

  • Bungie talks up the Brute video

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Now that the latest Halo 3 "ViDoc" has been released and allowed to simmer for a few hours, Bungie has responded to some of the most common questions and concerns associated with it. Chief among these questions is of course the graphics. Already announced as being placeholder graphics, many still found the video to be lacking -- in some cases barely above Halo 2's visual quality. In response, Bungie says that essentially nothing in the video represents the actual look of Halo 3, save for a few very brief snippets. Furthermore, all footage in the video is several months old, as that is when they started creating the documentary.

  • Halo 3 Brute video: thoughts, impressions

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Okay, the Halo 3 Brute documentary is now available on Marketplace. Doubtless, many of you have watched it already, while other poor souls are forced to go to work (if you are stuck at work, check out some off screen images here). You know what time it is? That's right, time to over-analyze!

  • Halo 3 Brute video

    Justin Murray
    Justin Murray

    With the Covenant Elite saying goodbye as the major enemy in the Halo series, Bungie had to replace them with someone. To replace them, Bungie gives us the Brutes. Their documentary talks about the evolution of the Brutes from the stupid, mindless killing machines of Halo 2 to the more sophisticated enemy worthy of replacing the Elites. The video shows some nice, new in-game footage (which I'm sure is what most people care about the most) that should leave Halo fans wanting more. For those with an Xbox 360, you can get the 720p version from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Enjoy!

  • Confirmed: Halo 3 documentary hitting XBLM at 2AM

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Bungie just posted a confirmation note that the new, as they call it, ViDoc will go live on the XBLM at 2 AM PST Wednesday morning. Frankie mentions that this is solely a documentary looking into the world of the Brutes and their role in Halo 3 and does not represent finished graphics or game models. He did make note that the documentary will be 7 minutes long and only be available on the XBLM in English, but will spread to new formats soon. SD and HD versions will be available so get ready ... more Halo 3 content is coming in a matter of hours. Gimme' a wort wort wort! [Thanks, Ben]

  • Bungie talks Halo 3 documentary, Brutes

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Posting on NeoGAF, Bungie mouthpiece Frankie denied rumors that Brutes will be playable in Halo 3, and he did so again in Bungie's most recent weekly update. Writing from a coffee shop (the only spot in town with power), Frankie explained that the Brutes' role will be enhanced in the third Halo; specifically, Brutes will be made "more exciting, clever, graphically impressive, terrifying, numerous and angrier" -- but absolutely not playable.Frankie also confirmed that a documentary video will hit Xbox Live this week, ostensibly focusing on Halo 3's Campaign mode. And, in an effort not to deny potential Xbox 360 owners, Bungie promised to make the video available for all to see -- not that the alternative is even conceivable (hint: it's called 'YouTube').

  • Halo 3 case mod is ... erm ... backwards

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The above picture is reason enough to leave case modding to the professionals. Klyde over at xbox-scene's forums proudly posted his first 360 case mod and was looking for a little feedback. The cutout of the Halo 3 logo was done quite well, craftsmanship is on par, but there is one tiny problem. The logo was cut out backwards, making this mod look ... craptacular. Oh well Klyde, this was your first case mod so we know your future mods can only get better (as we're looking forward to them). [Via Digg]

  • Halo 3 tune finishes the fight on iTunes, not Zune

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Bungie has announced that Marty O'Donell's score from the Halo 3 E3 trailer (not the "starry night" commercial ... or its remixes) titled "Finish the Fight" is now available on Apple's iTunes Music Store for the going rate of $0.99 (with free DRM!). What's interesting is that there's no mention -- and no sign -- of the song's availability on Microsoft's recently launched (and much ballyhooed) Zune Music Store Marketplace (you can use your Microsoft points in there). We normally wouldn't mention it if dogfooding wasn't such an important part of Microsoft's corporate culture. Quick, somebody tell Bungie.[Via X360F]Read -- Bungie news postingListen -- iTunes Music Store link

  • New Halo 3 campaign video next week

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Okay, so we got a big nasty rumor about playable Brutes and a new Halo 3 video yesterday. Those that stuck with the story know that Bungie's own Frankie later debunked the idea of playable Brutes. Luckily, part of the rumor is true, as Frankie has announced that we will be seeing a new video next week. He reveals almost nothing about the video, except that it will deal with the campaign mode of Halo 3. We've only had one snippet of the campaign mode so far, and that is the image above, so we're damned excited to see something new. Naturally we have our dreams (more Spartans?) but we'll try not to get our hopes too high. Let us conclude by making one Christmas wish: oh please let it have actual gameplay.

