania and taken the time to stop by Fallingwater knows the value of experiencing it first-hand.The video walkthrough (embedded after the break) does give some sense of scale, but lacks the same polish that all video games exhibit on closer inspection. Though you miss the craftsmanship in the details, you do get an unparalleled appreciation for the way Wright tucked his house into the woods. Using "noclip" mode, the video's tour guide takes us up above the house and the waterfall providing a point-of-view entirely absent from the real experience. [Via Boing Boing]

  • HL2: Episode Two delayed till 2007

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Valve Software has been one of the main proponents in the push for episodic gaming, a fact which quickly comes to mind in light of Half-Life 2: Episode Two getting its own push into the future. Releasing Half-Life 2 expansion episodes in lieu of Half-Life 3 was supposed to curb development time, something which Valve is always struggling to keep on a leash before it wrecks the office and eats all the calendars. Alas, it has run amok once again, causing Episode Two to slip to February 2007. In other words, the release gap between the first and second "episodes" has now grown to 8 months. Valve's Doug Lombardi tells Eurogamer that the delay is simply "classic Valve being overly aggressive on our dates" and that the title will likely end up being a "little longer" than the first title. A further point of consideration is that Episode Two is being developed in conjunction with several other included games (Portal, Team Fortress 2) and console versions. Lombardi also states that the extra games will result in a slightly higher price than that of the single Episode One release ($19.99), with the all-inclusive console releases expected to retail at full price. With any luck, this will be the last delay in store for Valve's upcoming release -- otherwise, we'll have to start questioning just how far the word "episodic" can stretch.

  • Students snatched up to develop Portal

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    There's an interesting rags to finely rendered riches story to be found in an interview conducted with Valve's newest employees -- the DigiPen students responsible for Narbacular Drop, a crazy foray into transitive gameplay that now serves as the inspiration for Valve's mindbending Portal. Kim Swift, one of the developers on the project, notes how rapidly their run-in with Gabe Newell changed their careers and their lives:"Gabe watched our demo and basically hired us on the spot. It was kind of shocking. We stood around in the parking lot afterwards gibbering to ourselves for about 20 minutes."The rest of the interview clarifies some issues regarding the Half-Life 2: Episode Two companion, ruling out multiplayer (for now) and firmly labeling the game as a level-based adventure of puzzles and experiments gone awry. Swift was slightly lethargic in sharing information with regards to where exactly Portal fits into the Half-Life universe, though we'd bet a headcrab or two that the protagonist will be a Black Mesa alumni. Perhaps Adrian Shepherd has become an unwitting test subject for the Aperture Science Laboratories? That suggestion isn't too outlandish, at least not to the same degree as this response from Swift when she seemingly misunderstands a question about EA potentially purchasing Valve:"As far as I know, Valve has no plans of purchasing EA."Win-win scenario in an alternate universe: Valve-EA releases a Half-Life game on time, every year.Previously: Half-Life 2 confirmed for Xbox 360, PS3 First trailer of Valve's Portal released Team Fortress 2 is so 'incredibles'

  • First trailer of Valve's Portal released

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    One of the announced games to be featured alongside the upcoming PC and console versions of Half-Life 2: Episode Two is one that promises to obliterate your concepts of traditional level design and generally assault your brain with a large rolling pin. It's called Portal and, should the name not be explanatory enough, it deals primarily with gaping holes in time and space which magically transport you to different locations. Where Human Head's Prey took you for a wacky ride through these portals, Valve's title equips you with a sterile looking gun and urges you to make your own entry and exit points with wild abandon. The trailer (embedded in the second part of the post) aptly demonstrates the powers of the portal gun, the dangers of getting caught in an infinite loop and, of course, how using rampant teleportation can enable you to solve puzzles involving crates of some kind. As they say, hilarity ensues.[Thanks Easy_G!]

