Harry Potter


  • Warner schedules Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 Blu-ray release for April 15th

    The next to last Harry Potter flick is coming to Blu-ray April 15th, and Warner's blowing it out with a slew of special features including a sneak preview of the opening of the next film. Beyond that there's a promised two and a half hours of special features including Maximum Movie Mode, a behind the scenes look with Daniel Radcliffe and more. Of course the first seven movies are already will also be available in a $134.99 MSRP boxed set in case you somehow missed them until now, but there's plenty of time to watch swap out your HD DVDs before The Deathly Hallows Part 1 arrives with its $35.99 MSRP.

    Richard Lawler
  • Ask Massively: Preparing for the new year edition

    It's almost time for our largely arbitrary dating system to cycle around once again, and in my neck of the woods, that means it's also time for a trip to Drinking Island. If you're lucky, you can drink enough to wash the taste of the previous year out of your mouth. If you're unlucky, you wind up starting the new year the same way you ended the last one -- bleary, disoriented, covered in vomit, and with a vague memory of assaulting a police officer. Really, 2010 worked out pretty well for me overall, so I'm not complaining. And with that in mind, it's time for a decidedly non-inebriated edition of Ask Massively, in which we field questions related to City of Heroes and future IP-based MMOs. If you've got a question for a future edition of the column, drop us a line at ask@massively.com, or just leave it in the comments field.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Fly with the bears in Moonlight Online

    Have you ever dreamed of a truly special mount in your MMO, perhaps a half-lion, half-tiger that you name a Liger? While Ligers may be a dream of the future, Moonlight Online has plenty of fanciful mounts now that don't easily fit in typical MMO stereotypes. Coming soon to the game are a plethora of bizarrely beautiful mounts that run the spectrum from dinosaur (Megalosaurus), Harry Potter pal (Phoenix), combustible lupine (Flaming Wolf), round (Crystal Ball), blind (Bat), and two of the most unstoppable forces of nature combined into one (Angel Bear). Players will be able to "evolve" these special mounts over time as well. Every time a mount levels up, it increases its attributes, gains faster speed, and even has the chance to gain a cool new skill, such an an AOE attack. Mounts also change in appearance as they evolve, which means that Angel Bear just got 100% more awesome. Check out the new mounts as well as the game over at IGG's Moonlight Online forums.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Angels Online takes flight on the wings of Gryphons

    The Sorting Hat has spoken, and Angels Online has joined Gryffindor House (sorry, we watched Harry Potter this past weekend)! The dev team is happy to announce the addition of Gryphon pets to the game -- pets that appear to do double duty as mounts. The Gryphon is the guardian and main symbol of the Aurora Faction in the game, and represents speed and power. However, over time, the Gryphon has become a myth to the people, unseen and unbelieved. This changed as the Gryphon appeared during the pirate siege of Aurora City to save the day. A few "nom noms" later, and the pirate threat was history. Characters will now have access to this powerful beast, who will offer them a huge boost to movement speed and player attributes when used. To check out Angels Online's new Gryphon, head on over to the site and explore the game for free.

    Justin Olivetti
  • LEGO Harry Potter available for iOS, but iPad requires 4.2

    Warner Bros. has released the game LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, and it's available as a universal download from the App Store for US$4.99. Gameplay includes going inside Hogwarts castle, the most detailed LEGO game location ever; the game provides 40+ levels of play along with endless freeplay to discover areas not accessible in Story Mode. Players can play as any one of over 100 characters including Harry Potter himself, and can cast spells, mix potions, or fly on broomsticks throughout the game. Mike Rose has played both the Wii and iOS versions of HPY1-4, and he notes that the iOS take is more isometric and 'LEGO-like' than the 3D action of the Wii version. The iOS game presents specific tasks/quests that have to be performed and puzzles to be solved before you can advance Harry and his cohorts to the next scene of the game. Potential buyers should note that while the game is ready for the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod touch (3rd and 4th generation) running iOS 4.1 or later, iPad owners will have to wait until they are running iOS 4.2 to play and sync their devices. This is clearly noted in the app description, but it hasn't stopped some overeager buyers from giving the app one-star reviews because they didn't notice the caveat beforehand. Maybe while they are waiting for iOS 4.2 to drop they can check out some LEGO guys unboxing an iPad to pass the time. With Harry Potter popularity at a fever pitch right now due to the first-half film version release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, LEGO Harry Potter might have more than a few fans looking for a good game to download. I myself am looking forward to spending time digging through all the different worlds in the game, especially with a three-day train trip coming up. This should occupy some of that time, for sure.