  • Rumor: Brutes playable in Halo 3

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The rumor goes like this: In six days time, a 7-minute video will appear on Xbox Live Marketplace detailing the origin of the Brutes. Allegedly, the video will contain several minutes of gameplay footage revealing the Brutes to be a playable class in Halo 3.This rumor comes by way of Yves De Pryck (a.k.a. YLA G) who failed to cite a source for his information. But Bungie has hinted at a new installment of its "making of" documentary series arriving on Xbox Live sometime soon. The segment is supposed to give "new insights into elements of the campaign and will peel back the curtain on a certain prominent character in Halo 3" [Bungie Weekly Update]. The Brutes have certainly come to play a significant role in the Halo video game saga.Campaign aside, would the addition of the Brutes' unique skill set and size benefit multiplayer?[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

  • Rumor: Brutes are playable in Halo 3, video on Dec. 20th [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    digg_url = 'http://www.digg.com/gaming_news/Brutes_are_playable_in_Halo_3_video_on_Dec_20th'; Update: Bungie's Frank O'Connor, under his NeoGAF alias, Stinkles, has debunked part of this rumor (twice). According to Frankie, Brutes will not be playable characters. The video may still come to pass, though. We'll just have to wait and see. We get tips from time to time, some of them small and some of them big. The tip we received this morning, however, is a doozy. Coming from the blog of YLA G -- creator of the kickass Google application, GooMGC -- the info goes something like this: Brutes will be playable in Halo 3. Not only that, but a video confirming this fact should hit Marketplace on December 20th (I knew Bungie wouldn't forget my birthday). The video is supposedly seven minutes long and gives us backstory on the Brutes and tells us what skills they will have at their disposal. Even better, 2 and a half minutes of the video should be actual gameplay. This is strictly a rumor at this point, as the article has no source listed, but it wouldn't surprise us if it's true. In fact, it makes perfect sense considering how many new Brute weapons have been announced for Halo 3. Playable Brutes opens up many questions of course. Will they have berserker attacks? Will they still have their dome protecting, headshot deflecting skull caps? Will Brutes be in the beta? Does this mean that Elites are no longer playable? Oh the possibilities. Assuming this is true, what do you want to see from the Brute class? [Thanks, lollersticks]

  • Halo snowflakes are all the rage

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Over at HBO they've put on their creativity caps and got to work on creating some Halo inspired snowflakes (or as we call them, glistening treasures of joy). Look at that craftsmanship, that effort, and do I see Stuntmutt in one? Go check out all the snowflakes on HBO's forums and maybe you could create your very own Xbox 360 Fanboy inspired glistening treasure of joy. But be sure never to eat Halo inspired snowflakes, because they'll make you want to dance.

  • Microsoft warns Euro sites against selling Halo 3 beta codes

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Intended to be given away in promotional contests, several codes that allow entry into the Halo 3 beta were distributed between participating European fansites in Microsoft's Xbox Community Network. Unfortunately, the intended use came into stark opposition with one website's more greed-oriented approach, namely selling the codes for a quick profit. According to BritXbox, the offending site hasn't been named, but their actions were enough to make Microsoft wag their fingers and type a scolding e-mail for all members of the network."If your site is found to be one of the offenders you will not receive any beta codes and will be removed from the XCN with immediate effect," it says. "We will also ensure that Microsoft will no longer have any involvement with your site." It concludes by underlining how "shocked" Microsoft is by the site's money-grab. Really? They're shocked by a couple of human beings biting the hand that feeds them and cashing in on one of the most anticipated games of 2007? Or is that being too cynical?While we're asking so many questions, let's put this one out there: Would you pay for a guaranteed spot in the Halo 3 beta? How much do you think it's worth?[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy, Hexus]

  • Euro 360 site caught selling H3 beta codes

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    digg_url = 'http://www.digg.com/gaming_news/European_360_site_caught_selling_Halo_3_beta_codes'; We brought you the news before on how to get into the European Halo 3 beta, in which several sites within the XCN (Xbox Community Network) were granted codes that allowed access to the beta. These codes were to be distributed by each site, in most cases as part of a promotional contest. It seems, however, that one of these sites saw the codes as an opportunity to make some Euros, and decided to sell them instead. Britxbox is reporting that they received an email from Microsoft today, issuing a warning to all the sites in the XCN. While the site guilty of the act has not been made public, we do know that Microsoft will cut off all contact and support for any offending site. The XCN is officially supported by Microsoft and the sites within it are promoted directly by Xbox.com. Members of the XCN are naturally disappointed that one of their own would abuse an opportunity in such a way. Britxbox is understandably concerned that such an act could damage future interactions with Microsoft altogether. Here's hoping the offending site will be punished and that will be the end of it. [Via Hexus]