  • Halo 3 has a happy ending, or how I learned to love YTMND

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    The animated .gif addicts over at YTMND have been very busy lately revealing the truthiness behind recent video game rumors. Here are some of those OMIGOD NEWS FLASH! announcements from YTMND's gaming posse: The PS3's 100% official start-up screen REVEALED! Nintendo's bunker busted REVEALED! Halo 3 ending REVEALED! World of Warcraft in space REVEALED! Shiggy's secret N64 formula REVEALED! Half-Life 2's plotline REVEALED! (take that, suckas) YTMND's formula is never going to get old, simply because there will never be a shortage of fanboy ideas and rumors to make fun of. [Via Xbox360Fanboy] More: The Wii zeitgeist, via YTMND, Wiill Ferrell tests Wii accelerometer technology and Dick Hunt!

  • Metareview - Half-Life 2: Episode One

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    With the advent of Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace and other digital download services, developers now have multiple avenues for extending our favorite franchises beyond the core games. Many of our readers have commented favorably on the industry's shift toward episodic content, as it provides inexpensive and more frequent opportunities to engage your game of choice. However, in a world of blogs, podcasts, and easily digestible content, thin isn't always in. Gamers still expect a lot of bang for their gaming buck.So what does $20 get you for Half-Life 2: Episode 1? Valve had a tough act to follow in the bestselling HL2, with considerably less time than the six years they used to produce what many consider the best shooter of all time. As a result, you'll see a great deal of familiar territory in Episode One, but with some new gameplay twists in the aftermath of City 17. The critics weigh in: EuroGamer (90/100) enjoyed this "fat-free" installment: "Set across five contrasting chapters, it's a wonderfully balanced affair that rarely dwells on one element too long. The focus on action and combat is sensibly weighted, there are no vehicle sections at all, no time-wasting exploration required, and a more satisfyingly logical approach to puzzles. All round, the gameplay feels tighter and more refined." GameSpot (87/100) appreciated Alyx's brains and brawn: "There's a wonderful new team dynamic at work in Episode One, thanks to the fact that Alyx battles alongside you throughout most of the episode. It's refreshing to have a companion by your side...and she's often the difference between victory and defeat in many encounters, as she'll cover your back while you're busy trying to sort out the puzzle." IGN (85/100) was looking for more of HL2's "wow" factor: "There's a long list of neat things that HL2 did, and Episode One doesn't feel as fresh as a result, since it largely reuses previous content, and it doesn't advance the story as much as a four-hour experience should." See also: Half-Life 2: Episodes Two and Three confirmed

  • Half-Life 2: Episodes Two and Three confirmed

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    As we wait patiently for next week's release of Half-Life 2: Episode One, Valve has confirmed that Episode Two will ship by the end of the year, and will be the subject of a sneak peek included with the first expansion. Meanwhile, Episode Three is already in development and has been confirmed for a late 2007 release. How many of you have purchased SiN Episodes: Emergence, or BioWare's Neverwinter Nights premium modules? What other franchises would you like to see deliver episodic content? See also: HL2: Episode One site is up, with plot details, Half-Life 2 storyline cheat sheet

  • Half-Life 2 and Burnout 5 slated for PS3?

    Adams Briscoe
    Adams Briscoe

    You shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to let yourself go. According to this GameSpot article, big name retailer EBGames has let it slip about a few titles that haven't even been confirmed yet. While this is not uncommon, the preemptive listings could give us insight into the future.Apparently gamers may see Gordon Freeman surface on the next-gen Sony machine before it's all over with. EA could be the ones bringing Half-Life 2 to the PlayStation 3, as well as Burnout 5.Both would be nice renditions on the PS3, but then again, we officially don't even know anything about them.