    David Quilty
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 review: A tragic spell

    If you can point to one attribute responsible for the worldwide success of the Harry Potter franchise, it's that it works on several levels. Whether you're an adult or child, softy or stoic, you're bound to find something in the books that speaks to you. In a twisted reflection, EA Bright Light's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 manages to fail on many, many levels. No matter what you may be willing to forgive, rest assured, Hallows has already found several other ways to skirt competence. %Gallery-93897%

    Justin McElroy
  • Exploring Eberron: All aboard the Hogwarts express

    So you want to be a wizard, eh? Whoa, whoa, not so fast there young whippersnapper! Just because you've lived under the stairs your whole life and can talk to snakes doesn't mean that you're the "chosen" anything around here. Wizardry is a dangerous profession, to be sure, and if a Beholder doesn't eat you alive, you'll most likely melt your own face off with a misplaced acid spray. Maybe you'd be better off going with a... simpler class, like a barbarian or janitor. No? Spells and glory is where it's at, you say? Fine. I'll teach you a few tricks, but don't go crying to mommy when the dark arts claim your soul just because you forgot to bring your eye of newt to the fight. Might as well come in, then, and I'll show you a thing or two about starting your own wizard before you jump into your first dungeon to fight your first dragon. Maybe you'll even clear the wax out of your ears enough so that you'll survive past the initial day, eh? I can always dream, I suppose. So let's get started!

    Justin Olivetti
  • Lego Harry Potter ships over 2.7 million units

    What would the appropriate spell be called? Financialus Maximus? Cashius Give-it-all-to-us? Look, we're not hip to this Harry Potter thing the kids are into, but with the latest Warner Bros. financial earnings showing Lego Harry Potter: Years 1 - 4 has "shipped over 2.7 million units," we want in. The game launched on June 29 and received favorable marks across the board, even from yours truly. Of course, it should be noted that "shipped" does not equal sold -- copies of the game could very well be sitting on store shelves right now. Regardless, don't expect you'll be seeing the last of these Lego games anytime soon.

    David Hinkle
  • Swag Sunday: Lego Harry Potter (360) [update]

    Update: The comments are now closed and a winner will be contacted shortly via email. Thanks everyone for commenting! Of the many things that the non-muggles among us are capable of doing with magic, conjuring money unfortunately isn't on the list. The rest of us are in the same boat, and so even if Lego Harry Potter only costs $30 at retail, we felt it best to give away our review copy of the game (same as retail) to either group of folks. For a chance to win that copy of LHP, all you have to do is tell us your favorite spell from the series. Wingardium Leviosa, perhaps? Crucio, maybe ... you monster? Tell us in the comments below in the next 24 hours and keep an eye on your email inbox! Leave a comment telling us what your favorite spell from the Harry Potter franchise is. You must be 13 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec). Limit 1 entry per person. This entry period ends at 7:01PM ET on Monday, July 12. At that time, we will randomly select one winner to receive a copy of Lego Harry Potter on Xbox 360 (ARV: $29.99) and various Harry Potter trinkets (ARV: $10). For a list of complete rules, click here. What is Joyswag? Since we don't keep the games and merchandise we receive for review or promotional purposes, it becomes "Joyswag," which is passed along to our readers. Please note that Joyswag may be in "used" condition. For more info on our policy, click here.

    Ben Gilbert
  • Lego Harry Potter casts 'petrificus totalus' on UK chart toppers

    The boy who lived placed a binding curse on the Chart Track's UK all-formats chart last week, sticking Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Red Dead Redemption and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in their present descending order, with Mr. Potter grabbing the golden snitch (and top spot) for the second week in a row. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, available on all the major consoles, premiered at number four last week. Also, the Wii's one singular sensation, Ubisoft's Dance on Broadway, let in the sunshine and basked with a sixth place premiere. Of course, perennial favorite Just Dance was ballroom dancing with its Broadway partner in the seventh spot. Find the complete UK top ten after the break.

  • Review: Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4

    I spent a lot of this week wondering while playing (and enjoying) Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4, "What in the world am I gonna tell our readers about this that they don't already know?" Considering it's the hojillionth Lego game to be released, what could I possibly impart about the latest iteration that isn't a variation on the "This is a great game for kids of all ages and for parents with Harry Potter-loving children" descriptor? Thankfully, the answer was more obvious than I could have hoped: It's just like Metroid with training wheels! ... And, you know, with Harry Potter instead of a space bounty hunter. %Gallery-89979%

    Ben Gilbert
  • Rumor: Twisted Pixel working on Turbine's console MMO

    Ever since we learned that Turbine's been dabbling in console game development, our speculation has run amok as to what that game might be. A Harry Potter MMO? Another Lord of the Rings title? A DDO port? While we could be waiting a while longer to discover what the name of the title, Twisted Pixel Games seems to be a partner in this process. On their games page, the company state that they've finished working on an "unannounced console MMO" for Turbine. Twisted Pixel is a hire-for-contract console developer with a handful of XBLA titles under its belt as well as Blitz: The League II. Twisted Pixel claim to have helped, and that their part is finished, but they are otherwise mum on the project. Still, it's great to hear that another Turbine game is on its way, and hopefully we'll hear more soon. The full statement is in the graphic above. [Thanks Sam!]