  • How to sign up for Halo 3 European beta

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Xbox London Community Manager AceyBongos has amassed a list of websites where you can sign up for the Halo 3 multiplayer open beta. Fourteen countries, alphabetized from Austria to the United Kingdom, now (or will soon) have their chance to sign up for a chance to play a new-gen Master Chief before a vast majority of the world. The list has been reprinted below for your convenience.See Also: Today's hottest game video: Halo 3 "Starry Night" ad dissected [Via 1UP]

  • John Lennon + Halo 3 ad = instant karma

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Following hot on the heels of the Gears of War remix phenomenon comes a stellar entry in new Halo 3 "Starry Night" remix/mashup arena. It's surprising how well John Lennon's "Instant Karma" works with this ad, and it just plain trumps the Halo music, sorry Marty. Please don't go all Yoko on our ass.[Thanks, Eric]

  • For the obsessed: Halo 3 ad breakdown

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    In Joystiq's latest "hottest game video," 1UP discusses every nuance of the new Halo 3 commercial. If you want to see step-by-step, frame-by-frame analysis of every detail in the Halo 3 commercial, then look no further. We think it's probably safe to say that the commercial has been milked for all it's worth at this point*. Of course, that won't stop people from analyzing it like the Zapruder film, trying to find the ultimate truth buried within. Follow the jump to watch a 13 minute analysis of a 1 minute commercial.

  • Today's hottest game video: Halo 3 "Starry Night" ad dissected [update 1]

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Since the Halo 3 ad has been chewing up the online gaming video charts, it's about time someone took a look at it in ultra-close detail. GameVideos.com has the top-rated video today that dissects things under a microscope, and basically says everything about the ad that you've been thinking. You can practically hear the drooling in their voices as they go over the video. Plus it nicely shows off the video playing capability of the Xbox 360 if you haven't seen it before.While there is no new information here, it's totally what we're all thinking about and anticipating, unless you're waiting on Hello Kitty Island Adventure to become a reality. It's a strange day and age when we're basically getting what amounts to a commentary track on a commercial for a game that won't be out for many months. Bring it on already.[Update: due to a technical glitch we like to call "idiocy," the wrong video was uploaded. This has been fixed and all responsible parties sacked.]

  • H3 ad remixes: a gallery

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Okay, we drew a line in the sand yesterday, asking all worthy Halo 3 commercial remixes to step across. Much pushing, shoving, and name calling followed, and we are left with only a handful of decent efforts. We really received so many that it would be unadulterated madness to put them all here, so we've singled out a few of them for your viewing pleasure. We'll try not to beat this into the ground, so we probably won't feature any more until next week. If we get enough, maybe we could turn it into a TGIF kind of thing. Watch some of the best submissions after the break.

  • Marketing formula determines 'hottest' video games

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Braving deadly exposure to fan-infested forums and chat rooms, market researcher BrandIntel recently embarked on journey throughout the many tubes of the internet in order to determine the most popular new and upcoming video games. Using a "proprietary formula", their intimate research has resulted in a list of games that includes The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Gears of War, Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed. You may take a moment to let out an earth-shattering gasp.The more interesting part of the Advertising Age article looks at the marketing efforts behind each of the games, as well as any in-game advertising used. Only three out of the ten chosen games feature in-game marketing, and the ones that do are sports titles. Amusingly, it's predicted that Assassin's Creed will contain nothing of the sort, what with it being "set in 1191 during the Third Crusade, so it's unlikely present-day marketers could find a logical connection." If there's anything to be said, it's that present-day marketers should never be underestimated. Assuming that they would even need a logical connection is likely a mistake -- we see no reason why Burger King couldn't accidentally be flung back in time, thus providing Altair with a new type of mission. Hunger assassination!

  • Smell that new Halo 3 clothing

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Over at the Bungie Store they're offering brand new clothing that will keep you warm and cozy. There's a brand new "No Scope To The Dome" tshirt and a Halo 3 micro fleece jacket. Is it just me or are the prices rather high over at the Bungie Store? Even shipping is a tad exaggerated ... or maybe I'm just so damn frugal. Go snoop around the site and see if anything makes you happy, because you know all the cool kids wear Halo merch.