  • HL2 plushie headcrabs...you know, for kids

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    I'm not sure how many little kids are gonna be trading in their raggedy teddy-bears for Valve's official plushie headcrab, but I do know one grown man-child who is seriously considering plunking down the relatively steep $25 asking price. C'mon, for that price you could get Half-Life: Episode One and have enough left over to pick up an authentic crowbar, for that real Gordon Freeman experience.We all know these are gonna sell like crazy...question is, how many people are gonna be lazy and just name it Lamarr? How about Hedy? The name's Hedley!Click the "Continue" link to check out some additional pictures of Valve's plushie cuddlies.[Thanks, Muskie, Alex, and mofomojo]

  • Valve planning something for Xbox 360...episodic?

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Valve announced today development of future game releases for Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, with the first (unnamed) title "coming soon." Valve's Gabe Newell said, "The combination of Source and the 360 provides game designers the chance to create powerful entertainment experiences...Whether developing a traditional FPS, RTS, RPG or delving into new genres, the Xbox 360 is a great platform for expanding Source and our game experiences.”Of course there is no mention of what this mystery title is, as they're undoubtedly saving the big reveal for E3. But what could it be? We know Microsoft is interested in episodic distribution (Peter Moore told me so himself) and that Ritual is interested in bringing their Source-based SiN Episodes to the 360 (they've said so), so it seems a reasonable assumption that Valve could be bringing the episodic efforts of SiN and Half-Life 2 to the 360 platform, with Microsoft making the big announcement at E3. What say you Joystiqers?[Thanks, Nate, Jeremy, and Crimson]

  • Gamers resurrect imploded pop stars

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    What is it about Michael Jackson and machinima? After stumbling across this clever video set in Counter-Strike, I ran a couple of searches. This rabbit-hole goes deep. There's plenty of MJ to be found in World of Warcraft videos (Beat It, Billy Jean) which is unsurprising considering that the entire male population of night elves appears to have summered at Neverland ranch in their youth (this would explain many of their pathological in-game tendencies, but that's a whole 'nother rabbit hole). Many of the night-elf dance moves are lifted from the King of Pop's library of signature jigs, including the pelvic thrust and twirly-hand-leg-kick thing. Even denizens of Second Life appear to be thrilled by the opportunity to relive the days when Jacko only pretended to be ghoulish. Through machinima, fans of celebs who have dashed their careers against the treacherous reefs of fame can now travel back to the future. Fans can return to a time when their idols still had something worth worshipping. It's a form of therapy.

  • Half-Life 2: Episode Two confirmed by Valve

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    You didn't think it would end with Aftermath, did you? As a follow-up to Aftermath (now entitled Episode One), Valve has confirmed that Episode Two has been in development for quite some time ("about as long as Episode One," according to IGN). No other details are available right now, but it's safe to say that Episode One/Aftermath (whatever you wish to call it) will not be answering all of the questions left open by the Half-Life 2 ending. According to CVG, who will soon post an interview with Episode One designer Robin Walker, the initial release will offer around 5 hours of gameplay and will give more details as to the G-Man's involvement and the fates of the Breen and the Citadels. [Thanks, Jon D and the "almighty" Ludwig]

  • Valve: HL2 Aftermath coming April 24

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Originally scheduled to debut alongside the Xbox release of Half-Life 2 last November, Valve's Doug Lombardi broke the tough news that Half Life 2: Aftermath would have to wait until February or March of this year. Now -- in true Valve fashion -- another release date has been made available. 1UP writes, "Valve's PR man Doug Lombardi says April 24th is the target date for both Aftermath and Half-Life 2: Platinum, which bundles Half-Life 2, DeathMatch, CounterStrike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, and Aftermath into a singular package." I want that one.[Thanks, Armin]

  • Homebrew WADs and mods

    Adams Briscoe
    Adams Briscoe

    With the advent of DOOM being ported to the PSP, homebrew hackers have been busy at work tricking out mods for the popular shooter. One such gamer at DCEmu has managed to fix up Counter-Strike and Quake 1 that runs from the original doom2.wad file. There are all sorts of mod files cropping up for the PSP, but make sure you know how to get them running before diving into it. Check the thread for some great images and information. [Thanks, Wraggster]