    Justin Olivetti
  • Lego Harry Potter demo materializes on Xbox Live June 7, PS3 and PC to follow

    Would you like to try Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4, before its June 29 release date? Luckily for you, the wizards at Hogwarts have decided to share a quick magic lesson that will allow you to do just that starting June 7. Here's how you perform the spell, which, for complicated magical reasons, won't work until June 7: Download the demo from Xbox Live Maybe say a magic word or gesture with a wand or something The incantations and potion-brewing required to bring this demo into existence are somewhat more difficult for a PlayStation 3 and PC demo, so those versions won't be available until later in June. You'll be able to summon those demos just as easily, however, when the time arrives. You have the power within you.

    JC Fletcher
  • First of two Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows games coming this fall

    Just as the story of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is being told in two movies, EA and Warner Bros. announced two game adaptations of said movies. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, the game, will be released this fall on, well, most of our Muggle gaming devices --PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, PC, and mobile. According to EA's announcement, players can expect a different, darker experience with the first Deathly Hallows game. "On the run with a horde of merciless enemies on their tail, players will find themselves in unknown territory, far from the safety of the school grounds, fighting for survival at every turn." Just for fun, developer EA Bright Light has thrown monsters from the previous films in with all the Death Eaters and Snatchers (no, not those) Harry has to deal with. And don't forget the thrill of controlling a slightly older Daniel Radcliffe avatar than in the last game. %Gallery-93897%

    JC Fletcher
  • Lego Harry Potter trailer shows the return of 'Mort

    A brief aside: The scaly antagonist from the Harry Potter series would be a whole lot less intimidating if everyone just shortened his name to Mort, wouldn't he? That's not a name that inspires much fear, even when prefaced with "The Nefarious Dark Lord of All-Wizardkind." Check out the video above to see a brief vignette of clips from the fourth and final school year featured in Lego Harry Potter, which covers the events of Goblet of Fire. You know, the one with the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and Mad-Eye Moody, and all the thinly veiled lessons about the frightening changes puberty can visit upon teenagers. Yeah, that one.

    Griffin McElroy
  • LEGO Harry Potter Collector's Edition magically increases the price by $20

    A listing on Gamestop.com has revealed a Collector's Edition release for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii versions of LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. The package includes the game disc (yes!) as well as behind-the-scenes featurettes about both the game and the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, plus a set of four "House Crest LEGO magnets." In addition, the Xbox 360 version of the game will include an exclusive Avatar item. The price for this bundle? $70, fully $20 over the cost of the standard edition. For our $20, we'd need substantially more LEGOs. Even if those House Crests are functional, interlocking LEGOs, we can't build anything out of four of them.

    JC Fletcher
  • Lego Harry Potter 'Behind the Scenes' video shows us around Blockwarts ... er, Hogwarts

    Are you ready to explore the "largest, most detailed Hogwarts" that's ever been created in a game world? We're not certain that we are either, but TT Games certainly has high hopes that we'll get to that point before LEGO Harry Potter's delayed June release window arrives. The latest "Behind the Scenes" video (seen above) has employees from the UK-based developer detailing the enormous, immersive world that they've built (primarily out of LEGOs, as one might imagine). And though we might argue that we're not exactly looking for "immersive experiences" from our LEGO-based titles, well, it's pretty cute watching little LEGO Harry in action. Even "He Who Must Not Be Named" is kinda adorable with a cylinder head -- how could we resist?! %Gallery-89979%

    Ben Gilbert
  • Hands-on: Lego Harry Potter, Years 1-4

    While Lego Batman and Lego Rock Band have tempted me, I've always stuck with the regular versions of those games rather than diving into any block-based variations. Nevertheless, I previewed TT Games' latest Lego outing, Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4, with an open mind -- I have read and liked the Harry Potter books and seen and enjoyed most of the movies. Maybe actually seeing Lego Hogwarts in action would win me over. %Gallery-89979%

    Mike Schramm
  • Lego Harry Potter trailer is Sirius business

    Kids these days, they're big into this Harry Potter dude. Whether it's the books or the movies, the kids want to know what's going down at the Hogwarts, whereas we were more concerned with what was going down at the F.A.O. Schwartz in our younger years. That keyboard from Big? We were all about it. That's why the above trailer is so hard to understand for us. Of course, the classic Traveler's Tales stamp of charismatic plastic dudes and dudettes is there and easily recognizable, but we're just not up on that Potter tip. We lack the info. Good thing Lego Harry Potter is a crash course on the up-and-coming wizard's first four years at that crazy school, right?

    David Hinkle
  • Crysis 2, Sims 3 on consoles, NBA Jam due Holiday 2010

    Thanks to today's EA earnings report (EArnings?) we're starting to get an idea of how the company's holiday season is going to shape up. This is all subject to change, of course, but as of right now it would appear you can look forward to Crysis 2, NBA Jam and EA Sports MMA sometime between October and December of 2010. Filling out the holiday quarter are some yet-to-be-formally-announced titles like The Sims 3 on consoles, a new Need For Speed game (perhaps the Criterion-developed one?) and a new Harry Potter game (likely tied to this November's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I). Want to come up with your own wild speculation? Peruse the list here.

    Justin McElroy